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Good Morning My Children

I, Your Creator, Am Like a Parent Watching Their Child at the Playground, Waiting for Their Child to Say "I've Had Enough, it's Time To Go Home (to Love)"

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, indeed...another day on Mother Earth...another day of illusions...another day, day after day, where the Children of God will pretend to be human...human beings, oh is quite the site to see from the Spiritual Realm...oh yes, like some huge costume party...well, maybe not a party...but, an event when everyone, every Soul, every Spirit attending has a costume on...a human costume, as they play their part in the Dream World that has been created, produced as it were, on Mother Earth, oh yes...quite the production, indeed...

And this production, this Earthly Dream World, has been going on for quite sometime...oh yes, this human costume event, of sorts, has been, and will continue to be, an adventure unparalleled in all of Creation, oh yes, and Creation is infinite... 

Unparalleled indeed...six billion Souls, six billion Spirits, six billion Children of God, if I may use such a term, pretending they are physical beings, in a physical dimension, with fears and dramas of every category imaginable, oh yes..."Reality" to the human inhabitants, and yet, Reality in word alone, for the human experience was intended to be "perceived as Reality"...oh yes, quite the illusion, indeed...

Oh yes, and as the human inhabitants of the Earthly experiential dimension read these words...they say to say to yourselves...what is this person talking about...hmm? What illusion, what Dream World, what event where every soul has on a human costume, and the belief that fear, and the entire gambit of dark emotions is "perceived as Reality"...

"Reality"...really...oh my...if the Dream World on Mother Earth is perceived as "Reality", then your "perceived Reality" is the illusions of all illusions...a Dream World unmatched in all of Creation, oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...and why are you called...why do I, your Creator, refer to you as Beings of the Light Divine, hmm? Because that is Who and What you truly are...oh yes. Have you not ever seen one of your aura photographs, hmm? You are surrounded by a field of Light, are you not...hmm? And this Light, My Children, is not only on the outside of your physical costumes, it permeates your physical bodies too...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, oh yes...

In fact, your physical costumes...or "bodies" as you call them, are simply a coagulation of...a coalescence of, your Light Bodies...oh yes, a manifestation of the Infinite Field of Love, which comprises what is often referred to as "Creation"...oh yes, the mutli-dimensional expanse that is "Infinite"...incomprehensible to your human minds, as it were...oh yes, beyond your abiility to conceptualize, and yet, "Reality", oh yes, indeed...

For there is "no separation" My Children of the Light, for every thing in Creation is "connected", oh yes...part of The One Field of Love that is Infinite, with no beginning and no top or limitation My Children...but rather, "limitless"...oh yes, I Am a Limitless Field of Love, beyond your imagination, and within My Limitlessness, you My Children...well, a portion of My Children, have created your Dream World...your experiential dimension of fear and physicality, which you refer to as "the third dimension of planet Earth"...a mere spec in all of Creation...oh yes...that about sums up your "perceived Reality", My Children of the Light Divine...oh yes...

How does "that" make you feel...hmm...when your Creator, Abba I Am called, quantifies the experiential dimension of fear and physicality, which humanity refers to...believes..."perceives as Reality", when it is anything but "Reality", oh yes...for Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spirits "perceive" themselves...identify thenselves as mortal, temporary, physical beings..."human beings" you call yourselves...who also believe..."perceive" that all of your fears and anxieties are "Real"...oh my...and you question...are confused by, the use of the term "Dream World", when used to describe your experiential dimension...hmm...your temporary, fear-based, experiential dimension...hmm?

Let Me, your Creator, "God", you sometimes call Me, sum up your existence in your experiential dimension of fear and physicality...your "Dream World", as first employed by Jeshua ben Joseph, within what is now known in your Dream World as The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes...your Dream World was, and is, your attempt to "create"...oh yes..."create" My Children, for you are Creators, one and all, just like Me...your attempt to create something "unlike Me"...which of course, would be "unlike Love", for that, if only expressed in a few words, is "What" and Who" I Am...Love indeed...Infinite, Unconditional, without a beginning or end...

And of course, anything "unlike Me", your Creator, your Divine Parent, as it were, would be, for lack of a better description, would be the opposite of Me...the opposite of Reality...the opposite of Love, and "that" would be the "illusion"..."the illusion of fear", oh yes...  

Please note My emphasis on the word...the parameter, of the term "illusion", for that is what fear is, and will always be, for I Am everyhwere...oh yes, as I have conveyed so often, within this, God's Blog, oh yes...and just to repeat this Reality...if I Am Love, and I Am everywhere, literally, throughout Creation, which of course is "infinite", then the only way...the only way My Children, to experience fear, and all of your dark emotions, is if they are all illusions...hmm..."the only way"...hmm? The only way...  

Jeshua ben Joseph explains this to all of you...all of humanity, within his Contemporary and Channled Teachings...oh yes, and it is, as you say, in your Dream World of fear and physicality, "mind-boggling", oh yes, "incomprehensible", which is why so many have "attempted" to read, to comprehend his contemporary teachings, only to not comprehend their "Reality"...just as most who read these words, this Message of Love, from your Creator, do not comprehend My message, oh no...for your intention, your desire, was to try ..."try" My Children, to create and experience something "unlike" Me...unlike Love, unlike "Reality"...hmm?

Oh yes..."mind-boggling" indeed, My Chidren, quite "the creation", your Dream World, oh yes, a human race of beings, who have been "conditioned", raised since physical birth, which of course does not parallel the birth of your Souls, to believe your fear-based dimension of physicality is "Reality"...oh yes, My Children..."quite the creation", "quite the illusion", oh yes...

And to proceed, in haste, to the beginning of the end of your Dream World, for everything that begins in time, ends in time, oh yes, many have called out, oh yes, many of your human brothers and sisters have called out..."I have had enough of the fears and dark emotions, I cannot take this any longer, what am I to do?"...oh yes, My Children, some of you "have had enough" of your Dream World of fear and physicality...

I have heard your cries...your sisters and brothers, at My side, have heard your cries...oh yes, and the path, back to the Reality of Love, out of your Dream World, has been created, oh yes. Jeshua ben Joseph discovered this path back to the Reality of Love, and out of your Dream World...out of your human Dream World, two thousand years ago...oh yes...and you did not, using your vernacular, "get it" then...oh no...he tried, but humanity did not comprehend his message of Love...just as many are incapable, temporarily, to comprehend My Blog today...for you remain lost in your Dream World..."lost", as in, you perceive your Dream World as "Reality"..."Reality" My Children...on my... 

The only way for you to perceive "Reality"...the "Real Reality" if you view your experiential dimension of fear and physicality, your Dream World, as "non-reality" an illusion...for "that" is what it is, My Children...

In so doing My Children, you can begin your journey back to Reality...the Reality of Love...oh yes, back to your conscious awareness of our relationship...oh yes, you and I, your Creator and Divine Parent...are you ready...hmm? Or...or, do you desire to remain in your Dream World a bit longer, hmm? This is "your choice" always has been, and will always be, "your choice"...

Oh yes, My Children...just as it was "your choice" to first enter your Human Dream World...your experiential dimension of fear and physicality...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine..."creators" one and all are you, just like Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes!

I know, this is all "too much" for many of you, My Children of the Light Divine, and that is "okay"...oh yes, but...for those of you who "have had enough of the darkness, enough of the fears", follow the model put forth by your brother, your friend...your equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, for he no longer abides in the illusions of your Dream World...oh no...nor does he desire to "return"...for he has moved on...oh yes...

However, he does desire to share his knowledge with you....with all of humanity, so you can have the same experience he had two thousand years ago...oh exist in a temporary human form, in your Dream World of fear and physicality, and yet be "awake" to the Reality of Love, My Love, My Children...oh yes...a Child of God, a Soul, a Christed Spirit, awake to the Reality of Love, which is everywhere, for I Am "everyhwere", and yet, observe his sisters and brothers "Dreaming the Dream of fear, physicality, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent"...

Can you imagine "that" My Children, hmm? Can you imagine re-establishing your relationship with Me, The Source of All, and I Am but Love..."LOVE" My Children, as Jeshua ben Joseph described two thousand years ago..."the Father does all things through me"...hmm, My Children...can you imagine "that"...functioning as a channel, a medium, an outlet for My Love...oh yes...your destiny, your purpose, the reason I created you...oh yes, My Children, one and all...for I created you all equal, with the same purpose...oh yes...mind-boggling indeed, and yet, "Reality"... 

It has been a long journey...a long adventure into the darkness of fear, and I must say, you have not shied away from experiencing all aspects of your Dream World of fear and physicality...oh no...just look at your human history...look at the history of the Souls who have inhabited human forms, time, after time, after time...oh yes...

But I, Abba, have spoken of these things many times before, in this My Blog...oh yes...and I will continue to do so, looking for new contexts to nudge a few of My Children into the Light of My Infinite Love, oh yes...and I Am a very patient Divine different from a human parent, who takes their child to one of your parks, with what is called "playgrounds" for children...and the parent sits by, and observes, as the child experiences all the different playground equipment...oh yes...waiting for the child to tire of the experience, and then turn towards its parent, and says, "I have had enough, its time to go Home"... 

Hmm...have you had enough My it time to go Home to Love...hmm? Then, follow in the footsteps of your brother and friend, Jeshus ben Joseph, and he will show you The Way to My side, in paradise...oh yes...incomprehensible for you today...but your destiny, just the same...all in due time My Children of the Light Divine...when you have had enough...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...


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