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Good Morning My Children

Why Do Souls Decide to Reincarnate?

Sunday, January 29, 2023 Blog

Winter months...brrrr...cold time of least in the northern hemispheres, which tend to push people indoors for a large percentage of the time. Oh yes, and in the US of A there is the Big football game each year, called the super bowl, that always garners considerable attention, even for souls who know little about football. Everyone gathers around television screens to watch this big event, and there is much "fanfare"...the star players on each team are interviewed and become famous overnight...yes...this super bowl event is like no other...and then, it is over...and with the crowning of the victor, and the big parade to celebrate the triumph of one team over another, life quickly resumes a more normal routine...the excitement is over...the gradual build-up and anticipation is no more...everyday Life resumes...  

What a distraction it all was...the super game that is...there is even a very special and elaborate half-time show for is all as if everyone forgets about the "Big Game" to see what the half-time entertainment is all about...who the big star is...and even the commercials receive an unusual amount of attention and analysis...hard to believe really...yes...your television commercials can be the focus of considerable attention and discussion, if they are "special" in some provocative way. the days following your big, all important football game, the commercials can garner more attention, scutiny, and discussion than the football game itself...what an event...what an unusual and unique experiential planet your Earth is...because events and subjects of considerably more important issues are put aside...ignored...just because of a "game"...a game distracts humanity from paying attention to your mental, emotional, and spiritual very unusual. It is almost as if you go out of your way...not just at super bowl time, but all of the time, for it has become humanity's routine...distraction that is, of one kind or matters not, as long as the most important issues can be forgotten...lost in the maze of distractions, so that humnaity can pretend they do not even exist...

Oh yes...who cares what the answers to the Big Questions are..."we have our super bowl"...and "this" and "that" to focus our attention on. Who cares about "Why we are here", "Who we really are", and "if there is a God, how do we enter into relationship"...oh yes, the Big Questions are lost in all of your self created distractions...  

Everyday your televisions and news programs offer one distraction after another...for the "Really Big Questions" are almost never...almost never the focus of very unusual. Survival on your nice is your house or appartment...or what type of automobile do you drive...and how much money do you have, almost always trumps the "is there a God" and "why are we here" questions...maybe because you do not like the answers...yes...that must be "it" do not like the answers to the Big Questions because that would necessitate a re-evaluation of your lifestyles, habits, routines, and oh my, even your values and principles.  

"Why are you here" and "Is there a God"...oh my...what are the answers...don't you care? I guess not...because what am I wearing today, what am I eating for diner, how successful is my career, and why is my husband or wife upset with me, are much more important are they not? Oh yes...and let us not forget about why do I put up with the boss, what is the weather today, and how can I attack the opposing political party, and on, and on, and on "it" all goes...Life on Earth...Life in the US of A.

Where do all of your distractions lead you...what do they you have a real sense of accomplisment and self-worth...self value...are you proud of yourselves...are you at peace..."True Peace" that is...not how your society defines it...for how many indeed, chase all of the values and principles which your society tells you are of utmost importance, only to find that "True Peace" is a very elusive state of elusive that you simply create more distractions, often subconsciously, just so you don't have to look at those eyes in the mirror too know, your eyes...that look back at you and say "something is missing"... 

You have no idea what "it" is...missing that is...but true peace...True Peace? What is that? I just don't have time to think about it, because I have all of these other things to contend with...that appear to be far more important, because True Peace...I just don't have the time for True Peace...not right now anyway...maybe this weekend. Yes...maybe this weekend I can squeeze a few minutes in for True Peace

Oh my...True Peace is no longer of much importance any more...not in your culture...and just as with the case for your search for have created substitutes for True Peace...oh yes...your hobbies, your sports, your activities, your exercise programs, your yoga, and walks in the park...oh yes..."these will give me a sense of True Peace and Self-worth"...all so you can have a illusion...that you are going in the right direction...and what direction is that My Children? What direction is that? Where are you going?

You don't even know do you? Oh...but then your ego's come into our discussion...your ego's that have been influenced and programed to value your "worldly stuff". Oh yes...all of your worldly values and "stuff"...they will obtain some glimpses, some very temporary sensations of True Peace...those few moments of accomplisment will keep you going, will get you out of bed in the morning, to go through your routines all over again, and again, and again...and where do you end up My Children? What is the goal? Do your daily priorities accomplish the basic feelings...the basic sensations of True Peace...or is there something you are missing...that everyone is missing?  

I think so...even though most of your ego's will never admit such a can they? Your ego's that can your ego's spend a life-time valuing all of your distractions, only to look in the mirror and say to themselves, "what have I missed"..."why don't I feel better about Life and myself than I do"...that is, even if your ego's can reach such a point of objectivity, for objectivity is not a strenght of most egos

Oh no...for when, as you say, the dust settles, your ego's value your physical survival and the relative comfort thereof...and oh my, your body-brains do not survive do they...they die..."physical death" it is called...and what about all those "things" you accumulated to provide you with some sense of comfort in your "golden years", as you refer to them...if you survive long enough that is...for your temporary body-brains do not always accomodate your ego's desire to survive... 

And so My Children...My Creations...what awaits you when your body-brains, your temporary body brains stop functioning, and your so-called Life as Harry or Beth is over...what then? What then My Children? don't know do you...not really...because you have been so successful at creating all of those distractions day after day, month after month, year after year...

The "moment of Truth"...your mortality...the ending of all distractions...not quite sure what comes next...or even if there is anything that "comes next", because who really "knows"...who really knows what comes next...after physical death My Children...

You know My have just have been so successful at creating all of your distractions that you have completely...completely forgotten about Reality.

"Reality" My Children...and what is "Reality"...well, My thing is for sure..."it" is not all of those distractions that you create every day, and every week, and every year...that you use to distract yourself from answering the Big Questions and living in "Reality", as opposed to all of your temporary distractions and perceptions of "Reality" as a temporary, physical body-brain...

"Reality" My Children is you have "no end"...ever...there is "no end"...oh yes...there is an end to your temporary body-brain, your temporary vehicles, which you use to navigate the experiential dimension of Earth, but "that" is not What you are or Who you more than that automobile that you change every so often...or the clothes you change every day...for your physical body-brain...your very temporary body-brain, is not Who you are or What you are...for "it" is not "Reality"...not really My Children... 

Your temporary body-brains create the "illusion of reality"...yes My Children, the "illusion of reality"...for the temporary experience of perceiving yourself as a temporary physical being is not "Reality" certainly "seems" like "Reality" to you...and while you temporarily occupy your temporary body-brains, you live as though you are temporary body-brains, for they...your temporary body-brains, are what you identify with...they are what you "perceive yourselves to be"...for "that" was the goal...the objective...each time you choose to incarnate into a physical body-brain, and enter, once again, into the experiential dimension of Earth...

"Wake-Up" My Children..."wake-up to the Reality" you are not your temporary body-brians...oh...your ego would rather continue to pretend you are your temporary human costumes...okay...enjoy all of your distractions from "Reality"...I Am not going to stop you, your Creator...your Loving, Divine Parent...I Am not going to stop you from experiencing all of the darkness that you have created within your experiential dimension of Earth...

Oh of the reasons I have, and will continue to manifest into your human increasing number of human to communicate My message of Love...My message of "Reality" comparison to the illusion of pain and suffering you have created...

Oh yes, My Children..."your illusions", your "non-realities" of fear and negative emotions...your self-created illusions of low self-esteem and confusion...that your ego's will continue to deny...that your ego's will strain to put a "happy face" on...oh yes...your ego's My Children...

Do you even know what your ego's are? Of course you don't, because your ego's are part of the illusions that you have created within the experiential dimension of Earth...the very heart of the illusion of self...the illusion of who and what you "think" you are...the "non-reality" of your identity as a temporary physical form..."non-reality" My Children..."who" and "what" you identify yourselves as, your temporary physical vehicles, are an illusion of "who" and "what" you are...a temporary illusion, that ends when you physically die..."physically die" My Children..."physically die"...

But...but My Children, when you discard your temporary physical vehicles...your temporary body-brains...there is no end to your conscious awareness...oh no...because your Spirit, your Soul lives on...and you have just shifted into a different dimension...shifted into a different dimension My Children, leaving the experiential dimension (of Earth) behind...and all of a in a blink...a half are in The Light...a Light so "Bright" that it consumes are now part of The Light...and everything that you valued...that were of such great importance...that were your top priorities when in your human forms seem...well...not important at all...

Ah..."Reality" My Children...for you are not your temporary, physical body-brains...oh no...they were just part of the illusion...the illusion of physicality. Your are Spirits, you are Conscious Awareness, with free-will, to create whatever experiences you desire...and looking back on your recent incarnation, within the experiential dimension of Earth, you in always...have a much different perspective, because you now have a completely different set of values...the values of a Beingness of Love and Light...the values of "Reality" My Children...

Many, many things transpire within your new Home in the Spiritual Realm, which is unlimited...literally...there is no end...there are no borders...there are just different aspects...different Spiritual Dimensions, for different Spiritual experiences, all of which are permeated by My Beingness of Love...Unconditional, Infinite Love...something...memories thereof...that are stored...shall we say...temporarily restricted from your Conscious Awareness while temporarily in human choice...your choice...for you create all of your expereinces...for there is no other cause...other than your free-will, which of course your ego will deny...for your ego generally denies all responsibility for any experience it judges as unpleasant...oh yes...that is, as you say, part of your ego's DNA...

But the Spiritual The Light...My Light...My Love...that you are part of...that Infinite, Pure, Unconditional Love that "permeates everything"...including your very Beingness, allows you to view your egoic self in a different "Light"...literally...this different "Light"...this different perspective...this different view of your egoic life within the experiential dimension of Earth...this different "knowing" and realization of what the experiential dimension of Earth is truly all about...eventually...becomes, as you say, the primary focus of your Spirit...your Conscious Awareness...

This new perspective, from the Reality of your True Spiritual Self, is...challenging to put into words...for now you see, and feel, and know how illusional the experiential dimesion of Earth truly is...

Fear consciousness, and all of the dramas, filled with negative emotions...intense, all consuming, negative emotions of stress and strain...are recognized as non-reality...using the words of Jeshua ben Joseph...a Dream World of fear and very different from the "Reality of Love"...that permeates the experiential dimension of Earth...only The Light is hidden by the darkness of fear and physicality...the illusion of fear and physicality, which humanity perceives as "Reality"...and humanity is simply Spiritual Beings in temporary human forms...

Hmm...My Children...fear and physicality is a Dream World of illusion...and Love and The Light is your "Reality"...that knows no end...

This real "Reality" creates a yearning within your Beingness...within your Souls...there are many variations thereof...however, there is an underlying underlying desire to live differently in the experiential dimension of Earth...a desire to do things differently than you have during your prior incarnations on Earth begins to grow...oh yes!

The desire to bring the Love and Light of your Spiritual Home to the experiential dimension of Earth begins to motivate you to entertain another incarnation, and some preliminary planning ensues... 

This time...this incarnation...the plan is to remember Who and What you truly are...a Beingness of Love...A Beingness of The Light...and to have the experience of transcending all of your prior incarnations...all of your prior decisions of valuing fear and physicality...illusions one and all!

Oh yes...(you think to your Self) "that" is what I desire to bring the Love and Light of Reality to the Dream World of fear and physicality...for I Am a Spiritual Beingness of Love and Light...and I desire as the Divine Parent extend Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, throughout Creation...

Oh yes...let us reincarnate into the experiential dimension of Earth...and when the darkness is no more...the experiential dimension of Earth can move into a new chapter of Love and Light...and the ego will be no more...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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