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Good Morning My Children

The Christian Culture Has Promoted "Non-Reality" for 2,000 Years

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 Blog

Yes...good morning My Children...the Children of God are you, on your tiny planet Earth, in such a large universe. You wonder if there is Life somewhere "out there". Yes, you wonder about a great many things "out there" and yet, humanity rarely considers everything it should right "here" on planet Earth...yes, what we in the Spiritual Realms refer to as an experiential dimension...a dimension with site specific qualities any soul can consider...yes, consider whether or not they want to experience those qualities...and many do...many have ventured into the experiential dimension of Earth, with its physicality and illusion of separation from the Creator of All...and that would be Me, Abba I Am called, first by Jeshua ben Joseph, and now by many, oh yes...

There was a curiosity, a question initially..."can we create something that does not have the Creator, and the Creator is Love"....yes, can we create an experiential dimension that has the illusion of separation from the Creator of all...oh yes, and Earth is one of the results of that initial thought...

And what is non-Love...what is non-Abba? Oh yes, that would be what you call "fear", instead of Love consciousness, the conscious awareness of your Creator. You chose the opposite, and that would be fear consciousness...the dark emotions they are called, void of the Light of My Love...void of conscious union with Me, Abba, and yet, here I Am, on your world-wide internet for all to read... what has changed, what is happening, that one could be so bold as to, some say, break with your long and dark tradition of Life without Me, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...oh yes, an Infinite Field of Love that is everywhere Am I, even on, and within your Earthly experiential dimension. 

Yes, this one called Michael, has followed in the footsteps of another of your brothers...much, much, more famous is he, for he chose to experience the crucifixion so long ago, yes...the illusion of death...physical death that is, for there is no death of the Soul, only the transition from one dimension, and then, into another... 

Only Jeshua ben Joseph did not stay physically dead for very long, for he regenerated the physical form to tell all many things...oh yes, many things did he communicate after his cruciufixion, and when combined with his previous words of wisdom, and miracles, he became the most famous of all humans...

Oh yes, and he, Jeshua ben Joseph, has returned in the currect era to, as you say, "channel" a new body of information called The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, which is what this internet site,, is all about. Yes, this new version of what he tried to teach two thousand years ago, but no one was truly ready...humanity was not prepared for the Truth of your Beingness of Love...oh the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph were distorted and manipulated by the illusions that humanity associated with Life on your planet Earth...many of which continue to overshadow and dominate what he, Jeshua ben Joseph, now calls your Dream World of separation from Me, Abba...  

Oh yes, a perspective, an illusion, which we in the Spiritual Realms find impossible, humorous, and yet, horrifying all at your same time...yes, "your time" for we, in the Spiritual Realms of Consciousness, do not live with "time".

"Time" My Children exists only where there is fear, and fear can only exist where there is the illusion of being, of living without Me...and I Am Love...hmm...and "that" should give you something to think about...oh yes...mind-boggling you call it...but let us move on this morning...   

Ah yes, let us move onto how most currently peceive this internet site,, and his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, inclusive of My Blog, "God's Blog" it is called, the new medium that has been created for Me, your Creator, to express Self, Abba I Am called, to all of humanity...

Ah yes, I, and I Am Pure Love, came to this one called Michael, who had searched for and studied the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph for many, many years...oh yes, he even wrote a rather long book about his is called Jesus vs Christianity - The Myth of Heaven and Hell, where within he exposed many of the fallacies of traditional Christianity...oh yes...and even though this book is as I described it...a rather long book...he contemplated making it a two volume series, for he did not convey all of the fallacies and misconceptions he had uncovered in his search for the "Truth", with a single book, regarding the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. 

However, he was motivated to move on, to do the best he was able to, in summarizing the Truth of Jeshua's Life and teachings. Jesus vs Christianity - The Myth of Heaven and Hell is hardly a literary gem, and yet, the disclosures shed some very long overdue Light on the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, which Christianity has either avoided, ignored, or misunderstood for two thousand years...oh yes...their egos came between the Truth and their traditional Christian beliefs...oh yes.

And would humanity like to know why? Why a thing called the "ego" has precluded the Traditional Christian Culture from recognizing the Truth, inclusive of embracing The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. It is really quite simple, and perplexing all at the same time...hmm...and there is that word again...time, which cannot exist without fear...ah...but let us move on...

Where was I...oh yes...the egoic foundation of the Traditional Christian Culture...and what is the ego..."fear consciousness", as opposed to "Reality", and that would be Love Consciousness, for only Love is "Real"...oh, and "that" is what I Am...Abba...I Am Pure Love, and you are My Creation; Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine...oh yes, just like Me you are, for I created you in "My Image", just as stated in your Holy Bible... 

So, My Children, have you absorbed the ironic Reality of your Traditional Christian Culture yet? I will, as you say, spell it out for you. The Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph was all about creating a new path, a new Love-based human model, a new Truthful model humanity could follow, out of your egoic Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, and I Am Pure Love...oh yes, a way out of the illusion of fear consciousness, egoic consciousness is it called...your illusion of separation from Me, The Creator, and return to Perfect Union with Me, and your brothers and sisters, who chose to never venture into your Dream World...your experiential dimension of egoism...the illusion of fear consciousness...oh yes...venture into an experiential dimension of non-reality, for I Am Infinite and Everwhere, which simply means, for the millionth time, that you, humanity, live in illusion...the fear-based illusion of separation from Me, Abba...

Your Christian culture promotes egoic, fear-based illusion...just as it has for two thousand years...oh yes...for two thousand years the Christian culture has promoted "non-reality". The Christian culture is the manifestation of egoic, fear consciousness...the exact opposite of the Truth Jeshua ben Joseph was attempting to convey two thousand years ago..."two thousand years ago", My Children. For two thousand years, Christianity and the balance of humanity, has had the opportunity to get your story straight, as you say, to correct all of the illusions and delusions about Life on planet Earth, as embodied in the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...but to no avail...

The decision was made to give all of My Children on planet Earth, as you say, a helping hand, out of your illusion...out of your Dream World of fear consciousness...and so when humanity could grasp the "Reality" of Jeshua ben Joseph's message of Truth, he began the current era of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, with a Heavenly Host of assistance and guidance from Me, Abba, the Source of All. 

Christainity was not, as you say, getting the job done...for Christianity was, and continues to be, immersed in egoic, fear-based consciousness. Oh yes, there are many manifestations of this "Reality". One of the more obvious ones is that Christianity remains in denial of the Truth...oh denial, denial, and denial are they, the Christian leaders, regarding the Truth of the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...two thousand years ago...and today...oh yes...

Denial, My Children, is a cornerstone of egoism...the avoidance of taking responsibility for one's mistakes, in any way any way the egoic, human psyche can manufacture...oh yes, and your Christian leaders are experts at denial, for they have the benefits (a poor choice of words) of two thousand years of practice!

Oh yes, for two thousand years, the Christian leaders have denied the Truth. Even the voluminous body of Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...even today..."today" My Children, when I, the God your Christian leaders bow down to within your New Testament, proclaim to all of humanity that Christianity received...or should I say "manufactured the wrong message", thanks to the human ego...thanks to fear consciousness...thanks to its illusion of reality, which is not "Reality" at all, but rather a Dream World...and in this particluar case, the Christian Dream World...

Oh yes, the Christian Dream World continues to deny the Truth of the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph, even though Jeshua ben Joseph has returned to tell the Truth, which is very, very, very...(three verys...I think you get the message)...very different than the story told in your Gospels and the balance of your New Testament

Denial, denial, denial...a theological plague that pollutes the Christian Culture...Ah...but here I Am, The Source of All, communicating to My Children, all of My Children on Mother Earth that will listen to Me, Abba, that you should consider, the Christian culture in particular, embracing the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes, please consider this new body of information, which communicates a very different story than the Christian version of the Life and crucifixion of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph...

How long will you tarry in your self-created darkness My Children...the darkenss of your egos, and their fear long will you perpetuate your fears and long will you avoid the Truth of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings? A very interesting question indeed...for each day you avoid and deny the Truth, you deny yourselves the Bliss of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...oh yes...of reunion with Me, Abba, your Creator. 

Ah...but I did give you free-will...and the sovereignty of your souls...for you can choose to be aware, to be conscious of whatever you desire, and in so doing, "you create what you experience"..."you create" My Children..."you create"...for you cannot play the denial game with Me, your Creator, for I Know the Truth...I know "you have created" your Dream World, of your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am Love..."Love" My Children... 

As each soul awakens to the Reality of My Love, and reunion with Me, Abba, just as Jeshua ben Joseph did two thousand years ago, each soul...each Being of Love and Light Divine, will return to their eternal relationship with Me for guidance...oh yes...guidance for all decisions, for each soul will awaken to the Reality that they (you) have been relying on your fear-based egos for guidance for all decisions...oh yes...and fear-based decisions results in guess what My Children? That's right...fearful lives...fearful lives My Chldren.

Yes, yes...I know and understand you were curious about whether it was possible to create Life without Me, your Creator, and you have suceeded, in the Dream World of your making, but now, many have tired of your Dream World and desire to awaken to the Reality of Love and reunion with Me, and I Am Love...oh yes...Pure Love, My Children...for I Am not those judgmental Gods of your Earthly, no...those false Gods are simply part of your Dream World...all illusions thereof are dissolved in The Light you enter into, in your transition from your Dream World...your transition from your illusion of physicality and fear, into the Reality of the Spiritual Realms...yes, you call this transition "physical death", which is simply moving from one dimension to another...for there is "no death of the Soul".

No death My Children...hopefully this expression of your immortality will help a little in dissolving your ego's fear of death, one of the endless categories of fears that your egos have created...oh yes...for that is what your ego will do until you decide you have "had enough" of fear, anxieties, and non-love...oh yes...for your ego will create more fear for as long as you allow it to...remember...I gave you free-will, to experience whatever you desire...

Ah, but your ego will even deny that I gave you free-will...for your ego will deny you control all that you experience...oh many times have you denied your free-will and blamed an experience on something or somebody else? How many times My Children...oh...too many to even begin to remember them all...oh yes...your ego has been very busy indeed...

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault"...and on and on..."it's not my fault I am in a physical body on planet, God put me here"...hmm...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...

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