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Good Morning My Children

The Truth or Christianity?

Thursday, February 23, 2023 Blog

Oh my, another day on your planet Earth...planet Earth...what a creation, the perfect environment for "Life", or what you consider to be Life that is, typically a relatively narrow definition, for it requires physicality does it not...for there to be what you consider to be the living...yes...cells and atoms and anatomies...the physical sciences I believe you call them...

Oh my, once again My Children, your perspective of Life is quite different than mine, The Creator of All...all of Life...for Life, as I think of it, is awareness...conscious awareness with another ingredient...yes, another component, which you call free-will...yes, you can be consciously aware of anything you so choose, and "that" My Children is how I, your Creator, define "Life"...for there are many sub-categories leading up to Life...however, if you don't have awareness with choice, what I refer to as "Beingness", there is no Life...there maybe a type or form of existence, like a rock in a stream, but without awareness...conscioius awareness with choice...existence is somewhat limited is it not, and yet, you consider a great number of things to be living, that are neither consciously aware, or a Beingness of choice

Hmm...why are these distinctions important? Why are conscious awareness and choice, or what you call free-will necessary for "Life"? shall I, your Divine Parent, put this into your words...words...another interesting invention...part of your existence and yet, not always required for there to be Life and the living...

Life and the living...Life and the living...things, characteristics that you, My Children, will always have, as Beings of Love and Light, and yet, you do not consider yourselves to be such things...on no, for when you...anyone looks up Life in one of your dictionaries, the words that will be in black and white will be: The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as matabolism, growth, reproduction and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environement originating from within the organism...hmm...and your definitions go on, however, those additional words typically do not require conscious awareness or free-will...qualities that you, My Children, certainly possess, even when you do not occupy physical forms... 

Hmm...a sizable disparity in our descriptions, is it not? Is it not My Children...and you maybe beginning to wonder where "this" Beingness of Life is going with this line of discussion...this line of communication...this conscious awareness of thinking and communicating on this, God's Blog...a form of communication that most of humanity considered an impossibility...oh, yes...for how many on your planet many humans ever imagined that your Creator would be communicating to you on your internet, or in a book, or audio recording...or in many such forms of communication? 

Yes, My Children, most of you, if you had ever thought about it that is, never imagined that your Creator would come into your dimension...your experiential dimension of physicality, and communicate in such a way...and yet, here "we" are, Creator and Created, often framed on your planet Earth as Parent and Child...the Parent being the Creator, and the child as the Created...yes...humanity is the "Created"...and the child, as humanity conceptualizes Life and Living, has many, if not all the characteristics of the Parent, or in our case this morning, of The Creator...yes...the Child has the same characteristics of the Parent...The Creator...on my...that's Me, is it not?  

Oh my...oh my...this opens up an interesting and thought provoking discussion does it not? Oh yes...because if we continue...this leads to the conclusion that you, as in humnaity, are just like Me, your Parent or Creator...hmm...what do you think of this My Children...does it not begin to stretch the imagination...for how can a Beingness like Me, The Source of All of Creation, occupy or live within a human form, like you...unless of course, your definition of who and what you are is, as you say, expanded...yes "expanded"...that is a good word...for you to be like Me, your conceptualization of Self must be expanded...considerably, don't you think?

Oh, oh...pulling back are you...retreating from the "Reality" of our discussion..."Reality"...another interesting word, and one could say that the opposite of Reality is non-reality...only humanity has created other words to describe in "illusion"...yes, illusion is the opposite of Reality...and let's stretch this discussion a bit more...if children or the Created are like the Parent, or the Creator, then...then, My Children, you must be Divine, like Me!  

Divine My must be Divine, and yet, you do not consider yourselves to be like Me, or Divine do you? Oh no, you are different than Me, The Source of All, and I Am Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...but how can this be My Children...if you are My Children, and I assure you that you are, at least in this discussion...and oh, other human discussions prior to this...

Is it not in your Holy Bible, where you are described as being created in My Image...created in My Image...oh were created in My Image...and then, in the words of one of your own...yes, the words of Jeshua ben Joseph....within your Gospels, the alleged description of his Life and teachings, Jeshua ben Joseph describes humanity as the Children of Me...yes, he says that you are My Children...the Children of God...

Oh yes, those are the words of Jeshua ben Joseph from two thousand years ago...ones that are in almost never, used in conversations as the sole point of reference My Children...the Children of The Creator...these words created quite the controversy two thousand years ago...oh yes...and yet, you say, not so much...why is "that"...why is that My Children...why do you not think of yourselves as My in being just like Me, The Creator? know why...because you do not truly think of yourselves as being "just like Me" do not consider yourselves to be My Offsprings...My Children... you think Jeshua ben Joseph was lying to you two thousand years ago? Hmm...what an interesting thought to contemplate...that Jeshua ben Joseph's definition of humanity was not "Reality" illusion. interesting possibility...that you are not My Children...and yet...yet, Jeshua ben Joseph is...oh yes...this is what you must think...that even though Jeshua ben Joseph lived in a human form, just like you, the balance of humanity...that he was different...oh yes...this is what all of Christianity professes to be "Reality"...that it is just Jeshua ben Joseph that is My Child...My only Child according to Christianity...the Only Son of God...yes...this is what Christianity teaches is it not...part of the foundation of Christianity... 

For if Jeshua ben Joseph was not My only Child, My Only Son, then...oh my...then Christianity has a host of problems to address...oh yes...and yet, Christianity has taught, for two thousand years, that the Gospels and the Holy Bible are accurate...that the descriptions of the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph are accurate...yes, yes, the Gospels of Christianity are the foundation of Christianity, oh yes...and what does it then mean if there are huge conflicts contained within your Gospels....what does Christianity say about "that", for "that" My Children is "Reality"...Christianity's reality, which Christianity has never...never addressed...why is that? 

Well, My Children, this is the topic this morning. In your Gospels, Jeshua ben Joseph describes humanity as The Children of God and yet, this is not what Christianity teaches, everyone knows...Christianity teaches that Jeshua ben Joseph was the only Son of cannot have it, as you say, "both ways"...he is either the Only Child of God, are all the Children of God, which is how Jeshua ben Joseph describes you. 

Interesting...very interesting...let us look at this unreconcilable difference a bit closer shall we? Does Jeshua ben Joseph ever say in your Gospels that he is the only Son of God? Yes, this should be considered...and where within your Gospels are these the words of Jeshua ben Joseph...oh my...he says that humanity are My Children...the Children of God...but he never describes himself as "the only Son of God"...

Hmm...what does Christianity say about this? What can they say about this, except talk around the heart of the issue, with an inevitable conclusion that is equally troublesome. Let Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, frame this progression of thought and conflict for humanity, My Children... 

If..."if" Christianity wants to continue to insist that Jeshua ben Joseph was My only Child...the Only Son of Mine...then either Jeshua ben Joseph was lying, when he said that you are My Children (Children of God) or, your Gospels are not accurate...oh my...either one of these options creates huge problems of the credibility for Christianity...unreconcilable problems...

How do we resolve this problem My Children? How does Christianity resolve this problem? Are there other sources, where Jeshua ben Joseph describes either himself or humanity...or both? Oh yes...there are many such sources, many of which are described on this internet Oh yes, The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph..."wonderful"...what does Jeshua ben Joseph say in these contemporary sources about our subject...our conflict?

He says, over and over, that you all are My Children, My Offsprings...that all of humanity are the Children of God..."wonderful", a confirmation...oh...but what about the other...the proverbial foundation of Christianity...that Jeshua ben Joseph is My Only Son...the only Child of God...what does Jeshua ben Joseph say about himself in this does he describe himself, in realtion to the balance of humanity? 

With the understanding that there are multiple, consistent sources, contained within the The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, he never refers to himself as My only Child...My Only Son...NEVER...not once...but he repeatedly describes himself as "just like you"...just like all of humanity, and that he is "your brother and friend"...yes...just like you, "your equal" are the specific words he uses in multiple locations... is Christianity going to deal with all of this? How is Christianity going to deal with Jeshua ben Joseph's repeated statements "today" that he is not the Only Son of God, and that you are his "equal"..."his brother and friend". Hmm...this means that the alleged reason for his crucifixion...that the sacrificial death of the Only Son of God did not occur...that his crucifixion did not atone for the sins of humanity...or open up the gates of Heaven...oh my...oh my...

Christianity could simply admit to their mistakes, in their version of the life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...and adopt The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Yes...that would be the best solution...the "truth"...yes, the truth...

Hmm...but, why has this not yet occurred? Why have some of the better known Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, that were published decades ago...The Course in Miracles, The Way of Mastery, and The Personal Christ series not been recognized and endorsed by the Pope? Oh my...and The Personal Christ Series is an ongoing ongoing component of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...    

Oh my, Christianity has "not recognized" The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...the teachings that correct all of the mistakes of Christianity...all of the untruths. Oh long will Christianity perpetuate the "story" of their Gospels, rather than the "Truth", as told by Jeshua ben Joseph "today"...oh my...

My Children...My Children...will you please disseminate the Truth? The Truth of who you are and how Jeshua ben Joseph, your equal and brother, obtained his enlightened state...for these are the reasons...the motivational forces underlying The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...for it is time for the is time that the Truth be told, and it has been, by Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother, friend, and equal...around whom so much ancient confusion and misunderstanding has clouded and distorted his Message of Love, which My Children, is My Message of Love, the message of your Creator and Divine Parent...oh yes, My Children, it is time for the is time the veil of pain and suffering be lifted from your experiential dimension of fear and physicality.   

Let there be Light...the Light of Truth and Love...and the authentic and truthful teachings of Jeshua ben is time...for the Truth of Love cannot be denied, not any longer. My Truth, which is your Truth, is coming to the surface of consciousness...your conscious awareness...and My Truth, which is the Truth of Love, can no longer be hidden away by longer My Children...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...















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