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Good Morning My Children

"Within" the Sacred Silence of Your Soul

Thursday, June 29, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, My Children, on Mother Earth, oh yes...another "good morning" to you all...and you will need all of the support and assistance that one may garner to navigate the maze of illusions, which are awaiting you...oh yes, navigate your way from fear consciousness to Love Conciousness, oh yes...a experience you were not even aware you were taking until Jeshua ben Joseph began educating all of his sisters and brothers, with his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...leading up to and including his The Way of Mastery trilogy...oh yes...trilogy...a three volume set of books and tapes, which have been converted to your CDs.

All of which are available for free. Where My Children...where is this collection of teachings available to you...hmm? At the internet site of ChristMind.Info of course...a site I, your Creator, have mentioned many times on this, God's Blog, so all of humanity would be aware of the teachings available to you, oh yes...Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings on the path he followed to navigate your Earthly field of fearful consciousness...oh yes..."fearful illusions" all the way to the Everywhereness of Love..."Love Consciousness" it is called, oh yes...from whence you come...and to where you will return, by My side...consciously, that "Abba Consciousness", for I Am everywhere, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, oh yes...and I Am "everywhere", oh yes...and where have you heard that before, hmm? Most notably two places of sorts...right "here" on My Blog, God's Blog, and of course, in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy, oh yes, My Children, oh yes...indeed... 

And why am I "here", available, consciously this morning...hmm? Because one of your brothers said "yes" to My request to function as a medium for My Message of all of humanity, oh yes..."all of humanity", on this internet site, internet site all about obtaining what some refer to as "Christ Consciousness", which may initially sound as some mysterious, magical destination...hmm, My Children...but is simply a return to what has always been...and will always be...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, and that would be your eternal relationship with, and connection to, your Creator, "Abba" I Am called, by Jeshua ben Joseph, and now, "Abba" I Am to all of humanity.

Oh yes, "Abba", My Children, your Divine Parent..."Divine Parent" My Children, for My name and function in the Infinite Everywhereness of My Love, is best described in these ways, with these words, rather than "God", oh yes...which has accumulated some distorted connotations, within your Earthly experiential dimension of dark emotions...oh yes..."dark", indeed, trying to camoflauge the darkness, the illusions...the lack of "Abba Consciousness"...oh yes, I like that term, which of course is the same as Love Consciousness and Oneness Consciousness, oh yes, My Children...oh yes, indeed...  

And what have I been trying to teach you, these many months, within Abba's Blog, hmm...My Children? The impossible...the inconceivable...the shocking "Reality" of your Dream World of fearful consciousness, right here on Mother Earth...oh yes..."your Dream" dimensional experience of the impossible...oh yes, impossible separation from your Divine Parent, for I Am "everywhere", even within your illusionary, experiential dimension, as I, your Divine Parent, have delineated over, and over again, within this God's Blog, oh yes...many, many times...

Yes, My Chidren, over an over again, with the same message...possibly with a new twist...a new context each time, with a goal of awakening you to the "Reality" of your Dream World of illusions...Dream World of separation from your Loving Divine Parent, whereby you begin your journey, in your conscious state, back to Perfect Reunion with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, oh yes...a journey all of humanity will eventually take, oh yes...every last human, pretending to be human, rather than living as a Conscious, Eternal, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual Being of Love and Light Divine...oh yes, My Children...for "that" is what I created when I begot Extension of Self, of extension of the Beingness of Love Am I...Who permeates all of Creation...the Infinite Ocean of Pure Love Consciousness, as described by Jeshua ben Joseph.

Oh yes...the Grand Mystery of Love, far beyond your human ability to comprehend, My Children...oh yes...but not beyond your Christed Selves...once you awaken from your Dream World of fearful, human conscioiusness, oh yes...your current state of perceiving and believing you are limited, human beings, rather than the eternal, extensions of Love Consciousness, begotten by Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...the Beingness of Love Consciousness...Oneness Consciousness...oh yes, and so much more, My Children, which you will one day remember and experience, oh yes, My Children, oh yes...a reunion that awaits you, and yet...most do not even conceive such a reunion is possible, much less inevitable...oh yes, "inevitable" My Children of the Light Divine...

Ah, but you have heard all of this many times before..."here", on My Blog, and within the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes, indeed..., why have I, Abba, come forward this morning, this day, through your brother, who volunteered for this function...this purpose...the elimination of all the illusions of separation from Me, Abba...and performing the function for which all of humanity was "created", hmm...My Children? 

Oh yes, for all...all Christed Beings of Love were created...begotten, to be Channels for My Love...mediums for the Everywhereness of Love that I Am, throughout Creation...oh yes, My Children...for "that" is your purpose and function...oh yes, and until you awaken from your Dream World, to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, I do not plan on allowing you to forget "Who" and "What" you truly are...oh no...for all who read My Blog will be constantly reminded of "Reality", rather than the illusion thereof, which you live each of your days on Mother Earth...oh yes, My Children, for your Dream World of fearful consciousness, and egoic illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, is coming to an end...oh yes, My Children...for your illusionary world...your illusionary, experiential dimension, has just about run its course, oh yes...for why else would I be here, this morning, in your Dream World of fearful consciousness, communicating the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...hmm...My Children?

Think about "that", even though most will discount My Message of Love, just as most ignored Jeshua ben Joseph's message...My message...two thousand years ago...ignored until the so-called miracles began to manifest...and humanity continues along its path, within your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, in this twenty-first century Earth, oh yes...for how many study and practice Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...hmm...My Children? How many? 

Many have and will read these three books of wisdom, and then, put them on the shelf...oh yes...set the knowledge aside, on how to escape from your fear-based, experiential dimension on Mother Earth, oh yes, My Children... escape all your pain and suffering, which your egos' window dress with pleasantries...with illusions of reality...all with the goal of delaying the inevitable...your inevitable awakening to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes...My Children...

Yes, Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, and then, put the books on your you can continue to endure your Dream World, and its illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, oh yes...continue to experience fear and all the dark emotions..."what great fun" in store for you by following "that voice" within, that guides you through your Dream World of dark emotions, oh yes...what a magnificent guiding voice, indeed...fearful consciousness...egoic consciousness...the illusionary world of separation from your Creator, and My Everywhereness of Love...oh yes, My Children...keep following "that voice"...keep the trilogy of wisdom on your shelves...the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph..."Jeshua ben Joseph" My Children...

Are you kidding Me? "Really?" are putting the formula for awakening from your egoic, Dream World of fearful consciousness on your shelves...because why, My Children? Why are you doing such a thing, rather than studying and practicing the wisdom of Love Consciousness, and reunion with Me, your Creator...the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph?

Oh yes...that's a good reason, because there is a voice within that tells you to do so..."really?"...are you actually going to make Me, your Divine Parent, repeat My Self, over and over...and over again, until you go to your shelf, and pick up The Way of Mastery trilogy, to obtain the knowledge of how to experience reunion with Me, Abba, and I Am but Love, hmm...My Children?

Okay, My Children of the Light Divine. I can do big deal...not for Me...for I have no end, and I Am Everywhere, with Infinite Energy, and Infinite Love...and do you know what My Children of the Light Divine...hmm? I Love you Infinitely...oh yes...My Love for humanity is "Infinite"...oh yes...Pure, Unconditional Love for each and everyone of you has no end, My Children...oh yes, for there is nothing..."nothing" you can do to stop My Love for you.

For you see My Children, "that" is "My Thing"..."that" is what I do..."that" is what I Am...I Am Eternal, Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...Who is Everywhere. Oh yes, I will go on forever..."forever" My Children, tapping you on the shoulders, as it were...reminding you, in endless ways, on how to return Home to Love...oh yes...a destination you all seek, in one way or another, and yet, My Children, you seek in vain...and always will, until you awaken to the "Reality" you need not seek to find Me, your Divine Parent, Abba...the Everywhereness of Love Who is around you, and "within" you, My Children..."within you" and "part of you", forever..."forever", My Children...even within your illusionary, experiential dimension on Mother Earth, oh yes, My Children...for when you seek in an illusion, you will only find illusion...hmm? 

Make sense? Hmm? "Look within" My Children, "within your Beingness", "within your Soul", for there you will find Me, and My Still, Small Voice of Love...within the Sacred Silence of your Soul...oh yes, My Children, I Am "here", waiting for you, every moment of every day, oh yes, My Children...  

Everyday I send you messages, of one sort or another, the variations are endless, all with the goal of nudging you in the direction of awakening from your fear-based Dream World, and reunion with Me, your Divine Parent...oh described in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy, oh yes...the books your "other guiding voice" has told you to store away on your shelf...oh yes, they are doing you a lot of good there...oh yes, sitting there, full of the knowledge accumulated by Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago, when he too was lost in your egoic Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent

Oh yes, he too was lost, but he learned to listen to My Still Small Voice within..."within" the Sacred Silence of your Soul, oh yes...and he learned to recognize My other messages of awakening to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...messages, lessons, stepping stones on how to return to conscious, reunion with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, Who is waiting to guide you Home to My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes...existing in "Bliss"...won't you join Me...hmm?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...

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