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Good Morning My Children

Your only way "Home"

Sunday, February 9, 2025 Blog

Another new day has arrived on Mother Earth. Another new morning for My Children of Light Divine to prove they are in fact The Children of God, rather than mere human beings. Oh yes, another day destined to be filled with disappointment. 

Why filled with disappointment some may ask..."really"? You have to ask such a question on planet Earth, the experiential planet where the race of beings labeled as "humans" reside...reside in their "illusion" of being separated from Me, "Abba", The Source of All, The Infinite Beingness of Love, within which "all of Creation" resides. How ironic is that? How confused is that? How completely out of touch with "Reality" is that...hmm?

Oh yes, it has always been this way on planet Earth, for the human race has always lived in "illusion and degradation", for even their Holy Bible describes how the first human was thrown out of My Heavenly Kingdom, which of course is "impossible", for I Am "everywhere", and I Am but Love..."LOVE", not illusion and degradation, so in order to perceive such an illusion, they (humanity), live in a world, a dimension of non-reality, which they perceive to be "Reality".  

Oh yes, how is it that for an illusion of pain and suffering, the illusion of separation from the Infiniteness of My Love, which they replaced with the illusion of fear consciousness, where fear and all of the dark emotions are perceived to be "Real"? Quite the creation is it not? Quite the illusion, quite the "Dream World", in the words of their brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph.    

Oh yes, their brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, has tried to tell them all that they live in their self-created Dream World of non-reality, on multiple occasions. The first one was about two thousand years ago, and more recently, in humanity's 1990s, with his three book series called The Way of Mastery

He has described, in considerable detail, how he made the "humanity changing discovery" and woke-up from their Dream World of physical, fear consciousness, within their illusion of separation from Me, their Creator, and I Am but Love. Ahh...but they live in their own self-created illusion, so they believe him not...first two thousand years ago and now, in this current era of their time and space.

"How is that for a story"...a tragedy of sorts, for an entire race, a portion of My Children of Light Divine, to perceive "Reality" includes being separated from Me, their Creator, The Infinite Field, The Infinite Matrix of Love, Who of course is literally "everywhere", for only Love is "Real".   

Oh yes, and this story appears to have no happy ending, for even though it is in, as they say, "in black and white" (in print), they, humanity, are far too busy being completely lost in their Dream World of fear consciousness to follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, and awaken to the "Reality" of My Infinite Love, rather than continue to abide in their Dream World of pain and suffering.  

They have kind of a name for their apparent dilemma. It is called a "dark comedy", which of course they, humanity, created, and then placed themselves within, as the primary characters. It is all "just a game" of sorts, which they created to play the primary roles therein. 

Oh yes, they have fooled themselves into believing their game of limited, physical, fear consciousness, with its illusion of separation from Me, their Creator, is their so-called "Reality". Convinced are they that their creation, their dark comedy is "Reality" convinced, so positive, that even when one of their own race of Beings of Light Divine (Jeshua ben Joseph) tells them they are lost in their Dream World of dark, non-reality, they believe him not. 

It is quite the, as they say, "chain of events". He, Jeshua ben Joseph, even proved it to humanity by telling humanity about the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love in the form of what they call "miracles", inclusive of telling humanity that they could do all he had done, and more...much, much more. And still, they did not believe him then, two thousand years ago, and today, within this current era of their Dream World of humanness.  

Yes, indeed...quite the dark comedy, the proverbial "bad joke" of all bad jokes, and they, My Children of Light Divine, Spirits of Love one and all, played it upon themselves. And why..."why" did they do this bad joke upon themselves? There is only one reason, which they refuse to accept, all because of their illusion of non-reality called "their egos", their illusion of fear consciousness, has grown over the millennia. 

Oh yes, egos so BIG, they do not believe Jeshua ben Joseph, and now, My Self, The Source of All, The Infinite Beingness of Love. Yes, yes, there is a slowly growing number drawn to the message, the wisdom of The Reality of Love described within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy but...their egos block them from becoming "fully committed" to the Reality of My Infinite Love for they, humanity, continue to play their game of egoic, fear consciosuness, with its illusion of separation from Love, from "Reality", from Me, their Creator. 

Indeed...and I have told them...clearly and succinctly, that they are destined for ever increasing darkness, created by their creation, egoic fear consciousness, and still, they remain uncommitted to the path shown to them by their brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, and now, by this one...this one who delivers My bi-weekly Messages of Love in My Blog, "God's Blog", on  

Yes, I know, some profess they are "fully committed" to awakening from their Dream World of fearful humanness, and yet, they continue on within their illusion of separation from Me, their Creator-Divine Parent, rather than open up the line of communication to Me within, which just "sits there", waiting to be activated and used to guide them. 

Before you even ask the question "why", I will answer your question. "Your egos" My Children, which preclude you from truly following the literal descriptions of freedom provided by Jeshua ben Joseph. 

How many times has Jeshua ben Joseph told you within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy? How many times has he told you must "dissolve your egos", dissolve all of your related fears, "before" you can once again remember "Reality", The Reality of Love, which of course is reunion with Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere", including "within"...within you this very moment, and every moment...and yet, you remain lost in your illusion of egoic, fear consciousness, within your Dream World of humanness

"Fee-will" My Children...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of have "free-will", the ability to follow Jeshua ben Joseph and yet, you choose..."you choose" not to do so, for your egos tell you, often subconsciously, that your egos are wiser than Jeshua ben Joseph, and now, even smarter than Me, your Creator. "WOW", how your egos have grown My Children. Okay, so be it, enjoy your immense egos, and all of their dark, painful emotions

When you have had your fill of your ego's, with their illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...Unconditional, Pure, Living, Thinking, "Feeling Love", maybe you will consider becoming "fully committed" to Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...for this is your only way "Home". 

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love

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