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Good Morning My Children

The Ego...a Fear-based Illusion, to Be Experienced...and Then Transcended

Friday, January 20, 2023 Blog

Morning...the first part of the day, hopefully after a good night's rest...prepared for the day ahead...a day most have anticipated and prepared for...they "think" they have anticipated and prepared for...they "think" they know what lays ahead of them...what events, what challenges, or so they "think"...

And everything seems to be going as anticpiated, but then, there is the "surprise"...something or somebody that was unexpected...the surprise or shock occurs, and what you had anticipated becomes a thing or a thought of the past, as reality sinks in...

Oh my, what happened to your plans for the day...changes need to be made...sometimes small in nature...and sometimes large...but you learned very early on in your life to adjust to what is "roll with the punches" odd saying of sorts, because no one is physically hitting you...but then again, there are many unusual things, events, and people that come into your lives...non-stop really...a constant stream of surprises...accidents some of them are called...yes "accidents"...unfortunate, unplanned events you must contend with... 

Consider this brother Michael for example. I asked him if I could use him as a medium for My know, use his body-brain from time to time to speak to humanity, and he consented, not knowing it would be events that would occur at 1 or 2 A.M...during the very early morning could call it the middle of the night, when most are sleeping, preparing their body-brains for the next day...and Michael has never, as you say, "flinched"...he never questioned this ongoing request...he quickly fact, he has become...what do you call it...completely absorbed in the process, thanks largely to The Contemporary Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...yes, this brother of yours was pleasantly surprised when he learned Jeshua had returned, as a matter of routine, to your Earth dimension of fear-based illusion...oh yes...quite the illusion in deed!

Some of Jeshua's channeled teachings are quite mild in nature, as you say, "not a shock to the system" big surprises are contained some ways, a continuation of the portions of your Gospels that actually represent a close proximity to what actually occurred, which I, and I Am but Love, have elaborated on certainly not...not the case with large portions of your Gospels...

And then, Michael began reading The Way of Mastery, which he assumed was not going to contain any big surprises...was not going to be a shock to his system. Oh...but he, and all that read and study The Way of Mastery, quickly learn the message was different...from the very first lessons...very different...very surprising at times...a true "shock" to the thought process, to the emotions, to the Spirit...ah yes, your Spirit...your consciousness...that so many of you, My Children, rarely consider...   

Oh yes, you have become fully absorbed in the illusions of the experiential dimension of Earth, whereby you do not even consider "the Spirit" is as if the Spirit is a non-issue...of absolutely no importance...and then, the body-brain dies...physical death occurs, and oh my...your Spirit becomes once again "Reality"...the Reality of the Spiritual Realm...a shock to your system...the surprise of all find out that you are not the body-brain...that there is something "more"...much more to "Life"...  

Only something happens...this so-called shock, to find out you are a Spirit and not a temporary body-brain, turns out to be no surprise at all, because you quickly remember Who and What you truly are...oh yes...oh my...I am a Spirit...a Spiritual Being of the Light...The Light of the Spiritual Realm...ah...I am Home say to yourself, along with so many others, many of which you have known in the experiential dimension of Earth's illusions...yes...your Life on Earth is quickly viewed and perceived from an entirely different perspective...the perspective of your Spirit, rather than that of the temporary body-brain...

The initial surprise and shock to the shift...the transition in the state of your conscious Self into the Spiritual Realm is quickly viewed as no big accident...oh accident at any way...for you was part of your plan...your plan you had formulated "before" you incarnated into the temporary body-brain, a temporary costume of sorts, which you created to facilitate your venture into the illusions of the experiential dimension of Earth...

After your brief period of orientation, you perform something that is now common knowledge on Earth, at least to those sisters and brothers who have studied what you commonly call the "after-Life". Yes, you perform your "Life-review"...and what is a Life-review you ask. It occurs in a "blink"...oh...but there are no eyes or body-brains in the Spiritual Realm, just images of sorts, but I will not get into that for the moment. There is also no "time" in the Spiritual, the Spiritual Realm, is truly different from the experiential dimension of Earth... 

Back to your "Life-review" you say, broad brush, you compare your pre-incarnation plan to what actually transpired...that is, you compare your planned experiences and choices to your actual choices and related experiences...

And this is where My discusion this morning is going to take, as you say, a left-hand turn...for all of the events of your Life on Earth that you perceived as big surprises, even the so-called shocking events, were not in fact truly surprises or shocks...for they were all part of your planned experiences...oh yes...can you imagine...can you conceive of such a "Reality". You essentially created a series of events to create "the experience thereof", for "the experience"...and all of your so-called surprises and shocking events, in the experiential dimension of Earth, are quickly viewed from an entirely different perspective... 

Is this too much of a surprise for you to comprehend...but then, the experiential dimesnion is much more complexc that I, your Divine Parent, have conveyed in these few words...but I assume you are beginning to understand your in your numerous incarnations...are not what they seem to be when you are in the experiential dimension of Earth...and why do you think that I, and I Am but Love, refer to your environment on Earth as an "experiential dimension"...because that is what it is...a dimension of fears, physicality, and other illusions to create "experiences"...illusionary experiences, that you My Children perceive as "Reality", at least when you incarnate into your temporary body-brains...and the key word in that description is "perceive"...for perception and "Reality" are not always the same...hmm...your perception as a temporary human, when you place yourselves in the experiential dimension of Earth, does not represent "Reality"...

Are your "getting this"...has it sunk into your conscious awareness yet...I'll say it one more time...your perception of reality, when you occupy your temporary human forms, is not "Reality"...for many reasons, which there is not "time" to explain...however, I will give you the "Big Reason"...

Part of your pre-incarnation plan is to forget Who and What you truly are...a Spiritual Beingness...and temporarily create a "new identity" for a physical, human being, in a fear-based experiential you can have "the experience"...the "temporary experience" of perceiving yourself as a temporary human body-brain.

Oh yes...I, and I Am but Love, your so-called God...and I must human words...that I have never been, as you say, "crazy" about that title...but I digress...

As you know...those of you who have read the prior sixty two articles...I, and I Am but Love, have described your staus quo before. However, the message, the Reality of My words have not had the intended effect, so I continue to create new descriptions, new perspectives aimed at "awakening" portions of humanity to Reality, rather than your ongoing perception your experiential Dream World on Earth is "Reality". that direct enough for that, as you say, the "wake-up call" to the Reality that you are Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings...having a temporary, fear-based experience, in the illusion of physicality, in a dimesnion of experience called "Earth". 

Oh yes...and will this change your perspective...will this change how you live this day...will this nudge you...motivate you to experience this current incarnation into the human experiential dimension as a Spiritual Being of Love...instead of how you have experienced your current incarnation thus far, as a temporary body-brain?

Oh my...that you say...a lot to process...a lot to digest...but then again, it is time for some of humanity to start the process of awakening to the Reality of your true identity, which deep down, in your soul, in your Spirit, you know is True. This maybe to far removed from your conscious awareness to have an immediate effect...but oh..."this" is all within your Beingness, even if only buried in your is "there" know who you truly may not "know it"...not yet anyway...but you your True Identity bubbles to the surface of your conscious awareness...

Your adventure into the fear-based, experiential dimension of Earth is just as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...and yet, often, his words do not have an immediate effect, but they will over time...just ask Michael if you are so inclined...he will describe his transition to "Reality" in terms that you may resonate with, more than those of Jeshua ben Joseph, or your Loving Source of All...

Some will search for a less dramatic, and yet, authentic descriptions of your status quo...your Dream World of fear and physicality...however, the dedicated students...the Spiritual Beings that are, as you say, "all in"...fully committed to making the transition to Reality, while still occupying temporary human forms, will always refer back to The Way of Mastery, and the lessons they have learned. 

Oh yes...your sister and brother Spiritual Beings of Love, who are well into the transition to the Reality of Love, may tell you some of Jeshua's other channeled books were "stepping stones" in their transition to Reality, but their progress eventually lead to The Way of Mastery...for it is there so the egoic delays and destractions come to an end...the illusions the ego uses to fool Spiritual Beings of Love into accepting something less than Pure Love and Perfect Peace

Oh yes...the ego is a master at perpetuating the illusion of fear-based living...incarnation, after incarnation, after incarnation...and subconsciously, the Soul, the Spirit is saying...ok...have I created all of the fearful experiences that could possibly distract me from the Reality of Love...from the Reality of my True Identity...because "that" is the experience that I desire, so I can have the experience of transcending all of those illusions, all of those fears and anxieties, anything and everything the ego can use to obstruct my transition, my shift back to the Reality of Love...back to my True Self...back to my conscious relationship with Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love, from whence I have come forth...oh yes...back to "Bliss"...


That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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