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Good Morning My Children

You Are Lost and Do Not Know It

Sunday, January 22, 2023 Blog

Yes...this morning...we have a topic of great interest to most of humanity...not all...but most...for most of you are caught up...lost as it is, in the dramas and emotions...oh yes...the emotions of the Earth very very dramatic it all is...and it goes on, and on, and one form or another...century after century...for so very long...your entire history has been a conflagration of dramas...sometimes the drama of simply surviving whatever circumstances you choose to get utterly lost in...that would make you forget Who and What you truly are... 

Oh yes, and forget you do...up to and including this day...this morning...and on and on the dramas of humanity go on...almost an endless process, which proves many things, including how Divinely Creative you all are...yes, Divinely Creative, what is the phrase, to dream up scenario after scenario...drama after drama, to distract yourselves, so you experience every category and type of consciousness imaginable...and imagine you even imagine "Reality" is about that for a drama of perceive "Reality" is non-reality...pure illusion, much of which is beyond your ironic is that!  

And yes, this has happened before, in a different a different cultural setting...approximately two thousand years ago to be a small country on what you call today the Mediterranean Sea...yes...the country called least that is the name humanity uses in this this time frame...

Yes, a man called Jeshua ben Joseph began to vocalize My teachings, My version of "Reality", your Creator, and most thought he was insane...for part of My message...My teachings, were you are all the Children of God...every last one of you. Yes, you are all My Children, My Creation, made in My Image...just like Me, the Source of All, and yet, each member of humanity, male and female, are an effect of My Love...the same, and yet a bit different...different in a way that is challenging to put into words, and yet, maybe in this current era of awakening to Reality, the words will be created and understood as never before.

Oh yes, back to this one...this brother of yours called Jeshua ben Joseph...who many thought, as in almost everyone, including his family and closest friends, that he was insane...what is the phrase...yes...he had lost touch with "Reality", because he said all of humanity were the Children of God...My Children to be precise...and oh...they laughed at him...amazed any human would say such things, but laugh at him they did...pity him they did...for being so deranged he would express such a perspective about the True Identity of humanity...all for following My gudiance...can you imagine? 

Your Creator, the Source of universe after universe, and that is saying something beyond your ability to completely comprehend, but I, and I Am but Love, will not venture into that subject matter, asked Jeshua ben Joseph to deliver My message to humanity about the "Reality" of your existence, whereby he, Jeshua ben Joseph, would fulfill the purpose of each member of humanity...each soul...each extension of My Spirit...another word you struggle to comprehend...and humanity rejected the validity of the words that came out of his body...hmm...My words...for often, Jeshua ben Joseph, was simply and incomprehensively just a witness to My words, My message, that were being delivered through his body, his lips. It is called channeling in this era...and performing the function of a medium of expression for a Beingness not in a form.

Yes...Jeshua ben Joseph's physical form, which you call a human body, was My communication device...yes...that is what Jeshua calls your human bodies...your human forms in this era...the twenty-first century since his incarnation as Jeshua ben Joseph, which humanity, I Am happy to say, has not forgotten about. You do not understand that incarnation yet...but, you will in time..."this time"...and future time periods...eras you call them...why you ask? For one simple, incomprehensible least for the time being... 

And the reason humanity will finally understand the incarnation of the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph is becuase I, your Loving Creator, your Divine Parent (and I prefer that name, that title, over "God"), am going to tell you, as in all of humanity...time after time, after time...and when you fail to believe Me, and I Am but Love...the Infinite Field of Love that is everywhere...I Am going to tell you again...using another, and another, and another communication device, which you refer to as a human body...a living, breathing human body...a parade of your sisters and brothers...of every culture and color, until finally, humanity will believe Me, and I Am but Love...oh yes, this is not going to be, as you say, an overnight event...for it will take decades of your time...because it will take decades for there to be the number of so-called humans who have awaken to "Reality"...My Reality...and for My message of Love and Oneness to spread across the planet...yes...the experiential dimension of Earth...a truly unique experiential dimension indeed!  

Initially you will not believe My message...or messengers...your sisters and brothers who agree to fulfill the purpose for which I created them...and all of humanity...humanity...hmm...I should discuss humanity so you can obtain a new perspective...a new accurate picture of your "Reality"...yes...your "Reality" opposed to your false perspective or illusion of Who and What you truly are...

"You", as in all of humanity, from the beginning of your appearance in the experiential dimension of Earth, are Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings having human experiences...yes, you call them "incarnations" within the experiential dimension of Earth...and you have heard "that" phrase before...Spiritual Beings having temporary human experiences...only most of you are so utterly lost in the dramas of Earth's experiential dimension you have neither the time or the desire to comprehend What and Who you truly are...what it it should influence and shape your moment to moment decisions...your moment to moment experiences within you experiential dimension, called the third dimension of Earth.

How interesting is that? Humanity does not have the time or desire to alter your moment to moment decisions, which would create experiences to more closely represent "Reality". How is that possible? Oh are lost in the illusions and dramas of your experiential dimension...fully consumed, as it were, with your self-created illusion of reality...oh yes...please take credit for your activity few of you comprehend and appreciate...for your ego's, one of your creations, are experts...experts at creating the illusion, the "Dream World", as referred to by Jeshua ben Joseph...that your ego's say is not their creation...oh yes...and your ego's also refuse to take responsibility for the experiences you create moment to moment...

How delusional is that? It is no wonder that Jeshua ben Joseph describes your experiential dimension as a "Dream World of fears and illusions", all the creations of your ego's. Your ego's, experts one and all at creating the illusion...the "grand illusion" let's call it...that you are the temporary human forms, all fear is "real", and your illusion of separation from Me, your Loving Divine Parent, Who is everywhere, is your perceived "Reality"

Oh my, your "Reality"...what is the phrase you use in this era..."are you kidding Me"...this fear-based, experiential dimension, which has you utterly lost in egoic illusions, is your perception of "Reality"...and your temporary human forms and temporary personalities are what you identify yourselves as...

Oh have been so successful, in a strange kind of way, at creating an experiential dimension void of Reality...and yet, you perceive "all of this" as your "Reality"...which is what you were attempting to create and experience...temporarily. So, this ego of yours has been a big success from a strange and extremely unique egoic perspective of illusion and non-reality.  

Hmm...I Am...what do you call it...a bit surprised, at least from one perspective, that Jeshua ben Joseph ever agreed to deliver My message of Love two thousand years ago...because look at what humanity did to Jeshua ben crucified him...My crucified My message of Love as something to be fearful very fearful that his human sisters and brothers crucified him...oh my...  

But that the illusion you want to continue to hold onto...and perceive as part of your illusion...part of your Dream World you call "reality". Oh...the pain...the suffering...the torture of Jeshua ben Joseph, all because he delivered My message of Love? Oh no...that is not what your delusional ego's tell you...or tries to tell you...because as I stated earlier, your ego's are experts at avoiding responsibility for your egoic creations...and so...the ego's of humanity came up with...created...a marvelous story...pure fiction...pure illusion and delusion, for why humanity was not responsible for the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph...oh no...the human ego could not be responsible for "that"...oh no...for it was My plan..."My creation"...the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph...yes...that was your egoic creation of total illusion...for I, your Loving Source of All, allegedly sent My only Child (another part of this delusional, egoic creation) down to Earth to create a brutal sacrifice to My Self, to atone for the so-called sins of the ego...the ego's of all of humanity, the same ego's that make decisions contrary to Love...this is why Jeshua ben Joseph was crucified..."are you kidding Me"..."really"...this is the best story your ego's could create...

My have the story of the you say...upside down. I, your Divine Parent, almost...almost do not know where to start unraveling this endless creation of illusion and delusion. Jeshua ben Joseph, through his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, has done a masterful job of "dismantling" the traditional Christian story of his crucifixion...particularly within segments of The Way of Mastery.

Oh yes, The Way of Mastery answers many questions that "had" surrounded the incarnation of Jeshua ben Joseph...answers that most of humanity do not have the time to read and consider...and absorb into your daily lives...but "that" will change with time...for that is the purpose of "time" for facilitate a conclusion to your temporary experience into non-Love, which is called fear and physicality. Yes...before your self created illusion of  non-Love (fear) and separation from Me, your Divine Parent, comes to a conclusion in "time", you will know that I Am Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love that is everywhere...for "that" My Children is "Reality".

Oh...your ego wants to pretend it does not understand...okay...I accept "that", for I accept everything that your ego's create...for I Am Unconditional Love, something your ego's do not comprehend...because your ego's judge most things, events, fellow Souls...everything good or bad...right or wrong, to one degree or another...including yourselves...oh yes, you are constantly judging yourselves. Why? Because "that" is what the ego...your ego's do...non-stop...for it is part of your lifestyle within your experiential dimension...and each time you judge yourselves negatively, which is often unconsciously, you judge yourselves as unworthy of a relationship with Me, your Loving All Parent, which creates your illusion of separation from Me...and there is a message there for your ego's, your illusion of self...for you are not your ego' I have explained over and over, and over within these articles... 

You are an extension of Self, your Creator, made in My Image, and I Am but Love...Unconditional Love...which means I never judge you...even your temporary ego's, which create all of your illusions of fear and negative emotions...because you "judge yourselves"...your actions...your decisions...everything...ceaselessly...

And "that" My Children, your judgmental ego's, which you created to see if the experience of non-Love...of non-Reality...of separation from Me, your Loving Source of All was possible..."remember"? You were curious...and also Divinely Creative...within My Beingness of Love...and one thing lead to another...and as you say, within your illusion of Reality, within your illusion of non-Love, within your experiential dimension of Earth, and "the rest is history"...your history...

Oh yes, you return "Home" after each incarnation, to ponder, to consider, to evaluate your creation of you continue on with your illusion...your fear-based Dream World on Earth? Do you choose to experience another facet of your Dream World, in your next incarnation...or do you choose to begin your "awakening to Reality phase" in your Dream World, that is laced with fear and the illusion of separation from Me, and I am but Love...

Oh yes, "incomprehensible" your ego's say...this "awakening phase" is not "Reality"...for why would I want to put an end to illusion of separation from the Divine Parent of All...why would I, the ego, want to create an end to the Dream World...the experiential dimension of Earth...and put an end to my pain and suffering...


That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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