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Good Morning My Children

Portal to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love

Monday, June 19, 2023 Blog

Oh yes...indeed...another greeting from your Creator. A greeting most of you, My Children of God, do not think is possible, hmm? Oh, how your perspectives will be altered...will be changing, in not so long of your precious time...hmm...My Children? And then...then, there will be a mad dash, by the millions, to re-establish your relationship with Me, oh yes, My Children...for many, many will finally "believe", oh yes, and I will welcome you all "Home" to the Reality of Perfect Peace, by My Side, oh yes, My Children, of The Source of All...

Hmm...but in the mean-time, oh yes, before the rush, there will be many, many more articles on this, God's Blog, communicatiung My Message of Love...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...oh yes...

And then, of course, there will be what will comprise just about the entire Earthly population, who will "not believe"...not even conceive that such a message can ever be delivered by one of your brothers or sisters, hmm? Oh no, for no one can possibly communicate directly with Me, Abba, your Creator, hmm? Isn't that what you will say, and are saying, as these words are transferred from the Mind of God, My Mind, to the Mind of Michael, a brother, and then, on to a piece of paper, hmm? 

Oh no, no one can actually communicate with Me, Abba...oh no...and oh, how mistaken the population of Earth will be, and of course, the immediate reaction of humanity will be one of fear...oh yes, for "you think" you are human beings, who a field of fear and un-reality, oh yes...a fearful race of beings you are, who live in a "state of fear consciousness"...oh yes, all because you were curious...oh yes...if a state of non-Love...a state of un-God, un-Creator was possible, as I have communicated so many times before, on this, Abba's Blog, hmm? 

Oh...yes..."the news will break"...and interesting phrase...that your Creator is communicating to humanity, for all to read, on your world-wide internet...and what better medium, for My Message of Love will take "form", for all to see, by simply hitting a few keys, oh yes. I will interupt Life of Mother Earth, an experiential dimension of non-reality, oh yes...for any dimension of experience that does not include "conscious" and constant communication with Me, Your Creator, is certainly not reflective of the Reality of My Beingness of Love, Perfect Peace, and Everywhereness...oh yes, My Everywhereness, My Children...for the only way...the only way you can live anywhere...anywhere and every where, My Children, and not have Me by your side, as you say "24/7", is if you live in illusion, hmm?

Think about "that" for a minute or two...or the rest of your current incarnation, when your conscious state...your "conscious state" My Children, will shift into a different dimension, oh yes, a Spiritual Dimension, which is part of the Spiritual Realm, oh yes...and oh my, My Children, you will once again experience the shock of your Divineness...oh yes...your immortal, multi-dimensional "Selves", oh yes, My Children...hmm? 

Ah, but I Am here with you this morning, to discuss what will be, and always has been, hmm? Oh no...I Am "here", in your experiential dimension of fear and physicality, to "shock" you back into the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes...for My Everywhereness of Love, which you can converse with, any time you so not part of your "experiential dimension" of fear and physicality..."oh no"..

"Oh no", indeed, My Children... many ways do you think I, your Creator, can communicate the same message, hmm? For the number of these articles, on your internet, now exceeds one hundred...exceeds one interesting, and humanity simply keeps living as you always have, oblivious to our relationship of Love, oh yes...oblivious to the Reality of My Everywhereness, for if you "believed" in My Presence "within and around you", you surely would change your perspective, hmm?

Oh yes, My Chidren...

And then...then, "Life" on your planet Earth, within your experiential dimension of fear and physicality...within your Dream World (as described by Jeshua ben Joseph), would begin "the change", oh yes..."it" is you say..."you can take that to the bank"...for I Am "here" already, for where else would I be, hmm...My the Spendor of My Everywhereness of Love...hmm? My Everywhereness of Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...

Oh yes, even within your Dream World of fear and Jeshua ben Joseph once said, in his physical his temporary human costume...oh, so very long ago...just as he does "today", My Children, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, some of which you can read or listen to for free...oh yes, on your internet, at, oh yes...and I have a suggestion for you, My human Children, who are not really "human" beings, oh no...for you are just, as you say, "pretending"...temporarily, you are human beings, within your experiential dimension of non-Reality, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine. Pay particluar attention to The Way of Mastery section of, for this is a could even say a "portal to Reality", oh yes...a portal to the Reality of My Eveywhereness of Love and Perfect Peace, oh yes! How grand can a message, My Message of Love, delivered by none other than Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm?

Oh yes, and still, even after such a message has been delivered, My Children, you live in your experiential dimension of fear, anxieties, and illusions...oh yes, the illusions that exclude My Everywhereness of Love...My Everywhereness waiting to communicate with each and everyone of you, My Children...My human Children, oh that you will awaken from your Dream World...slowly at by one, a slow process, indeed. Ahh, but this will change...eventually, in your future, oh yes. There will be mass, instantaneous awakenings to the Everywhereness of My Love and Perfect Peace...but "that" My children is for another your not too distant future, oh yes...for "that", My Children, will be a truly wondrous time in your Dream World, oh yes...indeed.

Your sisters and brothers awakening, in masses, as you continue to slumber in your Dream World of fear, anxieties, and separation from My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes, oh my, and "Life" will go on within your Deam World, oh yes...indeed.

The End...oh yes, the beginning of the end, of your Dream World, My Children of the Everywhereness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace. Oh yes, when the Reality of My Eveywhereness of Love will literally slap you in the face...oh yes, a metaphor of course, but not too far from "Reality", for events beyond your imagination will begin to occur, oh yes...occur for every human to be shocked incorporate into your Dream World...

Oh my, My Children, can you imagine, hmm? A growing portion of your human, Earthly population, living in, and with the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, as the large majority just continue to "dream away" in your illusions of fear and anxieties...oh yes, quite "the event"...the progression from illusion to "Reality"...from judgement and fear consciousness, to allowance and Love Consciousness, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...oh yes, indeed...from the..."oh no", from your illusions, from your human perceptions of reality, which is truly non-Reality...oh yes, to the Reality of My Everywhereness of the entire population...

Oh yes, My Children, a wave of the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love will engulf your experiential dimension of fear and non-reality...oh yes, My Children, "it" is already "here", but you are still "dreaming" it is not...oh my, how interesting, how unique, how unsusual, even in all of Creation, which of course, is Infinite, just as is My Eveywhereness of Love, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...indeed...

Many will try to hold off the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, oh yes...for the hold of your egoic consciousness is quite strong, oh yes...but eventually...eventually My Children, all will awaken from your fear-based illusions of aloneness and separation from Me, your Creator, oh yes, My Children...indeed...

Hmm? How will you spend the interim, hmm...My Children...My Children of the Everywhereness of My Love...hmm? Oh, that's right, you will be in your your experiential your Dream World of fears, anxieties, and separation...your illusions of aloneness from Me, your Divine Parent, oh yes.,..but this to, shall pass...My Children... 

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...

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