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Good Morning My Children

You Are at a Fork in the Road of Life

Monday, February 20, 2023 Blog

Good morning once is I, your Creator...I'll bet you never imagined you would ever see those words on your internet, but here I convey another Message of Love...yes, "Love", for that is what I Am, and I Am "That", or I guess Who created you, as in all of humanity, all Christed Beings of Love...yes...everyone...

What would you like to say to Me...for now is your chance, as you say, your chance, your opportunity to have a conversation with Me, and I Am Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...and as previously communicated within these articles, on My Blog...God's can communicate with Me whenever you so choose, and I will is just that you do not believe or expect a response back from Me, so your attention quickly turns away from Me, and you hear not from Me. And of course there are those situations where the counterfeit Me jumps in, to speak to ego, the false self, as called by Jeshua ben Joseph...yes, the voice of fear and illusion, will pretend that it is I, your Creator, and continue to confuse you with many messages of non-love...of fear and illusion, for that is who and what your false self is all about...yes...the voice of fear that has on occasion been screaming into your mind...your egoic mind that is...the part of your mind that knows not of Love, of peace, of understanding, of limitlessness...ah...yes...the voice of the anti-Creator, and the anti-Christ, as some of you mention from time to time... 

Ah yes, interesting commodity...however, not a topic this morning...another morning when your brother brings himself to his counter-bar, pen in hand, to record My Message of Love to all of humanity via your internet...a wonderful invention, for I will make use of it for centuries to come...yes, for centuries will I communicate My Message of Love, through an ever growing number of Conscious Christed Beings, your brothers and sisters, as "the shift" in consciousness gradually unfolds upon your planet Earth...yes...the shift in your consciousness, as in all of humanity...from fear and your self-created illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...yes, I prefer that name to "God"...although it matters not what label...what title you choose to use... 

Yes, back to the shift in consciousness that has begun to spread, to permeate your experiential dimension of fear and interesting word...the opposite of I, your Creator, for that is what you were curious about...yes, what would it be like to experience Life, conscious awareness, being separated from Me, and I Am Love...well, My Children, how do you like your fear consciousness, where fear, rather than Me, and I Am Love, is the primary motivational force or energy in your Life?

Yes...yes...Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend, describes all of this shift in conscioiusness away from Love, away from Me, quite thoroughly in his many Channeled and Contemporary Teachings, which are quite the accomplishment. Yes, in deed, quite the accomplishment, just as this, God's Blog is quite the accomplishment...

Oh yes...when Jeshua ben Joseph senses the opportunity to convey part of My Message of Love, and reunite with a sister or brother (a channel), he will communicate whatever aspect of Love that will be comprehended, which is quite the departure from what humanity considers as "normal". Oh yes, for humanity has, what is the word, a "warped" perspective of Reality. Warped, by definition in one of your dictionaries, which your brother is looking up as I I, your Creator speaks, words that I enjoy conveying to all on your planet Earth...but let us return to the definition of warped, in relation to your perception of "Reality"...warped: to turn or twist out of turn from correct or proper course, to affect unfavorably, unfairly, or wrongly...see synonyms for bias and become bent or twisted out of turn from a true, correct, or natural course; go astray...the shape of being twisted or bent out of shaped...a mental or moral twist, aberration or deviation...yes, yes, in deed, all of these words describe your  perception of "Reality"...humanity's perception of "Reality"...bent, twisted, mental and moral deviations...yes...all apply to the experiential dimension that you have created...yes, My Children, there are those words have created, as in "your" fear-based, warped sense of "Reality"...

Yes, your bent and twisted perception of "Reality", which reigns supreme in your experiential dimension of Earth...Mother Earth is the term often used...

And immediately, your most recognized and popular inner voice, will attempt to jump into our period of communication, with objections..."what are you talking about", your false or egoic self will convey, in one way or another..."what are you talking about, who ever you are...because you are have it all wrong...Life on Earth is is not twisted or a deviation of Reality" have heard this all before...for the milleniums have you heard the illusions and delusions of your egoic or false self, all the products of your warped state of fear consciousness...yes...your distorted, twisted, bent, mental deviation from "Reality"...My Reality...and I Am Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...

Oh yes, My Children, you have created what you were curious about...what would separation from Love be there even such a thing? For you come from Reality My Children..."Reality" My remember "Reality" don't you? Oh yes, that's don't, not consciously any way, for you wanted to see if you could experience Life, conscious awareness, without Me, your Creator, and I Am Love...for I Am "Reality" Itself...Love is "Reality"...and now that you have become lost in "non-reality" the illusion of Life without Me, without your conscious relationship with Me, and I Am Love, you believe your alternative to Me, what you call fear, is "Real"...

Oh my...using your words of communication...your perception of "Reality" is truly twisted, warped, and simply incorrect...for there is no such thing as separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am Love..."no separation" My Children is possible, under any circumstances, unless of course we are speaking of illusion...yes...the illusion of separation from Love..."illusion" My Children...I trust I do not have to convey the definition of "illusion" from one of your dictionaries...

Let us take the logical next step in our discussion...Life or conscious awareness that is "Reality" conscious awareness of Me, and I Am but Love, Unconditional Love, which simply means "Reality" is a conscious relationship with Me, and I Am Love...ah yes...finally, a description of "Reality" that is not warped or distorted...

Compare this "Real Reality" to your perception or illusion of "Reality" My Children...yes, I know...this is not an easy process for is what your brother Michael refers to as "tilt" overwhelming of your mind...the inability to perceive your perception of reality to be non-Reality, which My Children, means that your egoic or false perception of self...yourself that perceives that you are separated from Me, your Creator...your perception that you have no conscious relationship with Me, and I Am Love, is an in "not Reality".  

You have created an illusion, which you now perceive as "Reality"...please think about this for a few minutes, and then I, your Creator, and I Am Love, will continue...

As you say, this description of "Reality", with a conscious awareness, a conscious relationship with Me, your Creator, and I Am Love, is a "shock" to many of you My Children...and shock is probably an about, "impossible to comprehend"...well, let us say, almost impossible to comprehend, even though you have been lost in your illusion of "Reality" for many, many of your incarnations...

And so, where do you choose to go from here My Children...for you are at where you refer to as a "fork in the road of Life", and Life is conscious awareness, with My Children...

You once used your free-will to create your current illusion of Reality...your illusion of being a physical, human being, and that of believing fear is "Real"...that separation from Me, your Creator, is "Real"...that you are unworthy of a relationship with Me, and I Am Love...yes, My Children, "you have created" quite the warped illusion of "Reality" in, now what? What are you going to do?

It appears that you have one of two can ignore everything that I, your Creator, have and will communicate on My Blog...God's Blog it is called, in addition to all of the many future channels of My Message of Love...My message of "Reality" My Children...the same message of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...

I trust you understand what this option truly represents. It represents your past history within the experiential dimension of Earth, which My Children, is a history of illusion and "this" what you desire to perpetuate? This is what Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend, refers to as your Dream World...a Dream World My Children...and you know what a dream is "not Real" you want to continue living and experiencing a Dream World of fear, limitation, and traumatic dramas?

Oh my...please tell Me this cannot be so...that you are finally...after endless incarnations of pain and suffering...finally ready to return to the Reality of Love...finally ready to turn on the Lights and away away from the darkness and illusions of your creation...your egoic selves...your false selves...

My Children...there are some who will tell you that there must be, as you say, a balancing act of sorts...a balancing of your illusionary false self, called the ego, with your higher, Christed Self...and many will follow such a path for sometime...possibly many incarnations...and this is a path created by your perpetuate your status quo...your "status quo" My Children...

Please, look back upon your history, and this can be one hundred years ago, one thousand years ago, or ten thousand years ago...pick, as you say, pick your poison, for the message is the same...illusion, fear, limitation, pain, suffering, and the illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love... 

Oh yes, your false self, your ego...that does not have a conscious relationship with Me, your Creator, will make, as you say, a much different case than I, and I Am Love, of all of the so-called positive aspects of your history, all of the positive aspects, using the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, of your Dream World

Who are you going to believe? Your ego...your inner voice of fear and illusion, or Jeshua ben Joseph?

Hmm...I know who I would choose...

If you choose to maintain your status quo, as guided by your ego, please look at your world today..."all of it"...not just the portions of your Dream World that your false self will emphasize..."this" is what you want more of? "This" is what you want to perpetuate? "This" is what your Heart, deep down within, is saying to maintain?

I'll buy the "sales job" that your false, egoic self is telling you to follow...which drips of fear and a warped sense of "Reality"...but not if you attempt to tell Me, your Creator, that the message...the guidance of the voice of your Heart is the is where I, and I Am Love, will as you say, draw the line...

For within the Heart of your Soul...within the Heart of all Souls...all Christed Beings of Love and Light...within the Heart of all of My Children is the Light of Love, of Truth, of "Reality", that knows not of any balancing of the false, fearful self with your Christed Selves...NO...there is no such least that is "Real"...that is not polluted with fear...yes, My Children...polluted with fear...

So, yes My Children, there will be a period of transition for some of you, which will include the perpetuation of the pollution of your Souls by fear. Those of you that believe your egoic balancing act is "the way to go"...ah...a path of more pain and suffering...and your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am Love...Unconditional Love My Children...yes, Unconditional Love is waiting for all of you...but...the good news is that I Am also Infinite Patience and Understanding...yes...I Am always "Present" to shower you with Love...when you choose the path of Love and Light...the path that Jeshua ben Joseph has documented for you in The Way of Mastery, where he clearly states the path that he used to reunite with Me, The Creator, used no egoic balancing act...but rather was a path that dissolved the entirety of the ego...completely...

Yes, My Children, to terminate your pain and suffering, all of which is attributed in caused by your egoic, false self...the complete dissolution thereof is a requirement. Fortunately for you, Jeshua ben Joseph has documented how you can dissolve your egos, and in so doing, dissolve your illusion of Reality...dissolve your warped perception of your "Self"...the false, unworthy self, who at this very moment does not believe that reunion with Me, your Creator, and I Am Love, is possible...this very moment...  

Ah...My have had your adventure into the darkness of the ego...which I once described as...My Children simply jumping into the mud puddles of Earth. So, My Children, do you desire to jump in some more mud puddles...or join Me in Paradise...the Paradise of reunion with Me, Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace, while you still remain in a human form?

Hmm...yes, you are at a fork in the road, of your journey on Earth...which way will you go?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 





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