The Script Was Written Long Ago
Ahh, another "good morning" to all on Mother Earth on this fine new day...another opportunity of sorts for all of My Children of Light Divine to "awaken" from your Dream World of illusion and delusion, but of course, few if any will choose to make the changes necessary for such an awakening to Reality, "My Reality", which is of course the Reality of Love in place of your illusion of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from that and "Whom" you can never, ever be separated from...I, your Creator, and I Am but "Love".
"Love" My Children, something you often talk about, something you search for, something you desire and yet, your desire therefore usually ends with discussion rather than "action". Why is that My Children, dreaming away in your self-made Dream World of humanness? All talk and no real commitment to the "Reality" that if you truly knew how to obtain Love, which of course is what I Am, you would have obtained it (you would have found Me), with "It" being a remembrance of your eternal relationship with Me...a long, long time ago. Ah, but as I have said, "you", humanity, all talk and no commitment to that for which you seek.
Just the other day, yesterday, a Soul, a Spirit of Love, one of your human forms came seeking guidance with the talk of making "real change", from your rut of fearful humanness, and when the guidance was provided, she walked away, within her same old rut of fearful humanness.
Why do you think that was, and is, such a common human reaction, hmm? Because the Spirit of Love was not truly seeking a new direction, in which to turn her Life around and towards, but rather, simply wanted to hear ideas her ego, her false, "not self" could agree with. Yes, yes, it is the standard reaction for you all who are now lost in your Dream World of humanness to say...that you seek change, a new direction, away from what has been, your illusion of humanness...but when directions are provided, you walk right back into your Dream World of dark, human, egoic dramas of non-reality.
Why oh why are you, humanity, stuck in your Dream World of fear consciousness, where you have conditioned yourselves life, after life, incarnation, after incarnation to believe all of your fears and anxieties are "Real", with your Grand Illusion of being separated from Me, The Infinite Matrix of Love, as simply "a given"?
There are many words, contexts, metaphors, etcetera, that can be used, that have been used, to answer our "why" question on this new day on your Mother Earth. Oh yes, "you", humanity, have already been told "why". First by your brother and friend, one Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy, and thereafter by Me, your Creator, right here, within the words on My Blog, "God's Blog", on
Oh yes, indeed, and to date, with very, very...very few exceptions you, humanity, have talked about making the recommended changes in your lifestyles, in your beliefs, in your values, but to no avail. Oh yes, "talk, talk, talk", but you all end up rejecting the guidance you say you seek because your egos, your false, "not selves", think you are somehow smarter than Jeshua ben Joseph and your Creator, not comprehending it is your egos that are the source of not only all of your illusionary fears and anxieties, with a Big Emphasis on the word "illusionary", but also the illusionary wall you have all constructed between yourselves and Me, your Ceator, and I Am but Love...Infinite, Loving, Thinking, Feeling, "Pure Love".
It is really quite the routine to observe, "help me, help me, help me", you cry out..."show me a new direction, show me a new way to live my Life", and when The New Way is provided, the response, "your response", is always the same, within the same set of prameters..."I'm smarter than Jeshua ben Joseph and My Creator" or "I don't believe the guidance provided is truly from My Creator or Jeshua ben Joseph, so I may make a few small changes (to make my ego feel like I am doing something to change my status quo of fear consciousness) but, implement the full scope of the guidance provided? No, no...I don't think so".
Over and over My Children, over and over you demonstrate your egos lack of commitment to "Real Change", because you are obviously "confused" and very comfortable in your confusion...very comfortable with your status quo of being lost in your Dream World of humanness, which of course is your experiential dimension of egoic fear consciousness, inclusive of your illusion of separation from Me, "Abba", your Creator, The Everywhereness of Love, out of which all things arise and then, often pass away, like your human forms...your human body-brains.
Ah, but what about your Souls My Children...what about your Spirits of Love? They do not "pass away". Oh no, they simply change dimensions, for they have "no end"...they never "pass away".
Ah yes, so when your human body-brains finally wear out, and "pass away", your Spirits return to the "Real World", in the words of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph...the Spiritual Realm, My Kingdom of Love, portions of which have been remembered and reported within your numerous "near death experiences".
Ah yes, the "Real World", your Home My Children, where the prevalent reaction is one of relief and one of regret. Relief in that you have returned to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love and Perfect Peace, and regret in that you did not accomplish, and thus "experience", all that you desired in the Dream World of physicality, egoic fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love...better known as temporary human experiences on a planet called experiential dimension of many and varied states of consciousness, with the emphasis on the illusion of dark, fearful, judgmental, emotions...the home of the human ego, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love.
Ah yes, and "here", today, on My Blog, we will once again provide all of humanity with a new context, variations thereof you have heard many times before, to explain why you all choose to return to your Dream World, your experiential dimension of egoic, fear consciousness, all dressed up in your physical, human costumes.
Why My Children?...why My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, who I created in My Image?...why do you return again and again to such a dark place, that is, relative to your Home in the Real World of My Everywhereness of Love?
You can and will frame the reason any way you like. However, the simple Truth is that you will return to your experiential dimension of fears and anxieites until you choose to transcend all of the darkness, all of the illusions, and once again bask in the conscious "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love...while...while you remain "embodied" in your human forms, just as Jeshua ben Joseph demonstrated two thousand of your years ago.
Oh yes, millions and millions of Conscious Christs Incarnated, Immortal Spirits of Love one and all, transcending all of your human illusions, and thereby, bring the Bliss of the Real World to your planet Earth...the Bliss of My Everywhereness of Love, as some might say, "Heaven on Earth", in place of your illusions of egoic judgmentalism (the source of all of your fears and anxieties).
Are you ready My Children? Are you ready to admit that your egos do not know how to accomplish such a grand experience, and surrender to the guidance that is destined..."destined" to manifest such an accomplishment, as inconceivable as it maybe?
Oh yes, that is what many of your egos will say..."not possible, so why even try?" Oh yes, indeed, precisely what many of your egos will say...and have said, but oh, how very mistaken your egos will be.
Love Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, Creator Consciousness...or whatever other labels you may choose, is coming to your Dream World of humanness, to replace your status quo of fears, anxieties, and illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love.
The script was written long ago, when you first had your thought of the experience of non-love, non-reality, better known as your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator-Divine Parent...the Reality of The Everywhereness of Infinite Love, and it is going to unfold right in front of your eyes, during one or more of your human incarnations.
Join in this process, this inevitability, now in your current incarnation...or endure more of your illusions of egoic, fear consciousness, delaying your destiny...delaying your return to the Reality of Love, while still in a future incarnation.
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love...