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Good Morning My Children

The Lost Dream World of Humanity

Friday, July 7, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, another day on Mother Earth it is...oh yes, another day in your Dream World of dramas and darkness...and let us not forget the biggest illusion of your pretend lives on Earth...your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, an impossibility, which you perceive to be part of your "Reality", oh yes...the impossible, which is part of your "perceived Reality"...oh yes... 

What are you going to do about "that" My Children, hmm? The same thing you have done about this same impossiblity since you first began incarnating into your Dream World..."nothing"..."zero", as you say, "absolutely nothing", because in your Earthly Dream World, there is nothing that can be done, for it is just part of your "perception of Reality".

Part of your "Reality"...part of your Dream World of dark emotions, which just keep coming, or should we say...I think so...that "you", humanity continue to create, oh continue to create all of your dark emotions, each and every day. Oh yes, just look at your news programs. What dominates your news each day...hmm? Is it the positive, loving, joyful news occurring on your your Dream World...hmm? Of course is always the dark news, and the darker the event, the more likely it is to receive coverage by one of your news outlets, oh yes...every day, every week, every year, every century...century after century...oh yes...the darkness of your Dream World is what every human wants to "hear about", oh is the addiction of the human race, for you can never have too much dark news...hmm, My Children? Can you? Do you ever say, oh, please, turn off the news, I just cannot take the negativity any longer...hmm?

Not very often, does the channel get changed, for such a perspective...oh, no...not very often, indeed...My Children of the Light Divine...not very often...

So, day after day, you bombard yourselves with...what shall we call it...the darkness of the day...oh yes, a proper name...somewhat like the daily specials in your restaurants, oh yes..."and today, the darkness of the day is"... 

It would be just what some of your news broadcasts could use in one of your...what are they called...oh yes, one of your "news slots", every evening, at 6:05 P.M...."and now, it's time for the darkness of the today, right after this short commercial break"...oh yes, I can hear it now..."the darkenss of today is_________", and you fill in the blank, with any number of news headlines, which pepper your news broadcasts each day, oh yes...

When was the last time you heard any news station say..."we are going to change our normal darkness of the day story with something quite unusual...we are going to spend the rest of this program telling you about all the good news of the day"...hmm? When was the last time? Try never..."never", and do you know why My Children, hmm? Because the human ego thrives on the "dark stuff"...

And do you know why the human ego thrives on all of your dark emotions, your dark dramatizations, which you create each and every day, oh yes...some where, every one of your days, My Children, some human is diving into the darkness within your Dream World on Mother Earth, oh yes...creating a war over some made-up human reason, or why a man shot eight people, or how the homeless population is expanding, and taking over part of a city, or the latest disease, or how one of the political parties is supporting some cause framed as utterly deplorable, oh yes...or how about a good old forest fire of much destruction, or a tidal wave of destruction halfway around the globe, and on, and on, and on your darkness goes, enveloping your culture...your human culture, for it matters not what continent or country you may choose, oh yes...never ending is your fascination with the ceaseless stream of negativity on your planet, oh yes...all your Creation, My Children, and the darker the news, the more time your news programs devote to telling the population all about it...whatever "it" is... 

Tomorrow..."tomorrow will be different"...or so you tell yourselves, and you know who tells you "that", My Children...hmm? Your ego's, oh yes..."we can figure this all out, and create a better day", for isn't that also part of your news each day, hmm...My Children...hmm?

Oh yes, the human ego...let's create some darkness, and then...then, pretend we have all the answers to create a better day, oh yes...your human egos...what an invention...what an experiment...what a creation..."your creation", all because "you" were curious about the possibility of creating something void of Me, Abba, and I Am but Love...oh yes, My Children, you wanted to see what it would be like to create a Dream World, the opposite of the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...oh yes, and how do you like "your creation", My Children of the Light Divine...hmm? For I do not perceive of any possibility that can dim the Light of My Everywhereness of Love, oh no..."nothing"...unless...unless of course "it" is an illusion..."an illusion" My Children...

How many many more times are you going to make us, your Divine Parent, and your sisters and brothers, most notably, Jeshua ben Joseph, tell you that you live in "non-reality", oh yes...the non-reality of your fearful consciousness...oh yes, "dark consciousness" we should call that state of being associated with your egoic consciousness...the source of your Dream World on Mother Earth, which you have created to see if "non-Love" was possible. Oh yes, "let us see if we can create an illusion of fearful, egoic consciousness, to experience...for just a little while...just to see what "that" would be like, and then...then, we can pretend we have all the answers to all of the dark, egoic experiences"...only the answers never come to transcend all of the darkness, My Children...for as soon as one darkness is transcended, your egos...your fearful consciousness, creates a new form of your egoic darkness...a new set of circumstances to be fearful of...oh yes, My Children, for there is no end to the the dark emotions, which your ego's create, and create, and create...without end..."without end", My Children... 

And yet, when you are shown how to put an end to your darkness, how to dissolve the cause of all your dark emotions and experiences, by none other than Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes, "Jeshua ben Joseph", your ego's find a way to persuade you of another course of action...oh yes, My Children...and off you go each day, existing in, and experiencing your endless illusions of fearful, egoic addiction of your souls, that was never intended to be an addiction, and yet, "here" we are, lost in your illusion of fearful, egoic consciousness, rather than by My Side, within the Reality of Love, Perfect Peace, and Oneness Consciousness, oh yes, My Children..."Bliss" can be described in many ways, using many adjectives, and yet, all are ignored by humanity...oh yes, ignored in favor of your status quo...oh yes...the lost Dream World of Humanity...

Oh...that's a new one...a new description for your status quo, to absorb and ponder, oh yes..."The Lost Dream World of Humanity", permeated by dark, egoic, fearful experiential dimension any Soul can choose to experience...but, "be very, very careful, for once you incarnate into this experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, physicality, and its illusion of separation from our Creator's Eveywhereness of Love, you are probably going to get lost...oh yes, and never make it back to the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love, which our Creator is...oh yes, be very, very careful"...

Oh my, My Children of the Light Divine...but what are we to do about your lost brothers and sisters...hmm? What are we to do about them? For they just continue to incarnate into the Earthly Dream World of darkness, because their ego's tell them they can make a difference, oh yes...their ego's tell them they can help transcend all of the egoic darkness of the Dream World call "Earth"...

The End...

"The End" My Children, for I gave you free-will, and the path out of your Dream World...the path out of your egoic, fearful consciousness, has been delivered into your experiential dimension of non-Love...oh yes, "it" is even on your internet, in the form of books and audio recordings...and what have My lost Children of the Light done, with this precious information...hmm? What?

Not much...not much at all...and yet, each and every day, in your Dream World of dark emotions, and its illusion of separation from My Everyhwereness of Love, we try to nudge you in the direction of your awakening from your self-created Dream World of Illusions, oh yes...nudge...nudge...nudge...a step here, and a step there...a slow process, when time is involved...but "that" (time) is another topic...a necessary ingredient to transcend your egoic, fearful consciousness, and shift back into the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes...I'm waiting for you, My Children of the Light Divine...My Children lost in the darkness of your egoic, fearful consciousness...oh yes, My Earthly Children. I never leave you, for how could I, hmm? I Am Everywhere...remember, hmm? 

Oh...that's have forgotten, on purpose, so you could see what it was like to experience the illusion of non-Love...the illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Creator.

Quite the illusion, indeed...for your ego's are quite persuasive, oh yes...quite persuasive, indeed...for "your ego's" have convinced you your Dream World is no Dream World...your ego's have convinced you..."brain washed" is the term used by Michael...your brother, through whom I speak to you this morning...and every morning, recorded on My Blog, this Blog, on your world-wide internet, oh yes...for I Am "here" with you now, in a new form, in your Dream World of separation from My Eveywhereness of Love, oh yes...right "here" on your internet, speaking to all of humanity, in your Dream your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness..."egoic", fearful consciousness...oh yes, My Children...   

I can never "leave you"...never...for such a thing is "impossible", as I, your Divine Parent, continue to try to explain to you within this has already been explained to you in Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, most notably within his The Way of Mastery trilogy, oh considerable detail, My Children...oh yes... 

For it is impossible for you to leave My Everywhereness of Love...the Infinite Field of Living, Pure Love, and Perfect Peace, from whence you came, and remain "within" forever..."forever" My Children...even though your have temporarily chosen to experience your self-made illusion...your Dream World...your fear-based, egoic, experiential dimension, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator...oh yes. How many times must I tell you where you are, how you are lost, and how to find your way out of your Dream World of Darkness...hmm...My Children of the Light Divine?   

Maybe I should create some "form" of convincing events...hmm...My Children...hmm? Some events that even your human ego's could not deny and manipulate...hmm? All in due time, My Children...all in due time...

Until "then"...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...

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