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Good Morning My Children

What Am I Missing?

Sunday, February 5, 2023 Blog

Yes, another "good morning" to all of humanity for a message from your Creator...a message that most will not take seriously, for you do not perceive that a conversation with the Creator is something that can and does occur as common place, as a telephone call with aunt Mary or your best friend, whatever her or his name maybe...for humanity has some big changes on the horizon that would never...never have been anticipated...unless of course you would have taken the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph seriously, which I am sorry to say, has not happened in great least not yet that is... 

And even those incarnated souls who have read some of the varied manuscripts available today, generally fail at grasping the significance the message of Jeshua ben Joseph will have fifty, one hundred, and two hundred years from this day...this morning. However, this apparent trivialization of his message, which I might add, is My message, will not always be the case...oh no...a ripple in the Ocean will grow into a wave, and a wave will gradually gain momentum as a force that rises up, as a tsunami of thought and controversey...that washes over your planet Earth...oh yes...we are just at the beginning...the great beginning of "Truth" that will forever change humanity

Oh I, your Creator, am speaking through one incarnated Christ, in a small community in the mountains, and this article...this message...will go largely unnoticed this day...but fiftty years from "this day" the articles, which we are accumulating on this, God's Blog, will rise up to grab the attention of the planet...

Oh yes...humanity is in for some big changes...changes that Jeshua ben Joseph began describing and channeleing in earnest some thirty years ago, through a few willing souls...for who can say "no" to LOVE?

LOVE...oh yes...Love is often viewed as some theoretical, far off emotion, which is experienced and then lost...experienced and then fleeting...experienced with a few souls closet to you...with your partner, and maybe your sons and daughters...a closest of friend's...a sister or brother...but not shared with all of humanity...ah...but My Children...this will all be changing...changing as humanity slowly awakens to "Reality"...oh yes...the Reality of My message of Love

The "Great Shift in consciousness" has begun that will forever alter the history of humanity...and yet, most do not recognize the inevitability of the changes of which I speak...your Loving Creator...not the judgmental and punishing God, which many of your religious organizations portray as "Reality"...oh...what misconceptions and fallacies that so many accept as "Reality"...and then of course, such illusionary perceptions of the Energy that created you have been discarded by large blocks of your western civilization, whereby I, your Creator, are rarely even mentioned in conversations any more.

Oh yes...I, and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Unfathomable, Infinite Love, have been lost to many...until maybe the event of your physical death approaches...then, maybe, there is some thought directed at the possibility that I, and My Kingdom of Love, exist...

Oh yes...My Kingdom of Love, which many refer to as "Heaven"...oh yes...Heaven, some far off, way off place, in some distant location...only obtainable if you have been "good" during your current incarnation on Earth...   

Oh yes...and then there are those large blocks of the population who perceive "Heaven" as some make believe destination that is not even "Real" is just an illusion that will never be different than a mirage in the desert...what do you call illusionary that can be imagined and hoped for...but not a part of your future "Reality". 

Ah...but there are "those feelings"...there are "those sensations" deep within your soul, which speak to you...that jiggle around the depths of your Beingness, the meaning and message of which you know not...and yet, what are they telling you? They are telling you there is something more...much more than you have experienced in your current body-brain...but you know not what My message is...for "those feelings"..."those sensations" that are tellling you "there is something more"...feelings and sensations I planted deep within all souls long, long before your current incarnation...long before you came to the planet Earth, many millenia ago... 

Oh may attempt to deny that they even exist..."those sensations and far off feelings" that tell you there is something more to "Life"...that you are missing part of the Big Picture...but...but...they just keep coming back do they not? are possibly one of the "hardliners", which think there is nothing more to Life than the physical stuff...and when your body-brain wears out and dies, that is "it"...there is nothing else...but then again Miss and Mr Hardliner, what about all of those near death experiences...the near death experiences which just continue to occur...and occur...and occur...oh yes...and the message of these experiences are not varied and inconsistent....oh no...they are all quite could even say they are the same...identical in many ways, many aspects...what about those "after-death experiences" in a Spiritual dimension....a Spiritual World that "all" experience... 

Ah...but there are just to many distractions down on Earth for you to consider what happens after physical death...what difference does "that" make, you tell yourselves..."it" will happen when it happens...I'm just too busy to even think about an after-Life...and so your "Life" goes on...and you try to do the best you can, based on some set of values and principles you rarely even think about...because you are just to caught up...pre-occupied with the survival and comfort of your temporary body-brain. 

Ah...but one day...eventually...most incarnated souls arrive at the moment of "Truth" when you say to yourselves..."what has it all been for?"..."why have I gone through everything?"..."what have all of my efforts accomplished?"...and you know not the answers to your questions..."those questions", that slowly rise to the surface of your Conscious Awareness...the same thoughts that probably made some brief prior appearances earlier in your Life, but were quickly cast aside, as something to be considered at a non-defined future date...

Ah...but for some...that non-defined future date is "today" have pushed it away as long as you have been able created all of the distractions that allowed you to justify thinking about something else...anything else in many instances, for what difference does it really make you one knows the answers to "those questions" why should I even waist my time?

And yet, "those questions" do not go away do they...not can manufacture some more distractions, but "those questions" keep knocking on your door...ah yes...denial has once again made an appearance...denial that you even have "those questions", and off you go into one distraction or another. 

Ah...and this is when some souls make a discovery...finally a discovery that actually provides answers to all of "those questions"...answers that fit into all of those near death experiences...the experiences in the so-called "after-Life". What an interesting and curious term..."after-Life experiences"...does it not just sound a bit out of in illogical, which simply does not make any sense...think about it...after physical death experiences that are referred to as "after-Life"...well My Children, if there are "after-Life experiences", how can you be having any experiences at all...that is, if your Life is over?

After-Life experiences simply means that "Life", your "Life", is not fact, tell Me one soul who has ever arrived at a place where there was no more "Life" to remember...think about it...I mean, really think about it...

How many souls, who have had one of your near death experiences, comes back and says...I saw "the end" of my Life...not my physical Life...but "the end to my soul"...where there were no more experiences to souls have made such a statement. Do you know why? Because you have no may change may change can make many, many changes...but you can never...never end the Life of your is impossible...I assure you, and I should know, because I created you...or maybe you should ask Michael, the soul through whom I speak this day...ah...but that is a story I will save for another day... 

Let us return to the discovery some souls will make, that some souls have made, and that is The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. You remember him don't you? The famous person who was crucified two thousand years ago, and then arose from the dead...yes, "that" person...that soul...who allegedly..."allegedly" started a religious movement that provided a framework for entrance into My Kingdom...  

Hmm...maybe a few souls should ask him, Jeshua ben Joseph that is, about the claims of Christianity...oh yes...ask him...I encourage you to do put, as you say, the fallacies of Christianity to bed once and for all...finished...over...not valid...a story with no basis in fact...for his path to My Kingdom, which he discovered and traveled two thousand years ago, is the same one he teaches this day, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...more specifically, within the details of The Way of Mastery trilogy...oh yes...Jeshua ben Joseph has reduced the path to My Kingdom of Love to black and white, as you say...for all to study...exercises to be practiced...oh yes! 

Within his The Way of Mastery, he, Jeshua ben Joseph, answers all of "those questions" know, the ones we were discussing earlier...that people tend to ask when their self-made distractions are no more...the questions that arise to the surface of consciousness, in an attempt to explain and justify "what my Life has been for" know..."what has this current incarnation been for"..."current incarnation" interesting twist to our discussion this morning...which raises some interesting new questions...

Why do souls return to the Earth dimension, to experience different body-brains, at different time periods, for difference experiences, within a physical, experiential dimension...hmm...why is "that"...let us add those questions to our list of "those questions", and see if Jeshua ben Joseph has answers for us...for you...oh yes...he does! For those of you who desire answers that is...that are not too busy with the minutia of your current incarnation, to ascertain the answers to the Big Questions...remember the Big Questions? 

Why are you here? Who are you? Is there a Creator? What happens when I physically die? Remember...those "Big Questions". Oh, I know, and I Am but Love...most of you don't are too busy with too many other things, to be curious about the answers to the Big Questions...

However, there will come a day, when some incarnated souls will want the answers to the Big Questions..."those questions" see if all their efforts are for a good see if they are not wasting their time and efforts on things that are just not very in not important at, why? Why am I spending so much time and effort on "stuff" that does not matter...very much that is...

Yes, My Children, why are you spending so much time and effort on "stuff" that is not very important? Oh...that's right...because you have been "trained and conditioned" to believe the "stuff" you are devoted to...that are your top priorities...are important...are worthy of all of your time and energy...

Really? Can you bring all of the "stuff" with you when you leave the experiential dimension of Earth? Hmm...the last time I checked (a little humor there), you had to leave all of the "stuff" behind when you experienced physical death, but you were able to bring your soul, your Beingness with you, into your ongoing and never ending "Life"...immortality I believe you call it. can only bring your soul, your Beingness with you when you leave the experiential dimension of Earth. So, My Children, what are you doing to improve your soul...while you are on Earth that is?

Oh...some of you had forotten that you have a soul, an immortal Beingness, that you travel with through time, through all of the experiential dimensions, which you choose to experience.

Does "that" change your perspective? Does "that" change your values, your principles, your priorities? Hmm...interesting...more questions why was I created, and am I fulfilling the purpose of my creation? 

Does Jeshua ben Joseph answer our new questions in his, The Way of Mastery? Oh yes, he does...answers all souls will enjoy learning about...and "Living". However, if you do not know why your were created, and how to best fulfill your overall purpose, there is probably some sense of "what am I missing" bumping around within your Beingness...isn't there? 

Yes, "what am I missing", is a common question...a common feeling...a common sensation all souls experience at some point. The only question that remains is...are you going to take the time to find out what the answers to "those questions" are...or are you simply going to live your "Life" as you always have?

Are you going to continue to look at yourself in the mirror with the question..."what am I missing?"...or, try to sell yourself on all of the distractions you have created all of your "Life"? road leads to answers that will assist your soul in creating an incarnational experience of meaningful accomplisment...of "true satisfaction"...of "True Peace"...and the already know where that road leads too...because that's how you have arrived at where you are this very moment...


That is All...

Your Loving Source of All

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