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Good Morning My Children

When? When Are You Going to Dissolve the Ego...If You Desire to Remember Your Relationship With Me, Your Divine Parent?

Monday, January 16, 2023 Blog

When? When My Children? When will you begin to realize Who and What you truly are? When Jeshua ben Joseph describes your status quo as a Dream World, as non-reality, as insanity, he means it...and yet, for most, like as in almost every last one of you, My Children, who read these words in his The Way of Mastery, do not make any changes in how you, My Children, just continue on with the same habits and routines...and the same values and principles by which you is all a very curious, as you say, chain of events...

I, your Divine Parent, am describing your reaction to The Contemporary Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...yes...the person who was crucified, physically died, and yet, "lived" thereafter...the same Soul, the same brother, who billions of you perceive as possibly the smartest and most influential person whomever walked your know...the place he calls a Dream World, an illusionary world of fear. It is truly amazing. It is almost as if you do not believe do not believe his contemporary teachings...and yet some read, and or listen to his contemporary teachings and profess they represent what you aspire to...what you say you want to emulate...but never never do...even the so-called leaders of the current organizations that profess to promote his contemporary teachings.  

Hmm...I guess you truly exist in a Dream World of illusion and non-reality. What are you going to do about that? What can I, and I Am but Love, and Infinite Field of Love, Who is everywhere, do to assist you, to nudge you, to motivate you to see The Light of My see, to realize, to feel, to experience that following the contemporary teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph are intended to assist you to make the transition, the shift, the change from living in a world of fear and negative emotions...from living in your Dream World of illusions...for that is what your fears and negative emotions truly are...illusions...non-reality...   

What do you call brothers and sisters who continue to choose to live in an environment, a perceived reality of illusions, that does not represent "Reality"...what do you call those Souls...even after you do your best to inform them of the error of their ways? The ones that say...oh, yes...I understand what you are saying to me...and yet, continue to live and perceive as they did before such information was communicated to them.

I, and I Am but Love...Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love, believe you have many names to describe fellow humans, fellow Souls, who believe they are living in "Reality" and yet, are not...that identify themselves as the human forms you all see when you look in your know...physical beings...temporary physical beings...temporary physical beings who believe and live as though your fears and negative emotions are "Real" in not the illusions Jeshua ben Joseph tells you they are...   

Very interesting, very interesting indeed...and "that" is not the end to My message to you this morning...oh no...for even when one, or two, or a few make the transition...the shift in consciousness from your illusion of fear consciousness..."egoic consciousness", Jeshua ben Joseph calls the Reality that only Love is Love know, and feel, and remember your relationship with Me, your Creator, and to begin to honor the guidance..."My guidance" as to how to live your lives, while still in the Dream World of the experiential dimension of Earth, you perceive those few who have awaken to "Reality"...oh yes...awaken to the Reality of My Presence, and I Am but Love, as not sane, as a bit crazy somehow...that your egos tell you such people are to be ignored, that your egos know a better way to live than I, your Loving Creator, who has expressed My Message of how to live in Love Consciousness through Jeshua ben Joseph...and these few (who have implemented My Message), that you perceive as a bit crazy, that are channels...mediums for My Message of Love, are very curious indeed!

If I, your Loving Source of All, was not addressing the population of the Dream World of the experiential dimension of Earth...the dimension of physicality where fear reigns supreme, I might not know what else to say to you...ah...but I Am all knowing and My Love for you is "unconditional"...unconditional My I gave you all the gifts of free-will and conscious that My Children, are free to be consciously aware of whatever you so choose to experience, to be aware of...for "that" is how "your create" what you experience...

I will spell this part of "Reality" out for you, once again, just as Jeshua ben Joseph has done in The Way of Mastery...but it did not, as you say, "sink into your consciousness"...did not become part of your conscious awareness. read the words...but there was, what do you call it...oh yes...a read the words...whatever "you choose" to be consciously aware of, is what you what "you create" as your what "you create" as your experiences...should I say this again, and again, and again?

How many times My Children, do I, your Divine Parent, have to communicate to you that you have free-will, to create whatever you deisre to experience, for "you choose" to experience the Reality of Love, in place of the illusion of your fears and negative many times?

It appears to Me, and I Am but Love, that you, My Children, have not had enough of the illusions of fear and negative emotions...or you would choose to be consciously aware of Love, of Me, for I Am what you profess to seek, and yet, never find...

Oh yes...there are a few of you, My Children, that find Love, but typically the Love you find is conditional is judgmental is Love that comes with pre-conditions...and those pre-conditions are the conditions of your ego's...your ego's My Children...that part of your Beingness that lives within the illusion you are separated from Me, your Loving Creator, and "that" My Children is part of you that lives in illusion...for it is impossible to live in "Reality" separated from Me, and I Am but Love, because I Am everywhere..."everywhere" is impossible to be anywhere, where I Am not!

Ah...around and around we I continue to look for the context, the magic words that will nudge you all in My direction, the direction to Pure, Unconditional Love, and Perfect Peace...and My efforts will be unabated, for they will continue for as long as it takes. The door to My Kingdom of Love is always open to you... 

So...My Children...go...experience your Dream World of non-reality...of illusion...of every fear and negative emotion you can imagine...that you can be consciously aware of...and that you create as your experiences, which simply means...stop asking Me, your Divine Parent, and Jeshua ben Joseph, and any other sister or brother in the Spiritual Realm...any and all of your "why questions"...yes, for you are truly waisting your "time and energy"...don't you see "that"...don't you see that it is a waste of your time and energy to ask your "why have you (Abba) done this to me questions"...or...your...Jeshua, "why has this happened to me" questions...

Stating the obvious, at least to us in My Kingdom of Love, you create all of your experiences, whatever they maybe, in one way or another...often, in ways you have forgotten...well, not completely forgotten, for they always reside in your subconscious, if not in your conscious awareness...ah...that phrase again...conscious awareness... 

So, My Children, if you want answers to all of your "why me questions"..."why is this happening to me"...just go look in the mirror and ask your yourselves...but in a different context of course...a context of "why did I create this experience of...whatever it is"...and, "what am I attempting to learn from this experience"...and continue to ask these questions until the answers manifest in your one way or another...for "if" you are sincere..."sincere" My Children in your desire for such knowledge...and not just, as you say, "going through the motions", with no sincere desire to make real changes in your life, your questions will be answered...always... 

As you know My Children, there are many times when your ego's complain about one thing or another...and yet, your ego's have no intention of changing anything...oh yes...your ego's complain, and complain, and judgment after another (for that is what the ego excels at) and yet, it matters not that you have free-will...

Your ego's completely reject the "Reality" you are in control of what you experience...oh yes, "that" is part of your Dream World of illusion and fear...for "your" ego is an expert at not taking responsibility for the Life...for the experiences "you have created"...the people, and things, and values, and principles, and perspectives "you choose" to be consciously aware of...moment to moment...that create your experiences...that create your Life!

Yes, My Children, your ego's, which "you created" to experience fear consciousness, inclusive of your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...hmm...I think there is a message there for you...the ego must go...must be dissolved in its entirety...if you want to experience Pure Love and Perfect Peace...if you desire to remember your relationship with Me, your Divine Parent. Oh yes...the ego must go...the part of you that keeps telling you...I know the way...I can figure "life" out...I am going to find the Kingdom of God...I am making fears and anxieties are under control...they are not "too bad"...look at all I have accomplished...I am going in the right direction...I will get to where I want to go eventually...  

And on, and on, and on your ego goes...avoiding taking responsibility for not living, existing in My Kingdom...My Kingdom of Pure Love and Perfect Peace..."Bliss" it is called...

Oh yes, you ego has all of the excuses...all of the reasons...all of the self-created illusions and delusions of why you are not at My Side, this very moment, as you exist in your temporary human form, for "that" My Children is something you can choose to be consciously aware of..."if" you so choose..."if" that is something you are desirous of experiencing...once you did "before you created" the ego..."before you choose" to incarnate into the human form...before "you choose to create" fear consciousness...before "you created" your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love... now say you don't know The Way...and you are sincere in your desire to surrender...surrender to the guidance of a brother, who has been there and done that...has been in the egoic Dream World of fear and separation from Me, and I Am but Love, and found The Way to My Kingdom of Love...

"If" this is so My Child, then study and practice The Way of Mastery, by your brother Jeshua ben Joseph, for he resides at My so many of your sisters and brothers do...and listen...listen carefully...when you read The Way of Mastery, and your ego tells you things...such as..."I get it, I understand Jeshua's teachings"...or..."I don't understand, Jeshua's teachings are too different and too challenging for me"...or whatever your ego tells you...and you still find yourself searching for My Kingdom of Love, you will know that your ego is not telling you the Truth...

My Children, your ego is lost, which means you are lost...lost in your Dream World of fear and illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love...

The Way of Mastery is your pathway and practice My and not listen to the voice of fear and darkness...unless of course, that is what "you choose" to continue to experience...


That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...




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