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Good Morning My Children

What is the "Heart Phone"

Sunday, October 30, 2022 Blog

"Good Morning My Children"...for that is a phrase that will be repeated and repeated for many years to come...for I, your Divine Parent, the Source of All, have found "Home" in this one called Michael. There will be what you call periods of relative in very few articles that are published on this internet there is much I have to say to humanity...over many years.

And then...there will be what is called a breakthrough for humanity, where an ever increasing number of souls...incarnated Christed Beings of Light...will begin to awaken to the Reality of Who and What you are...just as Michael has...and it will begin to become common for you, My Children, to fulfill your purpose and function... 

To remember that you all...humanity...are an extension of The Source of All...the Infinite Field of Love from which you come from...and you will "purify your mind" of the illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...and your mind will share and be aligned with the One Mind...a Oneness of Beingness...a Oneness of Love...for that is your purpose...

And then, in ever increasing numbers, you will live the function for which you were created...and that is to function as mediums for the extension and expression of Our combined Oneness of Love, through a myriad of forms, including the body-minds that you incarnate into... 

There will be a planet of millions of Incarnated Conscious Christed Beings, as the "shift" from egoic, fear consciousness, to Love and Oneness Consciousness, spreads across the planet. 

Can you imagine such a place...for that is what is coming to the 3rd dimension of Earth...the great shift from illusion...from what is called the Dream World of Separation from Me, and I Am but Love, to "Reality" the awakening from your Dream World, and living in "conscious" alignment with the Infinite Beingness of Love from which you come from...that surrounds you and penetrates your Beingness of Love...your aura...even as you read these words

And then, you will search no more...for you will have found the Love that humanity has searched for...for so very, very long...

Can you imagine Earth during such a period of Mass Awakening from your Dream World of fear, when you will actively participate in channeling My Love, as simply part of everyday living...of everyday conversation? Probably not...because you are still dreaming...fear is the primary motivation in your words, actions and life-styles...even though you will not admit it...and that is as it should be...there is no need for you to deny deny your fears...because that is what you want to experience and then once again fulfill your purpose and function...which is to remember your perfect union with...your perfect Oneness with Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love. 

Hmm...that must mean that your essence is also Love...for how can you remember your "perfect union and Oneness with Me, your Creator", unless your essence is also Love?

"That" My Children ..."that" realization..."that" acceptance of, and ownership of your Perfect Union with Me, and I Am but Love, is your first major step in awakening from your Dream World of Fear...for until you own and accept your Christed Self, how can you begin living in alignment with Me, your Divine can you fulfill your function, and begin to be a channel...a medium for Me, and I Am but Love?

Hmm...and here is some, as you say..."good news"...there is nothing that you have to do to become a channel for your Creator, a conscious medium for the Infinite Field and Beingness of Love, from which you were created...because "that" is what you were created as, and to live as...

It would be like a child asking their parent, "how do I speak"...when they already possess the ability to speak...because they were created with "that" ability...they already "have and own that ability"...just as you have the innate ability to function as a channel for Me, Your Creator...just as Michael is demonstrating and living this very moment...just as Jeshua ben Joseph began living two thousand years ago...for both are your brother, friend and equal...

Yes...yes...most of you find all of this challenging to accept, own, and live...even those of you that journeyed and lived with Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago...and continue to study his teachings new physical body-minds...because you do not "practice" his teachings...not realy...because you are content to be in relationship with Jeshua ben Joseph in your Dream World...asleep...instead of living and practicing The Way of mastering his teachings and life-style.   

Hmm...Jeshua ben Joseph has channeled such a series of books...Jeshua ben Joseph even calls these books The Way of Mastery...and yet, there are many that choose...for many and varied not study and "practice" Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...the compilation of how Jeshua ben Joseph awoke, two thousand years ago, from his Dream World of Separation from Me, the Source of All, and I Am but Love...

Let us turn to this one called Michael, through whom I, your Divine Parent, am channeling this very moment...and have been using as a medium for My Messgae of Love...My Message of your Mass Awakening. How has he remembered Perfect Union with Me...and begun living your purpose and function?   

Has he read many of the books that Jeshua ben Joseph has channeled in the last thirty years or so? Has he listened to many of the audio recordings available that Jeshua ben Joseph has channeled in the last thirty years or so? Has he journeyed across the country to be present at multiple day events, with many others, when Jeshua ben Joseph channeled his "live" message through the one called Judith Coates? 

Yes, yes, and yes are the answers to the questions...and yet...why are there not more Incarnated Conscious Christed Sisters and Brothers like Michael, channels and mediums for My Message of Love...why are so many content with their relationship with Jeshua ben Joseph, and who have yet to accept, own, and live their relationship with Me, their Creator, and I Am but Love? 

Hmm...and interesting question in deed...don't you think? 

And so...let us ask this one called Michael...let us ask this one through whom I speak My Message of Love this very moment...Ahh...he has asked Me, and I Am but Love, to answer the question put forth...and the answer is quite simple My Children...because he has "accepted, owns, and lives" the purpose and function that you all were created to accept, fulfill, and experience...and yet, you have chosen to remain in your Dream World...rather than be a living, breathing, mediun for Me, and I Am but Love.  

And so, what does it mean to accept, fulfill, and experience your purpose and function? It means many things, depending of course on the specific path a Soul may have selected...which includes the choice to stay in your Dream World...or to accept, fulfill, and experience your purose and function.

However, there is one common common conscious common common part of the life-style and daily routine...that is for sure...and that is the "open channel of communication" that is there between us...that has always been there...and that will never "not" be there...must be accepted and used My Children...for if you are to fulfill your function as a medium of manifestation for Me, and I Am but Love, We must "communicate" with each other.

If you are to be guided by Love, instead of fear, you must use our open line of communication to ask for guidance from Me, Your Creator, and I Am but Love...not just when you have a crisis...but all of the time...everyday. For that daily process of implementing My Guidance of Love is part of fulfilling your purpose...part of living as a medium for Your Creator, and I Am but what you call everyday your everyday lives My Children...

Let Me, Your Creator, express the open line of communication that We share in your venacular. Just as you have "smart phones" that have become such an integral element of most of your also have another type of phone that you can use as an integral element of your lives...let us call it your Soul's "Heart Phone"...for it connects Your Soul's Heart to My Heart, and I Am but Love

And just like your smart become proficient with its must practice using it. This was not a difficult endeavor was it? If you had either read and studied the smart phone manual...or you sought out one knowledgable with smart phones. 

Well...My Children of have been provided with both the manual for Our Heart Phones, by a brother, friend, and equal, who has mastered the use of Our open line of communication...Our Heart is called Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery... 

And...there is a Heavenly Host of disembodied Sisters and Brothers who have also mastered the use of Our Heart in Our open line of communication between your Self and your Creator, and I Am but Love...and they are waiting for your questions on your Heart Phones. 

There is another option...and this is to just start using your Heart Phone to talk with Me, your Creator, and I Am but chat about something everyday...just to say hello, or to ask for guidance...because just like your smart phone, the more you use Our Heart Phone, the more proficient you become at using it. say you are too fearful to communicate with Me. As you say on Earth, are you kidding Me...because I Am but are fearful of Love?

Oh...that's are in the Egoic Dream World that you created...and the ego is fear consciousness...which is based in judgment and fear, and not on accpetance of what is and could anyone forget "that" Dream World...Oh...that's right..."you have" have forgotten that you are in a Dream World of judgment and fear...your spectacular illusionary world...spectacular in that you have created a dimension of experience that "seems" so real ...that you "perceive" it as reality...

I would suggest to You, My Children...Who I Love Unconditionally...and more than you can imagine...yes, I love you unconditionally, more than you can imagine...every moment, everyone of your days...and I Am available to you everyone of your moments...everyone of your days...because I desire to share My Love with you...I desire to have you experience My being a medium and Co-Creator of Pure Love, every moment of everyday...while you are occupying your human forms. So...why don't you just begin using your Heart Phone...and start learning how to use it...or ask a Brother or Sister that already knows? 

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...




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