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Good Morning My Children

Creation of the Ego: Fearful Consciousness, Deceit, and Illusion

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 Blog

"My Children"...oh yes, the Children of God you are called by many...and then again, many say...there is no such thing, the Children of, my, you must be crazy, because I certainly do not feel like a Child of God, oh no...if there are Children of God, then, I am certainly not one of them. Oh yes, I have heard both sides of this story, with the most prevalent one being the latter...

Oh yes, so many do not "believe"...they have no inclination, whatsoever, to label themselves in such a category...the Children of God. Oh my, there is no such thing, not on Earth...never...we would have learned about such a group of beings by now. Oh yes, we humans have been here for so long...we certainly would know if their were Children of God among us...oh yes...there is no such thing. That one so long ago, Jesus Christ, whose name was actually Jeshua ben Joseph...he was a make-believe person, for there are some who believe the character in the Bible never really was all a "story". Hmm...Jeshua ben Joseph never really existed. Hmm, he was a make-believe person, because if there was any such person, any such Child of God, then why on Earth would he have allowed himself to be crucified...hmm?

Who and what he was...for he is in the recorded history of the Roman Empire, oh yes...the Roman Empire was the law of the land for centuries...oh yes...and it was the Roman Emperor, Constantine...three centuries after the crucifixion, who commissioned the first edition of the New Testament...oh yes, the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, and then...then, this Constantine person declared the religion Jeshua ben Joseph began..."Christianity" the one, approved religion of the entire Roman Empire, and made being a "Christian" a law...oh yes...a law, indeed. Now, why would the leader of the Roman empire that stretched from England and throughout Europe, northern Africa, and portions of Asia, declare Christianity as the one, approved religion for all to follow, if there was no Jeshua ben Joseph person...hmm? Certainly this person...Emperor Constantine...would have never done such a thing, if there was no Only Son of Jeshua ben Joseph... 

And if this line of reasoning is not employed, then, humans have come up with whatever story serves their purpose...their reason...their perspective, that there was no human Child of God...oh yes...for not all humans are "Christian"...only a portion thereof...they are something else...members of some other religion, that has no Child of God...oh yes...or...or, they have no religion at all...

Yes, many human beings have no religion, and do not believe there is a God...oh yes...many are agnostic...or, if they believe there is a God...a Creator of All, then...they are certainly not worthy enough to have any type of direct relationship with "God"...oh no...they say...I have never talked to God...I have never seen any God...when I die..."I die"...that's it...there is nothing more...  

Hmm...there are so many versions of God, no God, and everything in between on planet Earth...a tiny planet is such a huge universe...hmm...

And "this" is your history. No one has been able to come up with one version of God that all agree upon...there is not even one such version of Christianity...there are many...many belief systems surrounding the one known as Jeshua ben confusing...who is right, and who is wrong? 

And on the story of humanity goes, century after century, believing many versions of God, and many versions of Jeshua ben Joseph...or other so-called "Holy Men", who convinced a great many humans they knew "the whole truth and nothing but the truth"...about what belief system should govern "Life" on planet Earth...oh yes..."Life" on planet Earth, what an interesting phenomenon... 

Look at yourselves...on the brink of global chaos, century after century, war after war, decease after decease, and you never...never really figure everything do you? You never come up with one story about God...Who is God, what God believes, how God conducts Itself..."It"..."It"...for is God a male or female...or both...what humanity calls "androgynous"...Life is so, so very confusing...

It is no wonder your planet Earth stumbles from one state of confusion to another...hmm...oh yes, one state of confusion and chaos to another...hmm...oh yes, one state of confusion and chaos to another. It has always been this way, and maybe, just maybe, this long history of yours...this never ending state of confusion, conflict, decease, global crisis of one category or another, will always be. end to the trials and tribulations of humanity...oh yes, just on, and on...forever, unless of course, you destroy yourselves someday. This is always a possibility, is it not...hmm?

Oh yes, you have your bombs and weapons of war, capable of mass have even created biological weapons, capable of wiping out the entire human population...hmm. Who would do such a thing...hmm? Who would research and invent such weapons, hmm? Do you know what such a planet of beings sounds like My Children...hmm? My Children of Me...Me, your Creator...Me...the Source of All, Who created you, the human race, hmm?

Oh...but wait a minute...just a minute My Children of Me, the Source of All, for I did not create your human race...oh no, "I'm God"...why would I do such a thing...hmm? Have you ever thought about "that"...hmm? Why would a Creator of all, create such a planet, with such a race of beings, hmm? Think about it...isn't God suppose to be smart...hmm? All knowing you call it...hmm? Doesn't sound like much of a God to Me...and that's Who I Am, "Abba" I Am called...the inconceivable...the incomprehensible God that created you, human beings...hmm? No, I don't think are wrong about "that". For I did not create humanity...oh are blaming Me, and I Am but "LOVE", for that one..."that creation"...oh no... 

Well, you say to yourselves, if God did not create us, then who and what did? Hmm? Who created the human race...hmm? Go look in the mirror My Children of God, for you created the human race, oh yes...a bit shocking is it not? For I created Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light, in "My Image" no less...oh yes. In the Spiritual dimensions you were, after what I will call the Big Bang of Consciousness, with many similarities to your Big Bang of physical matter...oh is all described in Lesson 4, in The Way of Transformation, by guess who? Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph himself, who has returned to your Earth dimension...not in a human body...but in "Spirit" of the Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light, who I created...oh yes...just like you is he, Jeshua ben Joseph...your friend and equal, oh yes...imagine "that"...

For he put all of the pieces of the human puzzle together, two thousand years ago, oh yes...he figured everything out, and then, you crucified him...oh yes...why? Oh my, "that" My Children is a very long story. However, I can give you the short version...oh yes, I, Who created Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Light Divine, have the answers to all questions, for what kind of God would I be, if I did not...hmm? What kind of God would I be...hmm? 

You crucified Jeshua ben Joseph because of "fear", oh yes, "fear" My Children..."fear consciousness" comes in many shapes and sizes...many categories...many levels of intensity...oh yes, and you should know My Children, for you created "fear"...oh yes..."fear consciousness" is your creation...for in the Spiritual Realm, you had the it possible to created something unlike God...hmm? Is it possible to do "that"...and I Am but Love My Children...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, oh yes, "That's Me", Abba...and you wanted to see if it was possible to create something, anything, that was not part of Me, Pure Love Consciousness...Oneness Consciousness it is called...for everything..."everything is connected" My Children...even your physicists have figured that part of Creation out...oh yes...

Ahh...but to avoid getting too scientific...too technical, I, Abba, will keep things simple this day...this morning...oh yes...simple My Children of the Light Divine...back to our subject at hand...

If I Am...and I Am everywhere and everywhen...and I assure you that I Am...then, Love is everywhere and everywhen...oh yes, for it is impossible to find a place where I Am not...oh yes. Are you still with Me, My Children?, My Children, if you were to create something unlike Me...unlike Love...and I, Love, Am everywhere...then your creation, whatever it was to be, had to be an had to be an illusion, for I Am everywhere...get it?

I, Oneness, Love Consciousness, Am your creation of non-Love not only had to be an illusion, it had to have the illusion of being something else..."a different kind of consciousness" My Children. Oh yes, you created the illusion of "fear consciousness", and all the variations thereof...they are called the "dark emotions"...and a new category of Creation was created, which as I have explained, is one "huge illusion". Oh yes, it is what Jeshua ben Joseph calls by several names..."fearful consciousness, the ego, Dream World"...oh yes, many names indeed, to describe your creation of non-God...your creation of non-Love...

Oh yes, and you decided, some of My Children...not experience "fearful consciousness", and "wha-la", the Earth experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, in human forms, was created...the illusion thereof, of course, because I Am everyhwere...

Hmm...and experience fearful consciousness, in human forms, you did...and do...the abbreviated version thereof is described in Lesson 5, in The Way of Transformation...oh yes, his The Way of Mastery trilogy is quite the comprehensive description of so, so very much information about the human condition...which of course, is just a temporary state, a temporary experience..."just for the experience"..."just for the experience" My Children of Me, Abba, the Source of All...for I created you to be "Creators"...and "what a Creation" your human race is...oh yes, a creation which has a beginning, a middle, and an end...oh yes, My Children...for when you tire of your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love, you will begin searching for "REALITY"...the Reality of Love that knows no end, no beginning...It just "is"...everywhere, even in your Dream World on Mother Earth...oh yes...quite the illusion you have created My Children...quite the experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, all because you had the it possible to create something unlike Abba...  

Ah yes...and retrun to our subject of the crucifixion we now go...oh yes...and that Jeshua ben Joseph had remembered all the pieces to the human mystery of Life on your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, oh yes...

Ah...I asked Jeshua ben Joseph to return to his homeland, and begin the process of sharing his wisdom...his experiential journey back to the Reality of Love, and reunion with Me, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, oh yes...the mystery of all mysteries...and I Am inconceivable, and yet, everyhwere..."everywhere", indeed...

Ah...and when the human ego, "fearful consciousness", heard the Message of Love...My Message of Love come forth from Jeshua ben Joseph, there was great fear indeed...for his Message of Love meant the end of fearful consciousness, the end of the human ego...and the ego did not want "that"...oh yes...the ego did not want to "end"...oh no...

Fearful Consciousness and the ego had a very strong hold over human consciousness...oh yes...for the only way to experience non-Love...the only way to experience the illusion of separation from Me, Abba, and I Am but Love, was to create the illusion of all illusions...the illusion of "fearful consciousness", and its illusion of separation from Me was "Reality"...oh naturally, it was "natural" for the ego to was natural for the ego to rationalize anything and everything that would perpetuate its "illusion of Reality"...oh yes...the ego is very creative, which means "fearful consciousness" is very creative...creative in perpetuating its illusion of Reality...oh yes...

And what did the ego create...hmm? The ego created the "perception"...the "illusion" that its host, the Children of God, Individuated Souls, Individuated Aspects of Love Consciousness, could "not" be so...oh yes, a lie, for the ego is deceitful about, oh, so, so many things...

So...when Jeshua ben Joseph began teaching the "Truth"...that all are the Children of God...that he was a Son of God, the ego, fearful of its demise, rose up to use an egoic rule, a man-made rule, to sentence Jeshua ben Joseph to death... 

Ah yes, the "ego" My Children, your tool to satisfy your curiosity about the possibility of creating something unlike Me, and I Am but Love...the ego, fearful consciousness, which Jeshua ben Joseph had discovered how to dissolve from human consciousness...oh yes, My Children, allowing him to once again experience Perfect Reunion with Me, Abba, and fulfill your "function" be extensions of My Love...oh yes, My Children...I have conveyed your "function" to you many times before within this, God's Blog...My has Jeshua ben Joseph, in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...oh yes...

So much has been communicated in so few words this day...this morning...oh yes. Are you tired of your fears My Children? Are you tired of all of your negative, dark emotions My Children?

When Jeshua ben Joseph asked two thousand years ago, for a pathway Home to Love, I gave him the answers he was searching for...oh yes...ask and you shall receive My Children...and now, today, in this twenty-first century, in your temporary, experiential dimension, Jeshua ben Joseph has convey your path Home to My Love...oh yes, My Children...I Am waiting for you to return to the REALITY of LOVE...and I Am every where...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...             





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