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Good Morning My Children

The Two Voices Within Jeshua ben Joseph...

Saturday, January 14, 2023 Blog

Oh yes...what a morning...what a day...what a new era for your True Self to come to fruition...and those of you, My Children, that are first beginning to sense, to feel, to be nudged in a new direction in your current the Earth dimension of fear and illusion, do not succumb to the intense cultural conditioning that is so very powerful here, on the surface of Earth...for if humanity never followed your inner knowing that said, "go in a new, different direction than you have ever experienced before", where would you as a planet of beings be today? 

Yes, "where would you be"...such a worthy perspective to allow to influence your decisions, as opposed to that of "oh well, I sense I should try this something new, but...but I'm not sure what that would truly I better just live as I have in the past, and maintain the status quo...oh yes, I best maintain the lifestyle that has delivered me to my current state of affairs...Hmm... 

I have only one question for you My Children, what has such a philosophy, such a direction in life accomplished for you? Are you in a state of true peace...True Peace My Children, with none of your present anxieties or fears...that always seem to be there, in one form or another, which tend to nudge you into at least thinking to yourself, on some level, often just below the surface of consciousness...something is missing...I'm not sure what "it" is...but something is missing...

I have accomplished every thing society told me I needed to be happy, to be "content", to be "a success"...and yet, even now, after all of my efforts...after all of my accomplishments...there is something missing...and you ponder your state of affairs with two options...I can ignore my inner sense of knowing, the one that tells me I am missing something...or I can find something new...something that I have considered in the past...maybe a different kind of book than I have read before, on changing my attitude towards "Life"...or maybe go to one of those seminars my friend has been going to...that she (or he) says has been so helpful...

Hmm...what should you do to find that something that is missing in your Life...and "that feeling" is the same feeling of your little brother and friend so very long ago...approximately 2,000 years ago, in an ancient culture and society, that also pretended their status quo was the path to follow...that children should not even consider an alternative...and yet, this little boy felt the same feeling, that same sensation that something is missing, that was bubbling on the surface of his consciousness, and he was not sure exactly what was happening "within", but he knew somehow that something was missing, for he had questions that no one could answer.

Oh yes...little Jeshua ben Joseph had questions...and little Jeshua did not succumb to the cultural conditioning that said, in so many ways, big and small, that the status quo is the way to go, for it was good enough for our last generation was it not...and the one before that, and the one before that...

Oh yes, little Jeshua, ignore your inner feelings that something is missing in your Life...and there is no need to find the answers to your questions...questions that have not been asked before...follow in the footsteps' of your father, for he is a wise and respected man...oh yes, follow the example of your father...and yet, little Jeshua knew those feelings of something is missing, and what are the answers to my questions, would not go away, so...he said to himself, and to his parents (who could not answer his questions), I think I should ask someone else who can answer my questions... 

To make, as you say, a very, very long story short, Jeshua ben Joseph started his journey...that he somehow sensed would lead to the answers to his questions, and satisfy those inner, and perplexing feelings that something is missing...and I need to find the answers...

And off Jeshua went...with his uncle...and the search was "on" to find the wise ones that could answer all of Jeshua's questions...and teach him as no one had taught him before...for it mattered not what his father and mother had told him about Life, he was not satisfied...for he was not going to live his Life as everyone told him he should...because...well, that's just what you should do Jeshua...that's the way we, our society, has lived for centuries...

One trip after another ensued, over many years, and the pieces to Jeshua's puzzle of Life on Earth slowly fell into place, as he was finally satisfied...the questions had all been answered, and he had found "True Peace"...his anxieties were gone, along with those inner feelings that "something was missing". Jeshua was in a far off land from his Jewish place of birth...a place called Kashmir, adjacent to what today is called India... 

Jeshua ben Joseph had learned the path to True Peace was the path of the Small Voice within...the following of the guidance "within", that all souls receive, but few make a habit, a lifestyle of honoring...because of "the other" voice within...the inner voice of fear that says to maintain the staus quo of the past...the staus quo of the society and culture in which you find yourself...and just as humanity is confronted with today, Jeshua was confronted by those two inner voices.  

Just as Jeshua had done in his early years as a child, in Jewish Palestine, what is today known as Israel, Jeshua developed a series of questions about his inner voices...for many of which was...why am I being pushed in two different directions by my inner voice? Why is that? Why is my inner voice telling me two different things...that I should go in two different directions. Why is that? 

Ah...Jeshua learned, there was not just one inner voice, but two...two inner voices. One pushed him in the direction of creating and reinforcing his fears and anxieties, which were the same fears and anxieties he shared with all of mattered not where he was...what society he found himself mattered not if he was in what you call, England or Egypt, or India, or wherever. 

Jeshua had learned there were similar fears and anxieties shared by humanity...and those fears and anxieties were being expressed by one of his inner voices, which only reinforced those fears and anxieties...but, "that voice" also created new fears and anxieties to contend was a never ending process. How do I put an end to this inner voice Jeshua asked...and asked...and asked.

Ah...the revelation...just as Jeshua had learned from his journeys...from all of his earlier questions...ask and you shall receive Jeshua...ask your questions, and the answers will be delivered to will not know from whence the answers will be coming, but they will be delivered to you...a valuable lesson that Jeshua had never forgotten. He used...what is it called...this technique often, so often it had become ingrained in his lifestyle...

And so Jeshua asked the question, about the inner voice of fears and to put a stop to this voice...and Jeshua received his answer...there are two inner will lead to True Peace, and the other to fears and anxieties...the Voice of True Peace is from the Creator of All...and the voice of fear is from your fearful self, an illusion!

Jeshua had learned through what is called the trial and error process...yes, experiments you call them...that there were two distinct inner to be followed...and one to be ignored...quite the revelation and conundrum, all at the same time.

Jeshua's direction in Life was clear...eliminate the voice of fear and illusion, and live by the Voice of True Peace and Love (Reality)...for Jeshua had learned the first voice was false, and the second voice was Truth. The first voice represented illusion, and the second voice, that represented the Truth, was the Voice of The Creator...Oh my, the Voice of The can this be? For as Jeshua began to distinuish between his two inner voices, the second voice began to tell him things he had not learned from the "wise ones", that he had sought out, to answer his questions...

This was a period of great satisfaction for Jeshua ben Joseph, and more questions...and he would find himself reflecting back to some of the lessons and exercises his Essene teachers had given him...some of the Essene teachers being of a more spiritual element within the Jewish culture...teachers that Mary and Joseph (his parents) had sent Jeshua to in his early answer some of Jeshua's "Big Questions"...

All of the pieces, all of the answers, to all of Jeshua's questions fell into place...for Jeshua learned how to distinguish and put an end to the first voice of fear, and to only honor the second voice of the Creator of All, the Voice of True Peace, the Voice of Love...the Voice of Reality...

" search for answers is over...I can stay in this beautiful land of Kashmir", Jeshua told himself.  

Jeshua learned from The Creator, the Still Small Voice within, to constantly seek guidance in all matters...and then one day, the Creator whispered to Jeshua, "return to your homeland Jeshua, for there are many I wish for you to share what I have shared with you"...and because Jeshua had learned the path to True Peace was the path he had been guided to by the Creator of All, the Still Small Voice within, he arose and commenced his journey back to Palestine...

Jeshua had grown to not question My Voice, the Voice of the Creator, and follow all of the guidance provided, for that is when Jeshua found there were no other questions...there were no more fears, no anxieties...only Peace and Loving sensations with all he experienced...and revelation after revelation...after revelation ensued...

Oh yes, the "other voice" would try to sway and alter the guidance of My Voice, the Voice of your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love...but Jeshua had learned the wisdom of following My guidance...the guidance based in Love...even when he did not comprehend the purpose of My guidance...not initially that is...but in retrospect, Jeshua always was able to surmise the benefits of My guidance...the benefits and joy of decisions for Peace and Love, as opposed to "that other voice"...

Jeshua ben Joseph followed My guidance, and the rest, as you say, "is history"...a history that is not accurately portrayed in your books...humanity's rendition of his teachings, which My Children, are My teachings...My teachings about how to find Perfect Peace and Pure Love..."Bliss" you call it...

When the time was right, Jeshua began channeling his contemporary message of how to dissolve the voice of fear and illusion, and discover the voice of Love and True Peace...My Voice...your Creator and Divine Parent...for My Love for you has no end...and I Am with you always...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 


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