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Good Morning My Children

Your Scientific Method - Experimentation & Observation

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 Blog

Good...good..."good morning" My Children of Light Divine. Oh my, another new morning, another new day, to enjoy the wonder, the mystery of Life, in a human form, on a planet called "Mother Earth".

Oh yes, indeed...and here we are once again...Creator and the Created, who of course is you and I, humanity and The Infinite Beingness of Love, "in" which you exist and live your lives of true mystery for there are many, many things you either do not understand or have answers for, or both, all at the same, you just continue on, stumbling through your lives, hoping that at some point it, "Life", will make more sense, and will become "understandable".  

And then of course, there are portions of your population that have created hypothetical answers for all of your so-called "Big Questions"...Who are we?...Why are we?...Is there a God?...and you know...your Big Questions, with the inevitable question being, "where" and or "from whom" did you find your hypothetical answers. 

Ahh...your so-called moment of Truth, for if you obtained your answers from a questionable and unreliable source, then your answers maybe of little value, hmm? do you know?

Ahh...and then of course there is another possibility...that you obtained your answers from a legitimate Source, however...however, your Source knew, in advance that you, as in all of humanity, could not comprehend the truth, so until you could, answers you could understand were provided, as a kind of a interim set of answers

This second description...this alternative possibility, is your "Reality" My Children...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, that you currently find yourselves within...your self-made Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness (egoic judgmentalism), and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, "in" which you live, and breathe, and perceive that you are "human beings", on a planet called Earth, in a world where fear, and all of the dark emotions and anxieties, are allegedly...allegedly "Real".

"Wow", that is quite the...what shall I, or rather we, call it today? How about "wrong", "mistaken", "not correct perception of Reality" that you have owned and identified with for thousands of years

Yes, I know, we have covered your predicament many times before...first when your brother (Jeshua ben Joseph) discovered the Truth of your lives on planet Earth, two thousand years ago (when you were clearly not capable of comprehending the "Reality" of your lives on planet Earth), and then, secondly, in your much more recent 1990s, when the same Jeshua ben Joseph, Christianity's so-called Only Son of God, returned in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings (with an emphasis on The Way of Mastery Trilogy), and now, finally, "today", and the proceeding three years, right here on God's Bog, My Blog. 

Yes, yes, you keep hearing the same answers, the same descriptions of your Big Answers, to your Big Questions and yet, each time there is a bit more substance to the answers. And why?...why has there beeen more information presented to you, My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love...a description thereof that necessitates more substance, as in fields of awareness with choice, better known as "free-will". The simple reason being so that you, all of humanity, would have a better opportunity to understand that all previous answers to your Big Questions were either incomplete (recognizing you were not yet able to comprehend the whole truth and nothing but the Truth) or, that your perceived answers to your Big Questions were simply from an unreliable Source, and thus, at odds with the "Truth". 

There are many examples of the latter. For example, that I, your Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, The Incomprehensible Mystery that I Am, does not exist, which simply means the balance of the related answers to your Big Questions are describing non-reality or illusion. Oh yes, inaccurate and non-truthful answers to your Big Questions always result in illusion My Children, My Individuated Extensions of Self, so you should be very discerning in whom you rely on.  

What is the name of your scientific verification process?...your "Scientific Method" of course...experimentation and observation of the results. Yes, let us put your scientific method to the test, and see if the results verify the Big Answers to your Big Questions, as conveyed by your hypothetical Only Son of God, Jeshua ben Joseph.  

Oh...wait a moment...our first conflict, our first contradiction, is the True Identity of Jeshua ben Joseph, better known as your "Jesus Christ", your and Christianity's Only Son of God. What "source" provided this information...this identity for Jeshua ben Joseph?

Ah yes, it was Christianity, or so the story goes, when in "Reality" it was the Roman Empire's Emperor Constantine, in 325 AD, and his Council of Nicaea, who published (some fifty handwritten copies by Eusibius) the first edition of your New Testament. Yes, it was this gathering, called for and organized by Emperor Constantine, that gathered together all of the earlier documents, the so-called authentic documents describing the Life and Teachings of your Only Son of God, and some of the actions that followed thereafter. 

However...however, there is a major problem with accepting the authenticity of your New Teastament, and with its answers to your Big Questions. Actually, "truthfully", there are numerous problems of autheticity. For example, how do we know Emperor Constantiune's New Testament is accurate? What did Jeshua ben Joseph say about Christianity, if anything, within his Contemporary and Channled Teachings?  

Oh my...he says that Christianity is not something he knows very much about, because he was a Jew, and Essene, but that some of his alleged words in the New Testament are legitimate...close to what he actually said. Does this provide the quality of evidence we are in search of, to verify the Big Answers provided by Christianity? Not when coupled with the "Reality" that what Jeshua ben Joseph teaches within the large body of information known as his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings "cannot be reconciled" with Christianity's New Testament...because of endless conflicts and other words, different answers to humanity's Big Questions. about the Jewish Essenes? This group, this segment of the Jewish culture...what do they say today? Oh...they don't say anything, for they essentially disappeared after the Roman Jewish War, in the late first century. Ah...the result of the Roman Empire targeting the Essenes for death and total destruction during the war...a "Reality" omitted from Emperor Constantine's New Testament. Jeshua ben Joseph says today, in this current era, he was an Essene and yet, this segment of the Jewish culture did not survive? 

Ah...let us return to our-your scientific method. Are Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channled Teachings reconcilable to modern day scientific perspectives regarding the Universe and "Creation". Ah yes, Lesson Four in The Way of Transformation, the second book of Jeshua's The Way of Mastery many other contributing excerpts  throughout the balance of Jeshua ben Joseph's thirty-five lessons. The answer to our question this morning is "yes", your quantum pysicists' Zero Point Field parallels Jeshua ben Joseph's Infinite Matrix or Field of Love...not in all respects, but only because your physisicts have yet to make the comparison, and study the message of Lesson Four (and all related excerpts). 

Interesting...very, very interesting, for Jeshua ben Joseph's model includes the Big Bang of Consciousness (awareness with free-will) as an event "prior to" humanity's Big Bang of Physicality, when all of My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love were created...created "before" the physical dimension, humanity's dimension of space and time. make a very, very, very long story short, Jeshua ben Joseph's the Way of Mastery can be reconciled with your quantum physicists' Zero Point Field, and creation of My Spirits of Love, Individuated Aspects of Self-Me-Source of All, or "Souls" (using a human term), versus Christianity's Only Son of God. 

Oh boy, Christianity is going to be in denial over this information, but I must say, it is long overdue, for humanity deserves to know the Truth, a Truth that at the very least is consistent with the perspectives, the Big Picture of your quantum physicists

Ah...we are making some progress this morning...onto your Scientific Method and Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy. According to Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother, a product of the Big Bang of Consciousness, as are you My Children on planet Earth, "Individuated Aspects of Self" one and all (Spirits of Love), "if" you study and practice the model he discovered and lived two thousand years ago, many...many, many things about your lives on planet Earth will be "transformed".  

How will you know if his Contemporary Teachings are true or not, unless you "study and practice" them, just as he describes within The Way of Mastery? 

What is one of the many changes, permutations, that you will maifest if you follow in his footsteps? According to Jeshua ben Joseph, you will remember and re-establish your conscious, moment to moment, relationship with Me, "Abba", your Creator, The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Matrix of Love, Who is literally "Everywhere".

Who has done this? Who has studied and practiced The Way of Mastery Trilogy "just as described" by Jeshua ben Joseph? Is there any Soul, any Spirit of Love, in a human body-brain who has come forth, allowing Me, your Creator, to communicate My Message of Love through the physical apparatus of a human body? 

Need I say anything more, My Children of Light Divine? The greeting of this internet site,, is from your Loving brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, who says, "Come follow me"...

That is all...

Abba...The Great Mystery...The Incomprehensible, Infinfite Matrix of Love...and I Am "Everywhere"...


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