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Good Morning My Children

Home, Light & Love or Ego, Darkness & Fear?

Saturday, November 19, 2022 Blog

A new time has come to planet Earth and with it...a new wave of education and understanding...a wide-spread and accepted manner in which to inter-act with Me...Abba...your Creator...yes...mind-boggling I know...for there has not been an open and very public forum for the Creative Source of the Universe to communicate and converse with My Children...the so-called "Children of God"...and I desire to "re-frame your identity" for Our future communications and relationships...yes...many...many...millions will have an open, free flowing relationship with Me...The Source of All...either directly, or as you may say...indirectly, through some of "you"...humanity...the conscious extension of the pre-eminent creative energy in the Universe...Love! For that is what I Am...which simply means at your core...your essence is just as I Am...Pure Love and Perfect Peace...Bliss...your essence is "Bliss"...

And many...when they first hear of this internet site, where the Creator is talking to humanity, will react with disbelief...and that is as it should be, for never before has such a forum existed on your your dimension of experience...and that My Children is a much more accurate description of where you preceive yourselves as a dimension of experience...for that is what comprises "Creation" infinite number of dimensions of experience...and for what purpose some will inquire?

And that purpose would be to experience everything the Mind can imagine...everything the Mind can imagine My Children...adventure after adventure...with no end...for there is no end to eternity...but there is a common thread of experience throughout Creation...a universal theme I believe you would call it...and that Universal Theme is experiencing Love in everyway the Mind can imagine...and of course "create"...

And My Children of the Light...and the Light is Love (for those who have not read all of the articles in this, God's Blog)...your imagination is what has created the Earth dimension of fear-based experiences...a truly unique, wonder of wonder, even within the Universe of never ending dimensional experiences, that you have to choose from... 

And even though My next few statements will be met with fear and confusion by some...please know that I Love you more than you can imagine...and that is saying something...and no matter what you experience within your Earth dimension...whatever it may are always safe...for any "perceived" harm or injury is simply that...a "perception"..."an illusion"...simply to have experience...for that is one of the endless things that the Mind can do...create experiences based on the creative nature of the Mind...which in your vernacular...should be referred to as "The Universal Mind"...but...that is another subject... 

Let us return to the message of this matter what fear-based events that you experience within the Earth matter how dreadful and horrifying your experiences are "perceived" to be...and there is that word again...and that very pivotal phrase..."perceived to be"...the egoic, fear-based, Earth dimension of experience had a beginning, a middle, and the ending is underway

And it matters not whether you have chosen to experience the entirety of the fear-based, Earth dimension of experience...or just portions are safe...and always will be safe...because you always return to "The Light"...and the Light is Love...My Love...

An analogy for your egoic, fear-based dimension of experience is that of an amusement park. When any child enters an amusement park, with one hundred rides...each of which supplies a unique experience...the child will often choose to experience every ride, with no desire to return "Home" until all of those experiential possibilities...all of those experiential sensations have been know, felt, realized and lived... 

And the egoic, fear-based, Earth dimension has many and varied experiential possibilities...which you are feeling, realizing, and living at this very moment...

As it has been well documented, and even discussed in prior artilces, humanity is waking up to the Reality that consciousness does not end with what is called "physical death"...and where do you go after the body-brain no longer functions as a vehicle of experience for your fear-based Earth go into "The Light"...and "The Light" is your "Home"..."it" is where you come from...and it is where you will always return... 

For it matters not what fear-based experiences you have in your fear-based Earth dimension...they will always have a beginning, and they will all have an end...but your Home in The Light is forever! 

As mind-boggling as you may initially perceive, your egoic, fear-based, experiential dimension is coming to an end...but...please...know that even when your fear-based dimension of physicality has been transformed into an extension of the Love and Light of your Home, you will be off on another phase of your never ending experiential journey...for you have no end...and the experiential dimensions available for you to choose from are infinite...  

There truly remains only one question for you to ponder...when will you decide to return Pure Love and Percect"Bliss"? Does that not sound very nice...or I guess that is a bit of an understatement...does that not sound outrageously wonderful...wonderful beyond belief...and many will say "yes" to all of the above...but know, as you already know deep within your Soul, that you will know, feel, realize and live in The Light once again...

The only question is...when...when will you choose to return Home...for you can wait until the body-brain stops functioning as an experiential vehicle...or you can follow in the footsteps that Jeshua ben Joseph took two thousand years I, and I Am but Love, have discussed often within this, God's Blog...the choice is yours...for I gave you free will...start your journey Home now by studying and practicing The Way of Mastery...or continue to have egoic, fear-based experiences?  


And please know that the ego is an expert at maintaining the status quo...maintaining its fear-based life-style...your free-based creating more fear...for that is what the ego does...for unless you live in The Light of Pure Love and Perfect Peace every moment of every you Bliss 24/ are subjecting yourself to some aspect of fear-based living...making many decisions motivated by egoic fear...rather than being guided by Love...and I Am but Love...

Hmm...I think there is a message for you in that last sentence...

For until you open up a active line of communication with Me, your Divine Parent, how can I guide you in all things?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of Al...




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