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Good Morning My Children

Humanity: "I want Change, But I'm Not Going to Change"

Thursday, June 15, 2023 Blog

"My Children of Love and Light Divine" are you this day...this are you in your experiential dimension of fear, physicality, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, hmm? Divine Parent, oh yes...let us step back for a few minutes, and consider what such a term means..."Divine Parent", hmm...Divine: relating to, or being God. Parent: One that begets or brings forth offspring...Father, who brings up and cares for another. you have any questions for the meaning, then...of "Divine Parent"...hmm? Oh, of course, let Me, "Abba", add one other ingredient...I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...oh yes, an "EVERYWHERENESS of Love", Who begot "you", My Children...

Hmm...yes, yes...I felt it necessary to begin My communication to all of humanity this day...this 1:11 A.M., with a foundational understanding...a we would start from the same place...the same common ground, oh, My Children of Love and Light Divine, I will proceed with My Message of Love, to you this day, in your experiential dimension of Earth...oh yes...are you ready, hmm? 

Make yourselves comfortable, for portions of My Message, this article, on My...God's Blog...will make you uncomfortable...oh yes...for in order to "nudge" some of you, "My Children", towards the Reality of "Who" and "What" you truly are, it is necessary to reveal to you fallacies about who and what you perceive yourselves to be...oh that you may nudge your self-identity closer to the Truth of Reality, and a step...maybe even two, away from your current preceived identification of yourselves...hmm? Oh yes...

Hmm...where shall we begin...hmm? Oh I and your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, communicate over, and over again, "you", My Children, live in illusion...oh yes..."the illusion" you are "human beings"...fear-based, "human beings", within the physical, third dimension of planet Earth, of yes...this is your "perceived Reality", and as I, and Jeshua, have conveyed in your regard, your perceptions do not always represent your Reality, and when it comes to how you identify yourselves, this is most definitely your "Reality", oh yes... 

And proceeding on...oh yes...even if a portion of the Earthly, human population, perceive...identify yourselves, as My Children...Multi-Dimensional Children, who reside in the Spiritual Realm, in between your physical incarnations on Mother Earth, you perceive your fears and separation from Me, your Divine Parent, are truly your "Reality", along with the perception...hmm...there is that word again, My Children...the perception My Everywhereness is not part of your Reality...oh yes...for I Am eveywhere, at every time, literally..."literally" My Children...My Divine Children...oh yes...literally impossible for you to be anywhere, in any dimension, in all of Creation, where I Am not...oh can, as you might say, on Mother can never..."never", My Children, be a place I Am not...which means, My Children, you can never be "alone"...never be alone My Children..." impossibility", oh yes, for I Am with your always, indeed! Indeed, My Children, oh yes...and from prior articles, we know what "indeed" means, oh yes...

"My Children", can you do Me, your Divine Parent, a small favor, hmm? Can you please try to appreciate, if only for a few minutes...and then...then, My Children, for the rest of your current incarnation, what My introduction means, My Children, hmm? Just for a few minutes..."please"...I, The Source of All, Am always "with you"..."always", My Children, looking over you...waiting to provide you with guidance through your fear-based, experiential dimension...oh yes, as first spoken by Jeshua ben Joseph...through your "Dream World" of separation from Me, Abba, and back Home, to the Reality of Love, Perfect Peace, and Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent, oh yes...My Children...oh yes. Ponder those words, ponder that message, absorb the "Reality" that awaits you all...oh yes, every last one of you, My Children...every last Soul...oh yes...for I LOVE and all..."Unconditionally", oh yes...without condition...or conditions...oh need not follow any religious rules, or required behavioral patterns, for Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent, oh no...

For all you need to do, My Divine Children, for Perfect Union with Me, is to own, to live in "that Reality" of Our Oneness...oh yes, My are not...and never can be, "alone"..."never"...

Oh yes, you are never "alone", unless of course, you accept the illusion that you are...hmm? Do you accept, and live, within the confines of your Dream World, that you are somehow separated from Me, you have been conditioned to live since birth, hmm?...within your current, "temporary" physical incarnation on Mother Earth...hmm? Oh yes, if not (conditioned) by your parents, then by your human culture and society, which "you chose" to incarnate into...hmm, My Children? For I gave you free-will, My Children, oh yes, to have whatever experiences you desire to create...oh yes...and you desired to incarnate into your Dream World on Mother Earth...oh yes. Mind-boggling is it not...hmm, My Children? Into your illusion of fear, negative emotions, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent, Who is but Love...hmm?

Oh yes, "mind-boggling", indeed, for you perceive your Earthly Dream World is "Reality", oh yes, My perceive your Dream World is "Reality", and that you are human beings...oh yes...

Well, My Children Divine, the only...the only, single way for your Dream World on Mother Earth, in your temporary human costumes, to be your "Reality", is if you perceive "it" all as an illusion...a Dream World...hmm, My Children...and you know what an illusion is, don't you My Children...hmm? Something that is "not real"...oh yes, oh mind-boggling, hmm, My Children...hmm?

I hope I have "shocked" you, My Children..."hope", an interesting word for The Source of All to use, is it not...hmm? But, let us not go "there"...yes..."shock" portions of your human population into awakening from your Dream World...awakening from your illusions of fear and separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...oh yes...

My Children, do you know what you could do (and can do) anytime you desire...hmm...My Children..."My Children"...and I Love the sound of that, oh yes. You could ask Me for guidance...oh yes. You could ask Me for guidance...guidance on how to navigate through your Dream World of fears and illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...hmm...My Children...and then, back to the "Real Reality", My Children...the "Reality" nothing...not one single thing, which you fear, could actually harm you in any way...hmm? For how can any event in a dream do permanent damage...hmm?

Do you "get it", My Children...hmm? Try to absorb and comprehend "that", oh yes...please...that is, if you so desire to end your illusions of fear, anxieties, and separation from Love...True Love, that is...Unconditional, Pure, Infinite Love...for that is what I Am, your Divine Parent...hmm? Do you My Children...hmm?

Or...or do you desire to remain in your Dream World a bit longer...hmm? The choice is entirely yours, My Children of the Light Divine...hmm? Oh yes, even though part of your Dream World is that "it" is not your choice...oh yes...quite the illusion, indeed...

Oh yes, you can choose to return to the Reality of My Love...return to Perfect Union with I, Abba, The Source of All...oh yes...but then...then, My Children, you understand what "that" would mean, My Children...hmm? You would have to begin the process of retraining your mind, your Beingness, from identifying with your human costume and Dream World...hmm...oh yes...are you ready...hmm? To retrain your mind and identify...and "own" the Reality, which I have described...hmm? article, after article, after article, hmm...My Children? Oh yes...

So...My Children...what steps towards "enlightenment" have you really taken...hmm? For you remain in your self-created darkness...oh yes...the darkness of your ego's...the darkness of your egoic consciousness...oh yes...the perception that you are "alone", and must figure everything out for yourselves...hmm, My Children? 

Your perceived "Reality", that you are somehow separated from Me, often due to illusions of low self-worth, and are unable to obtain guidance from Me, Abba, anytime you so desire..."anytime" My Children...oh yes, just ask Michael, or study and practice the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, oh yes...both sources...both brothers, will say the same things, oh yes, My Children...and do you want to know why, hmm, My Children of the Light Divine? Because, they see your Dream World on Mother Earth as "non-reality"...oh illusion...whereas, you do not...hmm...and "that" is, how do you say, in your Earthly Dream World of illusions...a "huge difference", oh yes, My Children...hmm? 

Can you imagine living without fear, anxieties, and negative emotions...hmm? Can you imagine living in your Dream World, and living as though it is "non-reality"...hmm? How do you think Jeshua ben Joseph "walked through" his crucifixion, hmm? No easy task, when he was surrounded by sisters and brothers who perceived it as "Reality"...oh yes, My Children..."that" required a "retraining of the Mind", oh yes...indeed...

How do you think your brother Michael, channels My Message of Love, each week, and posts these articles to an internet site, on your world-wide web...hmm? Oh yes, each and every week, a process that will not cease, even when your bother passes into the Spiritual Realm, to be by My Side...oh yes...for he is already "there", consciously, for he lives in the Reality of "My Everywhereness"...oh yes, My Children...I Am Everywhere..."Love is Everywhere"...and you are choosing something else...oh yes, your egoic Dream World, in your human costumes, oh yes, My Children...

Non-reality or the Reality of Love...hmm? Judgement and fear, or..."it is what it is" and Love...hmm? Think about "that" My Children...for you are currently choosing non-reality, hmm..

How does "that" feel, My Children...hmm? How do your fears, anxieties, and illusion of aloneness feel...hmm? Have you had enough...or not...hmm? It is your choice, My Children...

Oh yes, many are literally "stuck" in your illusions..."stuck" in your Dream World...oh yes, My Children. I hear your cries, at least from some of you, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...I hear...I want to come "Home", and I am never...never coming back here again...oh no...I'm never coming back into a temporary human costume to experience "this" is simply too painful...I'm never coming back...

Do you kinow how many times I have heard those words..."I'm never coming back"...oh my, I would not be surprised if one day that becomes the human motto...oh yes..."I'm never coming back"...

Well, My Children, those who profess such a desire...such a perspective, what are you doing about it, hmm? 

Not much, My say you want change...but what do you change...hmm, My Children?..."Nothing". You say you want change, but you do not change do not change how you live, you do not change your routines, you do not change your beliefs, your values, and on and on. How strange, My Children. Do you see the conflict...the hypocrisy...hmm? "I want change, but I'm not going to change"...hmm? 

Do you "get it", what do the few, who actually start making changes, change...hmm? How do you know what the best changes are...hmm? How many self-help books and seminars, by people who veiw your Dream World as "Reality", are you going to spend your time and money on...hmm? Think about "that" for a few minutes...hmm...what is your saying on Earth..."the blind leading the blind"...oh yes... 

Oh...and there is a small portion of the human population, who actually seek out a source who recognizes you Dream World as non-reality..."non-reality", My Children...have you ever seen "that" in one of your advertisements...hmm? I think not...back to the "blind leading the blind"...

And what happens, My Children, when you follow the advice and guidance of sisters and brothers who view your Dream World as "Reality"...hmm? What happens? Do you re-establish your conscious relationship with Me, your Divine Parent...hmm? Do you start receiving My Guidance, every day, on how to retrain your mind...and navigate your Dream World back...back to "the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love"...My Love...the same place you were before..."before" you decided to try egoic, fear-based consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...hmm...because you were curious if such a state of "Beingness" was possible...hmm?

And then what happend, My Children...hmm? You proceeded to get lost in fear-based, egoic consciousness, as in "so lost", you could not find your way back to the conscious awareness of My Everywhereness of Love...oh yes...on my, indeed...

Do you know anyone who has found their way back to My Everywhereness of Love, hmm? Who fulfills their function...their purpose...who functions as a medium for the extension of the Everywhereness of Love, hmm? The extension of the Everywhereness of Love into your Dream World...hmm? I suggest, My Children, you should consider asking such a Soul, such a sister or brother, for directions...hmm?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...




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