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Good Morning My Children

Today...Jeshua's Students Say They Do, But Do Not Live as He Teaches

Monday, June 12, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, here we are again, in your "experiential dimension", called the 3rd dimension of Mother Earth...oh yes, My Children, indeed...and you know what the word "indeed" means, don't you My Children of the Light Divine...for it means that whatever is being discussed "must be", oh yes...and you find yourselves in an "experiential dimension", which simply means a dimension for a particular kind of experience, and in your particular case, My Children, you chose, oh yes..."you chose" a dimension of illusion...oh yes...a dimension of the illusions of physicality, fear, and separation from Me, your Creator, oh yes...and I have, and will continue, to devote all of these articlces, within God's Blog, to both discussing your current, illusionary status quo, and also how to remove yourselves from illusion, and into conscious...oh yes, the "conscious awareness of the Reality of My Love, and it's EVERYWHERENESS"... 

Hmm...what perspective...what context might nudge...I like that word of yours, oh yes, "nudge", which means to move a little...nudge you towards the "Reality of the EVERYWHERENESS of My Love", oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...

Hmm...I have already conveyed considerable information on this, God's Blog, which answers most of your "Big Questions" in one way or another, and...well, My Children, I do not see much movement towards the Reality of the EVERYWHERENESS of Love...oh no...Life goes on as usual in your experiential dimension, oh yes...fear and physicality dominate your landscape...

Even the Souls who profess to follow The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, do so to a very tepid degree, oh yes..."tepid"...or to a moderate degree, or half heartily..."half heartily" My Children..."half heartily", "really" My Children, you follow the teachings of the Enlightened Jeshua ben Joseph half heartily...oh my, My Children of the Light Divine, "that" is not going to ever be sufficient to nudge you into the Reality of My EVERYWHERENESS, oh no...and this is all quite evident, if you discuss the results of their professed dedication to the Contemporary Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, oh yes, indeed...for the teachings say one thing, one direction, one result, whereas, the lives of these students, of Jeshua ben Joseph, convey something quite in the alleged dedication, to the Contemporary Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, are largely only in word, and not a matter of changes in lifestyle, in belief, in modification to the perceived illusions of humanity, oh no...for Jeshua ben Joseph teaches the re-establishment of your relationship with "yours truly", the EVERYWHERENESS of Pure, Unconditional, Infinite LOVE, oh yes...and how many incarnated Souls say they communicate with Me, Abba, consciously each of your days, hmm...My Children of the Light Divine...hmm? How many? 

I know of only, My Children...the one through whom I speak this very moment, oh yes, and do you know how many so-called dedicated students of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary Teachings have inquired of the one...this one, fellow incarnated Soul and brother, "how have you re-established your relationship with Abba, The Source of All", you know how many My Children? "Zero"...oh my, none have asked this question, My Children... 

What does this tell you about yourselves...about the state of affairs in your illusions of fear, physicality, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent...hmm? What? What does "that" tell you, hmm? 

I know what it tells Me, oh yes, for within Jeshua ben Joseph's, The Way of Mastery, he attempts to convey to all his incarnated sisters and brothers, that the re-establishment of your conscious relationship with Me, Abba, only occurs consistently, as part of your everyday lifestyle, "if" it is made the first priority...oh yes...your "first priority"... 

Ah yes, we have thousands of incarnated Souls, studying the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, but only one who has made "owning" and "living" those teachings as his first priority, hmm...and you think you understand what such a status quo you not My Children...hmm? Oh yes, you read the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, but you do not live, practice, and as you say on Mother Earth, "own them"...oh no, you don't "identify" with them, for you do not live and own the message of Jeshua ben Joseph...that you are his equal..."equal" My Children, for you still believe and live your lives as though he is not your equal, oh when he suggests to you that you think, and believe, and live in certain ways...humanity says..."oh yes, Jeshua, that all sounds wonderful...maybe someday...oh yes, "someday", but not today..."not today"...My Children of the Light Divine, because you are somehow not up to living and believing as Jeshua ben Joseph does this day, and also did two thousand years ago, when he walked among you...hmm, My Children of the Light Divine? 

When are you going to say "today", My Children..."today I am going to do whatever it takes (1st priority) to believe and live as Jeshua ben Joseph does, and did, two thousand years ago"...hmm?

When are you going to make the shift in consciousness...shift in lifestyle....shift in self-identification, hmm, My Children...shift in priority? For you see My Children, you are still listening to the "wrong voice"...which tells you all sorts of untruths and lies, oh listen to the voice of the ego within...the voice that has convinced you it is looking out for your highest and greatest good, oh yes, My Children...the voice telling you that you are moving towards "enlightenment", oh yes, and twenty years later...twenty or more years, have you re-established your "conscious relationship with Me, your Creator", hmm? Are you fulfilling your primary purpose, hmm? Are you living as a channel and medium for My Everywhereness of Love, hmm, My Children...are you?

So, My Children, if you are not communicating with Me, each day..."each day", My Children, as taught by Jeshua ben Joseph, and you are not following My Guidance each day, oh yes...the Guidance of the Still Small Voice of Love within...deep within your Souls', then how can you profess to be a student of Jeshua ben Joseph...hmm...My Children? You cannot, which, My Children of the Light Divine, should raise a very telling question for you to consider...than, "what voice" are you receiving guidance from...hmm? Who or what voice is dominating your decision-making process...for it is certainly not I, your Divine Parent, and I Am but LOVE, My Children, oh yes...the very "Everywhereness of Love" I have been discussing, and Jeshua ben Joseph teaches, oh yes... 

What voice, My Children? What voice do you listen to? What voice guides you each day? What inner voice dominates your decisions...hmm? Is it the voice of the ego, My Children...oh yes, it is the voice of deceit and untruths, for that is the only voice your ego has...oh my, you are listening to the voice of fear, which of course, is the voice of illusion..."illusion" My Children...hmm...and you understand what "this" means, My Children of the Light Divine? You live your lives in the illusions of the ego, oh yes..."swallow that" Reality, My Children, and tell Me, your Creator, how it tastes, hmm? Are you choking and gagging, in the "Reality" of your lives, My Children, hmm? 

How do you enjoy living your lives based on illusion, hmm? The illusions, the lies, the untruths your egos tell you each and every day, oh yes..."everyday", My Children, and often, "every moment", oh yes. 

And "here" we are again, My Children...for we have been "here" before, oh yes...many times within this, My Blog..."God's Blog" it is called. Are you going to deny the "Reality" of your egoic illusions, and maintain your status quo...oh yes, make no changes, because your ego has you convinced you are headed in the right direction in Life, oh yes...the same egoic voice that tells you constant and ongoing communications with Me, your Creator, is not possible...the exact opposite of what Jeshua ben Joseph teaches in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, My Children...the same Children of the Light Divine that profess to be dedicated students of Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm?

How curious...maybe we should pause for a few minutes, and focus this discussion on this "glaring contradiction"...oh yes, let us do that... 

There are many Souls who profess to be dedicated students of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, and even Souls who say they have read those teachings, or portions thereof, understand them...and have "moved on" to other things...hmm...but in both cases, they are not living in the "Reality" that they are not living as an Enlightened Soul teaches...oh no...

They (or you), have been convinced by your egoic voice within, that you have decided to take a different path in Life, oh have chosen to live your lives as guided by your egos, oh my, My Children...lives based on the illusions of fear and separation from Me, your Divine Parent...for "this" is how the ego...your ego exists, hmm...on illusions...illusions you ego has convinced you are "Real". Your lives are immersed in egoic illusions, and you are not going to pursue major changes...hmm? Or...the always popular egoic alternative, you are going to "deny" you live in illusions...egoic illusions...hmm?

Oh my...okay...humanity is not yet done with the Reality of your curiousity, which created your ego..."is it possible to create something unlike Abba, for Abba is everywhere"...which, as we have discussed before, is saying, "is it possible to live in the illusion we are separated from our Creator, and alone"...hmm, let's see if we can create "that"...and My Children, "that" is exactly what you created...fear-based, egoic existence, within your fear-based, physical, experiential dimension of Earth...when in "Reality", My Children of the Light Divine, I created you to be neither fear-based or physical beings, oh no...I created you in My Image...Spirits of Love..."Spirits of Love" My Children, oh yes...and "here you are", in your temporary, fear-based, physical, experiential dimension, dominated by your ego's, and the illusion of separation from your Creator...hmm? 

How many ways can I describe your status many ways can I, your Creator, tell you that your path back to the "Reality of Love" was discovered and lived by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago...hmm?

And that this enlightened path back to the Reality of the Everywhereness of My Love was not, a component of Christianity...oh yes, another egoic creation...for Christianity says, "Christianity was taught by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago"...hmm...another lie, another egoic untruth, for "if" Christianity is correct...then why does Christianity and its New Testament not mirror the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...hmm?  Why, My Children? 

Hmm...have I, your Creator, your Divine Parent, Who Loves you more than you can conceptualize, told you this Christian illusion...hmm? No... 

Hmm...who has told you the illusion you are separated from My Eveywhereness of Love? Who has told you that you can never enter My Kingdom if you do not follow certain rules, and do not sin? Who has convinced you that you are not worthy of an eternal, never-ending, relationship with your Divine Parent, even while you temporarily occupy a human form...hmm? What did you create, so you could experience the illusion of non-Me...of non-Love? Oh, that's right, you created the used your free-will, to create the illusions of fear-based consciousness, and its illusion of separation from I, your Divine Parent, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Everywhereness of Love, oh yes. One and the same with the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...both today, and two thousand years ago...only much of what he taught two thousand years ago is not part of what is "promoted" as his authentic teachings, call "Christianity", oh no...

This is no "big secret" has never certainly was not a secret two thousand years ago, when there was the authentic Jeshua movement, promoted by his inner circle, know as "The Way"...and the counterfeit version, called "Christianity"... 

Yes, I know, this often comes as a big shock to some Christians, but such is Life on Earth...the egoic, experiential dimension of Earth, who every Christian Soul decided to incarnate an attempt to "experience the impossible" experience Life without Me, your Divine it is very natural...predictable...that their egoic voice within, would "deny" the validity of this message, in this Blog, My Blog...your Creator's and Divine Parent's Blog, and that's okay, live in illusion as long as you like...the illusion of all your egoic, dark emotions...oh yes, and your illusion of separation from the Everywhereness of My Love...

Hmm..."dream on", My Children...dream your dream of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, oh yes..."the dream", the illusion of separation from My Eveywhereness...quite the dream, indeed!

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...



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