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Good Morning My Children

"Your Choice", Not Mine

Thursday, June 22, 2023 Blog

"The Children of God"...oh pretend you are human beings, "Reality", you are the Children of Love and Light Divine, "playing" you are human...for what other explanation fits the circumstances in which you find yourselves...hmm? You have free-will and yet, My Children, you have chosen the darkness of the third dimension of Earth, an experiential dimension of negative emotions, and apparent separation or the illusion thereof, from your Divine Parent...hmm?

How utterly "insane", oh yes, to choose to leave "Bliss"...oh yes, the Heavenly Bliss for the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...

And My Children, where do you find yourselves, hmm? Lost, oh yes, lost in your illusion, believing...believing your illusion is "Reality", oh yes, My Children of Love and Light Divine...your precious illusion of "Reality" different than a Soul lost in a desert believes an illusionary oasis, off in the distance, is "real", oh yes...lost you are My Children, and what am I to do, hmm? 

You are lost in your illusion of separation from Me, The Source of All. You have free-will, which of course must be honored, and yet, I also Love you more than you can appears you must, apparently, continually choose to place yourselves in such a dark place...mentally, emotionally, and physically, oh yes, the darkest of all negative emotions...or category of "non-Love", beyond even your painful that "you choose" to begin to search for the Light of Love, oh yes, a search that may spand many incarnations, many temporary human forms..."costumes" they are called by some, until you return Home to My Side...out of your illusion of darkness, for as I have discussed many times within these articles, on God's Blog, I Am "everywhere", even in your illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Creator and Divine Parent...oh yes, My Children...oh yes, indeed... 

Now, in your "today", in your year 2023, a brother of yours, with many friends, "individuated Souls" we call them, oh yes...individuated, with a "perception" My Children of being individual Souls, and yet, all part of the One Soul, which we in the Spiritual Realm refer to as "the Christ Child", My Child, My Creation...a Beingness of Christ Consciousness, experienced the illusion of the Big Bang of Christ Consciousness, oh yes, creating the "perception" of individuation, and yet, always part of the One Soul, which we will call your "Over-Soul", oh you understand, hmm? 

Can I proceed, or is there some portion of this inconceivable Mystery of Love that I should re-phrase, clarify, or expand on for you...hmm, My Children?

Or...or My Children, can you simply read Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, which delves into the various aspects of your "Reality", your illusionary, experiential dimension, and how he found...discovered, as it were...found his way back Home, to My Side, in Bliss...oh yes, My Children...Pure Bliss and Perfect Peace, while still in your "temporary humanness"...oh yes, while still occupying his chosen human costume, his chosen his chosen location, in your fear-based, experiential dimension, oh yes, My Children...oh yes...

And some may ask, how did this all come to be, hmm? Have you been paying attention My Children, hmm? The answer would be most obvious to most, but then again, you are truly lost in your fear-based, physical dimension, within your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes, quite the illusion,, what is obvious to most, would escape humanity, because you are literally lost in your illusionary, experiential dimension, hmm?

Oh yes, and even after Jeshua ben Joseph comes back...comes back into your experiential dimension, in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, and points The Way out of your darkness...out of your experiential dimension of dark emotions, you have chosen to remain "lost"...lost My Children...

You did not listent to him, Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago...and now, in 2023, you are choosing, oh yes, "you are choosing" not to listen to him again, today, when he has documented how he "awoke", from your Dream World of separation from your Divine Parent, oh yes. Some of you pretend to follow his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...oh pretend to, but humanity has chosen not to place them as their...your, "first priority"...hmm. Do you understand, or should I draw you a picture of words this day, this morning...hmm?

Okay, let us proceed...

Your brother and friend...hmm...your equal, your individuated brother and Soul, called Jeshua ben Joseph, discovered The Way out of your illusion...out of your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, physicality, and separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...documented how he accomplished returning to the Bliss of Love Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, which can also be called "God Consciousness"...hmm...not, as you say, crazy about that about "Abba Consciousness", hmm? What would you do you want to label your destiny, hmm?

"Destiny", oh yes, for you, My Children, will eventually tire of your Dream World of pain and suffering...oh yes, and finally recognize Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, for the guide back Home to Bliss, which it provides...just as Michael has, who may appear to be a bit "ahead of the pack", as it were, as it is...who has found his way back to a conscious, living, relationship with your Divine Parent, oh yes...for how else do you explain these articles, in God's Blog, on, hmm?

There is no "other way", My Children, to explain such a phenomenon...the "Reality" that this one, individuated Soul, within your experiential dimension on Mother Earth...within your Dream World, oh yes, while still occupying a temporary, human costume, found his way back "Home" to My Side, hmm? 

Are you ready for the "picture of words" I promised you earlier, hmm? This one, fellow, individuated Soul, followed in the footsteps of another, fellow, individuated Soul, called Jeshua ben Joseph...oh "now", today, this morning, Michael has chosen to follow My Guidance of Love, oh yes. I asked him to function as a "channel"...a "medium" for My Message of Love to humanity, just as I asked Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago, and he said "yes"...

Why...why did he...they, say "yes"...because they chose Love over your Dream World...oh yes, the Reality of Love...the Reality of Love Consciousness, which of course is the Reality of a Conscious, Living , Realationship with Me, your Divine Parent, because I Am a Beingness of Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Everywhereness of Love, oh yes, while still in your Dream World of fearful consciousness, physicality, and your illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, which of course is an illusion, because...I Am "Everywhere"...

What you desire, you perceive, and what you perceive, you experience...shall I say this again, hmm? And these two brothers of yours, desired to come "Home"...My Home of Love Consciousness...more so than remaining in your Dream World...hmm?

And...they backed up their desire with the free-will, given to all individuated Souls...the "choice" to place returning Home to Love Consciousness, and leaving your illusion of fearful consciousness, as thier first priority, oh yes, My Children, their "First Priority"...hmm...

Oh yes, My Children, they placed re-establishing their relationship...their Oneness with Me, your Divine Parent, ahead of the myriad of priorities in your fear-based Dream World, which you apparently have not come to realize...oh no...even though this simple, basic, step back to Bliss has been reduced to the written word for you, in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...hmm?

Do you "get the picture", My Children...hmm?

Let Me, your Divine Parent, say it this way...if you are waiting for Me, to choose to place returning Home to Bliss, by My Side, as your first priority, "for you"...that's not going to happen...oh no, My Children, BECAUSE I GAVE YOU FREE-WILL...

Humanity, as a component of your egoic, fearful a component of your Dream World, like to make Life complicated...hmm? Oh yes, very complicated, and thus far, the ego has suceeded in maintaining control, through a wide variety of egoic based techniques, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...indeed... you want to hear "complicated" in a few sentences...hmm? 

My Children, you are choosing egoic, fearful consciousness, and all of the dark, painful...stressful emotions...over Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes. You are choosing fearful consciousness over Love Consciousness...oh yes...egoic consciousness over Abba Consciousness...fears and dark emotions over Love, and a Conscious, Living, Relationship with Me, your Loving, Divine Parent...hmm? 

How does "that" sound, My Children...hmm? Is that too complicated for you to grasp the decision you...humanity, are making "each day"...hmm...My Children?

Okay, My Children of the Light Divine, individuated Souls one and all, begotten into Love Consciousness, begotten into an eternal, Loving, Blissful, Conscious Realtionship with yours truly...the Beingness of Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...oh yes, the Everywhereness of Love "in" which you exist this very moment...oh yes, within your egoic, fear-based, "Dream World"...

Your choice, My Children...your choice, indeed!

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...





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