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Good Morning My Children

"Relax" For There is No End...There Is No Death of Your Soul

Saturday, March 18, 2023 Blog

Yes, yes...what will I, your Creator...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love have this day to discuss with humanity...oh yes, humanity, that race of physical beings who descended from the Spiritual Realm to experience what they had never before. Oh yes, quite the adventure into an experiential dimension...a dimension quite different in just about all aspects from that of your "Home" in the Light and Love of My Presence. Oh yes, My Children...or a portion of My Children I should say, for well over half of all Christed Beings of The Light, My Light, are elsewhere, in other portions of Creation. 

Ah...that will be a new bit of information for humanity to savor and talk about...oh yes...and even wonder about, for humanity has had an ongoing question about whether or not there is Life anywhere else in the Universe and now, there should be no doubt. Yes, My Children on planet Earth, there is much Life throughout Creation, which is vast beyond your imagination...oh yes...and please expand your perception of Creation to include an infinite number and types of experiential dimensions...oh yes...far, far different from your tiny little planet, in one small, small portion of Creation...oh yes...but the infinite size of Creation is not our topic this morning My Children, within the Earthly dimension of physicality and fear consciousness...the two primary categories of Life on your planet Earth. 

Imagine "that" if you will...please...within the context that both physicality and fear consciousness are extreme qualities of your experiential comparison that is...from whence you come...for your "Home dimension"...yes, let's call it that...your Home dimension has neither characteristic...neither three dimensionality or fear, and all of the...what does Jeshua ben Joseph call them...yes, all of the step-children of fear...the parade of dark emotions, and related dramatizations thereof

Oh yes, for on planet Earth a soul can experience the entire gambit of type and category of consciousness, while experiencing the illusion of form, of physicality, which even your physicists have discovered to be part of the illusion of Life on planet Earth...a topic most humans find mind-boggling, and yet, part of "Reality", oh yes...and the mind-boggling aspects of Life on Earth just go on, and on...and on...for what you perceive as "Reality", rarely is "Reality"...oh yes...quite the unique experiential dimension in all of Creation...for everyone knows the stories, the legends about your experiential dimension...oh yes...famous indeed humanity is...quite the conundrum for many of your fellow Beings of The Light Divine...oh yes! 

Why would anyone want to go to the "experiential dimension" of not a rare topic of discussion, and yet, not one that dominates conversations throughout the vastness of Creation, which is infinite...oh yes My Children on planet Earth...infinite indeed...

Ah yes, so with this new context as an introduction, let Me, your Divine Parent, The Source of All, proceed into some subject matter that you will undoubtedly find more personal...oh yes...more applicable to Life on your tiny, experiential dimension of Earth. 

First and foremost this morning, My message to humanity is to relax about your entire fear of death thing...that most of you deal with...that petrifies your population...oh yes...for what do you find more fearful than your "illusion" of death...and please take note of my description...your "illusion" of death, for your soul...your Beingness...your conscious awareness, with the freedom of choice, knows no such thing...for you have no death...for you, all of humanity, are what you label as "immortal".

Yes, you are multi-dimensional Beings, and one aspect of being multi-dimensional is you shift from one or more dimensions simultaneously, which is also mind-boggling for most of you, but there is never an end to your continuous awareness with free-will...for you simply shift in, and then out of your dimension of physicality and fear consciousness, which you call the third dimension of planet Earth

Yes..."shift" is a good word, which connotes change in dimensional experience. Yes...the analaogy used by Jeshua ben Joseph, in The Way of Mastery, is that you simply step from one room into step from the a Spiritual Dimension, and into your dimension of physicality...and then, back again, after you experience the cycle of physical birth and death, neither of which is a beginning or end to your Beingness of Light and Love...just...what shall we call this shift in consciousness...a changing of experiential dimension...yes...your physical birth and death are both simply a change in your experiential dimension...

So...please...begin the process of perceiving your Life in your experiential dimension of Earth from a more realistic perspective...from as you say...the "Big Picture", in hopes of transitioning away from your current fear of physical death phenomenon...that permeates your Earthly dimension of physicality and fear...for you have no end...    

Maybe this will assist a few of your race to, as you say, relax a bit more...oh yes,'s time to relax your perspective about Life, and shift to a Big Picture perspective, which includes your immortality and multi-dimensionality...oh yes...wondrous Beings are you...too wondrous to simply view yourselves as three dimensional, physical beings, on a tiny planet. This is part of My Message of Love to humanity this day..."relax", for there is no end...there is no death of your soul...

"If" you desire to educate yourselves on what comes before and after your physical birth and death, there is an ample amount of literature now available on your planet. A few examples are at the end of the list of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...on this internet site...oh yes...a few titles that will act as a good introduction, and you can find many others if you so desire. 

"What is next" My Children? You are immortal, and have chosen to experience your Earthly, experiential dimension of physicality, which is dominated by fear consciousness, also known as egoic consciousness, and as it has been described within this blog...My Blog...God's Blog, and also within The Way of Mastery by Jeshua ben Joseph, your reasons for entering your Earthly dimension have been well as how to dissolve your egos, and return to perfect union with Me, your is called "Heavenly Bliss".

"It" is all, Life that is, much easier than you are making it...but then again, "that" is your choice...your choice, not mine...and maybe I should discuss "that" a bit more. Okay...everything you experience, you have have created...for I, your Creator, created you to be "Creators". Oh yes, endless creators of whatever you desire to experience, and you, humanity, desired to experience an experiential dimesnion of physicality and fear consciousness, which also allowed for experiences of the positive emotions...oh yes...quite the experiential dimension, for it contains most of the categories of consciousness available in all of Creation...a very unique experiential dimension indeed...particularly because the dark emotions least until "you decide" you have had I, your Creator, have discussed before. 

You create all of your experiences based on what you decide to be consciously aware of, and then, you project your awareness out into the experiential dimension of Earth. Yes, you create all of your experiences "within your Beingness", which is the opposite of how you perceive the "mechanics of Creation"...for you...humanity...perceive that all of your experiences originate "outside" of yourselves, and that is simply part of your egoic consciousness...your fear consciousness, that has created the illusion that you are not in control...oh yes...but your ego's survive on the illusion, the perception, the fear that you are alone, separate individuals, that must find a way to survive and prosper in a world of uncontrollable events...that threaten the survival and well-being of the human form...your temporary body-brains...     

Oh yes...your egos do not want to hear that you are immortal Beings of Love and Light, in perfect union with Me...Pure, Unconditional Love...because then, there is nothing to fear, and the illusion of aloneness and separation is just "that" illusion...and then, "poof"...the ego is dissolved. No more fear, no more separation from Me, no more searching for Love, no more judgment, no more right and wrong, good and bad...simply the freedom to experience Life as you were be a field of conscious awareness, that chooses to witness and experience Me, Pure Love, flow through your Beingness...your conscious awareness, and out into Creation...

Oh yes, you were created to be in perfect union with Me, Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and Perfect Intelligence...and together we have the freedom to extend our perfect union...extend our Oneness...extend Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and Perfect Intelligence consciously out into Creation...experience after experience, after unending experience...and each new experience is the experience of Bliss, and the endless permutations of Bliss...forever, with no end...

"That" is a little bit different than your Life on Earth, is it not? Oh yes...because you were curious about the possibility, the concept, of Life without Love...without Me, your Creator.

Yes, yes...I have discussed this before on My blog, this blog, and I will continue to do so, for we are all searching for a different description, a new context, that will open the door of understanding to "Reality", as opposed to the illusions of your egoic consciousness, which rests on your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am Infinite Field of Pure, Unconditional Love that is everywhere...yes, I Am incomprehensible...

Yes, My Children, your egoic illusion of separation from Me, your All Loving Creator, has created quite the sizable gap in our understanding of the Reality of Love...LOVE...something that most of you are constantly searching one way or another...or...or you simply settle for your substitutes for True Love...and then, you tell yourselves that Life on Earth is wonderful...

However, deep within your Beingness of Love and Light...deep within your essence...deep within your soul, where your connection to Me, your Creator, cannot be broken, continues to silently remind you, often subconsciously...yes, subconsciously, that only Love is Real, and that all of your fears, your doubts, and worries are illusions...all of your making...and so you search, and search, and search for Love and True Peace. 

Oh yes, My Children, you have been searching for so long...and your search will continue...and continue, for who is making all of your decisions? Your egos! Your illusionary selves that believe your illusions of fear, and separation from Me, your Divine and Loving Parent, are all part of "Reality" egoic perception of reality that is not "Reality".

Yes, created your egos, and your egos created this Dream World...this experiential dimension of fear and illusion of separation from Me, and I Am Love...the Love that you keep searching for...and around, and around you go...humanity goes...the race of beings your egos created to perpetuate your Dream World...your illusion of aloneness and separation from Pure Love and Perfect Peace... 

And yes, My Children, your souls are immortal, and so you move from one temporary physical human body to your cycle of reincarnation...searching and searching, and searching, as guided by your egos...that desire to perpetuate your Dream World of fear, aloneness, and separation...for "that" is what the ego does...because "that" is how the ego survives...

Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph compares the ego to cancer...cells within the human body that multiply...that do not seek to act in the best interests of the human body...oh fact, the ego seeks to kill the Love and Light of each soul, with an unending creation of fear, of unworthiness, and of aloneness...all illusions created by the ego, for your "link", your connection, your relationship with Me, your All Loving Creator...knows no end My Children...   

And yet...yet...your ego will not cease in its efforts to dominate your consciousness with itself...and "it" is fear...and all of the step-children of fear, of which you know all to well...

So, My Children, we have returned to a very familiar place...a very familiar place indeed, on this blog, God's Blog it is called...oh is also a location in consciousness that your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes in The Way of Mastery, The Way in consciousness he traveled two thousand years ago...his journey from egoic consciousness to perfect union with Me, and I Am Love...his teachings for recognizing and dissolving the ego...his strategies for transitioning from all of the egoic illusions...all of the same illusions that you are confronted the Reality of Love...

Yes, My Children...with our assistance and guidance, that of his Creator and fellow Christed Beings of Light Divine, Jeshua ben Joseph found the path out of the darkness of the ego...out of fear consciousness, and back into the Light of Pure Love and Perfect Peace..."Perfect Peace" My Children...does that not sound very nice My Children?  

Come join us in Paradise...or tarry in your egoic illusions a bit longer...the choice is yours...for the path Home has been provided. We can hold your hand, as you take each step, and yet, each step you must take, for we cannot take them for you...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...


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