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Good Morning My Children

How Long Will You Be Lost?

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 Blog

Ah...yes..."good morning"...another day on planet Earth, and time for another Message of Love from you Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, My Children...another message...another communication from The One who you never expected to hear from while you were embodied...incarnated in a human form, a human body-brain.  

How is it down there...on a human form? It all seems so natural now, does it not? And yet, what is natural about a Christed Being of Light seemingly embodied in a physical, human form...not much, I assure you...and yet, there you are...over six billion of you...quite the undertaking...lost in "the illusion", the Dream World of fear and physicality... 

Oh yes...what aspect about your status quo shall I, your Creator, discuss this day, that most, if not all will consider as an impossibility, for your Creator does not communicate with all of humanity on a blog, on your internet, now do I...and yet, here we, as in all of humanity and I, and I Am the Infinite Field of Love, of which I have been describing...and communicating from to you, all of humanity, for one of your past years with little reaction on your part...quite odd is it not? For I would have thought there would be at least a few of My Children who would desire to enter into a conversation with your Creator, and yet, as you say...not so much...not interested... be it...I have much to communicate to humanity. For example, as you find this chain of events impossible to believe...there are some Christed Beings in your human forms who would like to communicate with Me, and I Am Love...Pure, Infinite, Unconditional Love...that is everywhere...around you, inside of you, present throughout Creation and yet, you live as though a conversation with Me is impossible...My, my...what an illusion...what a fantastic illusion indeed!

What will it take...what would have to occur for humanity to take My Messages of Love seriously? It seems like we have done this all once before...oh yes...when Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend, who once walked among you, two thousand years know him...the one you call Jesus Christ, possibly the most famous human, who told you that all humans are My I Am once again conveying to all of humanity, through this one called Michael... 

Hmm...are you going to call him Michael Christ?

What will need to occur for humanity to take My Message of Love to heart...for even though Jeshua ben Joseph has returned to channel many books over the past few decades, humanity goes on as though nothing has changed. Hmm...yes...what event would need to occur for you to take My Message of Love seriously...but not too seriously...for you are already a very, very serious race of beings...oh of the more serious races in all of Creation. 

Miracles again? Really? Humanity is going to have to witness what you refer to as "miracles" before you believe My Message of Love, and your Dream World of fear and physicality? Hmm...amazing...truly amazing...having Jeshua ben Joseph return to Earth, in the form of an ongoing series of channeled teachings, was not sufficient for you to "believe"? 

Are you that lost in your Dream World? It appears to be so...because even when Jeshua ben Joseph communicates to humanity..."if you want to know how I became enlightened, just study and practice these three books...The Way of Mastery trilogy...and you can join me in paradise"...and then what happens? What happened My Children? You all go on your merry way, as if no such message was delivered, by the one who endured the death of a crucifixion and then, came back to Life!

Oh was "big news" two thousand years ago, but his return today...not so much My Children? As you say, no big deal, My Children. Are you enjoying your Dream World of fear and physicality that much My Children? So much, so that when a brother offers you a path to paradise with Me, your Creator, you more or less shrug your shoulders, and continue on in your Dream World...oh really are much so that you do not realize that you are lost...oh do not realize that your Dream World of fear and physicality is an illusion..."non-reality"...and that Love and perfect union with Me, your Ceator, is "Reality"

Oh my...what are you going to do My Children...just continue to walk through endless pain and suffering forever? For eternity? Oh my...that does not sound like...what are your words...a fun way to experience eternity..."eternity" My Children...for you have no may think that physical death is an end, but it is not...your physical death is just an end to a physical incarnation in your Dream World, followed by Life in between physical incarnations...and then, back into another human body, for another incarnation in your Dream World on Earth...oh long are you going to be lost in your cycle of reincarnation?

How long are you going to experience the darkness of your Dream World on Earth? How long will it many more much more pain and suffering My Children, before you say "enough"...I have had enough of this place called Earth....I cannot take "it" any longer...I'm done...time for suicide. Oh yes, My Children...thousands commit suicide each of your years, all in an effort to escape your Dream World of darkness...of pain and suffering...mentally, emotionally, physically, and yes, even Spiritually My Children, because that is what you truly are...Spiritual Beings, and yet, most of you My Children, do not cater to your Spirirtual nature and essence...oh no... 

Humanity pays far more attention to your Dream World of fear and physicality than to your Spiritual nature and essence. Why is this My Children? Oh yes...almost are lost...literally, in your Dream World...incarnation after incarnation...after incarnation. Oh my...lost indeed!

Your pain and suffering in your Dream World goes on and on...and on...until you simply cannot stand it any longer...and then, you will end up like your brother Michael...oh yes...he tried to escape your Dream World with suicide, only to learn that suicide was not the answer...oh yes...for he would find himself (or herself) back in your Dream World in another human body-brain...oh yes! I have spoke of this suicide scenario before...not the answer My Children...not a path out of your pain and suffering...just ask Michael...he will tell you...oh yes...lost are you, until you turn to the example of Jeshua ben Joseph, and a few other sisters and brothers, who have awaken from your Dream World...oh yes, literally awaken to the Reality of reunion with Me in more pain and more more more stress, while you are still in your human forms...can you imagine My Children? 

Oh yes..."that" is where we are and I, your Creator. However...however My Children, this is not a decision that I, your Creator, can make for you...oh no...for I gave you free-will to experience anything you so desire, and right now, have chosen your Dream Wolrd on Earth, including the grand illusion of separation from Me, the Infinite, Pure, Unconditional Field of Love that surrounds you and permeates all...oh yes...what is your term...the word your therapists use so often...oh yes, "denial" have chosen to be in denial of "Reality"...My Reality...oh my, can you imagine...oh, of course you can, because "that" is what you have chosen to experience...deny that I Am, and that I Am "everywhere"..."Wow", as you proclaim on Earth, "that" is a big denial My Children. "Really"...I guess so, for I have observed you from the beginning of your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am Love...Pure, Infinite, Unconditional Love... 

Just ask Jeshua ben Joseph...or read his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...either one will do, for he will speak with any fellow Christed Being of is just that most of you do not believe he will reply to you, if you ask him a question. Yes...listening for repsonses from the Spiritual Dimensions is a natural, innate, God given ability that very few humans recognize as part of "Reality"...your "Reality" My Children...something that I, and I Am Love, described in a prior article in this, God's Blog, as your "link" to communicate with Me, anytime you so choose...

Oh yes...just ask Michael, for he uses his "link" to Me everyday, many times each day, for he is a good student of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, which is The Way to re-establish your relationship with Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes, My Children...your relationship with Me, your conscious relationship with Me is part of "Reality" My Children...and yet, you deny such a relationship exists...or ever existed, even before you began to incarnate into your Dream World of fear and physicality on Mother Earth...oh yes...for who do you know, as in speak to each day, that says things like...Oh, I was going to do "that", but then, I asked Abba for guidance, and Abba told me to do "this" instead... 

How many My Children? How many fellow souls do you know turn to Me, as a matter of routine, for guidance? It is no wonder that your experiential dimension of Earth is not a more Loving, experiential dimension...for I Am Love!

How do you think you are going to make your Dream World into an experiential dimension of Love? How, indeed? Is not Love something your desire? Can you ever have too much Love My Children? Oh yes, how many of your sisters and brothers tell you each day..."I just have too much Love and Bliss in my Life, so I am going to start turning away from the guidance of Abba, and see if I can return to that illusion, that Dream World of separation from Abba...oh yes...because I do not have enough pain and know...all of the feelings of unworthiness and despair, because I just want to see what that is like again."

Yes, My Children, how many Masters do you know that re-established their relationship with Me, and I Am Love, and then, decided to return to your Dream World on Earth? Yes, return to your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...ah...why so quiet...speak have not seen any such Masters on your nightly news? None on any talk shows, streaming on your internet? Hmm...

My, oh Masters who re-established their relationship with Me, your Creator, have returned to your Dream World on Earth. Hmm...I think there is a message for all on planet Earth...Bliss or incarnate into the experiential dimension of Earth...hmm...maybe...just maybe...they know something that you don't? What could "that" be My Children? Who could teach you everything that they have learned about free-will and Bliss? Hmm...who could that be?

Who speaks of perfect reunion with Me, Abba, The Source of All, in the context that such a reunion can be experienced by all souls...while you are still incarnated, in the experiential dimension of Earth? Who speaks of such things, and yet, so few few study and practice such teachings, which describe reunion with Me, your Divine Parent...Hmm...

Someday...someday My Children...when you decide you want Love in your Life...someday...someday when you are not afraid to experience the Bliss of reunion with your Creator...for you live in a Dream World of fear...for fear permeates your Dream World...your experiential dimension...and yet, you have chosen other priorities...oh in Bliss is just not that important to you...or, you would already be actively asking for My guidance each one of your days...oh yes...that is the only path to True Love and True Peace...for if you knew how to have more Love and True Peace in your would already have "it"...wouldn't you? Hmm...something to think about...oh yes, My Children, something indeed!

A subject I, your Creator, have discussed in prior entries in this, God's Blog...and a subject I will continue to address...over and after day...and, oh yes, year after year, for now I have a forum...a communication device to speak to all of humanity, and I will continue to point you to the one who re-established his relationship with Me, Abba, and documanted the path he followed...from your Dream World of fear, to the Reality of reunion with Me, and I Am Love...Love My Children...oh yes!

Many did not listen to My Message of Love, delivered by Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago...and many have distorted this message...My message...for two thousand years...which is why you now have The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and teacher of Love, who resides by My side, for all of eternity...just as you will someday, when you wake-up from the endless illusions of your Dream World. Oh yes, someday...someday you will say "enough...enough...I want more Love in my Life...Real Love...not all the substitutes that I have created and settled for"

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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