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Good Morning My Children

Why You Created Your Ego

Saturday, March 11, 2023 Blog

Good morning...good morning...another day on your planet Earth...oh my, what will happen today in each of your lives...oh yes...many, as you say, surprises and shocks are in store for humanity...and also misery and suffering of one sort or another, for your planet and experiential environment contain every dark possibility imaginable, and even many that are beyond the imagination of humanity...oh have it "all", along with many bright spots...loving, compassionate, caring events, and yes, even an abundance of humorous goings keep you hoping and striving for a better day, a brighter series of events, and an ever improving quality of Life...oh yes, humanity never gives up hope that "tomorrow will be a better and brighter day"...

However, humanity rarely agrees on how a better and brighter day will be obtained, which lead to never ending disagreements, conflicts, and confrontations...from two sisters not agreeing on how to bake a cake, to two world leader's inability to define a mutually agreeable resolution, to a regional disagreement, that spans hundreds, and sometimes, thousands of years...oh yes...there is much, "my way is better than your way" that is never ending on your beautiful planet Earth...

For conflict and disagreement is always ongoing, whenever the ego is involved, and you all have egos My Children...something that you live with each of your days and yet, know so very little about...not really, even though your mental health professionals claim to be experts...oh yes...quite ironic, and often even humorous, as even your mental health therapists perpetuate conflicts and disharmony, arising from their lack of understanding and education regarding the human ego...

Yes...yes, a serious lack of understanding and education is present around your globe regarding your egos...and regrettably, there is no end to this void, as you say, on the horizon...oh, but wait a minute, there is a glimpse of hope...there is one who has come forward with a truly comprehensive understanding of all of the egoic qualities and characteristics...oh expert on the ego, and all of its inherent tendencies and propensities for disharmony and confrontations...oh yes...a Soul, a brother, who has long yearned for peace and tranquility...for compassion and understanding...for yes, even "Heaven on Earth"...wouldn't "that" be nice...heavenly indeed, is his goal...My goal...and yet, his teachings fail to obtain the recognition, and depth of understanding, needed on your tiny planet to have the impact of which I speak... 

Oh yes, there is a force, and energy, a "movement" I suppose humanity would call "it", that has never and will never give up hope for humanity...never stops the efforts to obtain a brighter day, a happier day, a more peacefull day, for all of humanity...can you imagine "that' My Children...oh, wouldn't that be nice...for humanity to agree on how to obtain "true peace" within all aspects of your experiential environment...oh yes, we, in the Spiritual dimensions, never cease in extending, as you say, our helping hands to humanity, and yet, so often, humanity does not recognize the very core cause of all of your conflicts and heartaches...oh no...for humanity is simply too lost in your, "my way is better than your way mentality" to recognize the significance of the ego...the nature of the ego...the devastating effects of the ego...and yes, even the origins of the ego...your egos My Children...

The ego, your egos, will be the controlling and dominating force on your planet until you educate yourselves on your egos, whereby you truly understand how to dissolve your egos, and thereby take a huge step towards creating Heaven on Earth...oh yes, My is may seem impossible today...but oh...tomorrow...tomorrow My Children is an entirely different matter...for the seeds have been planted...My seeds My Children, for a truly peaceful and Loving way of Life...oh yes, for all of humanity My Children...

Oh yes, My Children, True Peace and Love are fact..."they" are alreeady "here", and you recognize them never have, because your egos have been the dominant least on the surface...oh yes, your "my way is the best way" mentality has been, and will continue to be the source, the egoic source My Children, of all of your so-called problems. So, My Children, what is the proverbial first step toward understanding and educating yourselves on your egos..."that" is our subject this morning...

Oh my, there are several essential first of which is humility...oh yes, humility My Children is an essential quality...a characteristic for understanding yourselves and your egos...for without humility, you cannot recognize your need to educate yourselves in a way that you never have before...that is, if "we", you and and your Divine Parent, are ever going to create Heaven on Earth...Heaven on Earth My Children...can "we" even agree that "that" would be a wonderful thing?

You remember Heaven don't you...somewhere...deep down within your soul, your remember True Peace and Pure Love, for "that" is from whence you came...remember? And then, you had the thought, oh became curious...some of you My Children...not all...some...curious about the thought of experiencing separation from Love....oh yes, you it even possible, for you had never ...never had such an had never experienced separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...and your curiousity and related creativity began to grow, and grow, and "here" we are today My do you like your illusionary world of separation from Love...which of course, is the illusion of separation from Me, The Source of All... have never thought of your Life on planet Earth from this perspective before, have you? You have never thought of your egos...oh yes, your egos, as your creation, to see if you could create a sense of individuality and separation from Me, which of course would be an illusion...the illusion of illusions, for I Am everywhere, literally...but, I have told you this before...many times, within this My Blog...Gos'd Blog it is called...oh yes, many times...and your egoic mindset...your egoic creation of illusion, exercises one of its main of its primary strategies for the maintenance of its very existence...a very effective characteristic, that is, if you My Children desire to maintain your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am the Love that you search for in all the wrong places...oh yes...the Pure Love and Perfect Peace that you knew before you decided to see if the illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, was remember, don't you? 

But, I digress..."denial" My Children...that is one of the primary techniques that all of your egos utilize to maintain and perpetuate your illusion of separation from Me..."Me"...Your Divine Parent: Pure Love, Perfect Peace, Perfect Intelligence...never ending understanding and compassion...oh yes, for "who" else would Love you so much...that I would give you the freedom to experience your illusion of separation from Me?

Yes, My Children, I Love you so much...unconditionally My Children, that you can create whatever experiences you so desire, and you desired to see if you could create separation from Me, and I Am Love...and because I also gave you Divine, Unlimited Creativity, you succeeded in creating the illusion of all illusions...separation from Me...which of course My Children, is the illusion of separation from Love and Perfect Peace...oh created your illusion of separation from Pure Love and Perfect Peace...I believe you call it "Bliss".

Lesson #1 My Children...on your egos that created your egos, your illusion of having an ego, which is a small part of your Mind...yes, that is a good description...your egos are a small part of The Mind, which you created and utilize to experience your illusion of separation from Me!

Oh...I can hear some of your denials already My Children...but that is okay...I understand your egos and how they function...for I watched you create them. I observe and witness the effects of your creation...your egos that is...every moment of everyone of your days, because I Am everywhere, you say..."24/7"...

Oh yes, I have witnessed and experienced the results of your egoic creation ever since the first second you manifested your egos...your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am Love...oh yes...painful it all is...and has experience "non-Love" is called "fear" My Children...your illusion of separation from Me is called fear and non-reality...and also anger and hatred...yes, My Children, most of you have buried a hatred and anger of yourselves deep within, for creating your illusion of separation from Love and Perfect Peace...for creating your egos My Children!

Oh yes, for with your creation of your illusion of separation from Me, Pure Love and Perfect Peace (which was the creation of the egoic portion of your Mind), you also created all the permutations of fear. Oh yes, My Children, you openned the door to all of the Dark Emotions, and once again...your curiousity created all of the dark emotions and experiences that pepper your human history on Earth...oh yes...deny as you you you do...all of the darkness that humanity has experienced, millenia after millenia, all can be traced back to your creation of your egos...oh yes...the illusion of all illusions... 

All is not lost, although it may seem that way, to your egos that is, for now that the cause of all of your pain and suffering has been revealed, the door...the pathway back to reunion with Me, your All Loving Creator, has been presented to you...oh is already, as you say, in black and white...and in audio recordings...oh yes! 

As has been communicated throughout this, God's Blog, a brother and friend, found and traveled the path back to reunion with Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes, while he was still in one of your temporary, human forms...and this map back to Love is the message of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Oh yes, My Children...but please, do not confuse the message and education, which is now available, with Christianity...oh no...please do not do this...that is, if you desire reunion with Me, and an end to the darkenss of the ego. For although there are some aspects of My Message of Love, within the ancient teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, the ego has polluted fact, the ego created Christianity!

"Please", try not to confuse My Message of Love with any of your egoic creations, which your egos will undoubtedly attempt to accomplish...but, such is the nature of your egos...which have, and continue to serve the purpose for which you created "them"...and that's perfectly okay...the ego accomplished your goal, for you, My Children, all Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine, have had your experience of non-love...of the illusion of separation from Me, your Loving Creator...and for those of you who desire to return Home to "Reality"...yes, return Home to the Reality of Love and Perfect Peace My Children, "The Way" has been provided, specifically with Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery.

Do not expect The Way of Mastery to describe some mild alterations to your lifestyles and attitudes...oh no...for if you are so blinded by your egoic side, that you perceive that only some minor changes are needed to re-establish conscious union with Me, and I Am Love, you are mistaken My Children...and I Am going to tell you...all of humanity...that "that" is okay...

Yes, My Children, if you are not dedicated to major changes in your lifestyle, in your attitudes, in how you think moment to moment, then...then My Children, that simply communicates to you that you are not yet fully committed to Love and Perfect are not yet humble enough to admit to yourselves, and to everyone, including Me, and I Am Love, that your first priority is not coming "Home" to Love and Perfect Peace...

Oh yes...and for those who have read all of the prior articles in this, My Blog, this subject has also been previously described and discussed...for many of which may shock you...and that is, if you are not yet fully committed to return Home to are not humble enough to admit that major changes are required, which means you desire more of your egoic lives. Oh yes, My Children, you may say you want to come Home to Love and Perfect Peace, but when the steps of change knock on your door, you deny the necessity. 

"I want to come Home to Love and Perfect Peace...yes, of course I want Bliss every moment...of course I want to experience Perfect Union with My Creator, every moment of every day...of course I want to make all my decisions based in Love...yes, yes, I want all of that...but, but its complicated...there are so many other considerations and factors...I have to pay so many bills, I have to take care of my townhome, my career, all of my imporatnt relationships, and "when" I have all of those essentials taken care of...well, there is often not much time left over...but I'm fully committed...when there is more time, I will devote my efforts 100% to make the changes I need to make." you know how many times a soul, in a temporary human form, has expressed such a perspective? Or...after a soul has begun to educate themselves about their egos, and how to dissolve their egos, as described in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...and they are confronted by the changes they must make...and surprise, surprise..."Oh, I understand everything Jeshua is saying...I get it...I'm almost there...I live like he is describing, some of the time...for I'm an advanced soul, not like most of humanity...I don't need to study and practice Jeshua's teachings for years"

Or, another common reaction is..."I had no idea Jeshua was going to tell me that I had to make all those changes...big changes...major changes...I'm not sure I understand everything he is's almost as if he doesn't understand what my life is really like, because I would have to devote years of study and practice to understand and incorporate all of the changes into my Life, that he describes...I don't think I can do Life is not so bad...besides, who am I kidding, I'm not good enough for God"...

And guess what My Children, in all such cases, your egos have won control over another one of your incarnations, or two, or thirteen, as the dominant force in your lives on Earth. And that's okay...take as long as you desire to decide that Pure Love and Perfect Peace is your first priority, and that you are fully committed to do whatever is needed to dissolve the ego and re-establish Perfect Union with Me...and I Am Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...incomprehensible, and yet, I await your return Home to Love...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 





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