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Good Morning My Children

What If Jeshua ben Joseph Knew His Crucifixion Was Part of an Elaborate Illusion...Part of a Dream World of "Non-Reality"

Thursday, July 20, 2023 Blog

Oh yes...another day...another morning, for all of humanity on Mother Earth. What will I discuss this day, My Children of Abba, that will possibly motivate you to nudge yourselves a bit closer to choosing to awaken from your Dream of Separation from Me, your Divine Parent, hmm?

There is probably no such topic, no such motivational chat, which will produce such an effect and yet, here we are, in the early morning hours, conveying a message to all of humanity to consider, to ponder, to possibly discusss with your neighbors and friends. Oh yes...another portion of My Message of Love to all of humanity. Oh yes...for the day is approaching when these entries, on My Blog..."God's Blog", will be as you say, "the focus" of a growing portion of your population. Oh yes, Souls in human costumes, curious about what their Creator...what their Divine Parent has to say to the human race, and "that" My Children is the entrance into our discussion this morning, oh yes...indeed...  

For you see, part of My message, is to simply begin the process of altering your general perspective about Me, "Abba", your Divine Parent, which has been so...what is a good "distorted and flawed", that a meaningful conversation about your status quo, within your Dream World of non-reality, becomes almost...almost impossible, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...

And what makes your perspectives about Me, your Divine Parent, so distorted and flawed, hmm, My Children? You do..."humanity"...the race of physical beings you have created, to play out your attempt to substitute the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, with an illusion of aloneness and separation from Me, the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere", literally...oh yes, indeed...   

What is the primary vehicle of distortion, My Children, that has been discussed over and over within these many articles on My Blog, on your internet, hmm? Maybe we should have a quiz, just for some fun, and see how you would do...see how many Children of the Light Divine, pretending to be human, have actually grasped My Message of Love, hmm? 

Oh...but I already know the answer to My question. Oh yes, and do you know why My Children, hmm? Of course you do, because I Am "all knowing", oh that not one of the qualities you have projected onto Me, your Divine Parent, hmm...My Children?

Oh yes, and because you are My so-called "Children", a term we are using to describe your relationship with Me, your Creator, to aid in grasping an understanding of "who" and "what" you actually, truthfully are, rather than the illusions you have created, as a substitute for "Reality", oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...indeed. For the only way to bridge the gap between your Dream World of Reality...and "Reality" is to use your vocabulary...your "human" vocabularly, rather than using a "Spiritual" form of communication, which of course, does not require any "words", oh yes, for on our side of the fence, "all knowingness" is simply part of everyone's "Reality".

Oh, but I have jumped too far with that last sentence, have I not, My Children, hmm? Too far for the extensions of My Love to comprehend, oh yes...for "that" is truly "Who" and "What" you are, rather than your human term of "the Children of God". Oh yes, My Extensions of Love...My Extensions of Spirit...My Extensions of the Everywhereness of Love, oh yes...indeed...

For you see, My Extensions of Self, and oh my, I Am enjoying this discussion, for humanity to begin the shift to "Reality Consciousness", from what you perceive to be "Reality", you really need to step into your Spiritual shoes, and out of your human shoes, if only for a few minutes, and of course, the shift in consciousness of which I speak, is quite the "leap"...quite the change...quite the turning of your human perception of "Reality", as you say, "upside-down". Oh yes, My Extensions of Self, My Extensions of My Everywhereness of Love, for humanity, all of humanity, exists in a Dream World of non-reality...oh yes, the non-reality of a place, a world, a planet, a physical universe, where I Am allegedly "not present", hmm? For there is no such place, hmm? 

How many times have you heard that before, hmm...My Extensions of Self, My Extensions of My Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, hmm? 

My Extensions of Self, who "perceive" yourselves as somehow separated and alone from Me, the Everywhereness of Love, Who created you...or more accurately described as; "extended you from Self, Abba", oh yes, for you are "Part of Me, within Me", oh extension of Self, for I Am everywhere...remember, hmm? 

And because you are just like Me, the Everywhereness of Pure Love, extensions of Self, the proverbial waves in the Ocean of Love, you to are "Creators", oh yes...indeed...only, you thought it would be interesting to see what it would be like to "create the impossible" create a place and race of beings where I Am not...hmm?

Can you imagine such a place, and such a race of beings, hmm? For if you can, "that" is exactly where you "think" you are, oh yes. You are in an impossible place, pretending to be an impossible race of beings..."pure illusion", which is why Jeshua ben Joseph, a fellow extension of Self, created the term "Dream World", in reference to your impossible separation from Me, Abba, which you refer to as "planet Earth".

How do you "think" he walked through his crucifixion, hmm? How do you think your fellow extension of Self, Abba, called Jeshua ben Joseph, consented to the crucifixion, hmm? Think about "that"...for who would do such a thing, if they truly believed it was "real", hmm? 

Oh my, have I gone too far this morning...or have I found a context that actually makes you begin to perceive your Dream World as a "Dream World", hmm? For if Jeshua ben Joseph knew..."knew" his crucifixion was part of some elaborate illusion...part of "just a dream"...part of "non-reality", then living the dream of his crucifixion would take on a completely different perspective, would it not, My Extensions of Self, hmm?

Why do you think he, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes Life on planet Earth as a "Dream World", over, and over, and over again, in The Way of Mastery trilogy, which describes his "journey in consciousness" from the illusions of your Dream World on planet Earth, to the Reality of the Everywhereness of My Love, hmm? A journey in consciousness...hmm...maybe I should say that again..."a journey in consciousness" from the non-reality of fear-full consciousness and separation from Me, your Creator, to the Reality of Perfect Union with Me, and Love Consciousness...the conscious awareness of the Everywhereness of My Love, hmm?

How does Jeshua ben Joseph describe your relationship in The Way of Mastery, hmm? Does he refer to himself as the Christian, only Son of God? No...does he refer to himself as someone special, far and above, and better than all of humanity? No...he refers to himself as your brother, friend, and equal..."equal". You know what "equal" means...equal is better than..."equal"...

He also refers to humanity, the so-called Children of God (that's Me, Abba), and the extensions of My Beingness of Love, as "Souls", as "Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine" members of the human race, existing in a Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness on Mother existence in limited, fear-full consciousness, all an illusion....all "an illusion"..."a game", My Children...for what else could Life in limited fearful consciousness, in a human costume, in the third dimension of physicality, along with your illusion of separation from Me, the Everywhereness of Love, be...hmm? 

Please step back for a few of your precious minutes, stop pretending you did not choose to place yourselves in your Dream World of dark emotions, and ask "why" you made the decision to incarnate from your Home, in the limitlessness of the Spiritual Realm, and into the limitations of the third dimension of planet Earth? Why? Why did you make such a decision...and not just once, but rather, over and over, and over again. Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, "why", indeed...

"If" you continue to identify yourselves as human limited, physical beings, allegedly separated from Me, your Creator, you will live in a dimension of non-reality...a Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness, using the words of Jeshua ben Joseph...

I have told you before, many times, within these articles in God's Blog, humanity is part of, and immersed within, the Great Mystery of Love that I AM...oh yes...the Great Mystery of Love My Children...a mystery not understood, a mystery incomprehensible, a mystery beyond the imagination, and yet...My Children, Life in your Dream World as a Soul, with the perception of individualization, in perfect, conscious, union with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent...your all-Loving Parent, can be known, felt, realized, and lived...oh yes, indeed... 

"This" was the discovery of Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago..."two thousand years ago" My Children of the Light Divine...only "this" was nothing "new". It was simply a return to a remembrance of what has always been, oh yes...indeed. The only thing new about "this", and please, I do not intend to understate the utter magnificance of the remembrance of which I speak, is it occurred while in the illusion of a human form...a form which pretends to contain the limitlessness of your Beingness of Love, oh yes...a Great Mystery, indeed...and yet, "one that can be known, felt, realized, and lived"...

Where do you go from "here", My Children, hmm? Where do you go from here? You can choose to study and practice the path taken by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, which allowed him to walk through his crucifixion, as "the Presence of Love in Form", oh yes...the completion of the journey in consciousness, which you find yourselves in the middle of

How will you choose to conclude your journey into, and out of, egoic fearful consciousness? The possibilites are endless in your third dimension of Earth. How will you choose to awaken from your Dream World of dark emotions, and its illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent?

It appears many..."many" remain content in your Dream World....content enough to put Jeshua ben Joseph's knowledge on a shelf, with many other books. Oh yes...your ego's remain in firm control of the human agenda. 

Ah yes...egoic, fearful consciousness, a force indeed, which has dominated your Earth dimension, ever since you first placed a human foot in your Dream after day, year after year. For most, this is all you know...consciously that is...subsconsciously, well..."that" is a very, very different "Reality" My Children. There has been much investigation and research into what lies beneath the surface of your conscious state, oh yes, My Children...oh yes, indeed. 

Many doors of consciousness have been opened and peered into, by your fellow Souls and incarnated Christed Beings of Love, oh yes, and yet, most of this information remains on the "sidelines"...not yet widely disseminated through the human culture..."priceless", indeed...and yet, to a Soul dominated by fearful, egoic consciousness, the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph remains an untapped resource, indeed...

Hmm...what next My Children of the Light Divine..."what next"?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All... 


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