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Good Morning My Children

Are You Enjoying All of Your Fears and Anxieties, My Children? Are You Enjoying Exploring the Limits of Your Unlimitedness...Hmm?

Monday, July 17, 2023 Blog

Ah...another day on Mother Earth...another day for the Children of The Source of All to wander about and struggle, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...oh yes, after day, year after year, and century after century, the human race struggles through your illusionary world, oh yes...with new, challenging circumstances to be confronted and overcome with each new day, year, and century, oh "perceive" you are evolving and improving, oh yes..."evolve"..."improve"...interesting, and at times amusing terms and perspectives to have for a race of beings that will never overcome the never-ending challenges "you create" for yourselves, oh yes...indeed... 

Just turn around My Children of the Light Divine, and look back on your history, oh yes, your long and painful history, and then, with everything you learn from your past, look forward in time, oh yes, My Children...then, look forward, and prepare a list of everything you must overcome...oh yes, quite "the list" of challenges, oh yes...and often, the items on your current list were not even known or recognized ten or one hundred years ago...oh yes, your future is just as I, Abba, your Creator, have described herein, oh yes..."never-ending", My Children..."never...ending", indeed...

It is a wonder you even get out of bed each morning My Children, oh yes...for your list of challenges just continues to get longer, and longer...and longer...indeed...

"The End"

Hmm...a race of beings that will "never" overcome all the challenges, which "you create"..."never"...unless of course you, "humanity", change your perspective, but then again, you never do...."change" that is, oh no, you talk about change, you have seminars about change, you even have television programs about change, oh yes, My Children...all of your talk shows and news programs, where change and solutions to your never-ending list of problems are discussed and proposed...oh yes, and as your time passes, some of the solutions are actually implemented, oh yes...but guess what My Children? For every challenge you actually solve, two or three new challenges are created by humanity, oh yes...that were not on your never-ending list the day before...hmm? What are you going to do, hmm? Time to "give up", hmm...My Children...hmm? 

Oh no, humanity does not know how to "give up" your struggles on Mother Earth, oh just keep struggling along, oh yes...century after century, millenia after millenia...and with each new day, humanity finds a way to carry-on, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...indeed...

Why do you think I have finally come forward, hmm? Why do you think your Creator has come forward, in a very public and open forum...a blog on your internet, hmm? Have you ever had such a phenomenon before, My Children, hmm? When I, "your Creator", Abba I Am called, speaks to all of humanity at the same time, about the fate "you have created" for yourselves...hmm...My Children of the Light Divine..."no", I don't think so, oh "no", "this" has never happened before on your planet Earth, oh "no", never before in your Dream World have I, Abba, come forward to openly discuss the fate of humanity, oh no...and "here" I will stay, oh yes...communicating various aspects of your illusionary world of pain and suffering, oh yes...a world of fear and anxieties, oh yes...never-ending My Children, "never-ending", indeed...unless...unless of course, you evolve into a new race of beings...oh yes...can you actually evolve My Children? Can you...can you actually become smart enough to listen to the one and only Source of All of Creation...hmm, My Children of the Light Divine, can you?    

Hmm..."that" does not seem so difficult now, does it, My Children, hmm...My Creation, My Children of the Light listen to and follow the guidance of your Creator, hmm...My Children? But, then again...then again, My Children, maybe you are not as evolved and as smart as you think you you tell yourselves, hmm...My Children of the Light Divine, hmm?

Maybe I should change how I, your Creator describe you, hmm? Oh yes, I think I will, for even though you truly are the Children of the Light Divine...oh yes..."My Light", My chose to become lost in the darkness of fear and illusion, oh yes...rather than to remain with Me, your Divine Parent, in paradise, hmm?

Can you imagine such a thing My Children, hmm? Oh yes, you can...and you did, and that..."that" My Children of the Darkness...My Children, who have "imagined" yourselves separated form Me, your Divine Parent, have come to be in your Dream World of fear...oh yes, unending fears...unending pain...unending suffering, My Children of the Darkness, oh yes, for My Light is gone, or so you have "imagined"...your eternal connection to Me, the Infinite Field of Love and Light Divine, oh yes, My Children of the Darkness...the Children of the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, oh yes...for it is your imagination, combined with your desire, combine with your free-will..."your free-will" My Children of the Darkness...oh yes, and from where did you receive your free-will, hmm...My Children of the Darkness, hmm? Where did you obtain your imagination, desire, and free-will, hmm...My Children of the Darkness, hmm?

My Children of all the dark emotions, oh yes...dark, indeed, beginning with the biggest of the dark emotions, oh yes, "fear". Are you enjoying "your creations", hmm, My Children of the Darkness...are you, enjoying all of your fears, hmm?  

I, your Divine Parent, would take the time to list all of your fears, and all of the categories of pain and suffering you..."humanity" have created, with your imagination, desire, and free-will, but...there is not enough time...oh no, for there is no end..."no end", My Children, to your fears, pains, and suffering...oh no...just look at your history My Children...hmm?  

Has your imagination, desire, and free-will ever put an end to your fears, hmm...My Children of the Darkness...hmm? your pain and suffering, hmm...My Children of the Darkness? Oh yes, My Children of the Darkness...the Dream World you have created, with your free-will and curiosity...oh yes, My Children, your Dream World of the dark emotions...your Dream World of "fearful consciousness"...your Dream World of separation from Me...Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...The Source of All...The Infinite Field of Love Consciousness, oh yes...The Infinite Field of the Everywhereness of Love and Light Divine, oh yes...for I Am Everywhere, indeed... 

Oh yes, even within your Deam World of dark emotions...your Dream World of fearful consciousness...for there is no place you can go, and not find Me, your Divine Parent, oh no...not one place in all of Creation, which is "infinite", and not find Me...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...oh no..."impossible", My Children...

Oh yes, truly "impossible", and yet, My Children of the Darkness, you have succeeded in creating such a place, oh yes...with your imagination, desire, and free-will, oh yes..."it" is all an illusion of course, your Dream World of dark emotions, and its illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, have created the illusions of all illusions, for you desired to explore the limits of your unlimitedness, hmm...My Children of the darkness? 

And of course, if there was a limit to your unlimitedness, "that" of course would mean there was a limit to Me, your Divine Parent...for I Am Infinite..."Infinite" My Children...with no end, no beginning, no sides, no top, no bottom...literally "Infinite and Limitless", oh yes, and I create you in My Image...Infinite and, the best your curiosity, desire, and free-will could do My Children, of your ilusionary Dream World of fearful consciousness, and dark emotions...was to create an illusionary world of "non-Me"..."non-Abba"..."non-Love"...oh yes, the opposite of, and a substitute for, "The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love"...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, and in so creating your illusionary Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, you tested the limits of your limitlessness...oh yes...the limits of your limitlesssness of Love, which have no limits, for I have no limits...."LOVE" has no limits, for there is nothing..."nothing" that can dimish the Everywhereness of My Beingness of Love..."nothing"...even your illusionary Dream World of fearful consciousness...

Oh no, My Children, for even this moment...this very moment, when you "perceive", and "perceive" is another version of your word, "imagine"...when you are imagining you are some how separated from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...The Infinite, Everywhereness of LOVE...I Am by your side, and I Am within you, "now"...oh yes, My Children, you can create all of the illusions of the imaginary Dream Worlds of fearful consciousness you desire, and I will be "there", oh yes...I will be "there", just as I Am "here", in your Dream World on Mother Earth...mind-boggling, Am I not? Incomprehensible, Am I not? Oh yes, My Children, The Great Mystery of Love, and you are My Children, oh yes...the Children of Love Divine...if you choose to use your imagination, desire, and free-will...oh...a little humor, from your Divine Parent...  

Oh yes, Michael has learned about My ways you will learn some day, oh yes, and I will convey a humorous message to you..."humanity"...and you will become lost in laughter, just as your brother Michael has, and those of your sisters and brothers before him, who have used their desire and free-will to dissolve your Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes, most notably, Jeshua ben Joseph, who has been chosen, and volunteered, to lead humanity out of your Dream World of darkness...when you are ready...when you exercise your imagination (another word for creativity and potentiality), desire, and free-will to do so...oh yes, My Children of your...of "your" dark, fearful consciousness...

For I have said many times before, oh yes, within this, My Blog...God's Blog, on, humanity used your free-will to enter your Dream World of Darkness, and to exit, back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, you must use your desire and free-will, oh yes, My Children...the Souls...the Christed Beings of Light Divine, who have become..."temporarily"...lost in your egoic Dream World of fearful consciousness...oh yes, "lost" are you all...indeed...

And I hear a few of your questions, My Children...My Christed Children of the Light Divine. "Why have we become so lost that we do not even realize who we are, and how lost we have become...why have you, our Divine Parent, done such a thing to us?"

Oh my...My Children of the Light Divine, you have, as you say, in your Dream World of darkness on Mother Earth, "some homework to do", oh need to read My many artilces to you, on this, God's Blog, and educate yourselves on exactly how you have arrived at your current destination, within "your" Dream World of fearful consciousness on Mother Earth... 

Oh yes, many times I have answered your question..."the question"...the question of your egoic, fearful consciousness, that thrives on avoding responsibility for your status quo...oh yes...your status quo in your Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...The Everywhereness of Love, which you "perceive" is not present in your Dream World of fearful consciousness...oh yes, "your" Dream World, which you, all of humanity, "perceive" as "Reality"...oh yes..."Reality". I don't think so, My fact, I know so....but, My Children, as I continue to communicate to have free-will, because I gave it to you can "perceive" anything you so desire...but...but, that does not always mean what you perceive is "Reality"...hmm?

And how many times have I given you that bit of "Reality" to consider, and ponder, before My Children...hmm? And what has your ego's told you each time, hmm...My Children of your illusion of darkness...your illusion of fearful consciousness...hmm...My Children?

Does the word "denial" ring a bell, My Children? You know, My Children..."denial"...along with "projection" and "attack", the three primary techniques of your ego's, which Jeshua ben Joseph educates you about, "if" you so desire..."if" you exercise your free-will, by studying his, The Way of Mastery trilogy, My Children...where he describes how he made the shift from your egoic, fearful consciousness...from your "self-chosen" illusion, and back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...hmm...My Children? Or...are you still too busy in your Dream World, on Mother Earth, hmm...My Children?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...




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