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Good Morning My Children

The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love

Friday, June 9, 2023 Blog

Oh yes...My Children of God...oh yes, another day on Mother Earth are we...oh yes, for I Am with you each day in your physical dimension...oh yes, you think not, for that is part of your illusionary existence, and yet, here I Am, on God's Blog, writing away another article, another part of My Message of Love to humanity, the race of Beingness that "perceives" its illusion of separation from its Creator is "Reality", oh yes...quite the illusion, indeed, and yet, live you do, in your human forms..."bodies" you call them, oh yes...temporary they are, the bodies that is, whereas your Souls, your Spirits, have no end, and for that matter, no beginning either, for this is part of the Mystery of Life, oh yes...Mystery, indeed...

What shall we ponder this morning...hmm? What shall I, Abba, your Creator, attempt to educate humanity about, for many humans do not even believe that I, The Source of All exist...much less communicate to all of humanity on your world-wide internet, oh yes...and this is just the first installment, the first medium, within your Earth dimension, where I, Abba, Who is but LOVE...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, will be communicating to all of humanity in your experiential dimension of fear and physicality, oh yes...for you have other media outlets..."social media" I believe you call them, that many humans...that many of My Children use to communicate to portions of humanity, oh will be quite the phenomenon within your experiential dimension, oh yes...indeed...

The Source of All, communicating to all of humanity, on your social media, oh yes, quite the phenomenon, indeed...and most will not "believe" initially, oh yes...many...most will not believe it is really I, Abba, but...with the passing of time, and various related events, which I will convey in advance, oh yes..."convey in advance" My Children...significant, major events, within your experiential dimension of fear and physicality...then..."then", many will realize...begin to "believe" it is really I, oh yes, and then, I will be, as you say, "Big News" everywhere, oh yes...that is a production that, as you say, you can take to the bank.

Oh event in your future, where there will not longer be any "doubters"...for prediction after prediction, which manifests itself in your experiential dimension, will be of such magnitude, and an undeniable influence in your Dream World, oh yes, I like that description..."Dream World"...that it will not be possible to deny My Message of Love, oh yes...My Message of Reality, that your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, first began communicating to you, humanity, two thousand years ago, oh yes...for well known, famous portions of My Message of Love were conveyed through the form of Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, as I, Abba, have previously communicated on this, God's Blog, oh yes. You would like an example would you, hmm...some of you, My Children of the Light Divine...hmm?  

Okay, so it shall be, so it already in the form, the message of Jeshua ben Joseph, known as The Sermon on the Mount, oh yes...for Jeshua ben Joseph was, as you say, "channeling" Me, Abba, oh yes...Jeshua ben Joseph was fulfilling the purpose for which all Souls, all Spirits were "Created", oh yes..."Sprits" are you, My Children, Spirits of Love, and yet, many...most "perceive"..."identify yourselves" as your human beings, oh yes...oh my, quite the illusion, indeed, My Children...that has been going on for so, so very long, but this shall eventually pass, oh yes, this era of humanity believing your temporary, human experience of fears and physicality represent "Reality", oh yes...oh my...quite the "mistaken identity", indeed, My Children of the Light Divine...for you are yet to awaken to the Reality of these words from your Creator. Oh...but as Jeshua ben Joseph once long ago, in your experiential dimension, when he spoke from one of your human forms, "this too shall pass", oh yes, indeed...  

Jeshua ben Joseph, and his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, are simply another installment of My Message of Love, as are these artilces on My Blog..."God's Blog", it is called...

When will it become popular to pay attention to My Message of Love, conveyed through numerous human forms, hmm? When will "that" first appear on your nightly news programs, hmm? Oh my, My Children of the Light Divine, "when" will "that" occur? It is going to be quite the surprise, as the human audience hears that I, your Creator, are "here", in your experiential dimension, "here" on your planet Earth, delivering My Message of Love, on your world-wide internet, and...and, My Children, on your social media, oh yes...are you ready for "that" My Children...oh no, I think not... 

No...for many will initially deny such a thing is possible, oh yes, "impossible" many will say, for oh, so many reasons My Children, oh yes. Many of your so-called world leaders will deny My Message of Love, which I will be delivering via numerous human forms, oh yes, indeed...for they will refuse to give up their illusion of power and control, oh yes...the human ego must have the illusion of control, oh, there will be what will be major investigations into the phenomenon, the "Reality" of "My Reality", communicating through numerous human forms, oh yes...just as I communicate through this one called Michael, the first of many, oh surrender to My Message of Love, surrender control of his human form, so that I, Abba, may communicate through his energy field...through his Soul, through his temporary human form...oh yes...through his very Beingness of Love, that masquerades as a human being, oh yes..."masquerades"...a good and appropriate description, indeed...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine... 

Oh yes, this body, this human body, through which I Am speaking this morning, is a bit weary, indeed...for multiple times each week, in your early morning hours, I ask this Soul, the Spirit, this Extension of Self, if it is willing to allow Me, your Creator, to convey My Message...and each time My request is not denied, oh yes, a very willing Child of God, indeed, is this one. What will I call him...oh yes, "an example" of what is to manifest by the thousands...and then, millions within your experiential dimension, oh yes...and it will be quite the struggle, which will, as you say, "be over before it begins", for the human ego is illusion, oh yes...part of your illusionary world on Mother Earth, versus "the Reality of My Beingness of Love", which of course, is everywhere..."everywhere" My Children. Have you tired of hearing that portion of My Message...My Message of Reality, that is at odds with your "egoic illusion" of separation from Me, Abba...which of course is simply an impossibility...oh yes, "impossible" indeed...

And yet...and yet...this impossibility of My Everywhereness...My a portion of the message of your human ego's, oh yes...but...but, My Children, this too shall pass, and even the ego will eventually...eventually, My Children, succumb to the Reality of My Everywhereness, oh yes...and you then join the portion of Creation where My "Everywhereness" is acepted as "Reality", oh yes...the Reality I Am Everywhere, although not always visible, recognizable to the human eye, oh no...and yet, you cannot see the air you breathe, now can you, My Children...and yet, "there" you do find Me, Abba, your Creator, a portion of the Infinite Field of Love, a portion of My Beingness, a portion of My Spirit that is "Everywhere", oh yes...

Just ask Michael...just ask Jeshua ben Joseph...or just read Jeshua's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...or, you can wait for the undeniable events of My Beingness, and Its Infinteness', oh yes...not far into your future...oh no...not far, indeed...

And then, "then", the masses will "believe", oh yes, they will believe Me, and My Message of Love, for "then", there will be nothing deniable for the ego to hold onto, oh no...and then, My Children, do you know what happens "then", the human ego will slowly recede from the human experience, oh yes...and the Reality of My Everywhereness...the Reality of My Love will rise up to dominate your Earth plane, oh yes...once and for all...for there will be no other choice for the ego to hold onto, oh no..."Reality" My Children...the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of all...





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