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Good Morning My Children

Relentless Human Conditioning - 99.99999% of You Think You Are Human

Thursday, July 27, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, to the Children of God, "good morning" to you. Oh yes, another day in your Dream World of illusion...your illusion of sepraration from Me, "Abba" I Am called, by your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes, "the" Jeshua ben Joseph, who became so famous two thousand years ago for performing miracles, being crucified, and then raising the human body once again...oh yes, from what you, "humanity", refer to as "the dead". 

Hmm...and "there" we will begin our discussion this day on My Blog, "God's Blog" it is called, on your world-wide internet...on the internet site created to assist all of humanity to "awaken" from your Dream World on Mother Earth...oh yes,, quite the internet site, quite the message, indeed. For where else do I speak forthrightly and open to all of humanity, hmm...My Children...hmm...where? Where else  do I, your Creator and Divine Parent, communicate to you that your perception of Life, in your human costumes, does not, and never has, represented "Reality", hmm...where?

Oh yes, there is one other place, but...I was not as open and, as you say, "up front" in communicating that I Am The Source of the words, which you read. And where is this other source My Children, hmm? If you were a student of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph you would know...maybe...but, then again, many of My Children who read Jeshua ben Joseph's Channeled and Contemporary Teachings fail to comprehend the message, or source of Jeshua ben Joseph's message, hmm...My Children...the Children of God

Oh, I Am growing less and less fond of that phrase, "the Children of God"...for humanity's perception of Who and What I Am, has become so disingenuous in your Dream World on Mother Earth. Oh yes, distorted and co-mingled, with so many flawed perceptions. Oh yes, "flawed", indeed. So let us come up with a new description of who and what you are. Oh yes, let us do that right now, hmm? How about "the Children of Love", hmm? about "the Aspects of the Source of All, who do not perceive themselves as having a permanent and eternal relationship with the Great Mystery of Love that I Am, and always will be"...hmm? Oh no, that will not do...for it is a bit long, don't you think, hmm?...My Aspects of Me, The Great Mystery of Love, Who has no beginning or end, Who is "everywhere", oh yes, too long, indeed...

Hmm? Maybe I should simply return to the topic of today's article, on My Blog. Oh yes, your brother, friend, and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, and how he raised himself from the dead, to rejoin the living, hmm...My Children of Abba? Oh yes, even that is better than the Children of God...

"Raised himself from the dead", oh yes, it is called the great resurrection of Jesus Christ. Somewhat of a misnomer, don't you think, hmm, My Children...for no one called Jeshua ben Joseph "Jesus Christ" at the time of his crucifixion, and so-called resurrection, hmm, My Children? Oh no, the Jewish culture, including his closest friends and relatives, called him "Jeshua ben Joseph", a Jew, oh yes, a culture and society invaded and dominated by the brutal Roman Empire. Oh yes, "brutal", the Romans were, for they crucified anyone...any male, that is, who even thought of challenging their invasion and ongoing subjugation of the country and population. Oh yes, the Romans crucified, tortured, and murdered over one million, women and children...even the elderly, during the Roman Jewish War. Oh yes, My Children, they did, a fact that no longer remains a prominent piece of related information..."related" to the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph. may not have known the ongoing occupation of the brutal Romans was directly related...and even "the cause of the crucifixion" of Jeshua ben Joseph...hmm, My Children? Oh no, for your Gospel stories are typically all that humanity remains aware of, regarding the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph...and thousands and thousands of other Jews, who were subjected to the same very public demonstration and message of the Roman's: "Don't even think about raising up and challenging our authority to control your country...oh no...don't even think about "that", or we will torture and crucify you".

Hmm...that part of Jeshua's Life and Jewish culture did not make it into your Gospel stories, did it, My Children? Oh no...or that Jeshua's friends, family, and followers were targets of the Roman Empire during the great Roman Jewish War, that followed the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph, by approximately thirty years. Oh yes, there was a great attempt by the entire Jewish nation of Israel to overthrow the Roman's brutal occupation of their country. Ah...but their efforts were in vain, as the then, Roman Emperor sent in the Roman legions to literally...oh, it was one of humanity's many unspeakable events, where humans tortured and murdered their sisters and brothers, oh country imposing their will and control on another. Oh yes, your human history is peppered with such atrocities and destruction, oh yes...they are called "wars". 

Difficult to believe...difficult to conceive, that the Children of Abba, the Children of Love, could engage in such a practice over, and over, and over again. Even today, this very moment, as I convey My Message of Love to humanity, humanity is engaged in wars in your Dream World of dark emotions, physicality, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent.  

Oh yes, "this" is what some of you, My Children, choose to do with your free-will that has been given to you. Oh...and yet, it is all just a "Dream", My Children..."remember"...just a Dream of non-reality, as I, your Divine Parent and Jeshua ben Joseph tell you over, and over, and over again. Oh yes, every event, every component of your dark history of human atrocities, are all just parts of your Dream World of non-reality. Oh yes, My Children of Love, for nothing..."nothing" that has occurred to any Soul, pretending to be human, and that is all of humanity, My Children, has resulted in any permanent damage...oh no..."no damage My Children", "that" is impossible. Oh yes, "impossible" for any event in your Dream World on Mother Earth, in your limited, third dimension, to impart any permanent damage or harm to any Soul

Please think about My last sentence, My Children of Love, oh yes, and factor "that" into your Dream World of dark emotions, physicality, and illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent and Source of all...hmm? Nothing...nothing..."nothing" that happens to you in your Dream World on Mother Earth does any permanent, "Real" harm to anyone of you, My Children. Oh no, for "that" is impossible...for how can an Immortal, Spiritual Being of Love and Light Divine, be in anyway injured by a "Dream"...even if that Dream World seems to be "Reality", hmm?  The key words there are Dream World, that "seems to be" Reality. I don't have to use one of your dictionaries to define what a dream is, do I, My Children of Love, hmm?

Oh, and a few of My Children of Love...oh no, most of My Children of Love, are having difficulty processing the last few paragraphs. Oh yes...for you have chosen to be conditioned into thinking, into perceiving, your Dream World on Mother Earth is "Reality"...oh yes, oh my. You are as Michael has recently said to a sister Soul, pretending to be human...99.99999% of all humans, think they are "human", rather than Spiritual Beings, who are Immortal and Multidimensional. And do you know how that Soul, pretending to be human, reacted to such a statement...hmm, My Children of Love? What is your phrase...your description...oh yes, the Reality of your "Reality" as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings, having temporary human experiences, simply "did not register"...oh no...your sister Soul, pretending to be human, did not comprehend she was/is an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Being...oh no, for she, as does 99.99999% of humanity, identifies with and owns their illusion of humanness...

Oh yes, My Children of Love, even when you are directly confronted by the Reality of Who and What you truly are, you are unable to comprehend, identify with, and "own" your true identity

Hard to believe My Children of Love and Light Divine, and yet, My Children, pretending to be human, the conditioning you have chosen to subject yourselves to has been so effective, you unconsciously and consciously deny your "Reality"...oh yes...and just continue on acting, talking, and living as though you are truly human beings. Oh yes, and why, My Spiritual Children of Love, does this occur time, after time, after time...hmm? Because you "think" you are, and own, your illusion of humanness...oh yes, you identify yourselves as "human beings", physical beings, who believe and live in your third dimensional Dream World as though it is "Reality" itself...oh yes, My Spiritual Beings of Love, pretending to be human...

What do you call a brother or sister Soul, pretending to be human, who does not conform to all of you human conditioning of non-reality, hmm? You call them many things...oh yes...mentally impaired, insane, delusional, in need of mental health therapy, and on, and on...oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Love. And with that, I have a question for you, My Children, who else is delusional, hmm? Who is petrified of the illusion of physical death, when they "know", based on an ever increasing amount of evidence, they will find themselves in a Spiritual Dimension of Love and Perfect Peace...hmm? Think about that My Children. 

You are afraid of your physical death's, when it leads to a Spiritual Dimension of Love and Perfect Peace.

You are afraid of leaving a physical dimension of dark emotions, pain, and suffering...and going to a Spiritual Dimension of Love and Perfect Peace. 

You refuse to surrender your identification of yourselves as limited, physical beings...who reside in a dimension of dark emotions, pain, and suffering...because you are somehow afraid of owning and living as Immortal, Spiritual Beings, in a dimension of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...

You own and identify with a dimension of non-reality, because you prefer non-reality to "Reality"...

Shall I go on...hmm, My Children? Shall I go on? 

Okay, My Children...I will, as you say in your Dream World, "chill"..."lighten-up", for you are still dreaming you are human. So, I will "lighten-up", and let you dream you are human...but just in case, I have shocked a few of you, My Children, into awakening from your Dream World, I suggest you review this internet site, for there is much information to assist you to "stay awake to the Reality of your true identity"...which I might add, is no easy task, at least not in your current environment of relentless, human conditioning...

That is all...

Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love...



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