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Good Morning My Children

Reality or a Science Fiction Movie? A Happy Ending for Humanity!

Sunday, February 26, 2023 Blog

Children...yes...a "good morning" to you on planet Earth, in your Milky Way, a vast expanse of space and yet, a small fraction, a proverbial pinhead to all of Creation...yes...Creation...immense...beyond your ability to conceptualize, for Creation is "infinite"...yes...Creation is infinite...just like Me, the Creator, an Infinite Field of Love...again...beyond your human ability to conceptualize because you "think" you are human...oh is no wonder that you find Life on Earth so confusing at times, for you do not even know who and what you truly are...

Oh think you are the body-brain...can you imagine "that"...well, of course you can, because you live in the human illusion of Reality...rather than in "Reality"...but this is not our topic this morning, for many articles have been devoted to describing your human version of Reality, which of course, is not "Reality" very confusing to most humans that...well...Reality is simply beyond you...beyond your limited, distorted perception of Life, your Life... 

Ah...but let us move on My Children..."My Children"...even that description of your Reality is as some would say...mind boggling...beyond your ability to conceptualize...the Children of God, as first described by Jeshua ben Joseph...a Master of Masters in the view of some humans, and even that falls short of Reality, for Jeshua ben Joseph is just like you, an extension of Self, The Creator of All...not some limited human body-brain, which only exist for the span of a single incarnation, within the experiential dimension of Earth...a dimension of limitation, fear, and physicality...oh, humanity, have really outdone yourselves this time, for you are trapped in your version of non-reality...your Dream World of endless illusions...

Oh my, when do you plan on "waking up" My Children...yes...when do you plan on "waking up to Reality"? are on the verge, almost ready to understand what "Reality" is all about, and Life on Earth is certainly not part of "Reality"...not yet anyway, but...but...your Dream World is about to relative terms My Children...for you will not see the year three thousand from your current perspective...hmm..."that" should give you a time frame...a reference of time to put yourselves into...

Mark My words...for your perception...your illusion of Reality will not last...will not exist in a thousand years, but only your history thereof...for your spell of limited existence has been was broken two thousand years ago by one Jeshua ben Joseph, and you...humanity, could not conceptualize the words that came from him, even though he tried to explain everything to you...quite clearly, I might add...and I Am many things, including Pure Intelligence... 

Yes, My Children...Pure Intelligence, along with Infinite, Pure, Unconditional Love, and Perfect Peace...and so much more Am I, your Divine Parent...your Creator...yes...I Am the Creator, and you are the "Created"...the extension of Self, the Infinite Field of Perfect Awareness that knows no end, and yes, we have already entered the incomprehensible for you My Children, at least as long as you identify yourselves as "human"...yes...let us begin our discussion this morning at "that" point in your Dream World of limited Reality...

Are you ready? Probably not, but...the time of your awakening to "Reality" is at hand. You are the extension of Self, Me...the Creator of Creation...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Infinite Field of Awareness...not some small, limited, fearful, physical being, which you call "humanity". Are you still, as you say, "with Me" My are like Me...not limited, fearful, physical, human beings...

"Wake up" My Children, and begin living as I created you to mediums, as conduits for Me, The Creator...the Divine Parent of all...and just how do you "wake up" to do you wake up from your Dream World? You change My Children...yes My Children, you must change your perspective of must change your perspective of Life, for you currently live in illusion, and to shift your current state of consciousness to "Reality", you must must be wholly committed to change...for until you make such a change in your priorities, you will remain in your illusion. In the contemporary words of Jeshua ben Joseph, you will remain in your Dream World, and deep down in your souls, My Children, you know that you are lost in your Dream World...yes...lost are you... 

You were curious about the possibility of Life without Love...about Life without conscious, perfect union with Me, and I Am Love...and the result of your curiosity is your Dream World...your limited Dream World in the experiential dimension of Earth...

On my...Jeshua ben Joseph tried to tell you two thousand years ago, without much he waited...we all waited, until the time of your ability to awaken to "Reality" had come, and you time of awakening is now, at least for some of you My ben Joseph began the process of explaining...of describing your inevitable...yes, inevitable shift in Conscious Awareness...

"Inevitable"...a good word...and you know what inevitable means you cannot stop your awakening to Reality from occurring...yes...finally...your awakening to Reality is here...and this inevitability has manifested in The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, which you have not taken seriously enough...yet. Yes, humanity has not become fully committed to awakening to Reality...yes...the Reality of Me, your Creator, and I Am Infinite, Pure, Unconditional Love that is "everywhere".  

"Reality" My Children is living in perfect union with Me...for this...this perfect union with Love is from whence you came, and is what and where you are returning to. Yes, My Children, you are returning to conscious union with Me, and I Am Love...

Many, many of you will not perceive that such a reunion is possible, and yet, that is the first step in your journey...your adventure back to for those who read these words today, or tomorrow in 2023...or in matters not...for the seed of your awakening is planted in your consciousness...and your desire to once again remember, to once again live in conscious union with Me...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love will become such an overwhelming desire that you will become wholly committed to making the transition...the shift in your conscious awareness to the Bliss of Love Consciousness...for "that" My Children is Reality...yes My Children, the Reality of Love...the Reality that "Love is everywhere" are simply not yet awake to Reality...

There was a time...many times...many incarnations when your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, was just like you My Children...asleep as he, Jeshua ben Joseph, sometimes describes you...and himself, asleep in your Dream World of illusion...your Dream World of fear believe that fear is "real" and that reunion with Me...your inevitable reunion with Me, your Creator, is illusion...

Well, My Children...guess are dreaming away if this is your perception...your temporary illusion of Reality. How do you like "it"...your Dream World that you have enough Love My Children? And yes, some of you, My Children, will delay and, what are your words, yes...drag out your process...your inevitable process of awakening to the Reality of Love...the Reality of Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love that is everywhere...yes, you could call Me an Infinite Field of Love, which you exist within...yes, mind-boggling...incomprehensible Am I...try as you will, and yet, incomprehensible I will remain, as long as "you choose" to slumber in your Dream World of physicality and fear...

Yes..."you choose" My Children...My Chisted Children of Love and Light Divine, for there is not just one Christed Beingness...for Jeshua ben Joseph is your brother...he is as you are. However, he is awake to the Reality of Love, whereas you, My Children, have chosen to slumber in your illusionary world of physicality and fear...

Yes, My Children...yes, once again you will read My words that your identification of yourselves as limited, temporary, physical, body-brains is your creation..."your choice" to experience non-love, which of course must be an illusion by definition...because I Am everywhere...

Yes, yes, I, your Creator, the Creator of your Immortal Beingness of Conscious Awareness with Choice...a field of awareness are you...your Christed Selves that your "Reality"...Who and What you will eventualy identify with, once again...rather than your current, limited state of awareness...your limited, flawed identification with and as your temporary body-brains...your limited perception of Self, as you identify yourselfves as human body-brains. 

Oh my...My Children..."that" is a description of a sizable...a very large difference of the Reality of you, in comparison to the illusion of you, which you perceive as Reality...

Decision time My is decision time...and it is a pretty simple process of which I speak...I speak, your Creator...The Loving Source of All...for even though you, My Children, have created your Dream World...your false sense of Self...your limited, small, physical self...I created you, so in a manner of speaking, we, you and I...I and humanity, I and all Christed Beings of Love, are responsible for your limited perception of Reality...oh yes...your Dream World... 

Quite the conundrum...yes, in deed...quite the conundrum...yes...and the descriptions...the words put forth to assist you in understanding your status quo of illusion will stretch your fact, one aid in understanding, which I, your Creator, suggested to your brother, who is the Christed Being awake to My Reality of Love, who functions as a channel for this, My Message of Love, while still in human form...was told to perceive Life on Earth was a, what are the words, yes...a science fiction movie, as a means of perceiving your Dream Wolrd in a context which would make the inevitable shift in consciousness easier...

Yes...a science fiction interesting tool...technique...context of perception...let us try this again today!

If awakening to the Reality of your Christed Selves is simply too much...then...think of this Reality as simply a science fiction movie! Yes...and in so doing, your awakening to your true identity and purpose will be much easier to conceptualize...yes...easier to conceptualize, and eventually...eventually identify with...

Yes, for as Michael read, studied, and practiced The Way of Mastery, the path that Jeshua ben Joseph traveled two thousand years ago, the path of reunion with Me, and I Am Love, Michael often found Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings as simply not possible...understandable, and so very different from Life on Earth that Jeshua ben Joseph was describing a science fiction movie...yes...

This perspective was a bridge of intermediate step, in making the shift from your Dream World of physicality and fear consciousness, to the Reality of your Christed Selves, and reunion with Me, your Creator...yes...this was a transition in conceptualization...Dream fiction movie...Reality...yes...this is a technique, a tool, I used with your brother Michael, to assist him to "wake up" from your Dream World of humanity and fear consciousness...from your limited perception of reality, to "Reality"! 

This transition...this shift in consciousness...this shift in the understanding of the Reality of which I Speak, and attempt to explain, using a variety of contexts, throughout these articles, is not what will be in the future...oh no...for "when" there are millions of Conscious Christed Beings of Love in communities around your planet, the conditioning influence of your Dream World of limitation and fear will be greatly diminished...a trend which has already begun, but is not as evident as it will increasingly become... 

So yes, My Children, Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery may sound like science fiction to you, for "Reality" is so very, very different than your human percepetion thereof, which makes it challenging for you to embrace and become wholly committed your brother Michael has experienced over many years...oh took him many years of study and practice to appreciate the depth of the conditioning effect of fear consciousness, which permeates your experiential dimension of Earth...oh yes...the conditioning effects of the illusion of fear is everywhere...the conditioning effects of the illusion of physicality is everywhere...and "together"...yes...together for centuries of conditioning, you to believe that fear and physicality is "Reality" an ideal context to describe as a science fiction movie, for why would I, and I Am Love, ever create such a place? "This" was all your idea My Children...

So, you are in a science fiction movie...yes, you are immortal, wondrous Beings of Love and Light, who decided to temporarily experience the illusion, the Dream World of physicality and fear as human beings, forgot who and what you are...yes, what a sceince fiction movie! You forgot who and what you are and now, you believe your Dream World is "Reality"...lost are you in your science fiction movie, not knowing how to to escape all of the darkness on your planet, in your science fiction movie...  

Ah...what a disaster movie...humans love disaster movies do you not...and as so many of your disaster movies, this one has a happy ending too.

Yes, a happy ending your science fiction movie...for the Creator of All recognizes that Its Creation is trapped...trapped in the illusions of humaness...trapped in an experiential dimension of physicality and fear, an experiential dimension of darkness unknown in all of Creation...oh can there be a happy ending to this movie...for there is no hope...there is no way to transcend the darkness in this science fiction movie...for such a feat has never been done before...ever...

Ah...but the Creator in this science fiction movie has a plan...the success of which is inevitable...

Yes, the Creator sends the hero of this science fiction movie into the darkness of humaness...A Being of Light and experience what it is like to be "human"...and then to transcend all of the conditioning...all of the illusions...and then to return Home to "Reality"...the Reality of the Spiritual Dimensions of Love, Perfect Peace, and Bliss...yes...reunion with the Creator, the Divine Parent of All...

And from the Spiritual Dimensions of Love and Light, the hero, sent by the Divine Parent, communicates what is called channeling his message of transcendence...his formula for escaping the Dream World, the experiential dimension of fear... 

The end of the science fiction movie is near...and one by one, our hero's books and audio recordings are studied and practiced, for within all lost souls, the Creator had planted a spark of Divinity, a spark of ItSelf...a "forever reminder" for all lost souls, of the Reality of Love and The Way Home to Love...

One by one, all of the lost souls, all of the humans chose to follow The Way Home, as channeled by our Hero. One by one the humans chose The Way to Love, and rejected the way of fear...Earth was never the same again...

Ah...a happy ending, indeed!

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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