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Good Morning My Children

Bliss or Your Status Quo?

Saturday, February 18, 2023 Blog

Good morning, good morning, good is I, your Creator, who speaks again to you this day...this morning, with another message of Love for all of humanity to consider, to ponder, to think about in relation to how you live your lives, in comparison to how you could live your lives...oh yes, there is a difference...a Big difference between how you live your lives, and how you could live your lives, if Love was a larger influence...a bigger factor, than what it, Love, is in your lives...for how often do you say to yourselves..."no...I must do this differently, more in alignment with Love than how I typically do each day" often My Children? How Often? If you are honest...not very often, My Children...not very often, as in, almost "never"...never My Children.

This is what I Am going to speak to you about today...for I Am asking you to make Love a bigger priority in your everyday lives, than it is...oh yes...I, your Creator, am asking you to become more Loving in every facet of your lives. Can you do that for Me, starting tody? Today My Children...for if you do, it will pay, as you say, large dividends today, and in your that your lives will be more peaceful, more Loving, and less stressful and anxious...does that not sound as though it is something that you would prefer...that is worth considering?

Yes, yes...some of My Children will probably think to themselves...easy for Me to say...I'm the Creator...what do I know about Life as a human...maybe "You" should come down here...on Earth and "give it a go"...see what it is like to live in a body, in physicality, and then your opinion, your perspective might change. Oh...but I do, I do My Children, for I Am with you every minute of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year...of everyone of your seemingly endless incarnations. I know exactly every little thing about everyone of your lives...oh yes...for I know everything there is to I have said often within this, God's Blog, for I Am everywhere at every time...yes, I know, mind-boggling Am I not, for you to factor into your be as I Am requesting this day, to become a bigger consideration in your moment to moment decisions, perspectives, values, and Life-long principles...yes..."that" is what I Am asking of all of humanity this day. 

Is "that" too much to ask My it too much to ask to be "more Loving" in your moment to moment, everyday lives...everyday My Children...for if you can fulfill My request, to become more Loving, you will be happier and more at peace...True Peace My Children...would you not like to live your lives experiencing True Peace as a matter of in opposed to your status quo, which you must admit, if you are honest that is, is often not very peaceful...oh no...for you can describe your everyday lives using, what are they called, yes, adjectives...but "peacefully" is typically not one of the adjectives now is it, My Children?

So...My Children, are you ready to give your Creator, and I Am but Love..."LOVE" My Children...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, a few minutes of your precious time to consider a few suggestions, as to how to accomplish My request to live more Loving lives?

And some of you My Children, maybe thinking to yourselves, I just don't have the "time" for this...I don't have the time to be more Loving, so although it sounds like a good idea, I just do not have the time to make changes to my lifestyle...and My response, My Children, is that you have all the time you need to do anything that you desire...yes..time is something you all have an endless amount of, for you have no end My you have plenty of time to not only consider the details of My request, but also the time to incorporate My request into your daily lives, as...let us say, an experiment, just to see that is, if more Loving lives is something that you would prefer to do as a more permanent element of your daily lives...for the balance of "this life"...and when you return to The Light of the Spiritual know...when you exit your current body-brain, you will have something else to consider...something else to factor into your next incarnation...

Oh yes My Children, your "next incarnation", for you are all coming back into the form of a physical body-brain, different ones each time...for each one of your many, many incarnations. I know, you do not remember "The Plan" for your experiential dimension ...your venture into the illusion of physicality...your self-created illusion of non-love, that is called "fear"...

You remember "fear" don't you My Children, for you live in "it" every moment of everyday, for your Earth is a dimension of physicality and fear, all because you were curious about the possibility of experiencing something different than you prior status quo of Love and remember Love and Spirituality don't you? Remember "Love" and existing as a "Spirit"...with no human bodies, don't you? Oh, that's right, you don't...most of you that is, as in almost the entire human population of Earth...because you "think" you are your physical body-brains. You actually identify with your illusion of being physical forms...human forms that is. Oh My, that is have forgotten, on purpose, as part of the plan, that you are not temporary human forms, that your temporary lives as human forms are just "temporary", as in not what you are for all of eternity.

All of eternity My Children..."All of Eternity", as in a very, very, very long time...but then again, time is not a "forever" thing My Children...can you imagine that? Can you imagine Life, but no time...Life but no time My Children...for "that" is where and what you are returning to...that is, when you transcend the illusion of fear, which you have created...

Oh yes, time ends when fear ends...can you imagine an end to fear...and My Children, do you know what happens when there is no fear? No more fear My Children, can you imagine "that"...does "that" not sound like something you would like to experience...again..."again" My Children, for that is, what are the words, from whence you have come. Oh yes...and do you know where "that" is My Children?

This is not, as you say, a trick question My come from Love My Children...and guess what..."that" is what I Am...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love..."it" is sometimes called "Bliss". Yes, My Children, you come from "Bliss". You remember "Bliss" don't remember "Me" don't you, your Creator? Oh, that's right, part of your desire to experience non-love, which of course is your fearful lives, was to forget about Me, your Creator, for I Am but Love...

Yes, yes, I remember now (just kidding), you wanted to forget about your relationship with Me, and I Am but Love, so you could experience non-love...or fear. How do you like "it"...non-love that is...your fearful world, which Jeshua ben Joseph calls your Dream World of fear and illusion, for we have covered this many times already, within the many articles of this, God's Blog...but let us discuss your Dream World from a slightly different context this day...

You cannot have "both" My Children. That is being direct enough. Yes, My Children, you cannot have both fear and Love...for I Am just Love, and some other things you Perfect Peace, Perfect Intelligence, and Perfect, Infinite Awareness...that kind of "stuff"...that you once knew all about...because you were conscious of and lived within your relationship with Me, The Source of All...the All-Loving Source of All... 

Yes, My Children, when "you decided" to experience non-love, to speak...had to give up a lot of "stuff"...very nice, Blissful stuff...

So...back to My earlier do you like "non-Love", for you have been very successful at terminating, at least temporarily, your relationship with Me, and I Am but Love, while you experience your non-love...also known as "fear", which also excludes the experience of all the Blissful stuff that you can imagine...that you once existed within..."forever"...for eternity...some call this the "Kingdom of God" or "Heaven"...that is from whence you have come, to experience your Dream World of fear and illusion... 

On My...does that assist you in responding to My do you like your Dream World of non-Love?...of non-bliss?...of no conscious relationship with Me, and I Am but Love? 

Ah...I can hear your proverbial egos churning...your creation to experience non-Love...oh yes...for "that" is what your egos are...your creation to experience non-Love...your illusion of separation from Me, your All-Loving Creator...for your egos, your illusion of separation from Love, was an absolute essential ingredient, if you were going to experience non-Love, which of course, is "fear"...

Yes, My Children...are the pieces to your many questions about your Dream World of illusion and fear beginning to fall into place...finally...or are your egos continuing to "muddy the waters" of understanding your temporary lives within the experiential dimension of Earth...your Dream World of non-Love, void of a direct, conscious, moment to moment relationship with Me, your All-Loving Creator?

Hmm...mind-boggling is it not? Oh yes, mind-boggling to you, who are actively participating in "your" Dream World...and...oh yes, equally mind-boggling to your brothers and sisters who have chosen to never experience your Dream World...oh yes, My Children...for it has been your use your free-will to experience your experiential dimension of non-Love, the use of your free-will to create your egos, your vehicle of illusionary separation from Me, your All-Loving Creator... 

Oh I will rephrase My question to you My much time do you need to experience non-Love? How much time do you need to experience fear? How much time to you need to experience the illusion of separation from Me, your All-Loving Creator? How much time do you need to experience non-Bliss? How much time do you need to incarnate into a variety of human body-brains?

For only you can answer these questions My Children...because I gave you all My Children, to experience whatever you so desire...and you desired to experience non-Love...the result of which is your Dream World...your experiential dimension of physicality, fear, and drama...which your egos will say "was all My idea"...oh yes...we have covered this subject before...your egos are experts at denial, and running from the responsibility for your status quo...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation... 

How long are you going to listen to your egos for guidance My Children? How long? For that is how long you will experience non-Love...non-Love My Children...let us, as you say, "get right down to it" long are you going to use your free-will to experience your Dream World of fear and long My Children? How many incarnations is enough? How many incarnations will satisfy your desire for fear, for stress, for anxieties, for non-Bliss...non-Bliss My Children...when you can begin to retrace your steps away from Love anytime you so desire...

Oh yes, "this" is all up to you My Children...however, I, your All-Loving Creator, will no longer stand idly by so that your egos can pretend...can tell you that I Am resposbible for your status quo...that I Am responsible for all of your fears and anxieties...for your cycle of reincarnation...

Oh no...for the first of many channels for My Message of Love has come forth...come forth in this period of time...the first of many, many channels My Children, all of whom will function as My vehicles of communication, and I Am but Love...Unconditional, Infinite Love My Children...    

My message to you this day My Children, and everyday to come, is that "there is a better way"...there is a better way to live your lives in physical forms...a better way to experience the intense emotions of physicality...yes, My Children, there is a new experience awaiting you. This is the new, Loving way of living in physical forms, void of your egos, void of your guiding, egoic voices of fear...and this new, Loving, Blissful way of Life on Earth is yours for the taking....yes, My Children...but this Loving, Blissful lifestyle requires "change"...changing your decision-making mechanism from fear to Love...from using your egos for guidance to Me, your All-Loving Creator...your Divine Parent as some describe Me...

Take your time if you must, for you have all the time you may require for more fear, anxieties, stress, and unworthiness...all illusions My Children, which your egos will tell you are just part of Life..."normal stuff" many egos will say... 

Fear, anxieties, stress, unworthiness...these are your creations My Children, because you created your egos...and you can dissolve your egos, and return Home to Love, True Peace, and Bliss...Bliss My Children...or you can tarry in your darkness...the choice is yours...

Hmm...Bliss or your status quo?

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...



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