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Good Morning My Children

My Request This Day Is To "Lighten-Up"

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 Blog

Ah...and a "good morning" to all of humanity, and the balance of My Creation...which is vast, infinite, and unfathomable...yes, unfathomable and yet, you find accident I will add...on a tiny planet, spinning around at a speed that would make you dizzy if you were not so pre-occupied with the illusion of your temporary physical selves...

Oh yes, spinning and moving through space at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour are you...your illusion of you that is...

I, and I Am but Love, are "here" once again, this morning to convey another aspect of My Message of Love to a planet of Christed Beings of Love and Light...that are typically oblivious to Who and What you truly are...oh yes...oblivious are most of you, for you are immersed in the illusion of Self, which you have created and yet, take so seriously...too seriously least from a few perspectives...oh are a very serious species...oh so serious, and for those of you who believe in Me, Your Divine Parent, you typicaly project some of your seriousness onto Me, your Creator and Source of All, which I would like to tell you is a misplaced and erroneous exercise of illusion and confusion...for I Am many things, but serious...serious is certainly not one of I suggest that you all take a deep a few deep breaths and, what is the phrase that you use...yes, Lighten-up...please every aspect of your lives...for your fears and anxieties are going to kill you...oh yes...kill your temporary human forms that most believe are "you"...that you identify with, when they, your temporary human forms, are just one element of the illusionary world of physicality and fear you have created, and are lost in...

Oh yes...lost are you...most of you...and you don't even know it because you are too busy being serious about the Dream World you have created and immersed yourselves within...Dream World...that is a very good phrase to begin using as a routine description of your status that a brother of yours, Jeshua ben Joseph, began using in the past three or four describing your experiential dimension of Earth and emotions... 

Earth and emotions...hmm...physicality and emotions...intense, serious emotions...oh yes, even as you read these words, serious and emotional are you...every emotion imaginable...every state of consciousness...well, almost every state of consciousness and drama can be experienced on your tiny planet, in your tiny costumes...and experience you do...incarnation after incarnation... say to yourselves...I have not had "that" experience...that's what I want to experience next...and off you have gone into space and time, lost in the illusions of "Reality" that you have created...oh yes...your very serious illusions of Reality, in your Dream World that you take far to seriously to be "Real" that is...for you have an essence of Love and Bliss, just like Me, and yet, you would never know if you evaluate the experiential environment that you have know, the one that you think is "Real"...

Hmm...what am I to do about you? Oh...I put up some signs, some messages from time to time, and send some messengers of Love in attempts to try to nudge you towards the Reality of Love and yet, most of the time, you are far to busy being serious about your Dream World to notice...

Take all of the efforts of one of your brothers and good friends, Jeshua ben Joseph, as an example...go to and see many of the books he has channeled through some of your temporary body-brains...yes, all in just the last several decades...yes...Jeshua ben Joseph..."The" Jeshua ben Joseph, who is awake to the Reality of Love...the Reality of My Love, which is Pure, Infinite, and Unfathomable...and do you think one such book ever made it onto one of your best sellers lists...oh are too busy...too busy and too serious...and what is your phrase...too "stressed out" in your Dream World to find the time to learn about "Reality"...

It is almost...almost too unbelievable to believe...and yet, here we are, you and I, your Creator, at 3 AM, discussing the state of your Dream World...and it is all, as you say, "okay", for it is here you desire to be, creating experiences you desire to experience (for there are no accidents)...lost in your Dream World of fear and seriousness...

Hmm, but a few of you, My Children of Love, have begun to tire of your Dream World of seriousness and have turned to various sources that describe some aspect of your Dream World, in the context of a Dream World, most notably Jeshua ben Joseph...and now...I, your Loving Source of All, have joined with Jeshua ben Joseph to provide this new source...this to provide a map to "Reality"...yes...a map to Reality for least from My perspective, and I Am but Love.

Take all the time you desire...all the time you need to "wake up" from your Dream World of seriousness and fear to the Reality of My Love, which I will contine to convey is "everywhere"...yes, eveywhere, and yet, you see it "feel" it not...for you have created quite the Dream World of illusion...oh yes... quite the illusion, in deed. 

Most will read these words, My words, and those of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph and say..."what are they talking about...I don't understand". This is no big surprise to us in the Spiritual Realms, many of which do not pay to much attention to your Dream World of fear and anxieties...for you have many sisters and brothers who desire not to experience your Dream World of "non-reality"...they Love you all more than you can much so they give you the freedom to create whatever new depth of darkness you so desire...for they are often just as busy as you are...experiencing some aspect of My Love in experiential dimensions very different than your Dream World...that you exist within and perceive as "Reality"... 

Oh yes...Creation is infinite...with an infinite number of experiential dimensions...a difficult Reality to absorb and comprehend as you exist in your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...

Ah...but I have nowhere to go...for I Am "everywhere"...unless of course I desire to create another dimension or another universe...a process I truly Love...truly...for all are related somehow to the extension of Self, and I Am but Love...yes, the extension of Love is a creative process that has no end...ever...and you My Children, are part of this creative process of which I speak...and have described in previous articles on this, God's Blog...

And I will continue to put forth aspects of My Message of Love on this internet site, for all of humanity to turn to, when you tire of your fears, anxieties, and that a new word? I think so...

Yes, My Children, this is the first of many such sites and other mediums of expression...of communication which I, your All-Loving Creator, will manifest and use to assist humanity with your shift...your transition as it were...and Love "Reality" My Children...imagine "that" if you will, for just a few minutes please...

Yes, please take a few minutes, out of your very busy lives, to begin to imagine what changes could be made in your Dream World on Earth to transition from fear and seriousness to that of Love and playfulness...a world of "Reality" very, very different from your current Dream World...yes...please My Children...think about this for a few minutes...what changes would you make? 

Hmm...there are so many, you may not know where to about this one...maybe a few (incarnated souls)...a handful, as you say, actually wake up to the Reality of Love, as examples for a resource for you to study and evaluate, to discuss various subjects with, so you could begin to make the transition to Love Consciousness...from your current state of fear consciousness.

Hmm...I think so...because if you are living in fear consciousness, part of your Dream World is you live as though fear is "real" know...fear, anxieties, and all of your negative emotions are just part of what you believe is "Reality", which My Children makes it somewhat challenging, if not almost impossible to what is your word...oh create something that is not part of your perception of Reality...your illusion of be part of your Dream World as necessary stepping stones to the "Reality of Love"! 

Yes..."stepping stones" is a term Jeshua ben Joseph uses in The Way of Mastery trilogy...trilogy My Children...three books of stepping stones...the pathway to the Reality of Love...the pathway Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago...a pathway...a new lifestyle far, far different from how you live today My, for those of you who choose to explore this new lifestyle of Love, please "buckle-up", as you say, for major in some changes that are challenging to initially comprehend as suggested therein...oh yes...major, mutative changes...which are, as you say, foreign to your human psyche... 

Yes, My Children, major changes are needed to transition from your fear-based lifestyles, to Love Consciousness, which is natural for you...Love Consciousness that is, you have just forgotten, that's all...why? Okay, I will say it again...because you are lost in your perception of "Reality", which is not the real "Reality".  

Kind of a play on words is it not..."the real Reality", as opposed to what you think of as your "Reality", which is not "Reality" at all...confusing to many of you My Children...but "we" are here, your Creator, and some of your brothers and sisters, to show The Way to Love to those of you that are ready...ready to make the transition. Ah yes, the transition back to Love, for that is from whence you came.,.

Many questions...yes My Children, you will have many questions along The Way...and there will be much resistance at times, for change is not always welcomed...change can be quite challenging, particularly in this set of circumstances...circumstances where your illusions are "perceived as Reality"...change becomes much, much more challenging...oh yes...just look at what many thought of Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, when he began to deliver My Message of Love...when he said that all of humanity were the Children of God, that he and I were "One", that I did all things through him...and on, and on... 

Many thought Jeshua was a crazy man, even members of his family, and some of his closest friends...and then the so-caled miracles began, a necessary stepping stone two thousand years ago...and overnight, Jeshua ben Joseph was no longer a crazy man, and many began to listen to the Message of Love

Well My Children, Jeshua ben Joseph is back...he never really left, to once again communicate The Way to Love, The Way to reunion with Me, your All-Loving Creator...and not the God of judgment that so many have been taught and conditioned to fear...oh no...there is no such God, except the illusionary ones that humanity has created...for in your fear-based world, what you do not know or understand is often is called "fear of the unknown"...and there are many, many of "those fears"...fears that need to be walked through and you say, "once and for all"

Once and for all My Children...are you ready to walk through and dissolve your fears...your many, many fears...for there are so many, you better begin walking, for this will not be, as you say, an overnght phenomenon for humanity. It will take several you better start walking...oh yes, confronting and walking through your fears will "take time"... 

Some souls will accomplish this journey to Love Consciousness, this journey back to Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love, in a single incarnation...while others will take mutliple incarnations to complete your journey out of the darkness of your Dream World...but, fear not, for whenever you request a helping hand..."sincerely" request a helping hand, one will be extended to you. The assistance provided will manifest in many become more observant of such assitance than you have been to date. For often, quite often, assitance and guidance is requested, and yet, when provided, it is not recognized or accepted.

This internet site is simply one such example...for many have, and will continue to cry out for assitance and yet, they are either not sincere, or if sincere, expect assistance to appear "on their terms"..."their egoic terms"...and the ego...your ego's...are part the illusion of your separation from Love...from Self, your All-Loving Creator...and as conveyed in prior articles, and Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, the ego does not like to "surrender its control"

Oh no...the ego is lost in the illusion that "it" knows the way out of your darkeness of fear and endless anxieties. If you did not fully comprehend the significance of the last sentence, I suggest you read it a few more times...and a few more times, until you can look in the mirror, and say to yourself...however you so choose to say it...I am lost, and I know not The Way Home to Love, please show me The Way...I will be humble, and follow the guidance provided...for if I knew The Way Home to True Peace...I would already be "there"

"That" My Children is what you can call a "good beginning"...a good first step...and then look for...become aware of the guidance that is provided, many examples of which are located on this internet site...

Yes My Children, look for the guidance that is provided, as you say, in short order, and become sensitive to your egoic rejections of the guidance offered...oh yes...your ego, My Children, will manufacture an endless list of excuses and reasons for rejecting the "changes" embedded in the guidance...for example:

- I don't have time for "that"

- The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...are you kidding me? Really? Christianity...been there, done doesn't work...even though his contemporary teachings are suppose to be different...really different...I just don't believe it...  

- A meditation that induces short periods of Christ Consciousness...I have never heard of such a thing..."that" cannot be real...besides..."everyday"...I am suppose to meditate "everyday"...I don't have time for "that"...

Sound familiar My Children? Oh yes, you say you want to change...that you embrace a spirirutal path, and yet, your ego's define the path that you are willing to follow and have the time for...your ego's My Children?...your ego's have lead you to where you find yourselves this day...this moment...

Your ego's have created all of your fears and anxieties...your ego's have created your Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...

You may say you want change, and yet, when the opportunites, the tools of change are placed in front of you, your ego's find the excuses and the rationale to maintain your status quo...yes, My Children, your ego's are "experts at creating the illusion that you are going to change", only to create endless justification for keeping you right where you are... 

And where are you this very moment is not in Perfect Union with Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...oh yes...and let us not forget Perfect Peace, Perfect Intelligence, and Perfect, Infinite Awareness...

But oh...your ego is far too busy for all of "that"...your ego has more important things to attend ego will tell you "things will be different in the future"..."when you have more time, things will be different"..."because then you will have the time to address all of your worldly priorities, plus your spirirutal priorities"...

Time to address all of your worldly priorities, plus time to address all of your spiritual priorities...should I say this again My Children? Do you get "it"? Your ego has all the answers...and you follow your ego's guidance...and this occurs incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation, and on and on...century after century, millenia after mellenia, and here you are, still listening to your ego...still placing your worldly priorities above your spirirutal priorities...

Now you know why Jeshua ben Joseph describes your status quo as one of being lost in your Dream Wolrd of fears and anxieties, for that is exactly where your ego wants to be...

Hmm? it time to implement the contemporary teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph on how to dissolve the ego, and re-establish your relationship with Me...and I Am but Love?

That is all...

Your Loivng Source of All...



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