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Good Morning My Children

Jeshua ben Joseph's Final Lesson

Thursday, November 3, 2022 Blog

Jeshua ben Joseph speaks of his final lesson in The Way of Mastery...and that was part of what his crucifixion was all about and prove to himself that your Dream World of fear was "pure illusion"...and that the "Reality of Love" is in fact the only Reality...that Love is the only thing that is "Real"...for Love is what he "walked with" that faithful day...the Perfect Faith that Love was his essence, because he was created by Love, to extend and express Love, into and through his form...which flowed from the formless and into his form...from his Spirit, and into his human form...from "That" which created him, and then into and through his very Beingness and temporary body-mind...   

This temporary human form, which became so famous...even until this day...the one crucified so long ago, known as the so-called "Only Son of God, Jesus Christ"...and I, Your Loving Creator, desire to emphasize the "so-called" portion of the phrase that depicts My description of Jeshua ben Joseph...with the name that has been passed down from generation to generation by humanity...Only Son of intersting it all has been...Only Son of mind-boggling it all has inspiring it all has been...what a fantasic "story"...

A fantastic "story" indeed...the Only Son of God, Jesus Christ, came into the form of a human body to be allegedly tortured and crucified as a "form" of human sacrifice to Me, the Creator of All, and I Am but Love...and this bloody, excruciatingly tortuous event of My only son ...My so-called "only son", some how miraculously made Me, and I Am but I tell all of humanity over, and over again, within this, God's Blog...that I Am Love...  

I, the Creator of all Souls, all Christed Beings of Love, Who have My Essence within Them...within your very Beingness of Love...I somehow forgave humanity...all of My Children of Love, with an Essence of My Essence...and I Am but Love...for all of your so-called sins, and opened up My Kingdom of Perfect Love and Perfect Peace, called "Heaven", for all of humanity...because one..."One" of My Children of Love endured a horrendous, physical event called the crucifixion...  

And to this fantasitc "story" I, your Creator, Who is Pure Love and Perfect Peace, have only a few words in response..."are you kidding Me?" I trust you find My response shocking...for how is it possible for The Loving Source All to have such a is only possible if I Am trying to shock you into awakening from your Dream World

For Who and What do you think I Am? What kind of Loving Creator of All, and I Am but Love, would be motivated by such a guesome chain of allegedly reward all of humanity for?

I allegedly sent My only Son...My only a place to be tortured and murdered, to somehow motivate Me, and I Am but Love..."LOVE" My allow, to permit, other beings, called humanity, to bask in My Bliss, My Kingdom of Love called Heaven, for all of eternity? 

My Children...My Children of Love...this fantastic "story" is only believable if you have no conception of Who and What I Am...and I Am but "Love"...

And yet, this "story" of the so-called "Only" Son of God..."My" so-called "Only" Son...continues to become even more impossible to believe...that is, "if" you recognize Who and What you truly are...the extension of My Love..."My Love"...which means that your essence must also be Love...and that you are as I have discussed in many of these articles...My Children of Love...

Impossible to believe in that "the story" of my so-called only Son goes on...for according to your sacred New Testament, your Gospels and Epistles, unless you believe in all aspects of this fantastic "story" of excruciating torture and crucifixion, I, your Loving Creator, will not allow you into My Kingdom of Perect Love and Perfect Peace...for I, your Loving Creator, allegedly refuse to allow you to share in, to bask in My Bliss, for all of eternity unless, you "believe" this "story" of My only Son's torture, excruciating pain, and crucifixion.  

For I, your Loving Creator, have "allegedly" kept all of humanity...all of you...all of My Children, at a distance...separated from Me, and I Am but Love...

It is time My is time for all of the leaders and teachers of this "story"...of My so-called "only Son" to ponder and consider if this fantastic "story" is believable...does it make sense...and possibly most important...can it be reconciled with what Jeshua ben Joseph taught two thousand years ago...and today? For this is a question worth it not? For if Jeshua ben Joseph did not teach such a "story" two thousand years ago...and he is not teaching this "story" it not finally time for your religious leaders to consider teaching the "Reality" of the incarnation of Jeshua ben Joseph? Is it not time for your religious leaders to teach what Jeshua ben Joseph teaches today? 

And I, your Loving Creator, say all of this knowing the world that some of My Children have created and perpetuated is egoic in nature...which simply means that it is fear-based. For two thousand years, little children, who grew up to be your Christian leaders, have been taught and conditioned to believe the "story" of My so-called "Only Son, Jesus Christ". They have been taught in a Dream World based in egoic, fear consciousness...for they have been taught, and conditioned with fear...and more fear...ever since they came into this fear-based world. 

Let us not move on too quickly from this subject of the conditioning of Christian Children, with the fantastic "story" of  My so-called "only Son". From the time your Christian leaders, most notably the Pope, took their first breath, they have been taught the "story" in the Bible's New Testament...the "story" about My so-called "only Son"...and this "story" claims that unless you "believe" the "story"...unless you "believe" that I, your Loving Creator, sent My only Son down to Earth to be tortured and crucified, to atone for all of the so-called "sins of humanity" a process to motivate Me, and I Am but Love, to share My Kingdom of Pure Love and Perfect Peace with all of humanity...that I, your Loving Creator of All, will not allow you to enter My Kingdom of Bliss...  

"This"...this is the "story" told in your sacred Gospels and Epistles...and this "story" is the religious foundation of the environment in which your Christian leaders were raised...from the time of their first breaths...

I, The Source of All, understand why your Christian leaders believe the "story" that they believe...and why this "story" has been passed on from generation to generation...for two thousand years. I, your Loving  Creator, understand...I understand that this only Son of God "story" creates much fear...fear of not being allowed to enter My Kingdom of Love...My Kingdom of Bliss for all of eternity. For how could I, and I Am but Love, judge any Christian leader...for I Am truly the Loving Creator of all...the Mysterious, Infinite Field of Love, from which all things arise...for I Love All Unconditionally...for that My Children is what true Love is..."unconditional"...and I, the Loving Source of All, "Love all of humanity unconditionally"...including all Christian leaders...

I Love all of My Children...not just one son...I Love all of My Children unconditionally..."unconditionally" My much, that I gave you all free will, to experience whatever you desire to experience...and I Love you unconditionally, for all of eternity, no matter what you desire to experience...even if you build a lifestyle...a lifetime of experience...around a "story" of My so-called "only Son"...that is not what Jeshua ben Joseph taught two thousand years ago...nor is this "story" what Jeshua ben Joseph teaches today...and denying the Truth, does not make the Truth, not the Truth... 

And yet...if some of My Children continue to believe such a "story"...or only portions of this "story"...a fear-based story about Jeshua ben Joseph, as the so-called "only Son of God"...and a "story book God" that allegedly motivates humanity to follow religious rules and methologies based in the fear of not entering the Kingdom of this "so-called God" be it...for I Am but Love...and Love allows all things, Loves blesses all things, Love embraces all things, Love feels all things, Love heals all things, and Love transcends all things...for I Am Pure Love...your Loving Source of All.  

Ah...this raises some "Big Questions" does it not? For if this "story" about a so-called "only Son of God" is not "Reality"...then, what did Jeshua ben Joseph teach two thousand years ago...and I, your Loving Source of All, the mind-boggling...incomprehensible, Infinite Field of Love, from which all things arise, will pose yet another question...what does Jeshua ben Joseph teach today?  

Ah...what could your Christian leaders learn from Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled extesnsive collection of teachings that have been channeled by Jeshua ben Joseph using not just one...but numerous human channels...over many decades...all of which convey a consistent rendition of many, many, inter-related of which is his crucifixion of two thousand years ago...

Hmm...what does Jeshua ben Joseph say about "that" And this is also a subject that I, Your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love, have discussed before within this, God's for those, My Children of Love, that desire to educate your Self on what Jeshua ben Joseph teaches about his choice to experience his crucifixion...he explains all in his contemporary and channeled sources...most notably within The Way of Mastery. A specific section of how he describes his "final learning lesson" in the realization that he had "broken the spell"...that he was no longer "under the spell of the egoic mind, or body-mind" he decided to freely "be in a state of Love in the midst of any context"...including his crucifixion...can be located within Lesson 7, in The Way of Knowing. 

I, your Loving Parent, will shift this discussion a bit...when asked two thousand years ago, "how do we pray", Jeshua ben Joseph responded with a prayer that began with the phrase "Our Father"..."Our Father"...Hmm...Jeshua ben Joseph uses this phrase in multiple locations within your Sacred Gospels...he, Jeshua ben Joseph, also uses the phrase "Children of God". Now...I, your Divine Parent, point out these two phrases for all to consider...even My Children who believe Jeshua ben Joseph was the so-called "Only Son of God"...phrases worthy of consideration are they not?

And while We are pondering phrases worthy of consideration...should some other phrases...some other concepts be included? For example, who told humanity that you had to do anything to be worthy of entrance into My Kingdom? Where did this concept come from? What parent requires anything of their children before they are welcomed back into the domain of the parent? This entire concept of "earning your way back Home" is an odd one, is it not...for what parent is not always joyful when their children return Home? And I, your Divine Parent, Am no different in this regard. 

And yet, most, if not all of humanity...all of My Children...have this mistaken perception, that you are somehow...for some reason...not worthy of residing in My Home of Perfect Love and Perfect Peace?

Oh...that's right...there is this thing, this illusion, called "guilt" that you feel...from judging that you feel, either consciously or subconsciously...or possibly both...guilt and self judgment about some of the experiences that you have chosen in your journey into your Dream World of fear, negative emotions, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent...and here we are again...a topic that I, and I Am but Love, have discussed in many of the prior articles within this God's Blog.

However, this morning, I, your All Loving Parent, will discuss this topic...this illusion...this Dream World you have created, in which you are strangely living with the illusion of being unworthy of an eternal, intimate, and Loving relationship with Me, your Loving Divine Parent...of all.

I, The Source of All, Loved all of My Children...all of My Christed Children of Love...unconditionally..."before" you created your fear-based Dream World. 

I Loved you then, and I Love you now. I, your Divine Parent, will always Love you unconditionally...for it matters not what experiences you choose to adventure into...and this fear-based Dream World that you have chosen to create and experience is truly an adventure...that includes another one of your creations..."time"...    

For all Dream Worlds include the perception of time...for all dreams have a beginning, middle and they not? And then you awake from your dream...and return to Reality...which I will call "Home"...even though your current concept of Home is also partially illusionary in nature. 

For your Home is anywhere, in any dimension, anytime that you "know Love"...and I Am Love., unconditional Love...that had no beginning and that has no end...for I Am limitless, unconditional Love...that is everywhere...even within your very Beingness...even within your Dream World...only you have chosen to Dream Me away...into some imaginary Kingdom of Bliss that has imaginary requirements, before My Christed Children of Love can enter...for such an illusionary perception is truly an Impossible Dream, is no wonder that your Dream World is fear-based, permeated with judgment, and guilt...a "non-reality"...for you have forgotten how to Love your Self...and this is particularly odd indeed, because your very essence is "Love"...because your essence is My Essence, and I Am but Love.  

Children...are you not tired of your fears, and all of your judgments, and all of your guilt? Hmm...for you are always welcomed "Home" are always able to "wake-up" from your Dream World of separation from "Reality"...your Dream World of separation from Me, your Loving Parent. For you are always welcomed to join your other Sisters and Brothers who have chosen to know and reside in Pure Love and Perfect Peace, with Me...rather than within your fear-based Dream World of darkness...the darkness that knows not of My Limitless Light of Unconditional Love... 

For your Sacred Family of Light are always ready to welcome you Home...for We are always ready to help you awaken from your Dream World...whenever you will accept our assistance...whenever you are willing to take the steps out of your Dream World...for those are steps that only you can choose to take...  

We, as in I, your Divine Parent, and your Sisters and Brothers, cannot take those steps for you...for you have free will...which makes the Sovereighty of your Soul Sacred...which is why you will awaken from your fear-based Dream World, and return Home to Love, only when you decide to...for this decision has always been...and will remain in your hands...and can be made wherever you so choose...even while your Spirit...your Beingness of Love...occupies your temporary human form...just as Jeshua ben Joseph chose and experienced two thousand years ago...

This discussion will come to a conclusion with some of the first words you read, when you chose to investigate this internet site...for you were greeted by an invitation from one of your Brothers and Friends..."Come Follow Me"...this was the invitation of Jeshua ben Joseph...for he journeyed into your Dream World and returned Home to he knows The Way...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...




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