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Good Morning My Children

Your "Link" to The Creator

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Blog

Oh yes...another day has begun on Mother Earth and humanity will be off and running about, in all of your dramas and traumas...oh yes...traumatic events you have as a matter of "routine"...the storms destroying homes, the killing of the innocent with meaningless shootings, and of course, there is always a war or battle of sorts somewhere...because some dictator feels the need to address his or her egoic desire for "more"...oh has always been "this way" on Mother Earth...destruction, conflict, and confusion is always never ending. There maybe some temporary lulls, but they never last for very is truly an amazing dimension where destruction, heartbreak, and damaging affects are never-ending.

When will it all end My Children...when will it all end...when will peace and serenity reign supreme, rather than your habitual death and destruction? 

Oh yes, you have your United Nations that uses the pretense that your world community is striving to meet lofty humanitarian goals and objectives, but then, there will be one or more members of your Security Council dive into a conflict of some serious nature, with one or more neighboring countries, under the facade of "it is their right to do"...and so much of your United Nations...United Nations...even the name is a facade of unity...because there is no country or group of countries is always striving...attempting to take advantage of one way or another. 

Politics it is called...political interests...some are also referred to as "geo-political", centered in one section of your Dream World...oh yes...Dream World in deed...for that description of your tiny planet will be a theme throughout these many and ongoing articles...for where do you go when the body-brain dies...where do you go My Children?

Oh yes...into The Light of the after-life, only you are still living, so your "after-life" connotation...label of sorts, does not truly apply now does it does not...into the Spiritual Realm your souls do pass, where the damage, destruction, and heartbreak is no more My Children...peace and quiet reign supreme...yes..."peace" My remember "peace" don't you?

Maybe you should consider taking some of the peace and serenity...yes, serenity My Children, down to your Dream World of death and destruction...for "that" would be a good, what do you call it, a change of pace...yes...True Peace and Serenity would be a good change of pace for your human Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...and I Am but Love..."Love" My remember Me don't you...deep down in your your subconscious memories...

But oh...not while you occupy your temporary body-brains...your physical vehicles used in the navigation of your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...Love My remember My Kingdom do you not? Oh...silly obviously do not, for if you did, your Dream World of separation from Me would not exist, for you would then be guided by The Light of Love within all souls, rather than the confusion and delusion of "your creation"...your so-called dark side...

Yes...your dark side...which from one perspective is not dark...but there is so little Light now, isn't there...the Light of My Love to guide you through your Dream World...yes, the Light of My Love is always available to you, My Children, and yet, your ego's pretend that "their way" is better than "My Way", or as Jeshua ben Joseph refers to it as, "The Only Way"...the only way to Love, My Love, and True Peace...serenity My Children...would you not enjoy some serenity on your planet Earth...a commodity in high demand in your Dream World of separation from yours truly, your Divine Parent, for I Am always...always very willing to extend you a helping hand...only your ego's pretend my assistance is not needed, for your ego's tell you that they know the way...or at the very least, lie to you about Me, and I Am but Love, by telling you that you are unworthy of a relationship with Me, your Divine Parent and Source of All

Oh yes, your ego tells you a realtionship with Me, whereby I guide you through your challenges, is just "not possible"...not available...a fantasy...that is, if the discussion ever progresses to such a possibility, which it rarely does... 

Why is that My Children? Why do your ego's shut down even the discussion of how to "re-establish" your relationship with Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love. Oh yes...because then, your ego could not tell what to do, how to live your lives or how to be motivated and controlled by the illusion of fear, rather than by The Light of My Love..."My Love" Children...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love My Children, that is everywhere..."everywhere".

Oh yes...another endless theme of these articles My Children..."My Love is everwhere"...for you cannot find a place where I Am may not be aware of My Presence...but this Reality of Love is one of the many, many reasons why we in the Spirirutal Realms refer to your world...your self-created...your egoic created world as a "Dream World", for any place, any experiential dimension, which operates under the illusion that I Am not present, and I Am but Love, is truly "a dream" illusion...a world of non-reality in place of the "Reality of Love"...  

Oh yes, My have chosen to create an experiential dimension of illusion and non-reality, void of your eternal relationship with Me, your Divine and Loving Parent..."Loving Parent" My Children..."All Loving Parent"...would you not like "one of those" Me, and I Am but LOVE?

Am I, as you say, painting a clear enough picture for you, My Children? You have a choice between what you have created in your Dream World of separation from Me, and I am but Love, or reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, as you navigate your Dream World on planet Earth. Would "that" not be very, very nice My fact, would you not prefer a pathway through Life on Earth guided by the Light of My Love and Perfect Peace?

Can you imagine...please imagine...if only for a few minutes each day...yes...pick a time...morning, afternoon, or matters not...and for a few minutes...only two or three, imagine that you have an eternal "link" with Me, your Loving, Divine Parent...Who is also All imporatant ingredient for our few minutes together...yes...My Children, what I Am asking you to imagine, for a few minutes each day, is that there is an open line of communication between your contemporary vernacular, "you have an internal link to Me, your Creator", and you can use it whenever you so desire. 

Yes, you have a "forever link" to My Light, to My Love, which Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as "right-mindedness"...yes, "right-mindedness" is another name for your link to My Light and Love, that you can use whenever you like...

So...back to our few minutes each day, when you are going to use your "link" to Me, and I Am but Love. As an example, maybe you make a mental note of a question in your Life...that you came up with a preliminary answer to...a preliminary solution...a preliminary perspective...and at 10:15 a.m. each morning, you are going to present your question to Me, your Creator, for a "second opinion".

It matters not what you are doing or where you 10:15 you are going to activate your link to Me, and I Am but Love, and ask Me your question. And if 10:15 on some days is just not convenient for you, then move our "link time" to 9 a.m. or 11:15 a.m...over whatever...but select a few minutes each morning...just a few minutes, My can find a few minutes for Me, can't you? Each morning? Each afternoon? Each evening? Maybe when you climb into bed, at the end of your day...or when you have lunch...just a few minutes each day... 

Now...imagine a pillar of White Light descends upon you, surrounds you, permeates your body and Beingness...for just a few minutes...and ask your question (or questions), with a completely open Mind..."a Mind open to all possibilities". Ask your question of Me, My Children...and observe all of your senses for My maybe a picture in your Mind's eye...maybe a feeling, somewhere in your body...maybe a small voice within...but I will answer you My Children...I will answer you always...for I Love you...more than you can imagine...I Love you more than you can imagine My Children... comes the interesting part of our little "link to Abba experiment"...whatever guidance you receive in The Light, implement it, and see what the outcome is...even if the answer I conveyed to you was something you would never, ever, normally consider...just "do it"...and see how you "feel"...see what the result is... 

And you don't have to ask Me a "Big Question" can be about anything...anything My"what should I have for lunch today?"..."when should I ask my boss for a raise, and if so, how should I frame the request?"...or..."should I have that discussion with my wife, that I have been thinking about, and if so, what should I say?" can ask Me anything...anything...and I will Love to provide an answer based in Love...Love, My Children...  

Would you not like to make more decisions based in Love, Perfect Peace, and Perfect Intelligence? Why not give this a try for a week...just a week...a few minutes each have a few minutes each day for Love, Pefect Peace, and Perfect Intelligence don't you? And if you forget one day because you were just pre-occupied with "Life as usual"...that's okay...because I'm not going anywhere...because I Am already everywhere...and I Am but Love, and I Love you...unconditionally..."unconditionally" My matters not what terrible stuff that you may create in your Mind...that renders you unworthy of a relationship with Me, your Divine Parent...for one simple reason, one simple fact, one simple "Reality" that never...never changes My Children. Unconditional Love is "unconditional" My matter what your ego may try to tell you...for as I have conveyed many times within these articles...your ego's are all based in fear..."fear" My Children...that voice and those feelings of fear, anxieties, and confusion are always from your egos My Children...always..."always"...please try to never forget that.

It is your ego's that have built a wall between "us"...You and I, your Creator...your Loving Creator...and any such wall is an illusion My Children...fantasy...non-reality...for no matter where you are or what you are doing...or have done...or what your ego attempts to tell you has separated us...You and I, and I Am but Love, please know that there is no such thing...there is no such reason...for there is nothing...NOTHING that you can do, or think, or say, or "anything" that can make Me stop Loving you! Nothing...forever...

Your separation from My Love is please know that whatever your egoic voice of fear may tell you, or the egoic voice of a friend or a partner may tell you, I Love you Unconditionally forever..."forever"...

So...My Children...whenever you would like to try the practice of asking Me a question or two each day, to provide you with a second based in Love rather than egoic fear, just give Me a few minutes each day, in a pillar of Light, and I will show you "The Way"..."The Way Home to Love, from whence you came" probably don't remember, but I assure you, I was having Loving thoughts when I created fact, you could say that "You are the Thought of Love in form"...yes...consider your origins My Children...You are the Thought of Love in form...experimenting with the alternative, within your experiential dimension of Earth...your experiment of fear and illusion...for I Am everywhere...and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...won't you try your "link" to Love?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...  



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