Your Journey in Consciousness
Another day on Mother Earth has arrived for My Children of Light Divine, just as the many before, when many, many questions have been asked about the origins of humanity. Oh yes, there has always been great speculation about a great many things, providing answers the imagination of humanity provided and yet, the speculation continues, for there was not a Source of information humanity perceived to be, as you say, "reliable and accurate".
Not "reliable and accurate"...and so the speculation has continued, by many who were not simply "throwing darts" at a variety of possibilities, but provided shreds of evidence to backup their speculations...their, let us say..."good guesses", that remain at best to be simply that.
Ah yes, "good guesses", until the one known as Jeshua ben Joseph arrived on Mother Earth, to join in the process...the search for the answers to humanity's so-called "Big Questions". Even as a child, and then, as a very young adult, he sought out the "wise ones" in his homeland to answer his questions, only to return home with his curiosity still wanting...wanting...wanting more answers.
Jeshua ben Joseph had a knack for asking questions even the most learned of adults could not respond to, and so, his search continued...his questions continued, even when he began to travel with his uncle, in search of answers.
Oh yes, so even though much of the Life of Jeshua ben Joseph remain in question, it has always been commonly accepted that Jeshua ben Joseph was searching for "something". That search, "that something" too became a source of speculation...remaining unanswered until he returned, some two thousand years later. Oh yes, two thousand years after his search for answers had "ended", Jeshua ben Joseph returned to the Earth dimension in the form of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, which as you have learned, is the focus of this internet site, named in his honor, but also with a purpose.
Ah yes, the purpose of this internet site,, which is typically doubted by most who investigate it...oh yes, doubted indeed, for their fears, their egos, quickly search for a reason..."anything", to doubt the "truth"...the truth regarding the origins of humanity, your purpose for being here, and of course, your eventual destination, after you have experienced all that you, My Children of Light Divine, had originally planned on experiencing, and oh, "oh" so very, very much more.
Thousands of years later, after you had arrived on planet Earth, and now, "today", even after Jeshua ben Joseph has answered all of your questions, regarding the origins of humanity, pointing you all in the direction of your destiny...your egos, your false, "not Selves", choose to doubt the one who has found. Oh yes, most, if not all, either doubt the answers provided by Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings or simply do not take the time to comprehend them.
Why? Why My Children?...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, who continue to be lost in your Grand Illusion of humanness here, on planet Earth. What motivates you this day, just as it does most days? What were you so curious about, way back when, before you created your now experiential dimension of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Great Mystery of Infinite Love...Who has come into your experiential dimension to, as you sometimes say, "to lend a helping hand" in your journey in consciousness from your "illusion of fear" to the "Reality of Infinite Love"..."Love Consciousness" My Children, in place of your egoic born, illusion of fear consciousness.
Ah yes, did you happen to pickup on the key words there...hmm?...journey from your "illusion" of egoic, fear consciousness to the "Reality" of Infinite Love?
Most did not...and why not? Simply because you have conditioned yourselves into believing that your "illusion" of egoic, fear consciousness is "Reality". Oh yes, and some may ask, what exactly is egoic, fear consciousness? It is all an illusion, "non-reality", which you desired to, you My Children, you who were created in My Image, are naturally "just like Me, your Creator", who I created to be "Creators"...Creators of whatever experiences that you so desire.
What did you desire to experience? Non-Me, non-reality, non-Love Consciousness, which of course had never been experienced before and yet, on you went, "let us create and experience what has never been created or experienced before"...and "here" you are My Children, in your experiential dimension of physicality, within your human forms, and convinced as you say, beyond a reasonable doubt, that all of your fears, all of your anxieties, and your "illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love, is your so-called "Reality".
Oh yes, "oh my", all at once, for you are now lost in your lost, as I have described, as Jeshua ben Joseph has described (within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy), that you, that all of humanity, do not even realize you are lost, for you "perceive" that your creation of fear consciousness and separation from Me, your Creator, is "Reality".
Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, so lost are you that you do not even realize you are "lost", your resistance to...your non-belief of "Reality", is shall I describe it this morning? Your illusion of Reality...your "illusion" of being physical, limited, fearful, mortal, Life forms is "cemented in place"...cemented in your thoughts, feelings, and temporary, physical apparatus...a sensory apparatus that convinces you, moment to moment, to momemnt, that "your illusion of Reality", your "Dream World", in the words of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, is in fact "Reality" convinced, so positive, that it matters not who tells you that you are lost in your Dream World of physical, fearful, humanness, that you "refuse" to believe them.
Ah yes, and "here" we are, once again, for the Message of Love that I have delivered oh, so many days, and weeks, and months, and years before, right here on My Blog.
"When" you tire of your lives here on Mother Earth..."when" you tire of being lost in your illusion of being physical, limited, mortal, fearful, human beings, who of course perceive yourselves as separated from Me, "Abba", your Creator, The Incomprehensible, Infinite, Matrix of Love, Who is "everywhere", even in your Dream World, begin to study and practice your path back to the "Reality of Love", for "that" is what I Am...The Reality of Love.
And what, pray tell, is your path back to the Reality of Love?...the guide books that describe the path back to "Reality", discovered and lived by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago...The Way of Mastery Trilogy.
Oh yes, and if the contents are a bit too advanced for you to comprehend and practice, which of course your egos will not admit, try some of the other channeled teachings listed on this site.
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love, and I Am "everyhwere"...