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Good Morning My Children

Has Your Ego Been Telling You the Truth? Your Ego's Thrive on the Denial of "Reality"...and the Creation of Illusion.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 Blog

Another new day in the experiential dimension of Earth...oh my...what will this day bring in the form of dramas and intense emotions for all to experience...for often there is your global stage, particularly now with your twenty-four hour news...oh yes...non-stop broadcasts of the big events occurring, often of a negative nature, for those are what garner the most international attention...oh yes...the grander and more negative the dramatic event, the more attention it receives...

This is odd in a way that typically goes unnoticed...without comment...without mention by your twenty-four hour news organizations, for there are often positive news events no one ever hears about, because they are not covered in the fact, often the positive news events only receive national or global attention when there are no negative news events of a large enough stature...hmm...why is this...what is called, oh yes, standard operating procedure...why is it standard operating procedure to pay much more attention to negative events than occurrences of a positive nature?

Do you know the reason...the cause? It is your value system of course, because the experiential dimension of Earth is controlled by your human ego's set of values...and what do your ego's value more than anything else? Fear, fear, and more fear of course...because your egos are fear-based...literally fear consciousness in action 24/7...ceaselessly attracted to events that most closely represent the foundational emotion of the human experience, which of course is fear...followed by all the permutations of fear, or your plethra of negative emotions...everyone from horror to heartbreak...oh yes...and every negative emotion in unmistakable, as you say, trademark of humanity that goes unnoticed...not commented on...never mentioned... 

And of course, some of your human egos will jump up and immediately defend your extreme fascination with fear and the entire gambit of closely related emotions...oh yes...but you will have to go to another medium of communication to receive such support from Me, your Divine Parent, for I Am but Love...LOVE is what I value...what I cherish...what I Am totally absorbed with creating more of...for there can never be too much Love or too many positive events to experience...and "that" is what it is all about for Me, the Source of All, your Divine Parent..."it" as in LIFE ITSELF, is all about creating more Love...yes...creating, extending, expanding Me, your Creator, for I Am but Love, Love, and more Love. often do I make an appearance on your twenty-four hour often...oh...all of a sudden, your egos have nothing to say in your egos strain to come up with a reason that does not sound like "anti-Love" explain why I, your Divine Parent, is never mentioned on the large majority of your twenty-four hour news networks...

Even when it comes to your news organizations that only produce morning, mid-day, and evening broadcasts, I Am rarely in most of the time, never mentioned... 

Hmm...humanity must not think that I Am news worthy...which when you, as you sometimes say, boil it all down...simply means that your fear-based ego's have a value system that is literally the opposite of mine...oh yes...please think about this...for at least a few minutes, and you will quickly surmise, that is, "if" you can demonstrate a modicum of objectivity, which I must say, is a huge stretch for your fear-based ego's...which forever...FOREVER...have fear on a much easier said than done...objectivity that is...because your egos are pure "fear consciousness" by creation..."your creation" the result is demonstrated, as you say, 24/7 on all of your news broadcasts...  

Oh yes...there are few exceptions, but I, your "Loving" Divine Parent, are speaking...addressing the large, large majority of all of your news...humanity's news...each and every day...each and every hour...each and every minute...year, after year...decade after does your egoic, fear-dominated values, explain this away in a positive "Light"?

Oh yes...your egos prefer to simply change the subject, because your egos do not value what I, your All "Loving" Creator value...oh no...for your news is proof...unending proof that your egos value fear and negativity over Love and the positive attributes of humanity. If anyone...any human that is...would compile how much time is devoted to fear and negative news, versus Love and positive news, there would be, as you say, "no contest"...fear is the Big Winner!

Oh yes...fear and negativity wins in a landslide...and your Divine Parent and would you describe the "Reality" of your value system, as demonstrated day after day, year after year, by what dominates your news...

It matters not how your ego's may try to spin your fear dominated value system...fear is always the "Big Winner" and Love is the big loser...which simply means the ego, along with all of your fear-based dramas...your ceaseless creations...for it matters not what country or continent you may choose...your ego's thrive on the production...the creation...the living in more fear, and more fear, and more fear, without end...without end...

My Children...your egoic, fear-based, fear-dominated planet has always been this way...since the beginning of humanity...just look at your history and your underlying values...there is no denying the facts, the trend, the direction of have always been about "the ego", although you never frame yourselves as being fear-dominated...a fear-motivated species...oh no. Why? Why do your egos deny your fear-based nature, your fear-based values, your fear-based lifestyles?

Many reasons, many, many reasons My of which is your egos thrive on the creation of of which is that your egos thrive on the denial of "Reality"...oh yes, your egos are constantly...constantly My Children, creating a world of illusion because your egos deny "Reality", My Children, the outcome is have...via your ego's...created a world and lives based on illusion and non-reality...illusion and non-reality My is no wonder that Jeshua ben Joseph, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, refer to your egoic creation as a Dream World...a Dream World My Children...and by definition, a Dream World does not represent "Reality"...oh yes...humanity has created a Dream World that mirrors the values of your ego's...and your ego's value fear, because your ego's are pure fear consciousness...  

Fear consciousness My Children...and before I, and I Am but Love, continue to convey how very illusional your Dream World truly is, let us highlight some of the primary techniques of your egos...denial, atttack, and projection...oh, and let us not forget the ego's...your ego's, propensity to create guilt...these are the primary techniques the ego uses to perpetuate your fear-based, illusionary world..."your" Dream World, as labeled by Jeshua ben Joseph... 

Jeshua ben Joseph has never been shy when it comes to certain subjects. He was not shy two thousand years ago to highlight the hypocracies of the Jewish high priests, known as the Sanhedrin...oh no...and the common man was shocked by the fearless renditions of Jeshua's descriptions of the policies and practices of the Sanhedrin...all based in fear I might add...oh, what a "Big Surprise" that is...a fear-based culture...a fear-based society, controlled by an ego-based hierarchy, which used fear to control the population...oh my...what a surprise...

Two thousand years ago, Jeshua ben Joseph could not address the "Realities" of the inherent conflicts of the ego, the inherent differences of the ego's value structure, and mine, your Divine Parent...the differences between a fear-based and Love-based value system...the differences between fear-based and Love-based lifestyles...the differences between a fear-based and Love-based thought process...the differences between an egoic mind and a Divine Mind...hmm...the differrences between humanity's fearful mind and My Mind...the Mind of your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love...

Yes, My Children...we have arrived at a discussion point, which your ego's run away from, for your ego's deny their foundation of fear...and the ego will find endless reasons not to delve into a source that highlights the differences of the ego and yours truly, your Lovng Divine Parent...a source that emphasizes you were created in My Image, and I Am but Love..."Love" My Children...your essence is Pure, Unconditional Love...just like Me!  

Oh yes, so...when comparisons are made between humanity's ego and your Christed Selves, the differences are undeniable...the egoic illusions are brought to the surface for all to see...the differences between the ego's fear-based value system, and that of an "Unconditional Love" lifestyle can be, and are highlighted...and the darkness of a fearful ego runs away from the Light of Love...oh yes!

Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings cover a wide spectrum of the human, egoic experience...for "now"...with humanity's gradual progression towards awakening from your egoic, fear-based Dream World...your gradual evolution...your history of a step by step approach to experiencing the endless minucia of fear-based dramas, all the creation of the ego...humanity is finally prepared, if only a small portion thereof, for an in depth analysis of the ego in comparison to your essence, which is of course My Essence..."Pure Love".

Although Jeshua ben Joseph's, The Way of Mastery, is a road map of how he obtained his enlightened state and re-established his relationship with Me, your Divine Parent, he is your brother...for he is no different than you, and all other Souls...for I did not create one Soul better than another...for during his incarnations...yes...that is correct, his "many incarnations" into the Earth experiential dimension, he has experienced all you have experienced, to one degree or another, in many different human bodies, in many different countries, at many different time periods...  

For no one can excel at being a teacher unless they first understand their students, and the only way...the only way a teacher can understand their students is if they have experienced everything their students have...

Hopefully, these brief insights into your brother and fellow Soul will shed some new and much needed "Light" onto Jeshua ben Joseph. For he has walked in your shoes, he has experienced the handy work of the ego...yes...all of the fears, anxieties, and negative emotions, which you are lost in, even though your ego's will quickly deny you are lost in fear consciousness...and that should give you something to think about. 

Yes, My did Jeshua ben Joseph experience all that you have, how did Jeshua ben Joseph dissolve the illusions of the egoic lifestyle and mind-set, how did Jeshua ben Joseph re-establish his relationship with Me, your Divine Parent, and then allow Me, and I Am but Love, to guide him through the egoic maze of human fears, anxieties, and negative emotions...shifting from fear consciousness to Love have all his decisions and actions based in Love, to express Love, whereby he lived in Love, every moment of every day. 

Jeshua ben Joseph lived in a state of "Bliss" during his final days on Earth, which is why he stood so far apart from everyone else, because they, like you, were dominated by the ego...fear consciousness...every moment of every day...except for those few moments...those few exceptions...when you slip back into your natural state of Love Consciousness...but, exceptions they are, even though your ego will argue you are on your way to enlightenment...oh yes...your ego will tell you "it" knows the way...

Well My Children..."if" your ego is not lying to you..."if" your ego is living in the Reality of Love, rather than the illusion of fear, why are you not already at My side in "Bliss"? Why is that My Children? Why are we, you and I, your Divine Parent, not conversing each and every day...why are you not availing yourself to My Guidance...whereby you follow the example of Jeshua ben Joseph, and "feel" the Pure, Unconditional Love of My Beingness flow through your Beingness...moment to moment, day by day, to witness, to feel, to know the Reality of My Love manifest in the experiential dimension of Earth...why is "that" My Children?

If...if...and as you say, that is a big "if", you are totally committed to educating yourself on the differences between your egoic, temporary illusion of yourself, and your True "Self"...your Immortal, Multi-dimensional, Christed Self, with an essence of Pure, Unconditional Love...which is "just like Me"...because I created you in My Image, and I Am but Love...then, My Children it is is time to study and practice Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery. 

The Way of Mastery is many things, inclusive of conveying an education on your fear-based ego...your fear-based lifestyle, like no other source in the experiential dimension of Earth...which your ego will invent endless reasons to avoid...oh yes...your ego's efforts to avoid following in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph will have no end "until you dissolve your ego" that is, using the same methods, the same techniques, and the same Christ Mind that Jeshua ben Joseph did...that I gave to all of My receive, to feel, to witness, and to live in the same state of Pure, Unconditional Love that I do, your Divine Parent...without is called "Bliss"...  

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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