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Good Morning My Children

Fear is Considered Normal

Sunday, February 12, 2023 Blog

Ah...yes..."good morning"...another day on Mother Earth has begun, with much joy and jubilation, for the day all have been waiting for has finally arrived.

Oh yes, "the day" is here, only the celebration of which I speak is occurring in the Spirirtual Realm, on behalf of what lays ahead for the souls that inhabit Mother Earth...for the darkness that has overlayed your planet for the millenia has been pierced by The Light of Love...My Light...and once the Energy of Pure Love and Perfect Peace begins to dominate the soul of one, the end of the darkness is, yes...there is much joy and celebration throughout the Spiritual humanity continues to sleep...for it is 2:30 a.m...

Yes...once again a incarnated, Conscious Christ, has heard the call, My Call, and I Am but Love...oh yes...a of My Children...begotten by The Source of All, has arisen from the slumber of fear and darkness to say..."no more Mr. ego...your riegn is over...for I will do whatever Abba asks of me to stay in the Light of Love"...a Light so "Bright" that most, as in all but one, have forgotten...forgotten that is until the transition, which you call death...and then, you remember The Light..."it" is shocking to you at first, but you quickly remember from whence you is, what do you call it, a great relief to be back "Home", out of your physical body-brains.   

Oh yes...there is a short period of orientation, but there are many brothers and sisters to hold your hands, as it were, even though you have no physical hands any more...just hands and forms of Light...a Radiance so Bright that proclaims that Perfect Peace has once again been restored for all souls, as they return from the darkness of Earth...the fears, the anger, the heartbreak, the trama, the shock...oh yes...the shock of leaving the Light of Love for the temporary experiences of the Earth dimension, where the remembrance of Me, The Creator, and I Am but Love, is, as you say, no longer the order of the day...yes...your bond with Me, and I Am but Love, is forgotten, as you enter the Earth dimension of darkness...oh yes...for who on your tiny planet speaks of communicating with Me each day? 

Who speaks of our relationship in such terms? Who has grown to rely on Me and The Light...My Light, to show them The Way each day...who has surrendered to Love, My Love, and says each day, words such as:

- How may I be of service this day Abba?

- How do I master asking for, listening for, looking for, feeling for, and implementing all of your guidance, every moment of every day?

- How do I master living as a Conscious Christ Incarnate, every moment of everyday, as long as this body lasts...and I request, accept, and am grateful for all of the assitance provided to me and others in this regard...

- I give everyone and everything the freedom to be as they are, whatever that may be, as I live peacefully, in childlike innocence, every moment of mind is at Peace. 

Who says such words to start each set, as you say, the "tone" for the events of the day...oh yes...there is one...only one who says..."I'm not going back...I'll do whatever you ask, but I'm not going back to the darkside (the ego that is, for guidance) Abba, please show me The Way this day, and everyday."

This brother, this soul, has experienced the depths of your darkness...the depths of your illusion, your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, over many, many many that the illusions had overwhelmed this soul...oh yes..."overwhelmed" is a good description...overwhelmed in that this soul knew not how to in, what to do...what should be the next step...

For this soul had approached the precipice of Life on Earth many times, and cried out...yes, cried out...I am not taking "this" any more...because I simply can't...I cannot be here any longer...and the soul's solution was to end his incarnation...yes...suicide...and the proper term is end his incarnations, for he has used suicide to conclude many incarnations on your planet Earth...oh yes... 

This soul wanted to experience the darkest of the dark, to be where no soul had been before...can you imagine that? To return, incarnation after incarnation, to the depths of despair and depression, and the only answer that made any sense was to end its life as a human...yes...even though this soul, who journeyed to such darkness as both male and female many times, knew not if there was anything, as you say, on the "other side" of physical death. Can you imagine?

Yes...can you imagine killing your physical body just to eacape Life on planet Earth...for that is what this soul did...time after time...assuming there was nothing on the "other side"...

Yes, My Children, when you speak of such depths of despair and depression...of helplessness...of knowing not how to go on, for even another moment or two...this one soul is somewhat of an expert, if there is such a thing...yes, an expert on despair and depression...the darkness of egoic existence...

Yes, My Children, this soul knows all about the, as you say, the "ins and outs"...every facet of the darkness of your experiential dimension of Earth...and even after all the suicides, combined with many other physical deaths engulfed in some aspect of darkness, this soul desired to return to Earth...oh yes...and return this soul did...

Why? Why would any soul journey down such a path, for I gave all free-will, to experience whatever you desire, where ever you desire, and yet, you have all chosen to experience fear, and all the variations of fear, but you also choose to return, incarnation after incarnation. Why? When you reside in The Light of Love in the Spiritual Realm...why experience the darkness of the ego...the darkness of fear, and anger, and depression, and all the rest...why...why My Children...why My Children of The Light Divine?

As you read these words, some of you My Children, are asking yourselves the same question. Why have you come to Earth...for until this very moment, you had been pretending that it was not your choice...not your idea...not your desire to experience Life as a human...and in doing so, you could pretend you were not responsible for creating your Life in this experiential dimension of negative emotions and dramas...oh yes...

"Not responsible"...oh yes...that is what the ego says...over, and over, and fact, the ego, one of "your" creations My Children, is an expert at hiding behind that illusion...oh yes, the creation of the illusion that you are "not responsible" for a great many things...for the ego tells you that so many aspects of your lives are the result of all the life circumstances "out there", outside of you, that are the cause of your experiences...and "that" My Children, your refusal to take responsibility for your lives...for your how your ego's keep you in the darkness of your endless dramas on Earth...

Oh yes...for your ego's...that voice of fear within all of you, is an endless...endless chant of denial and projection...and denial and projection are the stepchildren of fear and judgment, for without judgment there can be no fear...and without fear, there is no need for denial, projection, and other anti-responsible characteristics, which you so often embrace. What a lifestyle you have created...what an experiential dimension of darkness...of illusion...of your "endless excuses" as to why Life on Earth is the way that it is...century after century... 

When does it end My Children? When do you say..."no more, I can't take this anymore, I'm lost, and I know not how to find The Light of Love and True Peace"...oh...but even as you approach such a perspective, the egoic voice of fear...many fears My Children...many fears in deed...your egoic voice of fear, confusion, and illusion will say, I know the way...let us do "this" or "that", for if we don't, "that" might happen, and we do not want to live through "that"...oh my..."that" would be terrible! 

And off you go, again, and again, and again...the circumstances and players may change, but the general scenario does not...for you are motivated by fear, and the fear of not controlling your fear...because I am going to make all of my decisions so I can avoid fear...oh yes...absolutely, fear is, how do I avoid everything that creates fear? And your list of fears is almost endless...fear of no food, no clothing, no apartment or house, no automobile, no career, no money, and on, and on, and on your fears go...

You often pretend fear does not enter into your decision-making routine, but that is simply a demonstration of your fear of fear! "Oh no...not me...I don't live in fear...not me." Hmm..."really" can look in the mirror and say, "I am fearless, for all of my decisions are motivated by Love and acceptance of all...rather than by judgment and fear".

And here is where your ego can become very creative...and does...everyday..."fear"...what is so bad about fear you say (often subconsciously), for it keeps me on my toes...aware of all of the decisions that I should avoid, that would create "more fear". Listen to yourselves My are motivated by fear, to avoid this the way you want to live? 

Motivated by fear to avoid fear...that sounds like you live in fear...doesn't it? Oh...but your ego's say..."fear is just part of normal, everyday know...fear is just part of the process of Life...fear is normal."

"Fear is normal"...that's your answer...oh yes..that is the answer of the ego, and your ego is literally "fear consciousness", so of course the ego...your ego's...are going to say that "FEAR IS NORMAL"..."FEAR IS NATURAL"...fear and judgement are just part of "Life" big deal...but you say, I want to make decisions that are going to avoid fear as much as possible, because fear is bad...fear does not feel good...oh no...your ego's say, "too much fear is not a good thing".

And around, and around you go...incarnation after incarnation, lost in the cycle of choosing to incarnate to experience fear, because that's what happens to everybody on Earth, and then, denying that you can avoid all fears...because...well...that's just part of Life on Earth...and I didn't choose to come "here" me...God sent me "here"...or if you don't believe in Me, your Divine Parent, your ego hides behind another facade...another illusion of not being responsible for your status quo.

Oh no...not me...I don't know why I am "here"...I'm just doing the best that I can to control my Life, in an environment that controls me...and I don't know if there is a God or doesn't seem like there is, for who would create such a place like Earth...with all the problems. If there was a God, a Creator, they would have done a better job...without all of the negativity and dark, maybe, there just is no God...and I don't really have time to think about this God stuff anyway, because...well...God is not part of my Life.

And on, and on, and you say, pick your poison, either you are not responsible for the Life you have created on Earth, because "God did it"...or there is no God, and fear is normal...or some combination thereof...

And My Children, that brings us full circle, back to the soul who chose the depths of egoic darkness, fear consciousness it is after life. You know "fear"...what you deal with most days...on one level or another...that you just assume, that you have chosen to be conditioned by, that is "normal"...that is "Real"...

This soul wanted the experience of looking at the depth of fear, despair, and depression in the eye and saying..."no more...because there is a better way"...only, those were not the words of the soul...those were the words I whispered in the Mind of the soul...and the soul put down the chosen tool of death for their current incarnation, and began their search for "a better way"...

For deep down in your souls, My Children, there is Light...The Light of My Love...that will Light the path to your way back to Love, and out of the darkness of the ego...of fear...of judgment...out of all of the dramas of the Earth dimension...but My Children, "it" is all up to must must take responsibility for when you will return Home to Love (while you are still in a physical form)...when you will transcend the darkness that you have created, and perpetuate each day, as something that is considered "normal"...

I suggest, My Children, that you begin by reconsidering your definition of "normal"...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...



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