Conditional, Counterfeit Love
"Good day" to all on Mother Earth on this new day in space and time, all who believe you are "human beings", that your fears are "Real", and of course are somehow separated from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is literally "EVERYWHERE"...and Loves all more than you can currently comprehend.
Isn't that "nice", hmm? be "Loved" so much that you cannot even comprehend it, hmm? And yet, you have conditioned yourselves into believing we are somehow "separated", unable to communicate with each other whenever we so desire, all because of a reason you have purposely forgotten...a reason that when conveyed in this period of time and space sounds...what shall we say, "quite unusual".
Oh yes, for you desired to see if it was possible to experience My gift to you, "awareness with choice", more commonly called "free-will", without the awareness of Me, your Creator-Divine Parent, Who of course is "everywhere".
Ah yes, unusual, indeed...and yet, you were curious, for you had never experienced non-love, non-reality, non-Creator Consciousness, which of course is non-Me, "Abba", the name bestowed upon Me by your brother, one Jeshua ben Joseph.
"You", My Children of Light Divine...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love, created in My Image, had never had such an experience, nor had you ever experienced the "illusion" of being confined to a physical, no...for how could a Spirit, a field of awareness with choice, be contained in a human body-brain? No one had ever heard of such a thing, such an experience, and yet, your curiousity grew...and grew, and "here" you are, in the world you were so curious about experiencing. does that sound My Children...hmm? who are now lost in your illusion of humanness on Mother Earth, separated from Me, your Creator, in the confines of a human body, believing all of your fears and anxieties are "Real", in place of My Infinite...My Infinite...hmm?...what, or rather "how" shall I describe My-Self to you this morning, hmm?
Over the years, on, I have used many metaphors first used by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery Trilogy...descriptions of My Infiniteness, Everywhereness, and Incomprehensible Love, Intelligence, and Perfect Peace, and there it is My Children, the description of Self, of your Creator, Who it is "impossible" for you to be separated from, and yet, you "perceive" to be separated from.
It is no wonder that Jeshua ben Joseph described your experiential dimension on planet Earth as a "Dream World" of non-reality, of your illusion of humanness, of fear consciousness, the proverbial opposite of "Reality"...that you perceive to be "Reality", indeed.
"Fear consciousness", the opposite, your substitute for "Creator Consciousness" (the awareness that I, The Infinite Matrix of Love, is everywhere), which of course creates the illusion of your Dream World, where all of your fears and anxieties are perceived to be "Real" "Real" that when I, Jeshua ben Joseph, or anyone else, attempts to tell you that all of your fears and anxieties are "not real", illusions one and all, you fail to comprehend "Reality" moment to moment, day to day, and on, and on, and on.
Oh yes, and now, "today", you are lost in your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness (also known as egoic consciousness), for it is your illusionary egos that create your illusion of separation from everything, including "Me", your Creator.
Ah yes, your egos, a common topic here on My Blog, at, an internet site devoted to your "awakening to Reality", and out of your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator-Divine Parent. An internet site with a message few take seriously, for you are lost in the non-reality of your Dream World of humanness, so "Reality" naturally sounds inconceivable..."inconceivable" My Children, and yet, "Reality".
Oh my, what a challenge, almost "an impossibility", for you have chosen to be lost in egoic, fear consciousness, within the confines of a human body-brain, in an experiential dimension, within the larger dimension of physicality. Oh yes, My Children, an experiential dimension of fear consciousness, within a much larger dimension called "space and time", all within the infiniteness of multidimensionality that you refer to as "Creation", which of course is "Me", The Infinite Field, The Infinite Matrix, The Everywhereness of Love Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, and of course, a new term for you, "Creator Consciousness".
Oh yes, My Children, I go by many, many names for I have to, I Am Incomprehensible, and "here" I Am, attempting to describe your chosen "non-reality" on Mother Earth so that all who choose to join us in the Reality of Self, The Reality of Infinite Love, can do so whenever you so desire, whereby you finally...after all of your illusionary pain and suffering, put an end to your Dream World of humanness...of egoic fear consciousness.
An option you have always had from the very beginning of your perceived lives on planet Earth, but were unaware of, that is until Jeshua ben Joseph discovered how to dissolve your illusionary egos, and thereby "awaken" from your Dream World of fear consciousness, and separation from Me, and I Am but LOVE!
"Love" My Children, is that not one of the things you search for, and covet in your Dream World on Mother Earth? Oh yes, of course, everyone wants to find "True Love", a challenging task indeed, when "you have chosen" a Dream World of "egoic, fear consciousness".
"True Love" My Children is something you have forgotten all about, for "True Love", My Love, is "Unconditional Love" versus your created substitute, which of course is "conditional Love", "counterfeit Love". "Counterfeit Love" you ask?...what is counterfeit Love? Counterfeit Love is your version of Love that comes with conditions, which of course is not "Real Love".
Yes, of course, another one of your sizable misconceptions that were essential to experience the "opposite" of The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...Everywhereness of "Unconditional, Pure Love". Oh my, you all want to find True Love, and you do not even know what you are looking for...Unconditional, Pure, "Perfect Love".
Your counterfeit, conditional Love, typically does not last for very long in your Dream World of humanness because it always comes with conditions, and as soon as those conditions no longer exist..."poof" more conditional Love. Why do you think your divorce rate is so high, or that many admit they have remained in a marriage where True Love no longer exists?
Why are so many religions loosing particluar, your Christian religions? "Conditional Love" My Children...your Christian God will Love you "if" you comply with all of Chriatianity's conditions. Boy, I'm glad I'm not that God, who of course is just an imaginary, illusion of a God. A religion, a way of Life, based on a "counterfeit God", a God who Loves based on conditions, which of course is not a "Real God".
Are a few of you beginning to understand how lost you are? your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, hmm? You are so lost it is, as you say, a stretch to accurately reduce into your words.
Ah yes, the very subject of My Message of Love to all of My "lost" Children of Light Divine on Mother Earth, on this very day in your year 2025.
You are so lost My Children that when one of you actually discovers how to "awaken" from your Dream World of non-reality, of not-Me, of not the Everywhereness of Unconditional, Pure, Pefect Love, and reduces your path back to "Reality" to written words, you find it particulalrly challenging to comprehend. It does not make sense to you because you live in the illusion of fears versus the "Reality of Love". You do not have a "reference point", not consciously, for what Jeshua ben Joseph is describing to you within The Way of Mastery Trilogy...which is one of the reasons there is such a large body of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.
Oh yes, indeed, for some of these other books of wisdom, many of which are conveyed on this internet site,, provide an introduction, "stepping stones" we might say, gradually leading to the magnitude of the revelations throughout The Way of Mastery.
Oh yes, My Children, so if you begin your reading and studies of The Way of Mastery, and find yourself saying..."what does this all mean?...I just don't get it", that is a signal to select one or more of the introductory books of his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings.
I realize many egos will find admitting to your limited abilities to comprehend The Way of Mastery less than appealing, but never the less, a necessary step for some who are "lost"...and will either not admit or not realize they are "lost" in this Dream World of humanness that you have created.
"New information" My Children, "new teachings", "new wisdom" takes time, given your status quo...again, something your egos do not want to hear or admit...but then again, we are talking about the path of dissolving your egos, your illusion of fear consciousness and separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Unconditional, Pure Love. Don't think...not for one of your seconds', that your egos are not going to fight you every step of your way back to The "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, for "the only way" you can accomplish the goal you are destined to achieve is if, or rather "when" you dissolve your egos...dissolve your "illusion of fear consciousness".
You will know you are back "Home" in My Everywhereness of Infinite Love when you live "fearlessly", free of all the dark emotions and anxieties...basking in Unconditional Love.
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...