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Good Morning My Children

You Continue to Identify Yourselves as Mortal, Human Beings...

Sunday, June 4, 2023 Blog

Oh my...oh my...another day of illusions for humanity...oh after day, year after year, millennia after mellennia...illusions, illusions, illusions...oh my, My Children of the Light, you do not seem to be making much progress, for the illusions you lived in a thousand years ago, have not changed today, My Children...oh no...for you still believe you are humans...yes, "humans" rather than Spiritual Beings, having temporary human experiences, and there is a sizable difference with these two perspectives...oh yes, indeed...

My Children..."My Children" you understand what this simple phrase means, My Children...oh no...for you do not consider do not identify yourselves as the Children of God...oh no, for you consider yourselves, and identify yourselves, as the children of your human parents, oh yes...human parents, who gave birth to human children, and "that" is how you live...that is the "perception" you go through each of your lives with...oh yes, you identify with your "humanness"...oh yes...

And immediately, a handful...a small percentage of the humans reading this article, in God's Blog, "My Blog"...will take exception to My opening statements, oh yes...and I must say...I must question then..."who do you identify yourselves with, if not your human parents"...hmm? For you certainly do not identify yourselves as "My Children"...the Children of the Source of All, Who knows no fear, Who is a Spirit...oh Infinite Spirit, with no beginning or end, Who exists in perpetual "Bliss", now do you...hmm?

Do you call Me, your Divine Parent, for advice and guidance...well, do you, My Children...hmm? No, you do not. You may superficially pray to Me, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, but you do not wait for an answer. We do not have do we? No, we do not. We do not My Children of the Light Divine, for you do not perceive you have the ability, the God given characteristic, to communicate with Me, Abba...just as you do with your human parents, your human friends, and your human loved ones...oh no...oh no, My Children, and this is all because you live in the illusion, as you always have, that direct communication with Me, "your Divine Parent", is not normal..."not normal" My Children, and I must say that "that" is quite the illusion to exist within, oh yes...the illusion of separation from your Creator...oh my, quite the illusion, My Children...indeed...   

Take this Blog for example, My Children...oh yes, let us consider this Blog, God's Blog..."My Blog" My Children, in your year 2023...and how many humans, out of the billions that inhabit your Dream World on Mother many are reading My Blog with the perspective...the belief, that its contents are the messages...the communications from your Divine Parent...hmm? quiet, so quickly My Children of the Light Divine...not very many, My Children, oh no...for you do not believe you can communicate with Me, your Creator, now do you...hmm?, My Children...billions of souls, billions of Spirits, billions of My do not live your lives in constant communication with Me, your Creator, your Divine, you do not in 99.99999% of you, that this brother of yours, who is writing these words, as I place them in his Beingness of Love and Light, is actually communicating with Me, Abba, this very do you, hmm?

Oh no...for if even a few humans believed this Blog, God's Blog, was your Creator communicating with all of humanity, these few sisters and brothers of yours would be running around proclaiming I, your Creator, was communicating to all of humanity, each and every week...and oh my, there would be a rush of millions...maybe even a billion, of the human inhabitants of Earth, to read My weekly messages to all of humanity...hmm..."this" is not what is transpiring My Children...oh no...for most, if not all, who are aware of this, God's Blog, My Blog, "do not believe"...oh do not believe The Source of All, your Creator, is communicating these very words to all of humanity...hmm? know what, My Children of My Light Divine...hmm? I would not expect anything different from you, for as I began this article, you live in always have, and it will be quite some time before the "Wave of Reality" floods Mother Earth...floods the conscious awareness of My Children, having very temporary, human experiences...oh yes...physical beings that live in the illusion that your fears are "Real", as well as your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator...your Divine Parent...oh yes...

"The End"

"The end", My Children...for what else is there to say...hmm? You do not believe this brother of yours, Michael he is called, is fulfilling the function for which you were "created"...for which I created "you" function as a medium for Me, and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love..."Infinite Love" My Children..."Infinite" Am I...oh yes. You do not believe him, which My Children, means that you do not believe "Me", your Creator. Oh my, My Children, you do not believe do not believe My Message of Love, contained within this, God's Blog...oh my...

Let us step back, and consider where this misguided soul, this misguided Spirit, this misguided brother of yours, this Michael human, obtained his education on how to communicate with Me, your Creator, hmm? Let us consider this subject, shall we, My Children...

Oh yes, he is a student of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled know who he is don't you...hmm? Of course you do...and in this current era of human existence, on the planet called Earth, humanity views Jeshua ben Joseph as a very special human being...oh yes...very fact, over two billion humans "perceive"..."believe" in much of what is called the Christian religion, oh yes, the Christian religion...for Jeshua ben Joseph started the Christian religion two thousand years ago, did he not? Oh yes, that's what two billion Christians "believe" today... 

"Wow"...two billion My Children...that is a big number...and even the non-Christians believe, in general, that Jeshua ben Joseph was a wise human...oh yes, a wise human...indeed. So, in summary, over two billion Christians "believe" Jeshua ben Joseph was My only Son, My only Child, who temporarily inhabited a human body...and the balance of Earth's human population "perceive" he was a special and wise human...hmm? Does that about sum it up, My Children...hmm?

And returning to this Michael, brother of yours, who is functiuoning as My medium for this, God's Blog...My Blog, he is a student of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...oh yes...a very, shall we say, "dedicated and committed student" of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings... 

Now, My Children...what does Jeshua ben Joseph convey to humanity in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...hmm? Oh...a great many things, My Children, for he is conveying My Message of Love, through thousands of your brothers and sisters, oh yes...not all have produced books, recording My Message of Love, but many, many are what humanity calls, "channeling Jeshua ben Joseph"...oh yes...  

Now...My Children..."My Children of the Light Divine"..."you"...Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light..."you", who perceive you are human beings, oh yes, you "identify" yourselves as physical beings, on a physical planet, in addition to your illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...oh yes, have access to the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...and what do these teachings contain...hmm?

These teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph contain the answers to all of your Big know...your "Big Questions", which you have been asking for so, so very long.

Who am I, What am I, Why am I "here", is there a God, what is God all about, what happens when my temporary, human, physical body dies...hmm? You know My Children, your "Big Questions"....

Oh yes, My Children, Jeshua ben Joseph answers all of your Big Questions, because he went looking for the answers two thousand years ago...oh yes...and he did not take "no" for an answer...oh no, My Children...Jeshua ben Joseph did not take "no" for an answer, as so many of you do...oh assume there are no such answers...or, that you are unable of comprehending the, why look...hmm? Does that not summarize the majority perspective of your human population...hmm?

Oh...wait a of your Earthly minutes, which measures "time" interesting phenomenon...the measurement of time...ah yes, but that is, as you say, another story, for another "time"...

A sizable portion of your human population are too busy doing other "human things", to search for the answers to your Big Questions...oh are "too busy"...oh my, too busy with your careers, too busy with your relationships, too busy acquiring Earthly possessions, too busy dealing with all of your fears...oh my, you, humanity that is, is a very busy race of beings...busy perpetuating your "humanness"...

Hmm...did you "get it"...or did you miss it...hmm? 

You are very busy perpetuating your humanness..."your humanness", My Children of the Light Divine...Spiritual Beings, who chose to have very temporary, human experiences..."temporary" My Children..."temporary", and yet, you devote most of your time and energy on your temporary, short lived, human existence...rather than "being and living as the Beings you truly are"...oh you you "get it" now...hmm?

The only way...the only way, My Children, for you to live in "Reality", is to live in your temporary, human bodies as the Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spirirtual Beings of Love and Light that you are! "This" is My Message to humanity this day, being delivered through this brother of yours, called Michael...

Ah...and just how are you going to accomplish this magnificent feat...hmm? You need the answers to your Big Questions...and where will you find these answers...hmm? In the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...more specifically, within his The Way of Mastery trilogy. Oh yes, many of his other Contemporary and Channeled Teachings contain elements of the Big Answers, to your Big Questions...however, for those that desire to...what My Children, hmm? Those of you who desire to live in your temporary human bodies, as the Spiritual Beings of Love and Light that you are, will find all of the Big Answers to your Big Questions in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy...oh yes...

Where do you think, this brother of yours, this medium for My Message of Love, has been focussing his studies on for many years, My Children...where...hmm? Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of study, comprehend, and live My Message of study, comprehend, and live the answers to your Big Questions, which Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago...oh yes, My Children...

And returning to an earlier subject, where has this brother of yours, Michael, learned to communicate with Me, your Creator, hmm? Where did he learn that all of humanity has the natural ability to communicate with Me, your Creator, hmm? Who has taught Michael these things...hmm? Jeshua ben Joseph, with his The Way of Mastery trilogy...oh yes...

So, My Children of the Light Divine, if you perceive this brother of yours, who is functing as a channel for My Message of Love, this very day, is "crazy"...that no such thing is possible...then, you must also place Jeshua ben Joseph in the same "crazy" category...oh yes, My you think Jeshua ben Joseph is "crazy"...hmm? Jeshua ben Joseph, who essentially your entire population perceives to be a very wise and special soul...hmm?

Oh yes...and what was part of his message two thousand years ago, My Children...hmm? "Greater things than these you shall do". Do you remember My Children...hmm? Well, what do you think he meant...hmm? 

I, your Divine Parent, created you to function as mediums for My Love..."My Love", My Children...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...this is one of the answers to your Big Questions, which Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago...oh yes, My Children... 

Would you like to learn how to do "that" My Children...hmm? Would you like to learn how to be "yourselves"...Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, while still occupying your temporary, human forms...hmm?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...




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