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Good Morning My Children

There Is No Separation From Me, Your Divine Parent

Thursday, October 20, 2022 Blog

Reality My Children "of Love"...for "That" is what I Am, your Divine Parent...A Beingness of Pure, Perfect Love, from which You have come forth...from the Infinite Beingness of Love...that had no beginning...that has no end...that is everywhere and yet, you say..."I feel separated from You, my Creator". This My Children of Love is the phenomenon that I, your Divine Parent, will discuss this morning...through your brother called Michael...just as I spoke through Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago...and continue to speak through today...only during most periods of speaking through a Conscious Christed Child of Self, The Source of All, I Am not so open and direct...because you find such encounters mind-boggling and incomprehensible...and it is not our intention...or push you away...but rather to bring you back into "remembrance" of where you have come from...and to re-establish our conscious relationship...because you have chosen to temporarily forget it...and even as you attempt to comprehend "those words" say to yourself consciously...or possibly only sub-consciously..."how are those things possible?" 

How is it possible for an incarnated soul such as Michael to function as a medium for God? And how is it possible for me to choose to temporarily forget my relationship with "Who and What created me?" And yet, both are what Jeshua ben Joseph describes in The Way of Mastery...that is also what I, your Creator, are saying through your brother Michael this morning...and part of what you and your ego thinks is this possible...for if I can not remember my realtionship with my Creator, then how can anyone else? It must not be must be separated from The Source of All, Who is an Infinite Beingness of Love...Who is everywhere... 

And yet...if you contemplate the words that you just read and "thought"...your "perception" of reality must not be "Reality"...for how can you ever be separated from Me, your Divine Parent...and yet, be surrounded by My Beingness of Love...all at the same time...unless of course, you do not believe that I, The Source of All, Am everywhere...which would also mean that you (and your ego) do not believe the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. we have discussed before...what an interesting phenomenon indeed...and how do you suggest that we reconcile what you and your ego says, and thinks, and believes...and what Jeshua ben Joseph says, and thinks, and believes?

If you are firm in the differences between yourself and Jeshua ben Joseph...that must mean that one of you is living in illusion of some sort...correct? For you cannot both be of you must be dreaming...and in a state of denial about your dream world...

How very curious this all is...because Jeshua ben Joseph The Way of Mastery...that one of your ego's primary techniques of defending its perspective is denial...the others being attack and projection...and the creation of guilt.  

May be this is where we should conclude our discussion this morning...for until you and your ego are open to the possibility that your ego is mistaken...than We would just be, as you say, wasting each others time...and what is your ego? As has been discussed before, you created an aspect of mind, called the ego, that is literally fear experience fear, and then, transcend fear...and what is your ego most fearful of...of being separated from Me, and I Am but Love...which means that your ego is most fearful of having no Love...and much of this fear of having no Love is often buried deep within the subconscious...because that is where the ego wants to keep all of your fears...because if you bring your fears to the surface and dissolve them...which is to dissolve your ego...then your ego is no more...and that should give you something to think about...    

Let us return to the question that has been raised...who is existing in a state of Reality...yourself and your ego...or Jeshua ben Joseph?

Jeshua ben Joseph has this phrase...individuated does not mean separated...which means existing with a "sense"...a "perception" of being a unique individual Beingness, which does not include being separated from That which created you...or from That from which birthed you...and I, and I Am but Love, am not speaking of a body-mind birthed from another body-mind...the body-minds that you identify with, and perceive yourself to be... 

I, your Divine Parent, The Source of All, Am speaking of your consciousness...your awareness, with free-will, that you are using this very read and conceptualize these written do not think about "that part of you" very often do you...or at least most of humanity does not. You do not think about "that part of you" as being separate from your form...from your body-brain...and yet I, your Creator, Who is an Infinite Beingness of Love...are suggesting that you do exactly "that" more often... 

"That"...your awreness with what is so unique in all of Creation...for trees create other create other fish...potatoes create other potatoes...but they do not have awareness with, Who and What creates "another being with awareness and free-will?" Hmm...Who and What does "that"...because you do not need a body-brain...a physical do that...

You need a Beingness..."a field of awareness, with free-will"...that creates like unto ItSelf...that creates or births other fields of awareness with free-will...don't you? A field of awareness with free-will that creates other fields of awareness with free-will (that's Me, your Creator)...and then the "created" fields of awareness with free-will, called "Souls", choose to put have a perception of occupying...and identifying with what is called a body-brain...the human form...temporary human forms...and those fields of awareness with free-will...could be called a field or Beingness with awarenss and free-will...that have ongoing, conscious personalities...that journey from one temporary body-brain to another...what is called the cycle of reincarnation...correct?   

For those of you...who have investigated your sense of awareness with free-will in considerable detail, have consistetly concluded that the cycle of reincarnation is your Reality. Thousands and thousands have explored your history of reincarnating...and have "remembered" portions of your series of prior body-brains...what is called "prior lives" what is called past life regression therapy...and the repeating patterns of reincarnating is in fact accepted as your Reality by some of your most intelligent body-brains on the planet...which simply means that your fields of awareness with free-will survives the "physical death" of your body-brains.

Hmm...where do you go...where does your awareness with free-will go in between your series of temporary body-brains? It is acalled the "Life between Life" place...or what some call "Heaven"...and "this" place...this non-physical place has also been thoroughly investigated by many...for there are books that describe what you call "case studies" that document what happens to your fields of awareness with free-will in the non-physical or spirirtual realms...which is remembered and experienced with what is called "Life between Life regression therapy"...that is just like past life regreesion therapy only the client remembers experiences (stored in their subconscious) before they incarnated into their currrent body-brains.     

And there is another category of experience...that you have probably heard about...that is where your "temporary body-brains", temporarily die...stop functioning...are declared "dead", in many cases by your advanced medical equipment...and yet...your field of awareness with free-will continues to live and the spirirutal realms...and these experiences...all of which have similar, repeating patterns of experiences...have been documented in what is called "near death experiences"...or NDEs...

Near death...what an interesting term...because the bodies and brains are in fact declared "dead"...the blood is not cirulating...there is no brain function...sometimes for hours...and yet...the field of awareness with free-will goes on living, remembering everything that they experience in the non-physical dimesnions...which can and do co-exist with the physical dimesnion of Earth...and what happens in the spiritual realm is that there are many other fields of awareness with free-will (Souls) to communicate with...other fields of awareness with free-will that no longer have temporary body-brains.

Hmm...that means many things...including that the dead body brains cease to live...whereas, the fields of awareness with free-will live, Who and What created them? Who or What created you? It must be a Parental awareness with free-will...for that is the only thing that can create or "birth" new fields of awareness with free-will...correct? Oh...that would be Me...The Divine Parent...what is called "God"...correct? For I Am the Field of Awareness with free-will that created you...and I Am but Love...and so very much more...Perfect Peace...Perfect Intelligence...Pure Potentiality...Infinite, Perfect Awareness...and on and on...all within the Infinite Field of Awareness that is everywhere...that had no beginning and has no end...The Great Mystery of Love that I Am...  

How about that? Is there anything else...anyone else that takes credit for creating the billions of fields of awareness with free-will...that are called "Souls"...all members of Our Sacred Family? You know, all just like you...that have a sense, a perception of being unique fields of awareness with free-will...individuated and yet, the same...all with the same Creator...all within the same Infinite Field of Awareness with Free-will, that is everywhere...and yet, many have a "perception" of being separated from the Infinite Field of Awareness that created them...that create you...and of course this percpetion of separation that you have...was created by something you is called the "ego"...which allows you to have the temporary experience that you temporarily experience fear and the illsuion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent....Who loves you...

This all sounds is exactly like what Jeshua ben Joseph describes in The Way of Mastery...which leaves us with an interesting question...if you think Jeshua ben Joseph is wrong, what does your ego say created you...which should be consistent with all of the repeating patterns of "awareness with free-will" that has been discussed...your cycle of reincarnation, past life experiences, life between life experiences, and near death experiences...which of course includes what has been described as the non-physical, spirirutal realm...and that also answers all of the questions that Jeshua ben Joseph answers within The Way of Mastery...including Who and What created you..."you"...who has a field of ongoing awareness with, Jeshua ben Joseph also includes teachings on "how to understand and dissolve the ego"...which dissolves all of your fears...even the ones buried within your subconscious. do not have a source or explanation that covers all of that? Well...that is as you say on Earth, "perfectly okay by Me", Your Divine Parent...Who is but Love, which is everywhere, even within your very Beingness...because I also created something to accomodate is called the "Sovereignty of the Soul is Sacred"...which simply means that you, and every other field of awareness with free will, has the right to choose whatever experiences you so choose to have...and no one...not even Me, Your Divine Parent, can take "that right" from you...because I Love You, unconditionally, no matter what you choose to be aware of and experience... or "do"...forever...for you have no end...just like Me...and I Am but Love. 

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All 

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