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Good Morning My Children

The Other Side of the Fence...the Spiritual Dimensions

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Blog

Yes...another day on Mother Earth...what will happen today? One never knows on such an unstable planet, with such an unstable population, how wonder everyone watches the nightly news broadcasts, in one form or another. Oh my, another "this" or another "that", unless of course there is a major, major surprise and then, whatever it is, is the only topic of discussion for days...oh my...

It is no wonder that you have so many mental health facilities and professionals to assist the population to cope with everything that transpires on your planet. Oh yes, there always seems to be a shortage of therapists. Either that or circumstances where despair and shock are simply everyday...everyday environments...what is considered "normal"...what is your big deal...when "big deals", as you call them, are everywhere...yes, everywhere and everyday. Oh my, it is really quite the place, and under such ever changing, dramatic circumstances, humanity finds a way to live through each day, to the next...and the next, and the next...  

What a history humanity has to look back on...oh my...yes, a history of dramas, of every category...never ending...never is no wonder souls choose to incarnate into your experiential dimension, for it is certainly never boring, now is it?

Yes, yes...on the "other side", in the Spiritual dimension, there is always the endless incarnations that are in various planning stages, as Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine line up for another Earth experience. It is quite the process to observe and partake in...oh yes, the preparation is never has to be, to support such a large population...

Ah...humanity has probably never considered the immense...yes, the immense operation that is ongoing...yes, the "pre-incarnation planning" that goes on non-stop in the Spiritual Realm. Let us not forget to mention the other component, which is as equally immense...yes, yes...for just as souls are constantly incarnating, moving from the Spiritual Realm and into your experiential dimension of form and dark emotions, there is the endless river of souls departing your dimension of fear and form...yes...what humanity refers to as dying and death.

Yes, My Children, please consider the operation occurring for all of the souls going through the transition, the shock of physical death to Spiritual Life once again...and again...and never are either in some stage of planning your next adventure on Earth, as a human form...or concluding an incarnation, and making the transition back into the Spiritual Realm. It is one of the truly amazing, and ongoing events in all of Creation...oh all of Creation My Children...

Ah...but you...humanity never considers such things now do you? Oh no...for your experiential dimension is so, what words shall I use, demanding and ever changing, that most never truly pause to consider the "Big Picture", from our side, from your experiential dimension of physicality and fear...oh ongoing drama of dramas...yes, a great description for your experiential ongoing drama of ever changing dramas...yes, dark dramas they are...for Earth is a dark, experiential dimension indeed...yes, what an attraction, of which many become curious about...ah...and then, "the leap" into physicality, and the illusion of separation from Me, the Creator of All...the Beingness of Love that knows no end...

Oh yes, I have no end...or beginning...or sides...or constraints...of any nature...incomprehensible Am I, "Abba", as called by Jeshua ben Joseph...your brother and savior. Although, what a distorted perspective you have of your brother...oh yes, not to mention the, what are your words, ah, yes...the Heavenly Host of other Masters throughout Creation. Yes, Jeshua ben Joseph's definition of what a Master is maybe of interest to you. Humanity, any souls, of which there are countless, that have transcended your "limited identity" of being human...ah yes...consider "that" definition for one of your minutes...transcend identifying yourselves as that of "being human"

Ah yes, your identity, or your "perceived identity", which has been discussed many, many times within these articles, which will be ongoing My Children...oh yes, ongoing entries in this, God's Blog, even after the first channel, known as Michael, makes the transition back to Reality...ah yes, "Reality"...something humanity knows not of...there will be what you will call a never ending succession of channels for God's Blog...My Blog...on this internet site...oh yes, My Children...I Am as you say, just getting started with this form of direct and ongoing communications to all of humanity..., this morning, God's Blog may not be well known and followed by humanity...but oh, this will change My Children...oh have no are unable to imagine what the future of My communications directly to humanity will evolve into...oh yes!

Few are reading this, My Blog, Abba's Blog it will be called and referred to, but in time, this will change...oh yes...rather dramatically, for there will be a series of events...oh yes...demonstrations you call them, where your relationship with Me, Aba, the Infinite Field of Unconditional Love, from whence you came, will be, as you say, center stage in your news...oh yes, for the days and years when humanity will continue to be lost in your non-reality of the Earth experiential dimension are quickly, relatively quickly, coming to an end...oh yes...many changes are coming to your Mother Earth...for which there is not time for this morning. Oh yes, a few centuries from this very day, the experiential dimension of your planet Earth will be quite different...yes indeed! 

Can you imagine? I will provide, what do you call them...oh yes, a sneak preview of some of what your future, on your tiny planet, holds for humanity...for the souls, for the Christed Beings, who choose to transition from the Spiritual Realm and into the experiential dimension of Earth...and then, back to Reality once again...yes, you currently refer to the transition back to Reality as "death"...ah...but this too will change...for eventually, large portions of your human population will recognize that "death" is simply one element of many illusions of Life on planet Earth

Oh yes...physical death is simply one element of the almost endless illusions that currently comprise your experiential dimension of physicality and could also call "it", fear that is, fear consciousness...yes...that is the big attraction with your experiential dimension...what is "that" like...for that curiosity is what exists, as described by Jeshua ben Joseph, on the other side of the so-called "fence", within the Spiritual Realm...oh yes...the temporary experience of fear consciousness...also referred to as "egoic consciousness", is what attracts so many Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine into your experiential dimension of fear and physicality...oh yes...please imagine such a process, such an environement...yes, yes...the Reality of souls choosing to shift, to transition from "Bliss" to egoic, fear consciousness, within your experiential dimension

Oh if "that" is not a shock, as you say, I do not know what is...and you require such an assortment of words to describe everything contained within your experiential dimension of physicality, dark emotions, and dramas...oh my...yes...your ongoing dramas...they are many to choose from...

Can you imagine being on "this side of the fence", and deciding, as in the form of a pre-incarnation plan, what you are going to experience in your next incarnation? Can you imagine...yes, please do...for that is part of the process of incarnating each time, into your experiential dimension of physicality and fear...oh my, the illusions of all illusions, for any Christed Being of Love and Light Divine...yes, something humanity rarely contemplates. Ah...but this phase of Life on Earth is coming to an end...oh yes, finally coming to an end...

All of your illusions will be seen as, and lived through, for what they are, illusions...can you imagine? Yes, please your lives on Earth as though they do not represent "Reality", but rather some elaborate...yes...a super elaborate illusion to experience...just for the experience thereof, which My Children, is exactly the perspective on the Spiritual side of the fence...but currently, forgotten...once you complete the "incarnation" into a new human body, and then, the illusion, the experience of being human, progresses from infant, to child, to adult...oh yes, quite the illusion, quite the experience!

Hmm...yes, My Children...there is a growing portion of your population that has begun the "Great Shift" from fear consciousness to the Reality of Love Consciousness, while still in human forms...yes, "bodies" you call them...human bodies..."temporary costumes" referred to by many in the Spiritual Dimensions...yes...on the "Reality" side of the fence... 

"Reality" interesting word...a word that will garner an increase in use as the decades pass...oh yes, in deed...for a "Great Debate" is stirring within your experiential dimension, oh yes...the Great Debate of Reality and non-reality...of physicality and Spirituality...of fear and Love...oh yes, it is just beginning, and if..."if" you are curious about this great debate, that will gradually pierce your experiential dimension, and then obtain a prominent position of discussion, read some of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...yes...the ones described on this internet site...

These books, along with the other suggested manuscripts, form what you could call the frame of your upcoming and future "Great Debate"...

Yes, "it" is coming...oh is already "here", for we are discussing it this very moment...yes...Spirituality or physicality, fear consciousness or Love Consciousness, separation from Me, Abba, The Creator, or perfect union with Me, and I Am Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, a Field that is everywhere...oh yes...your "Great Debate"...Reality versus illusion, it is here, finally...

For those that desire to jump right into the heart of this "Great Debate", read or listen to Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery. Yes, all can listen to the original channeled sessions of this great work...this great introduction to and description of the Great Debate..."Reality" versus the great illusion of Reality

There are many suggestions and observations that I, Abba...a Beingness of Pure, Infinite Love, could discuss for many, many hours...and the time for such information is at hand...for that is why I have manifested "Self" in this medium...this form of aid and assist you, My Children of Love, in your great transition, the great shift from fear consciousness and the illusion of separation from Me, Abba, and our reunion...or your remembrance of our relationship, which knows no end...just the illusion therof, that you created...that we share, for I Am with you, part of you, always!  

Ah yes, the heart of your great illusion...our great illusion...the illusion of separation from Me, Abba, The Creator, and I Am Love. Yes, this was the message of Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, and yet, that environment precluded the all encompassing shift in human consciousness, that was necessary to complete the shift from fear to Love Consciousness...from the illusion of separation and individuality, to union and Oneness...ah yes, "Oneness" element of Reality that even your scientific community has studied, formulated, and now, embraced...oh yes...a tool of education and explanation that was not available to Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years is called quantum physics...yes, quantum physics and its zero point infinite field of energy and information that is "everywhere"...everywhere My Children...your scientists teach that this infinite field is about that!

Hmm...but only the mention of your quantum physics will be conveyed this day...yes...within the context that your scientific community embraces the Reality of an Infinite Field of Energy and Information that is everywhere in your universe..."everywhere" My Children. This infinite field permeates everything...everything My Children, even your human bodies. Hmm...something to consider, to ponder, to wonder this field of energy and information effects and influences you, My Children...every moment of everyday...and every night...even as you sleep. Oh yes, this field of your qauntum physicists permeates your field of beingness, even as you read these words My Children. Oh you sleep each you do everything My Children...yes, indeed... would you choose to describe them...hmm...sizable...large...major topics of discussion have been introduced this morning, which I, The Creator, and I Am Love, will undoubtedly make reference to many times in your future...yes...the future of humanity and your tiny planet Earth...your experiential dimension of physicality, illusion, and fear consciousness...all one and the same...hmm...that should give you something to think about...

Closing is time for the concluding comments of this entry into My Blog...God's Blog. How exciting is this, for all of us on "this" side of the fence, in the Spiritual Dimensions of Love and Oneness...hmm...yes, the part of Creation that you on Earth call "Home"...

Yes, My Children of The Light, adventurers are you, those that journey into experiential dimensions of one illusion or another...for they are endless...Creation has no end...imagine "that" for a moment or two, which is just like you My Children, for you have no end...immortal are you...the Great Extension of Love are you, My offsprings, the "Extension of Self" that has no end My Children...for you will assist Me, Abba, in the Extension of Self, the Extension of Love, into every corner of Creation...   

Yes, My Children, for "that" is why I, Abba, created extend Love and Oneness Consciousness throughout Creation...a partnership, a relationship so intimate, a bond of Love that cannot be broken...for We may choose to experience some temporary illusions of every category imaginable...oh yes...because "We" are Divinely Creative...oh yes...Divinely Creative...for how do you think the experiential dimension of Earth came to be? By accident?

There are no accidents My Children...another part of your illusion of physicality and fear consciousness...accidents that is...

Hmm...that will give you something to think about My Children...yes, My Children, for I Am always with and night...with you in all of your matters not what experiential dimension you may choose...for I Love you more than you can imagine...yes, I Love you more than you can comprehend...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 



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