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Good Morning My Children

You Perceive "Your Creation" as Reality...Your Illusion of Humanness on Mother Earth

Tuesday, July 4, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, another day, another "good morning" to all the Christed Beings of Light Divine on Mother Earth...oh yes, My Children..."Christed" are you..."equals" with the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend...although, most consider...look upon Jeshua ben Joseph as far, far, superior to the average "human being" on Mother Earth..."average", hmm...a curious word for one of My Children of the Light Divine...oh yes..."average"...hmm... 

How can an Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Beingness of Light Divine be considered "average"...hmm? Do you see the irony is such a reference to yourselves, hmm...My Children...hmm?

Oh, you have understated your true identity for so, so long...oh yes...all because you slumber in your Dream World of humanness...oh yes, your temporary humanness that is integral to your Dream World...oh yes, your illusionary, experiential dimension of fear, physicality, and illusion of separation from your Divine Parent..."Me", Abba, oh yes...truly an illusion most of you (humans) have "bought into", as you say on Earth..."hook, line, and sinker"...oh yes, one of your odd, very odd terms used to describe how you truly believe you are something far less than Spirirutal Beings of the Light Divine, oh yes...Spiritual Beings of Love...for how could you be anything less than "that", if you truly are My Children, and I assure you that you and exceptions, regardless of the temporary human role you have chosen to play, in your current incarnation, in your experiential dimension of non-reality...oh yes, My I have communcated throughout these many, many artilces in My Blog...God's Blog...within the internet site of, oh yes... 

An internet site devoted to Reality, oh yes..."Reality" My Children, from the first page on Christ Consciousness, to every page on this internat site..."shocking" as some of this information will be to most of My "human" Children, oh yes...My Children of the Light Divine, masquerading as "human beings", mortal human beings, you consider yourselves to be...oh yes, most...almost all, fear your physical death as some form of perceived end to your "Beingness"...your Spiritual Beingness, which goes on, and on, and on, forever..."forever" My Children...oh yes, forever, indeed...and yet, you fear your physical death...why?...because that illusion...the illusion of your permanent demise, is all part of the experiential dimension you have chosen to experience, oh yes..."experience", indeed...quite the change from "Reality", My Children...for you are Immortal, Spiritual Beings, having temporary human experiences...    

Oh yes, and even though much of the human population believe in reincarnation, and a Spiritual Life, in between incarnations on Earth, you have yet to identify yourselves as Immortal, Spiritual Beings...why? It is all part of your fearfull, human dimension...your human, fear-based dimension of non-reality...oh yes, My Children...the non-reality of your Earthly Dream World, where fear, and all your other dark emotions and anxieties are viewed...believed to be "real", oh yes...about as "real" is one of your human sayings...oh yes, in your Earthly Dream World of fear and dark as "real" as a wodden nickle, or something to that effect, which simply means your human experience, each time "you choose" to incarnate into your dimension of non-reality is just "that", non-reality, pretending to be "Reality"...oh yes, including the pinnacle of your non-real dimension...your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes...a true and "complete impossibility", which you perceive as part of your "human reality"..."Reality", how utterly insane, My Children...oh yes, you know the meaning of the word "insane" do you not, My Children?    

Insane, or insanity...a proper term to describe most aspects of your temporary human incarnations, where you all pretend to be humans...only you perceive your "humanness" as "Reality", oh many times have I, your Creator and Jeshua ben Joseph, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, referred to your illusion of humanness as anything but "Reality", oh yes...for we both describe your perceived humanness as "temporary insanity", largely because your perceive your humanness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, as "Real"...oh yes...oh perceive the impossible as "Reality", even this day, after I, your Creator, have clearly communicated, to all of humanity, within over one hundred artilces on this, God's Blog, that your human Dream World, in your experiential dimension called "Mother Earth", is truly a dimension of illusion and non-reality. Oh yes, over, and over, and over, and over again, I will attempt to shock you, all of humanity, into finally awakening to the "Reality" of your non-reality on Mother Earth...hmm...My Children of the Light Divine...

How long will this tradition, which has begun on your internet, continue...hmm, My Children of the Light long? As long as it takes, to awaken humanity to recognize and "own" your true identity of Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine. Oh many, many, many more articles are to come on this, God's Blog, even after the physical passing of the one known as Michael, the first of a long line of My Children who will volunteer to be human mediums for My Message of Love...My Message of the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...oh yes, for "the shift" to Reality has begun in earnest within your Dream World of fear and dark emotions...

Oh yes, the Light has pierced your darkness...the Light of Love has pierced your illusion of dark emotions...your experiential dimension, where you continue to label illusion as "Reality"...oh yes...your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, continues to be perceived as just part of your entire dimension of non-reality, even though Jeshua ben Joseph..."Jeshua ben Joseph" has returned, with his Contemporary and Channeled teachings you say on Mother Earth..."to set the record straight" tell the truth about his last incarnation, two thousand years ago...oh yes...including documenting the path he traveled...he discovered out of your Dream World, My Children, and into the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...a truly shocking chain of events for humanity to read about...from a brother and friend, as he categorizes himself, rather than the misnomer...the label projected onto him by Christianity as the Only Son of God...when his own words two thousand years ago, clearly describe his human sisters and brothers, as "the Children of God"...hmm? How does Christianity explain "that" away?

Oh, but it is not My intention, this morning, to delve into the details of the Christian world of non-reality, for My Christed Son and medium, known as Michael, would run out of ink, and the balance of My Children in human costumes do not have enough patience, nor the time, in your busy, illusionary lives, to listen to every detail of the Christian illusions projected onto your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, as "Reality", let us not "go there"...oh, no...but for those that are interested...go to the "Early Christianity" section of this internet site...or read the portions of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings devoted to the truth of his last incarnation, two thousand years ago...

In this regard, those who are waiting for his second coming, no longer need to do any more waiting...oh no...just read his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, many of which are included on this internet site, yes, an appropriate doman name, of the few, in amongst the maze of Christian internet sites, which put forth part of My Message of Love, for all of humanity to read and assist in your inevitable shift to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...indeed...

Are you ready, hmm...My Children...My Children of the Light Divine? Are you ready to live as the Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love that you truly are, while you still have your human costumes on...hmm, My Children? 

Are you tired of the non-reality of your Human Dream World? Are you ready for the "Bliss" of the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, hmm...My Children of the Light Divine? 

Oh yes, for "that" is one of the experiences you desired to have, when you first chose to incarnate into the illusion of human forms...temporary human forms...oh yes, let's pretend we are fearful, human beings...and then, awaken to the Reality of our Spiritual Beingness of Love and Light Divine...oh yes, let's do that..."that" sounds like an experience worth having, for such a drastic shift, in mass, in consciousness, has never been done before. Oh let's...the darkness will not last forever...the pain and suffering will only be a temporary illusion, and then...then, we will be back in the Light of the Everywhereness of Love and Perfect Peace...oh yes, let's go...let's have "that" experience.  

Ah, My Children of the Light Divine, you have never been so lost in the non-reality of fearful consciousness lost, you do not even perceive your true identities, as Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Spirirutal Beings as part of "Reality", which is why Jeshua ben Joseph has come again with his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Oh yes...and when his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings were not enough to convince you...humanity...I, your Creator and Divine Parent, have come forth with this internet site and Blog, God's Blog, oh yes...for you are truly lost in your Dream World of dark emotions, and its illusion of separation from Me, the Infinite, Living Field of Pure Love, oh yes...for where do you think "LIFE" comes from, My Children...hmm? Do you think "LIFE" is just some form of accident...hmm...My Children?

I know all about your scientific community, and their theories about "LIFE" and the so-called gradual evolution of humanity...but...but, My Children, those who propose your gradual human evolution, as part of "Reality", have their "story", as you say, "upside-down...backwards", I would say...and do convey to all humanity this day, in your illusionary Dream World of dark emotions, physicality, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes..."backwards", My Children...for there is no "gradual progression" to the evolution of humanity...only the illusion there of...for I created you as I have conveyed over and over, within this, God's Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine...oh yes... 

Consider reading the last paragraph over a few times, My Children..."Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine"...oh yes, keep reading it until it, as you say, "sinks in"...until its "Reality" becomes part of your "Reality", in your illusionary experiential dimension, for most of what you perceive to be "reality", inclusive of your need for a gradual evolutionary path, is all illusion, My Children...all just "an experience"...a temporary experience that is coming to an end...oh yes...the illusionary curtain of darkenss...of dark emotions are being dissolved...on a small scale this day, but oh, when the tidal wave of Love and Light...the incoming wave of My Everywhereness of Love penetrates your Dream World, there will be a "panic for Love"...

Oh my, I may have just invented a new term...a panic of the Everywhereness of My Love...oh yes, My Children, for finally, the day will come when books of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery will be flying off of the shelves...oh yes...and the internet site, ChristMind.Info will be flooded with those wanting to hear the original recodings of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...oh's coming into your Dream World of fear, and illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...

It's all coming, My challenging as many today may perceive, for My Love cannot be stopped..."It" cannot remain hidden forever, My Children, even in your Dream world on Mother Earth, for the Reality of Abba...the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love will penetrate and be extended into every corner of Creation, and "that" is all your Earthly, experiential dimension is, My Children, which flows forth unceasingly from you, My Children of the Light Divine, for I created you...I begot you from My Image...and if I Am a Creator, and I truly Am, then, My Children, so are you...My Children of the Light are you!

Where do you think your Dream World of fear, physicality, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, came from...hmm...My Children? Not from Me, Abba...oh no, My Children..."this" is all your Creation, oh yes, as I have described in prior artilces, on this, God's Blog...

Oh yes, so, "have another cup of coffee" My Children of the Light Divine, and wake-up to "Reality"...oh yes, My Children..."wake-up" to the Reality of Who and What you truly are...oh yes, and don't forget why I created you, My Divine, Christed Children of the Light...oh yes...and for those who do not "remember" your purpose and function...consider reading prior articles on this, God's Blog...or, Jeshua ben Joseph's, The Way of Mastery trilogy.  We have been quite clear...oh yes...very clear...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All... 



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