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Good Morning My Children

You Are Lost In Your Nightmare of Fear and Physicality...All Because You Were Curious As To What the Opposite of Love Would be Like

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Blog

Yes, yes...another day on Mother Earth for all of humanity...and another day when almost all of you will miss the Message of Love for which you have come...oh yes, My is almost as if you have decided you are, what is your term, oh yes...I is as if everyone is going to "play hooky" from school, and choose instead to waste the day away with some meaningless Earthly endeavor...oh yes, another day of hooky for all of humanity...for you know not why you are "here"...oh no...lost are you, and you do not even know it. Oh are we going to...what is your phrase...oh are we going to "turn the boat around", so that it is going in the proper direction...a very large boat it is...for all of humanity resides within it...oh yes! 

Hmm...where shall I begin this our attempts to deliver the Message of Love for which you all came...oh is as if humanity attended Church, on a Sunday morning, and proceeded to "day dream" the morning away, instead of paying attention to the message delivered by the preacher, that he or she had spent days preparing for your ears, hearts, and minds...on my...can you imagine how she or he feels...looking out on the congregation, seeing that no one is truly paying attention...oh my...and yet, deliver the message they do...every Sunday...every week, every year, every decade....every century, and on, and on, and on humanity misses the Message of Love, which was delivered, and not received by the human race...oh my...

Well, My Children...My very fortunate Children, for you are very fortunate indeed to have a Family of Light Divine waiting for you, and nudging you in the right direction, when the opportunities present themselves...and the opportunities are endless each day, and you see them not. Oh yes...opportunities for all of humanity to be the Presence of Love in every situation imaginable, on your tiny planet...overflowing with one drama after another, where humnaity...what is the phrase, oh yes..."misses the boat"...misses another of the endless opportunities to be the Presence of Love, rather than some egoic demonstration of darkness and ignorance...oh yes...please excuse My directness...but My Children, it is almost as if you have completely forgotten...that you are completely oblivious to why you have come to your planet Earth, your human made planet of non-reality...oh yes...non-reality indeed, a fearful, dark place...a fearful, dark experiential dimension you have created, and there almost...almost appears to be no end to your darkness in sight...on your a possible outcome...

Oh my, My Children, what shall we do...for you have forgotten so much of why you originally entered your experiential dimension of fear and illusion...remember? Remember My do don't even know, what I, your Loving Creator, is even talking about...but, that is, as some say, perfectly okay...oh yes...I gave you all the freedom to create and experience any aspect of non-Love you could imagine...and because you were created to be like Me, your Divine Parent, you are Divinely Creative, which has given humanity the freedom to excel at creating some of the very darkest of experiential dramas ever...ever, in the history of Creation...oh yes, My Children...even as you read these words, there are millions of your fellow Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine starving to death...that lack enough clean water to quench their thirst...oh my...oh yes, My Children, when there are resources in your experiential dimension of fear and darkness to feed all of the inhabitants of your planet...  

Hmm...yes...Jeshua ben Joseph describes your experiential dimension of Earth as an illusion...a Dream World filled with fear and non-reality...oh my...just imagine...just imagine how a mother and father of three small children awaken each day to your world..."your self-created world", where they may endure another day of hunger, thirst, and endless...and needless challenges, just to survive...oh yes...a horrible dream indeed...but oh...oh my have not created a Dream have create a "nightmare"...oh yes... 

Yes, My Children, you are lost in your nightmare of fear and physicality, and yet, so many just continue to dream on...and on...and on each day, each year, each millennia...oh my...

Many in the Spiritual dimensions have turned away...oh yes...your sisters and brothers in The Light, who reside in the Reality of Love...My Love, My Children, which you have chosen to turn away from...oh yes...all because you were curious, and Divinely Creative, as to what the opposite of Love would be like...and oh, My Children, you have succeeded...for you have created egoic consciousness as a substitute for Love Consciousness, the illusion of separation for illusionary dimension of fear consciousness, and every imaginable variation thereof...

Oh my, how do you like your illusion...your Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am Love...remember My Children, you remember Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love don't you...somewhere in the depths of your Holy the depths of your soul...somewhere?

Somewhere you remember Me...of course you do, you have just temporarily forgotten...oh have just temporarilty forgotten how I created you, in My Image, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love. You are just like Me...oh yes, My unimaginable as some of you may find all of "this"...all of the Truth...all of the Reality of Love from whence you came...  

Oh yes, My Children, and I Am "here"...oh yes...I have come to remind you of a few things that you have forgotten, temporarily...oh are what Jeshua ben Joseph describes as "temporarily insane" in The Way of Mastery...oh yes...temporarily insane you are...humanity that is...oh my, yes, what a wonderful description for your human race...temporarily insane are you...all of humanity believe that your Dream World of fear and physicality is "Reality"...oh my...but oh, My Children, you have created an experiential dimension of fear and physicality as a substitute for your Spiritual Reality...oh yes, My Children, for you are Spirits of Love...Spirits of Love Consciousness My Children...remember?

No, you don't, and that is okay, but I assure you, as your Divine Parent, as your Spiritual Parent, that I am "here", in your experiential dimension with you, to assist you in remembering "the Reality of Love"...oh yes...and even though you are temporarily insane...and I must say, I like that description of your status quo...yes, you are temporarily insane, we, as in reference to your Family of Light Divine...Me and your sisters and brothers, will help you to remember one of the reasons for which you created your egoic Dream World of darkness...oh yes...and we will hold your hands, as we guide you back to the Light of Love...when you are ready that is...when you have had enough of your fears...when you have had enough of your nightmare of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes... 

Is any of this beginning to make sense to you, My Children? Not for all...but for some of you? Some of humanity? Yes, of course this information does, for some of you...for you are tired of the darkness of your Earthly experiential dimension. I can hear some of you this very moment..."I am never coming back here...I cannot stand it any more...the pain and suffering is just too great...yes, there is much I have enjoyed, but the other stuff, that goes along with the good things about Life on Earth...the dark stuff, the pain and suffering, the fear...that is just too much, I want no more...I am never coming back"...

These sisters and brothers are referring to reincarnation, for many now understand and remember being in your experiential dimension before, in different temporary human body-brains...oh yes...many remember reincarnation or accept the principle...the concept. 

So, My Children...what is the message this day to all of My Children, embodied in human forms, who are temporarily insane...using the phrase from your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph...  

Ah...and I can hear...I can sense a few questions arising to the surface of consciousness...conscious awareness...of which you all have...and are endowed with...why did I come here? For some of you, My Children, have been reading My Blog, God's Blog it is called...or possibly the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, from which you have learned that all Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine have both conscious awareness and free-will...the combination thereof creates all of your experiences...for who can have an experience if they are not aware...on some level?

Back to the question...why did you come to the experiential dimension of fear consciousness, of pain and suffering...of the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine the place called planet Earth? Ah yes, a very good question indeed, for anyone that is lost in your Dream World...for any soul that is temporarily insane... 

It is not as if the answer has not been communicated to you before My Children, and there are multiple aspects to the answer, all of which have been presented to you before, in one place, in one source, for all of humanity to educate yourselves. Oh yes, almost thirty years ago now...and even within this, My Blog...I, your Loving Creator, have conveyed some of your reasons for coming to this Dream World, which I must say, truly rattles some of you My Children, for "it" does not seem like a "Dream" to you...for it (Life on Earth) is so "real", it cannot be a dream...but I digress...

Within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, we tell all of humanity that one of the primary reasons you came to this experiential dimension, to this Dream World of separation from Me, is to test yourselves...oh yes, to test the limits of your Unlimited Selves, to test the limits of your Christed Beingness of Love and Light, which of course has no limits My Children...for I created you in My Image, borrowing a few words from your Holy Bible...and I have no limits My Children, which means that you have no limits...oh yes, imagine "that" My Children...

I created you to be Unlimited Beings of Love and Light...being "Christed" it is called in some circles...and something Unlimited Beings do is to test the limits of your unlimitedness, and "this" is one of the reasons that you have created, and temporarily exist within your experiential dimesnion...your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, which is called planet Earth. 

Oh yes, for you desired to experience, to live as the Presence of Love, and Pure Love is your essence, in an experiential dimesnion that represented the opposite of "Reality"...

Hmm...let Me I desire to expand on that description? Is this clear enough for My Children in the experiential dimension of Earth? Oh more ingredient to be added...your desired to be the Presence of test your unlimitedness to be the Presence of Love, in an experiential dimension of fear and separation from Love, which must include the illusion or Dream of separation from Me, The All Loving Source of All...

There...I like that description...even humanity will understand those may not comprehend them at first...but in time, you will...eventually. So, My Children, I will make reference to and repeat the descriptions contained herein in many future articles in this, My Blog. 

I will now expand on the underlying meaning...the underlying "Reality" of your Dream World...the underlying test of your unlimitedness that you chose to undertake and experience...even if you do not remember...yet...what you have buried in your subconscious...ah...but "it" is all there My Children...everything I have described to you this day lies within the depth of your Beingness of Unlimitedness...oh yes...your Unlimited Beingness of Love, for you are truly Wondrous Beings of Love, My Children...oh yes! It is no wonder why I Love you all so, so very much...oh yes, My Children...

So...My does that all sound for the "Big Picture" of your future on Earth...within your experiential dimension of fear and physicality? does that sound?

You will be will experience your True will be "awake" within your Dream will live as the Presence of Love "within" your experiential dimension of egoic darkness...oh you are ready to begin your journey back to the Reality of Love, great! If not, if you desire to tarry in the the fear, a bit be will not be the Bliss of The Light that awaits you...but that's okay...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...


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