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Good Morning My Children

"You" Have Been Making All Decisions Based on Egoic, Fearful Consciousness - How Has "That" Worked Out For You?

Thursday, July 13, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, another day...another morning on Mother Earth, and "here" you are, oh your Dream World, a world of darkness that you, humanity, do not perceive as a Dream World of dark emotions, oh no...for you think and live your lives as though all of "this" is normal...not unusual...just simply "Life" as it should be, because "this" is all you remember each day, when you wake-up from your nightly period of physical sleep, oh yes...everything on planet Earth is "normal", and as it should be, oh least in your Dream World...

Ah, My Children of the Light Divine, but in the Real World, in the dimensions of unlimited or limitless consciousness, where you are Multidimensionally Aware, "Life", as you call it, is much, much, much different, oh yes, My Children, My Creation, who I begot in My Image, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, for you are just like Me, Abba, The Source of All, oh yes...The Great Mystery of Love Am I, Who humanity has projected all sorts of illusions and delusions as to My qualitites and characteristics, oh yes, My have projected many qualities onto Me, which are simply not real...oh humanity, or a sizable portion of humanity, who fall into the broad category of being associated with one of your many religions, have developed a perception of Me, your Divine Parent, that is absolutely delusional, oh yes...delusional and yet, you still "believe" and "live" as though your illusions and delusions are part of "Reality"...oh yes...and oh my, My children, for you truly believe, by simply projecting characteristics onto Me, that they become "Reality"...and I Am somehow transfromed into a Divine Parent "Who has never been"...oh yes, My Children, oh yes, indeed... 

Quite frankly, My Children of the Light Divine, your delusional Dream World is what motivated Me, your Divine Parent, to create this internet site,, oh yes, with the assistance of one of your incarnated brothers, oh yes, an incarnated Soul, just like yourselves, who has come forth, oh yes, come into your limited dimension of consciousness, from the Real World of Unlimited or Multidimensional Consciousness, which humanity labels as the "Spiritual Dimensions", oh yes, you come from "Spirit", and guess who that Spirit is, hmm?

Who is the Spirit who begot you, hmm? Do you know, hmm? Do you communicate with this Spirit, Who you owe your very existence to, hmm...initially within the Spiritual Dimensions of Infinite Dimensionality, oh yes...and now, seemingly isolated, in a very limited existence, within the third dimension of planet Earth. Oh yes, oh my, "you have chosen" to limit your Unlimitedness, My Children...oh yes, from being Unlimited Beings of Love and Light Divine, in the Eternalness of Unlimited Consciousness and Infinite Dimensionality, to a single dimension of awareness, in your Dream World, on and within the third dimension of planet Earth. Hmm...oh my...very, very limited is your Dream World, in comparision to where you come from and "Who" you truly are, oh yes, very limited, indeed...

And because you have such a limited self image, you have projected some of your limitations onto Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, which is one of the reasons I have come forth on this, God's Blog, on the here to for mentioned internet site,, to simply extend to humanity one of your "helping hands" out of your limitations...out of your illusions, and out of your Dream World of dark emotions, physicality, and your illusion of separation from your Divine Parent..."Me", Abba, I Am called.

Oh yes, there are many, many in the Real World of Infinite, Spiritual Dimensionality, who have attempted to help you..."humanity"...out of your limited Dream World of single dimensional awareness. Oh yes, and yet, "here" we are...or shall I say, "here you are", stuck as it were and are, in your Dream World of unreality...the unreality of your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, for I Am Love, and I Am Everywhere...Infinite...a Mystery of Infinite Love Consciousness, which humanity has struggled to comprehend ever since "you choose" to step into your Dream World of single dimensionality and limited consciousness. Oh yes, My let us, this morning, at least create a foundation of Reality for humanity, from which you can move out of your existence in unreality, and into "Reality", hmm? Does that not make sense to you, hmm?  

Of course it doesn't, at least not to most of humanity, for you perceive your lives in the unreality of your Dream World on Mother Earth as "Reality". Oh yes, and even when "we" send you the information, the knowledge, the pathway out of your Dream World of limited consciousness, you...humanity, for the most part, simply shrug your human shoulders, and say things like: "what on Earth are you talking about? Are you insane? What Dream World of limited consciousness are you referring to, whomever you are...for humanity is the most advanced species on Earth. If we lived in a Dream World of limited consciousness, don't you think we would know about it?"

And off you go, living your lives of non-reality, just as you have since the dawn of the human race, on planet Earth...oh yes, in your Dream World, in the third dimension of planet Earth, where limited, fearful consciousness, the constraints of the illusion of a physical dimension, along with your delusional perception of the Infinite Beingness of your Divine Parent reign supreme...oh yes, how impossible is "that" to perceive as "Reality", and yet, My Children, "that" is what you perceive as "Reality"...

Oh yes, a few humans will read My last sentence and, as you say, "jump up" with a series of objections to the description of their lives in your Dream World. Oh yes, they profess...they pretend to be advanced "old souls", and yet, when was the last time they followed My guidance, hmm? When? When My Children? For they seek the guidance of their ego's...oh yes, the guidance from their limited, fearful consciousness...rather than from Me, their Divine Parent. Oh yes, they follow the guidance of the "other voice" within...the egoic voice of fearful consciousness, hmm? How advanced is "that" My Children, hmm?

Following the guiding voice within, from limited, fearful consciousness, oh yes, that is how the entire human race lives within your Dream World of unreality..."unreality" My Children, oh yes, because...are you ready, hmm? Fear is an illusion, oh yes, My Children, fear...your fears, are all illusions, along with all the children of fear, all of your other negative or dark emotions, oh yes, My Children, you know, all of your stresses and anxieties, your anger, your hatred, all of it...oh yes, part of your Dream World of non-reality.

When a child...a little, innocent child, wakes-up from a nightmare, and is petrified from their dream, oh yes...frightened why? Because they "think" their dream is "real"...oh yes...they "think" their dream is "real", and the loving parent comforts their child, because they have experienced nighmares...for they have dreamed of events that do not represent "Reality", only to awaken from their World of Dreams, and awaken to the "Reality" that their dreams are not "Reality", but simply "dreams", with no basis in "Reality"...oh yes, and the loving parent explains to their child what a dream is, and that it is not part of "Reality".

Oh yes, and the loving parent tells their child to ignore the unreality of their dreams, and to simply live their lives in the "Real World" on Mother Earth, where fear and all of the dark emotions are "Real"...where there is no Divine Parent to guide you in each of your decisions, where you will search for True Love and Trues Peace, and may never find it, hmm? The loving parent may not be so direct, you say, as "blunt", as I, your Divine Parent, have described...but, is this not the message you give all of your innocent children, hmm? Oh yes, My Children...oh yes, indeed... 

Humanity thrives on...what is your term....oh yes, "sugar coating" your Dream World of fearful, egoic, limited consciousness. Oh yes, rationalizing the unreality of your Dream World on Mother Earth, oh yes, for there has been an underlying stream of "positive thinkers" in your Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent. Oh yes, the "positive thinkers", who always have ways to make "Life", in your Dream World of fearful consciousness, "better". Oh yes, they have all the answers, or so they say, to all the problems of humanity. Oh yes, your history is peppered with Souls, pretending to be human, who think they have answers to all the challenges of humanity...or at least the challenges humanity may focus on, at any particular point in time. 

Listen to your news, listen to your politicians, listen to your world leaders, listen to the teachers, at your esteemed universities of advanced learning, listen to your authors, who write books about how to solve portions of the human challenges with everyday "Life"...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, there are endless bothers and sisters who have answers for all your problems...and this has always been the way it is in your Dream World. Oh yes, and so, My Children of the Light Divine, after all of your time on Mother Earth, and all the solutions to all your problems...certainly by this time, in your twenty-first century, you must be living your lives immersed in True Love and True Peace...correct? 

Hmm...I don't think so, My Children of the Light you? have lived through century after century of listening to and implementing all the solutions to all of your problems, which have been proposed by all of your most intelligent brothers and sisters....and you still, after all this time, you still live in the still search for True Love and True Peace, hmm? 

What, as you say, is wrong with this picture...hmm, My Children of the Light Divine? Do you know? Has there been any sister or brother who has come up with an answer and solution to your "status quo" of century, after century, after century of searching for True Love and True Peace, for is "that" not what all humans desire, hmm, My Children of the Light Divine? Oh yes, you have had an endless stream of sisters and brothers who tell you they have the answers for which you seek, oh yes...but, we have already covered this part of "Life" on Earth, have we not...hmm?

Oh yes, and from where have all the proposed answers come from, My Children...hmm? Not from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...oh no, not from My Still, Small Voice of Love, within the depths of the Sacred Silence of your Soul's...oh no, My Children of the Light Divine...oh no...for humanity has been listening to "that other voice within" know, "that other voice", the voice of fearful, egoic consciousness, instead of My Voice of Love Consciousness, hmm?

How, as you say, has "that" worked out for you, century, after century, after century...hmm? Century, after century, of living your lives based on the voice of fear-full, egoic consciousness...hmm? You know "that voice", My Children of the Light Divine..."that voice", the one that tells you, you are all alone, and must figure everything out for know, "that voice", My Children, the voice of fear, that tells you...don't do this...and don't do that, oh no...for if you do, "that will happen"...oh no, you don't what "that"... sounds to Me, your Divine Parent, you have been making your decisions based on fear...oh yes, fearful, egoic consciousness...and I have a secret to tell humanity about egoic, fearful consciousness...oh yes...a secret, your egoic, fearful consciousness does not want you to hear...

What do you think the result of following fearful consciousness will produce...hmm, My Children? "It produces more fear", for that is how limited, fearful consciousness stays in control...oh yes, fearful consciousness guides humanity to maintain your status quo of fearful consciousness, by maintaining your state...your Dream Wolrd of fearful consciousness. Hmm...shall I say that again? Your limited state of fearful consciousness, which I and Jeshua ben Joseph refer to as egoic consciousness, guides you with its "egoic, fearful voice within" maintain your status quo of limited, fearful consciousness. Oh you "get it", My Children. You are, and have been, listening to the voice of fear within, instead of My Guiding Voice of Love...

Ah took Me a bit of your precious time, but My Message of Love this morning, as it is in all of My morning Messages of Love, has been presented to you, all of humanity, to consider, to ponder, to factor into your decision-making process. Oh you want to maintain your staus quo of limited, fearful, ego consciousness? Or...or, are you ready for True Love and True Peace, hmm? It is called Love or Oneness Consciousness, where there is no sense of aloneness...there is no sense of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...The Infinite, Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace that is Everywhere, oh yes, "Everyhwere"...and you are making decisions each day, each hour, each moment to remain in your Dream World of fearful, egoic consciousness...for it is truly a "dream" My Children of the Light Divine, for if I Am Everywhere, and I assure you that I Am, how can you be alone, or separated from Me, your Divine, All-Loving Parent, hmm?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All... 



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