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Good Morning My Children

Non-Reality of Fear Consciousness

Sunday, January 26, 2025 Blog

Another new day on Mother Earth, and with it comes another opportunity for the Children of Light Divine, who have chosen this experiential dimension of fear consciousness, to awaken from their "slumber in humanness".

Ah yes, an opportunity indeed, but then again, the possibility of such an event is...well...let us say, less than remote, for we are discussing "humanity", which My Children are so completely lost within the illusion thereof that their awakening to the "Reality of Love", and thus, leaving the illusion of fear behind, is simply not going to happen just yet. 

Oh no, for My Children of Light, who have chosen the experiential dimension of Earth and egoic, fear consciousness are convinced, beyond a shadow of doubt, that they are right and I, their Creator, is clearly mistaken. Oh yes, for who am I, "All-Knowing"...and they believe, or rather "know" that they are right about where they are, and what they are, but somewhat foggy about why they are here, on planet Earth. 

Oh yes, My Children of Light Divine, in their costumes of humanness, see not the obvious conflict their presence here on Earth presents. Oh no, for an experiential dimension of physicality, of space and time, combined with the illusion of fear, and all of the other dark emotions, "seems to be" perfectly normal, perfectly real, not to mention the complete non-reality of being so-called "separated from Me, their Creator", the Incomprehensible and Infinite Beingness of Love, which of course it is impossible, "literally impossible" for them to be separated from.   

Oh yes, I have explained this all to them many, many, many times over the past few years right here, on My Blog, God's Blog, on, the internet site devoted to the awakening of humanity to the "Reality of Love", in place of their illusion of fear, and yet, they are so lost within their self-made illusion of non-Love, non-Me, simply known as the "non-reality of fear consciousness" that as they sometimes say, they cannot see the forest through the trees

"Cannot see the forest through the trees", how apropos, for even when Jeshua ben Joseph returned in their 1990s to deliver the knowledge of how he awoke to the "Reality of Love", some two thousand years ago, they..."you", humanity, missed the proverbial message, even though it is now, and has been, available for all to benefit from.   

What would be a good analogy?...hmm...let Me is as if a man is walking down the street with a blindfold on, blocking his vision, and I, his Creator and Divine Parent, walk up to him proclaiming, "you have a blindfold on, and all you have to do to see where you are going is to take off that blindfold"...and the man, the human being says in reply, "are you crazy, I'm blind, I don't have a blindfold on"

My Children, My Children, lost in the darkness are you, the darkness of egoic, fear consciousness, convinced that your darkness, your fears, and all of your pain and suffering is "Real", when it is all just a grand illusion, a Dream World, in the words of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, who is slowly fading in prominence within your illusion, your Dream World of humanness. 

Oh yes, indeed...fading away, for the many fallacies of Christianity are slowing turning many of My Children of Light Divine from participating in a religion constructed on a house of cards, a faulty foundation of lies and non-reality...which a growing number perceive to be the case, and yet, lack the facts to backup their subconscious perceptions.  

I can hardly blame those, who are gradually turning their backs on their brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, for the lies of Christianity have been destined to come to the surface of consciousness since the beginning...the beginning of Christianity, a beginning that humanity created, rather than Jeshua ben Joseph, once a human too, but then became "Enlightened" as to the dilemma of humanity...their egos, and the non-realities of fear consciousness.  

Oh yes, as it has been said right here, on, by Me, the mind-boggling Creator of All, the Christian hierarchy is the manifestation of "the blind leading the blind". Don't you think it is time for you, My Children of Light Divine...Immortal, Spirits of Love one and all, to finally take off your blindfolds by absorbing the Gift of Reality, conveyed to you all via the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph? 

I guess not, for it has already been decades since he has returned with his authentic teachings that allow all to live "in" The Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, in place of your illusion of fear and dark emotions. Not much of a choice really, and yet, a choice My Children, pretending to be human, cannot seem to make.  

And as I, your Creator-Divine Parent, have said before, your inability to see "The Light of Love", the Reality of the Everywhereness of My Love, you have become blind to the non-reality of your Dream World of fear consciousness. Oh yes, indeed, and what do your egos do My Children?...your egos who tell you that the non-reality of your fears and anxieties are "Real"? They create more fears and anxieties

Shall I say that again? the Spirit of providing a glimpse into your future here, in your Dream World of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator...The Infinite, Incomprehensible, Matrix of Love...Living, Feeling, "All-Knowingness", aware of all, attempting to awaken some of My Children of Light Divine to "the Reality of Love", in place of their illusion of fear and anxieties.

Yes, I think I will, even though it will have little effect. Your illusionary egos, your illusionary fear consciousness, your illusion of being separated from Me, The Everywhereness of Love, means you will continue to create more fears and anxieties, and more, and more, until you simply cannot stand it any longer

How does that sound My Children?...more fear and anxieties, which of course means that your illusions will grow, for that is what "you created" your egos to do

Oh my, it is not as if your Dream World of humanness, of non-reality, of egoic fear consciousness, is not dark enough. Oh no, for you, by not embracing Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary Teachings, are choosing to make your lives even "darker"...more fears, more anxieties, more pain and suffering, more repetition...why am I here?...isn't there more to Life? What am I missing? What are we all missing?...for we are all convinced our fears and anxieities are "Real". We may fantasize about Life without them, our fears and anxieties that is, and yet, we still believe they are "Real"...not much is truly changing...not really. 

Oh yes, My Children, My Spirits of Love, pretending you are "dreaming", lost in your non-reality of fears and anxieties. Oh, so lost in your illusion of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love and Perfect lost in the darkness your egos have created, you cannot see The Light in Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary Teachings...not really, for even those that convince themselves that they do, avoid making the wisdom "a priority"...or the very popular choice of not truly studying and practicing the wisdom in their daily lives.  

One illusion, on top of an illusion, on top of an illusion, and on and on. So it has been, and so it will remain, until you desire the transformation that awaits you all. Transformation My Children..."Real Transformation", not the illusions thereof that some of you have mistaken as "the real deal". 

There is only one "real deal" My Children, the one your egos have convinced you to avoid, and that is the literal..."literal meaning" of the knowledge contained in The Way of Mastery Trilogy, by Jeshua ben Joseph and a Heavenly Host of your sister and brother Beings of Love and Light Divine...Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love...just as you are, only they are not lost in your Dream World of humanness

They are not blind, as you are, to the Everywhereness of the "Reality of Love". So, My Children, who believe your illusion of fears and anxieties are "Real", you who believe the wisdom of Jeshua ben Joseph is beyond your abilities, which of course is simply another illusion, slumber in your Dream World of humanness...continue to listen to your egoic voice within, who has guided you to your current status quo, the one where your fears and anxieties are perceived as "Real".

Oh yes, My Children, continue to follow all of the lies, just as you have been during your long history of pain and suffering on planet Earth. More of the same My Children...hmm?

When you are ready for The Light of My Infinite Love...The Love and Light that dissolves all of your fears and anxieties, all of your illusions, that you continue to insist are "Real", come back to and we will show you "The Way"...The Way to the Reality of My Infinite Love and Perfect Peace. 

Your choice My Children...your choice, indeed...

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...


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