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Good Morning My Children

Look Within for All of Your Answers...Look Within...

Sunday, November 20, 2022 Blog

The winter months are upon you...brrr...the cold and darkness of the winter some ways...are not unlike the cold and darkness of your egoic experiences...for what could be colder and darker than Life without the eternal Love and Light of My guidance "Home"...your eternal resting place, when you have tired of your adventures into the dark know...fear, anger, greed, lust and all of the rest...the endless list of dark emotions, which you find your Self emersed within...

And of course there are many among you...incarnated souls that is...that wear the illusion of being "old, more advanced souls" that claim to be above all of the ego's darkness... know the ones...some are on television, radio shows, and in front of congregations on Sunday mornings...who hold themselves in high regard...such high regard that they have assumed leadership roles...roles of instructing the common masses on how to obtain their so-called "elevated religious or spiritual status"...

Hmm...Jeshua ben Joseph encountered such individuals when he walked your planet two thousand years ago...they may have worn different clothing than today...and possibly labeled themselves with different titles...but the end result is no different than that of your current era. We in the Spiritual know...your Sisters and Brothers...the so-called Heavenly Host of Christed Beings at My side...have a phrase to describe your religious and spirirtual leaders..."the blind leading the blind"...for that is who they really are...for they are blind to the Truth of Who and What they truly are...and they lecture the balance of humanity on how they tarry in the darkness of their egoic existence...

Hmm...I can hear some of your questions..."well Abba...if our religious and spiritual leaders are fear-based, for that is what egoic consciousness truly is, then who are we to listen too...and follow in our efforts to live consistent with Your, our Creators', Truths and Principles?   

Do you know anyone who walked on water? Do you know of anyone who can turn a few fish and loaves of bread into a meal for thousands? Do you know of anyone who walked away, after being crucified? Of course you know who I Am referring to...and yet, you have a dilema of sorts...because your religious and spiritual leaders have projected their untruths...their illusions...their egoic habits and daily routines onto you...and say that if you do not follow in their footsteps, you are somehow doomed...

And yet, these same religious and spiritual leaders will often tell you they are following the example of Jeshua ben Joseph...their so-called Jesus Christ, the Only Son of God...and yet this beginning premise is an untruth, for Jeshua ben Joseph is "not" the Only Son of God...he, Jeshua ben Joseph, never referred to himself as the Only Son of God two thousand years ago...nor does he today...and so, the very foundation of many of your religious and spiritual leaders is flawed...and destined to crumble once the Light of Truth shines...

And that leaves Us with the spiritual leaders who profess to follow the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, who recognizes all incarnated Christed Beings of Love as My Children, some of whom actually refer to his Channeled and Contemporary Teachings...the ones that even describe the differences between fear-based, egoic life-styles and Conscious, Christed Beingness...but there remains a dilema with even these few...a dilema for you that is...for these few spiritual leaders do not practice what they preach...for their life-styles and daily routines reveal their egoic foundations...

So..."My Children"...who are you to turn to for structure and guidance? Who are you to turn to?

I, your Divine Parent, will tell you something Jeshua ben Joseph said two thousand years ago...and something that he is still saying today, in this current era of awakening..."look within" for all of your answers..."look within"...for that is where you will find My Heavenly Kingdom...within My Children...that is where you will find Me, your All Loving and Divine Parent...waiting to guide you True, Perfect many times have you heard Jeshua ben Joseph say..."always, seek first the Kingdom within"...

"Come follow me" is the invitation of Jeshua ben Joseph..."come follow me to our Father's Kingdom within"...for until you assume the responsibility of re-establishing a conscious, feeling, direct line of communication with Me, and I Am but Love, you do not follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph...nor do any of your religious or spirirutal leasders...for if...and please listen carefully, if your religious and spiritual leaders are telling you to rely on any other practice to obtain daily guidance, they tarry in the fear-based, egoic darkness, that leads no one to My Kingdom... 

And so...My Children...turn your the depths of your soul...the depths of your very Beingness...and do not be not be fearful of what you will find...for that is where I reside, your Loving Parent and Creator...

Jeshua ben Joeph uses a phrase..."practice where you are going"...and where are you going is to Life Eternal, in the Bliss of My Heavenly Kingdom of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...a destination where your remembrance of Our Realationship is common place...part of your so-called "everyday Life"...can you imagine that? Of course you can...because if you go "within" the heart of your will remember what you have already known and know...before you wanted to see if you could expereince the non-love of the egoic, fear-based state of consciousness, within the illusion of a physical body-brain... 

For I Am within your Soul...I Am the Divine Light that I, your Divine Parent, placed within your soul, your Beingness...that is where you will find Me...within...

So...My Children...follow Jeshua ben Joseph's example...follow Jeshua ben Joseph's words of wisdom..."practice where you are going"...practice going within the depths of your Soul...however you may quiet meditation...or sitting on a beach...or laying in the grass on a sunlit day...or under the stars...or sitting by a stream...or close your eyes on your bus ride home...or as you lay in bed, a few minutes before you enter the sleep world...

Practice going within My Children...practice where you are going...practice going to My Kingdom within...for that is where you will find Me...and rest in My in My Love for you, that knows no end...and in that inner silence...ask for My guidance...and My Still Small Voice will guide you "Home"...small questions or big matters not to Me...for I, your Divine Parent, Love you always...unconditionally...

Practice My Children...practice...practice...practice going within...for that is where you will find the Light of Love that you once knew...and are destined to return to...either when you exit your temporary body-brain...or in My Light and Love that resides within your Soul, at this very moment...for I Am always with you..."always"...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...



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