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Good Morning My Children

Your Internal "Link" to Love

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Blog

And a good morning it is for our topic this day...and every day...for our topic today can be, and should be a consideration everyday...everyday My Children...everyday...for when you interact with each other...other Christed Beings of Light...other Multi-dimensional, Immortal Beings of Love, you should conduct yourselves with guidelines that will facilitate the awakening of humanity...yes...the awakening of humanity to "Reality"..."Reality My Children"..."your awakening"...

For you have been, and continue to slumber in your self-created illusion of "reality"...or should I say "non-reality" exist in your self-created non-reality that you perceive...that you "think" is "Reality"...all of you...all incarnated Beings of Light...oh...there are a few...very few...that are, as you sometimes say, knocking on the door of My Kingdom...but rare in deed are those souls upon your planet Earth...even though there are many who operate under the illusion that they are enlightened souls, head and shoulders above the balance of the population...

Oh yes, your New Age has produced a new generation do you say it...enlightened wannabees...only they are anything but enlightened for one blatant, reoccurring demostration of their deeply engrained egoic nature...judgmentalism...judge, judge and judge...for judgmentalism goes hand and hand with being unenlightened...yes...walking and living in the darkness of the ego...simply a new version thereof... 

Yes...a new version of egoic judgmentalism, which humanity has a long...very long history of creating...century after century, millennium after millennium...and with egoic judgmentalism, fear reigns supreme. Oh yes, fear reigns supreme, for one simple reason...fear is the primary motivational energy of egoic judgmentalism. Oh yes...and often...very often...humanity is not even aware of the depth of your fears...oh no...  

Fear-based, egoic judgmentalism is not even commonly viewed as fear-based, egoic judgmentalism, but rather as, my way is better than your what is wrong with you perspective is the prevalent attitude around your globe...yes..."what is wrong with you" is now front and center in the US of A...and the population typically follows the lead of the US of A. 

Oh yes...what do you call have a very appropos phrase...yes..."the blind leading the blind"..."my way is better than your way" a "what is wrong with you" perspective creates a very devisive...very argumentative atmosphere, often void of compassion and understanding. Oh yes, those qualities are in great demand...and humanity My Children does not generally realize it...

Considering your goal was to see if "non-Love" was possible, in all of humanity...have been a huge success. It is unfortunate, from one perspective, that you had to create an atmosphere of forgetfulness in order to experience a possibility that you were curious about. Yes...curious about, only to eventually become lost therein. Yes, My Children, you are lost in your self-created maze of non-Love...better known as egoic judgmentalism...a fancy name for "fear consciousness"...the opposite of how I, your Divine Parent, created you...

Oh yes, My Children of The Light...My Light of Love...for this is your origin, from which you have come forth...and return to. I might add...there is the interim to be dealt with though...and you do not know it...for you are lost in your own creation..."fear consciousness"...which you now perceive as "Reality"...can you imagine "that"...oh...I guess you can...and did...and now, you are lost in "it"...fear consciousness that is...for whatever you direct your Conscious Awareness to, is what you experience, which is something your fear-based selves have also turned upside down.

Oh yes...and pay close attention, as I, your Divine Parent, have explained before, within these articles...God's Blog...on the internet site...hmm...quite the invention, your internet that is...and I plan on making use of your internet to communicate My Message of Love for many decades, and many centuries to come...until your essence of Love...your essence of Light...your memories of your origins return to the surface of your Conscious Awareness, as it has with this one, whom I speak through this day, your brother, who is fulfilling the purpose and function for which I created all souls...all of challenging as that is for all of you to comprehend, from your current vantage point...oh yes, lost in your illusion of "Reality"...lost in your illusions of "non-reality"...oh yes...lost you are, and you know it not...       

Lost you are in the source and cause of all you experience...egoic, fear consciousness...which is impossible without your rampant judgmentalism...your perception of right and wrong...good and very unusual, considering how I created you, and I Am but Love...Unconditional, Infinite Love that is EVERYWHERE...everywhere My Children...but finally there are, what are they called...oh yes...points of reference, for a beginning of understanding Who and What has created you...for I Am an Infinite Field...yes, a "field", a term your quantum physicists often use...I Am an Infinite, Invisible, Field of Unconditional Love that is everywhere...everywhere My Children...imagine that for a few minutes...for you exist and live within Me, and I Am Pure Love..."LOVE" My Children... 

Imagine the circumstances just described...and then place your planet Earth within part of the Infinite Field of Unconditional Love that I Am, and you accurate perspective. So, now My Children, do you finally understand the words, The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, when he says that you, as in all of humanity, are lost in your illusion...your Dream World of fear and judgmentalism...for rather than recognizing that Love is everywhere...that Love is the only "Reality", you have used My gift, Conscious Awareness with Free-will, to create your world of fear...a planet of fear...  

Hmm...where did I go wrong? Well, some of you like to create such an illusion...and your illusion begins by projecting onto Me, your Divine and All Loving Parent, qualities and characteristics your self-created egos find absolutely necessary...for your egos refuse to take responsibility for your status quo...oh yes...your egos will not take responsibility for your creation...the experiential dimension of Earth, where any soul can experience non-Love, non-Reality, and every category of illusion that you have been able to imagine to date, in the form of negative emotions...a maze of experiential possibilities that creates the "illusion of Reality"...the Dream World as described by Jeshua ben Joseph...

A Dream World that Jeshua ben Joseph experienced, as you say, up close and personal, in a variety of human forms, and in the process, he has experienced all the human emotions you have...the time periods and settings may differ, but the depth and intensity of the fear and negative emotions, which he experienced, are no diffrent than yours, My Children. 

And yet, somehow, Jeshua ben Joseph was able to awaken to the Reality of My Love. It was not an overnight phenomenon...for he found himself in the same Dream World you navigate everyday...the same illusions...the same fears...the same confusing "stuff" that you, My Children, veiw as "Reality"..."WOW" have created the illusion of all illusions, and "that" is really saying something, for Creatioin is endless...infinite...  

Jeshua ben Joseph began asking questions...questions about this Dream World of illusions he found himself within...that "he chose" to experience...again...just as you do, each time you incarnate into a new human form...

To make a much longer story short, Jeshua ben Joseph finally admitted to himself and to Me, and I Am but Love, that he was lost...even after he had searched for the wisest of the wise to answer all of his endless questions...and "that" My Children is when his journey Home to Love began in earnest...his journey to Me, and I Am but Love...

Pay close attention My Children, for your egos refuse to admit that you are lost...refuse...century after century, millenium after millenium, refuse to take responsibility for obtaining your status of being lost in your Dream World of fear and illusion...for many of which is your egos thrive on maintaining control...and creating more fear...yes...your egos maintain control by creating more fear...because your egos are the vehicle, the invention, which "you created" to experience non-Love...just to see if such an experience was possible...because I created you with free-will, and the knowledge that "nothing"..."nothing" that you chose to create and experience can diminish...can negate...the Reality of the Pure, Unconditional, and Infinite Love that I Am...and I Am "everywhere"

So My Children, with free-will, Who Am I to stop you from creating your Dream World of non-reality...your Dream World of egoic, fear, become as lost as you desire in your non-reality...and when you have experienced all of the non-reality that you so desire, and ask Me, your Divine and All-Loving Parent, to help you find The Way back Home to Love, I will Light your path through the darkness of the ego...oh yes!

For your see My Children, when I created you...I did not create you different than "Self"...for My essence of Love, is your essence of Love...and so, even though you are lost in your Dream World of fear and illusion, there is what you call a "link"...yes...a "link within" is one of your internet terms is it not...a "link" which allows you to access information in another part of your internet...

Yes, My have a perpetual "link" to Love internal "link" within your Beingness of Love...within your Soul, that provides access to Me, and I Am but Love...LOVE My Children...Love is "Reality" matters not where you are, or what experiential dimension you have selected to experience, you have access to Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love... 

Yes, My Children, even within the depths of the fears and anxieties you have created in your Dream World on Earth, you have your "link to Love"...always...always My Children, which is why I know there will come the day when you will say "enough of the fears and anxieties...Abba, I am lost...I me The Way Home to Love"...and that is when the great transition will begin...

A transition and great shift in consciousness that Jeshua ben Joseph has documented in The Way of Mastery...yes, My Children...much change in perspective occurs when a soul shifts from fear to Love consciousness...for the habits, routines, beliefs, principles, and values of egoic, fear-based judgmentalism are deeply engrained within you...deeply engrained my Children

And the ego will not just "give up" without, what do you call it...will not give up without a "fight"...for this is part of the experience that you desired to create, even though this is not currently a component of you Conscious Awareness, for you buried it deep within your soul, your Beingness, what is called the "sub-conscious". Yes, this was all part of your planned experience...the experience of being completely lost in your "perceived Reality" of fear and illusionary world that you perceive...that you have grown to believe is "Reality"...oh yes!

There are countless souls that will read this blog...that will read Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, and their first reaction will be that of confusion, dis-belief, and denial. Ah yes, denial, a favorite technique of the ego...for maintaining the illusion of fear consciousness

Thus, many, many souls will immediately reject the message of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery....they will not read past the first few lessons, as the ego whispers in their minds'...this cannot be so...this Jeshua ben Joseph is insane...he does not speak of "Reality"...Earth is not a Dream World...fear is very real...and so are all my anxieties...I can feel them...they are "real"...and Jeshua ben Joseph smiles...and calmly replies..."insanity seems sane, to those that are insane"...

Yes, My Children, if you are tiring of your fears and anxieties, consider the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph, for he has walked in your shoes. He too was lost in your Dream World, and yet, there was something within that told him..."there is a better way...what am I missing"...and those words, those comments, those feelings, are all part of the "internal link to Love" within all souls...the desire to find a "better way to Live"...the unconscious desire to find The Way Home to Love, that has finally begun to rise to the surface of consciousness...which I call Conscious Awareness...Conscious Awareness with Free-will...  

Yes...Jeshua ben Joseph had not you say...connected all of the dots...but he had activated his "internal link to Love"...he desired to find a better way to Live...and he learned, through the process which he had begun, that "ask and you shall receive" was the mechanism that would lead him Home to Love...and ask, and ask, and ask he did...

"What is my next step Abba...what is my next step"...and he became as you say...fully committed...fully committed to not only finding a better way to Live...but finding a different way of living...and one thing lead to another...and his activation of his "internal link to Love", was no longer an accidental accidental occurrence of sorts, which many souls experience and then wonder about...oh no...Jeshua ben Joseph discovered his "internal link to Love" was a "link to Me, your Divine Parent"... 

Oh yes...and initially his ego denied the "Reality" of his link to Love...his internal link to the Source of All..."there is no such thing" his ego would tell him..."no one is worthy of such a are a crazy man to think such thoughts"...

Ah...Ah, My Children...but your "link to Love"...your "link to Reality"...your "link to your Divine Parent", is your link to "Truth", which is far, far stronger than any illusion, including all the illusions your ego's express in your minds..."do that...for if you don't, this will happen...and you cannot have that!" Sound familiar My Children? 

For those that become fully committed to finding a better way...a way to live The Way of Love, rather than to live the way of fear, will learn you have two voices for each...the Still Small Voice of Love is My Voice, your Divine Parent...and the other voice is that of fear, is that of the ego

One of your challenges is to slowly transition away from the voice of fear, which you have listened to and followed all of your life...and prior a question I might ask, and I Am but Love, is what has following the egoic voice within accomplished for you? Are you satisfied with your status quo? Do you desire to experience more fear...more anxieties? Are you in a state of True Peace? Do you have enough Love in your Life? 

As I, and I Am but Love, have communicated to you before in My Blog...this Blog...your egos will attempt to paint a rosy picture..."things are not so bad"..."look at all I have accomplished"..."I am headed in the right direction"..."much progress has been made"..."let's not make any drastic changes, because who knows what will happen (the creation of fear)" and on, and on, and on the ego goes...relentless...

The ego will win many of these discussions. Why? I will give you three guesses and the first two do not count...yuk, yuk, yuk..."FEAR". Anytime...anytime you experience any sense of fear, confusion, or anxieties, its source is the My Children, if you desire more fear, confusion, and anxieties, just keep listening to and following "that voice".

Jeshua ben Joseph benefited from many wise teachers, over many years...this "Reality" is generally lost in the ancient versions of his life, which he clarrifies in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, particularly within The Way of Mastery. However, without the recognition of the two voices that represented the old fearful way, and one that represented The New Way to Love...The Way Home to Love...The Way of Mastery would have never manifested...

Contrary to the storyline of traditional Christianity, it took Jeshua ben Joseph many years to complete the transition to listening only to the Voice of Love within...My Still Small Voice...for I do not scream or shout, as the other voice does at times...for I Am but Love...Love is peaceful, Love is joyous, Love is playful, "Love is Love"...

Jeshua ben Joseph learned that using his "internal link to Love"...his internal link to Me, your Divine Parent...was a Voice of Love that answered all of his questions...that guided him to live a Life of Love, every moment of every day...that resulted in his statements such as: "Abba does all things through me"...and his followers often did not understand...

But My Children, "that" was two thousand years ago, and the common man did not understand what it meant to be a medium or channel...or a medium or channel for the Source of All...but that was "then", and this is "now", and just as Jeshua ben Joseph teaches all within The Way of Mastery, I created you to function as channels for Me, and I Am but Pure, Unconditional, Infinite what better demonstration of your purpose than to transform your Dream World of fear and illusion into Heaven on Earth...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...  





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