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Good Morning My Children

Human Projections onto Jeshua ben Joseph..."Fantasies"...

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 Blog

Are you ready to be shocked? receive some shocking information? Well...My Children...this article will be considered nothing less than just that...and yet, it (shock) is simply part of your everyday lives on your planet Earth. 

Planet Earth...a relatively small planet in a huge universe...huge beyond your are even unable to measure the universe. Your scientists try to come up with various ideas and theories on how to measure the universe and that is all they truly are...ideas and theories...and as you well know...ideas and theories about anything do not make them "Reality" unless you are able to somehow prove that your ideas and theories are in fact "Reality"...and you are, and always will be, unable to prove anything regarding the actual size of the universe...and that "Reality" drives some of your you say on Earth..."a little crazy"... 

And there is another subject that you also have many theories about..."you", as in all of humanity...and yet, you will never be able to prove your theories and concepts regarding this other subject...which just so happens to be Me, The Creator...your Creator....the Loving Source of All...who Jeshua ben Joseph has, and continues to refer to as, Abba.

Abba...and interesting name in a gender sensitive that Abba...the literal translation there both male and female...what you call androgynous...even though you will find some translations that will label Me as a male Creator...and they would be mistaken... 

And I created you, just as your Bible says..."in My Image"...which makes you also an Androgynous Spirit...androgynous...neither male or female, and yet, male and female all at the same time...quite the mystery are you not?

And do have your preferences (of being female or male)...depending on what dimension of experience that you are choosing to experience at any time...and even that is a misnomer some of the time, in that many of the dimensions that you exist within are elements of the Spiritual Realm that has...that contains many Spiritual dimensions...all of which have "no time"...and that is something that you say...a little crazy...for you are challenged to imagine such a state of existence: timelessness... 

Just as you are challenged to conceive of your state of being...your state of least as I, your Creator...and the Creator of All...have described within these many articles in this God's Blog...and how humanity is also described in the Christ Consciousness Meditation in this internet site...where Jeshua ben Joseph describes Me, the Source of All...your very Loving Source of "an Ocean"..and humanity "as fish within Me"... 

Jeshua ben Joseph gave this analogy to humanity two thousand years ago as an accurate description, with some inherent limitations...of Me, The Source of All...and yet, elements of humanity chose to delete this "story of the fishes" from your sacred Gospel stories in your New Testament...just as many other teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph were deleted...or edited...and convey the message that your ancient leaders chose to "project" on to Jeshua ben Joseph.

Projection...such an interesting method of portraying preferential qualities onto any of your Sisters or Brothers...qualities that may in fact be entirely "made up"..."non-existent"..."fantasies"...and yet, by projecting your preferred characteristics onto a Sister or Brother, you create the illusion...the perception...that your Sisters or Brothers have those characteristics

A good example of this widespread use of your "projection technique" is the political landscape of the USA...your United States of America...another interesting phrase...for to those of us in the Spiritual do not appear to be "united"...but that is another it not?

My focus this morning is the use of projection by your religious two thousand years ago...when Jeshua ben Joseph walked upon your Earth in a physical body-mind...or as I prefer to call your physical apparatus...a body-brain...for one very good reason...the body-brain is temporary...whereas "The Mind" in consciousness...awareness...with free forever..."forever" My Children...who are made in My Image...and I Am but Love...

Yes...let's take this to the next step...

I Am an Infinite Field of Conscious Awareness, with free will, that is Pure Love...and I made you in My Image...which makes "you" a conscious field of awareness with free will, with an essence of Love, that exists "within" My Infinite Beingness...Hmm...that sounds about right...or at least to Me it does...given some of the inherent limitations of your human environment...your human belief structure...

And so...let us compare "My Reality" and "Your Reality" to the Christian Religion...where do I start? Where would you start? Where would your Christian leaders begin? For once we started, we would be here, as you say on Earth..."forever" describing the differences bewteen "Reality" and the various and wide-spread "projections" within your New Testament. So...let Us not even "go there"...for the New Testament is what it attempt...and please note the word, an "'attempt" to reduce to writing the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, that contains wide-spread projections, which do not mirror his Life or teachings... 

So...My Children...particularly the approximate two billion Christians on your planet...where can we go and obtain an accurate description of the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph? Where can you go to learn from your Brother and friend? Yes..."your Brother" and "your friend"..."your equal"...for I did not create one Soul better than another.     

How do we avoid all of the projections onto Jeshua ben Joseph that have transpired over the last two thousand years?

Oh...I, your Creator, have an idea for you...why not go to an educational source...a collection...of the descriptions of the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph by Jeshua ben Joseph...and that educational resource would be the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, many of which are described on this internet 

Let us...humanity and I, your Loving Source of All...look upon all "other versions" of the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph as just that..."other versions, which contain wide-spread human projections", that distort the Truth about the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...for who would want to have their beliefs based on human projections?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...

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