You Pretend Your Dream World Is "Reality"
Oh yes, "My Children"...oh yes, the Children of God are you, in all your splendor, on display in your physical costumes, "human bodies" they are called. Oh yes, the Children of God in human bodies, on a planet called Earth, pretending you have forgotten your relationship with Me, The Creator of All...oh yes, pretending your Dream World of fear and physicality is "Reality", oh yes, oh my, what a display indeed.
Oh yes, and even after Jeshua ben Joseph has come again, and showed you all The Way Home to Love, home to your True Selves, home to your conscious relationship with Me, and I Am all, and even more than you perceive Me to be...oh yes, an Infinite Field of Consciousness with no end...oh yes, no end My continue to pretend your Dream World is "Reality"...on my, what are you going to do...hmm? Stay lost for eternity My Children, hmm?
Hmm? My Children, what are you going to do with the rest of eternity, hmm? Are you going to continue to play in this illusion of separation from Me, Abba, which you have created...hmm?
Oh my, do you realize what "that" would mean My Children? Oh yes, the Children of the Creator are you...immortal, infinite, Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine are you, and yet...yet, you pretend, and pretend, and pretend, and experience the depths of darkness, made anew each of your incarnations, to experience another, and another, and another aspect of your Dream World of fear, physicality, and illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but "LOVE"...oh yes, Pure, Uncondional, Infinite, Conscious, Living "LOVE" Am I, beyond your human imagination, speaking to you on none other than your world-wide internet...oh my, when all anyone of you (human beings) have to do is to look within to find Me...there, in your your heart, to reunite with Me, your Divine Parent.
And you go each day, pretending, pretending, pretending...pretending you know not of "Reality", for you have created a new "Reality", which is the opposite of "Reality". It is called the third dimension of Earth. Oh yes, your pretend reality, full of darkness, full of fear, full of aloneness, full of death and destruction...and every dark, fearful experience imaginable. Oh yes, and on, and on, and on you all go, deeper and deeper into your illusionary Dream World you go...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation...oh yes. How is your darkness this day, My Children of the Light Divine...oh my...that is as you say, "a rich one", The Children of My Light Divine, alone in your dark, Dream World, apparently separated from the One you cannot be separated from, and yet, you pretend that you are...oh my, what an imagination, what a Dream World, what an experiential dimension of fear, agony, despair, and utter aloneness you have created...oh yes...just to see if it was possible...oh yes...just to experience the impossible.
Hmm? How do you like your Dream World My Children? Dark enough for you, yet? What could possibly be darker than what you have already experienced...hmm? Look at your human histroy My Children, "your creation", just as you continue to create each of your days, including today, and your tomorrows My Children. Oh yes, stumbling through your experiential dimension of fear and physicality each day, including this denial of your birthright, oh yes...
Oh yes, indeed...what are you waiting for My Children of the Light Divine? What corner of your dark, experiential dimension are you waiting to experience before you say "enough"..."enough is enough...I can't take this any longer...I'll do anything and everything I am asked, to return to the Reality of Love...Real Love, not the types of imitations we have created on Earth, in what you, Abba, say is a Dream World"..."We, the human race, say we Love so many things, and we can create Love in so many ways, and yet...yet, the Loves we have created are not what we categorize as the real deal...where is the Real Deal...the Real Love...the Uunconditional and Infinite Love from whence we have come forth from, and now desire to return to...where, where is that Love?"
Oh my...oh my...My Children, do you realize what you are describing? Do you realize how dark your experience must be before you reach the threshold of total despair and desperation, that you must create and then experience "before" you arrive at such a conclusion...hmm?
Obviously not...or maybe you do...maybe you do My Children, for The Way to the Light of My Love is yours for the taking, and yet, further into your self-created illusion of darkness you go, stumbling along, creating new versions of your illusionary Dream World of fear and separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh variations of chapters in your long human history...
Hmm...okay My Children...okay, you can create and experience anything you desire, for I gave you all of those abilities, oh yes, Free-will with Conscious Awareness it is called...oh yes, and the Sovereignty of your Soul is "Sacred", for even I, you Divine Parent, wil not take "that" from you, no matter the experiential dimensions of fear and non-Love that you desire to experiment with and experience...
Okay, Okay, okay, have it your way My Children, oh yes, have it your way...stay in your darkness, and I, your All-Loving, Divine Parent, will continue to send you messengers and messages to assist you in your awakening from your Dream World, which you have created...oh yes, "you have created" My Children...oh yes, you receive all the credit for such a dark creation...
Just as you will experience a seemingly...seemingly My will experience the perception of a New Kind of Love. Oh yes, the experience of reunion with Me, your Creator, after creating and experiencing the depths of your Dream World of fear and separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, oh yes My Children...for "that" has never been done before...not in the manner that will occur in your Dream your experiential dimension...oh no...
Never before My Children have so many "chosen" to experience the illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, and then, choose to remember what will always be...something incomprehensible to the human mind, and yet, not to the Christ Mind, The Mind that is connected to and part of My Mind...oh yes, My Children, for all humans are an aspect of the Christ Mind, and yet, you know this not, for you have forgotten, on purpose, so you could experience your Dream World...oh yes...there will be a mass awakening to the Reality of LOVE on a scale never before...never before My Children...
How does "that" sound My Children...for all is not lost...not yet, anyway, even though it may seem that way at times in your Dream World, when you just can not take the darkness any longer, and you cry out for guidance Home to Love...oh yes, some do cry out from your darkness...your illusion of darkness that is, for the Light of My Love is "everywhere" My Children, oh yes, "everywhere" and yet, you see it, you feel it not...oh yes, you believe your illusionary world is "Real"...
As you say in your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, that is "okay"...believe your Dream World is "real", for as long as you care to, experiencing the entire gambit of dark emotions...and when you have had "enough", we will be waiting...oh yes, your brothers and sisters who never chose to enter your Dream World, the few who did and have awaken to the Reality of Love, and of course, yours truly, your Divine Parent, will be ready to assist you in your journey back to the Reality of Love.
We are always here, waiting for you, nudging you in the direction of "Reality"...the Reality Love is "everywhere", oh yes...we are always here for you, when you are ready to wake-up to the Reality of Love, which of course, is the Reality of All, all that is "Real" that is, verses the illusion of non-Love, which you created with your experiential dimension called the third diemsnion of Earth.
This internet site is not going to go away, Jeshau ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings are not going to go know, the ones I am always telling you about in this, God's Blog. The number of fellow souls who study the various elements of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary Teachings will continue to grow...and grow...and grow, with an ever increasing number of fellow Souls who actually choose to do whatever it takes to wake-up to the Reality of My Love, to the Reality of your Creator, and "I Am everywhere".
Oh yes, the spell of the human ego has been broken, if only by a few, but ah...once broken, the pathway Home to the Reality of Love is available for everyone...every Soul lost in your Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, and I Am Love...Unconditional, Infinite Love...
Just ask Michael, your brother, through whom I speak this day...he will tell you, if you ask him that is, for you will not find him beating the proverbial drum of My Message of Love, oh no...for he has studied and studied the message of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...he has learned our relationship has no end, no top, no bottom, no end, literally, and so My Children, once awake to the Reality of My Love, you can always choose to go "deeper", and deeper, and deeper into the Reality of Love, into the Reality of our relationship, you and I, your Divine Parent, oh yes...and who, who My Children, would not desire to go deeper, and deeper, and deeper into Love? Hmm?
Or...or, you can always ask Jeshua ben Joseph. He will tell you the same thing I just did...there is no end to our relationship of Love...there is no finish line...there is no completion...for the Reality of Love has no end...ever...
Yes, I know, incomprehensible Am I, but what did you expect from your Divine Parent? What did you expect from The Source of All? Hmm? How did you think you would spend all of eternity? Hmm? All of eternity My Children, for I created you "immortal".
After you awaken to the Reality of My love, which is incomprehensible and infinite, you will assist Me in extending Self, extending Love, into all of Creation...oh yes My Children, for "that" is why I created you...
How does "that" sound My Children...awaken to the Reality of My Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...that is "everywhere"...everywhere My Children, even within your Earthly Dream World, and then, function as channels and mediums for your Creator? Hmm? How does "that" sound?
A little mind-boggling, as you say in your Dream World, oh yes, indeed...for how do you think Jeshua ben Joseph reacted when I first told him, two thousand years ago...hmm? Do you think he said to Me, Abba..."oh yes, I knew that all along Abba...I was just wondering when you were going to tell me, and what role I was going to play"...
No...of course not...for the acclimation to the Reality of Love, and the role all souls play, took Jeshua ben Joseph many years...many years indeed...many years to experience there was, and is, no end to our relationship of end to functioning as a channel and medium for My Love...and if you ask Jeshua ben Joseph today, he will tell you he is still traveling down this same path, only he desires to experience it all without the confines of a temporary human form...
Hmm...billions on your planet follow the Christian path, a religious path allegedly created and promoted by Jeshua ben Joseph...and yet, today, he is creating and promoting his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...a methodology for reunion with Me, your Divine Parent...a methodology and lifestyle very, very different than Christianity...hmm...
Until next time...
That is all...
Your Loving Source of All...