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Good Morning My Children

The Incomprehensible Game...

Tuesday, June 27, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, My Children...oh you go on another day in your Dream World, on Mother Earth. Off you go, indeed, thinking and living as though you are "human beings", when all along you have been, and remain, Spiritual Beings...oh yes, "Spiritual Beings of Love"..."Love" My Children, and yet, you immersed yourselves in the darkest of experiential dimensions, in that you "perceive" yourselves as separated from your Creator, The Spiritual Beingness of Love, Who begot you all, oh yes, what a truly unqiue and illusionary experiential dimension, indeed...  

Century after century, Life in your illusionary dimension of fear and physicality proceeds in what you perceive to be an organized progression of sorts...or what you choose to call it..oh yes, "the evolution of the human race"...oh my, what an interesting perception to be operating under...oh my, "evolution" you call your progression...your "perceived progression" through time, an interesting commodity, indeed, within your experiential dimension, oh yes..."time", something created to allow you, the human race, to experience the "perception" of a gradual evolutionary process, oh yes...a gradual evolutionary process...quite the illusion, indeed...for Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual Beings of the Love and Light Divine, with an eternal relationship with the Source of All, oh yes...The Beingness of Pure, Unconditional, and Infinite Love, Who permeates all of "Creation"...hmm? Oh yes...are you getting the "picture" yet, hmm, My Children of the Light Divine...hmm?

You have created the illusion you are something much less than the "Reality" of your Beingness, oh yes...much, much less, indeed...and considering your status quo, which in many respects remain stagnat, in your self-made illusions of reality, we on the outside, looking in, as it were, do almost everything we can to assist you in awakening to the Reality of the Everywhereness of My Love..."everything"...short of imposing the Reality of Love upon you...your race of "pretend human beings", oh yes...and no matter the bluntness of the obviousness of your of your illusionary, evolutionary process, and the obvious calls for you to "evolve" out of you Dream World of fearful conscioiusness, and separation from Me, your Divine you go each morning...each day, in your Dream World...your experiential dimension of constant pain and suffering...oh yes...oh yes, My Children, indeed... 

Oh yes, you will obviously disagree...vehemently, that you exist in any such Dream World...any such experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, versus the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love, oh yes, for you live in illusion each and every day of your perceived evolutionary process...evolutionary history, which of course, you point to and say such things as..."what are you talking about, what Dream World, what experiential dimension of fear and non-reality...what on Earth are you talking about, who ever it is that writes such things within a blog, on our internet, pretending to be our Creator...hmm?"

"You, our pretend Creator, must be crazy, oh yes, you have to be crazy...completely insane to believe the human race, the race who inhabits the planet Earth, is not perceiving anything but Reality, for you, our pretend Creator, are delusional, oh yes...completely delusional, if you think humanity is not experiencing Reality"...

Oh yes, My Children, so we have what humanity calls a "stand off" of sorts...two sides of a debate, oh yes...humanity on one side, a race of Beings of Love and Light Divine, pretending to be human, and your Creator, Abba, I Am called, with your awakened, Conscious Christed Brothers and Sisters, on the other side...oh yes...the most famous of which, at least in your Dream World...your Earthly dimension of illusionary, dark emotions, is known as Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes, also known as Jesus Christ, your perceived figurehead of your Christian religion, oh yes...a very famous Soul, who Christianity has labeled as The Only Son of Me, Abba, the Creator of all...oh my, My Children...oh my...the only Son, "really"...oh my, and you say you live in "Reality", My Children..."Reality", really...that's what you call your Dream World of fear, physicality, and illusion of separation from your Creator, the Everywhereness of Love, Who permeates even your experiential dimension of dark emotions, oh yes..."Reality"?

Oh, I must restrain My Self..."we" must restrain ourselves, from using terms, which your judgmental human race would use...oh yes, My Children...only there is no restaint necessary, for we "Live" on the other side of your illusionary Dream World...the other side of your fearful consciousness of dark emotions, oh yes...the other side of pain and know, My Children...My Children pretending to be "human", all for the experience..."the game" as it see how long it would take you to awaken from your Dream World, to the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love...oh yes, a "game" of sorts, My Children...oh yes... 

"Shocking", as you perceive your "Reality" of fearful consciousness maybe, and is...for you exist in complete denial, oh yes, so there is no Dream World of non-reality, for you are oblivious to the fact, the "Reality", that "you have created" a Dream World, just for a game you are playing, oh yes...for your perspective of "Reality", within your Dream World...within your human experiential dimension, is far different than your perspective when you temporarily "step out" of your human game...oh yes..."your game" of fearful consciousness, physicality, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes, My call it "death", the "stepping out" of your Dream World, that is...  

Oh yes, when you enter "The Light"...when you transition, or shift in your conscious state, into what I will call an "intermediary dimension of Love and Light", oh yes...humanity has written many books, about many case studies, about the experiences in consciousness, outside of the human body, oh yes...outside of the human experience...outside of your Human Dream World, and into a Spiritual Dimension, oh yes...

Some humans call this Spiritual Dimension of Light and Love, which you pass into after physical death, as the "after-Life"...hmm...the after-Life, My Children..."really"...well, okay...but, you are not "dead" are are simply not in a human body, in your human Dream are simply "alive" in a Spiritual Dimension, oh yes...this shift in consciousness...this shift from your human dimension on Earth, to a Spiritual Dimension of Light and True Peace, has been well documented...the subject of some pretty intense investigation from "within" your Earthly Dream World, oh yes...and yet, what effect has this "game changing" discovery had on your "game of separation", from the Everywhereness of My Love...hmm...My Children?

Not much...not much, indeed...humanity has discovered and lived in the "Reality of your Immortality", the "Reality of your Spiritual Selves", and still...still, you perceive your Earthly Dream World as "Reality"...oh yes...what am I to do, hmm, My Children? What am I to do to assist you in awakening to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...oh yes...a conundrum for your Creator, hmm? Who gave you choose to remain in your Dream World, or awaken to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, even while you play your game...even while you pretend to be human beings, immersed in fearful consciousness...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...

Oh yes...indeed, a conundrum only if your perspective of "Reality" is from, and within, your Dream World...oh yes, My Children..."your perspective, from within your Dream World" is quite different than "your perspective from within the Spiritual Dimension", most humans refer to as the "after-Life"...oh yes, My Children...a very, very different perspective, indeed...remember? Hmm..."remember" My Children of the Light Divine, for that Spiritual Dimension of your immortality is from whence you all come into your human forms, your human costumes, to pretend you are fearful human beings, oh yes, My Children..."pretend", indeed... 

Oh my, and most will continue to pretend this is all very confusing...oh yes...very confusing, indeed...and yet, My Children, all part of the game of your illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...a "game" YOU DECIDED to create and play, as simply one experiential dimension, to temporarily experience, from the infinite number of choices in all of Creation, which of course is infinite..."infinite", My Children, as in having no end...incomprehensible, oh yes...all part of the Mystery of Love...the Grand Mystery of the Everywhereness of Love, which of course, includes your immortal nature..."your Immortal Beingness", My Children...for if I, your Divine Parent, have no end, why would My Children...hmm?  

Ahh...we have arrived at My Message this day, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...are you ready, hmm? 

When you are conscious of the Reality of your Immortal Beingness, My Children, you "know" any illusion of death is simply "that" illusion...hmm?

When you have no end..."no end", My do "you choose" to experience your immortality..."your immortality", My Children..."that", My Children, is a far, far different perspective than your illusionary fear of physical death, within your Earthly Dream World, is it not...hmm? For what is there to fear...hmm? You have no end...ever...and you can choose to play whatever "games" you so choose, in all of Creation..."all of Creation", My Children...all of which is permeated by My Everywhereness of Love.

Oh yes...a revelation you have heard many times within this blog, God's Blog...and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, oh yes, many, many times...particularly within his three year course, called The Way of Mastery trilogy, where he documents how he discovered the way out of your Dream World, and back into the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...hmm?

Jeshua ben Joseph tired of playing your "game" of fearful consciousness, physicality, and its illusion of separation from Me, Abba, the Everywhereness of Love, which you are part of, and exist within, for all of eternity...hmm...My Children of the Light Divine..."for all of eternity". How long will "you choose" to play your Earthly "game" of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...hmm?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...

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